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Security and Privacy Online - this is the resource and flyer created for INFO2009 which provides an interactive web presentation to make the general public aware of the dangers of using the internet unsafely, and how they can protect themselves.
Analisis de la transformación de la identidad de rol francesa durante la segunda guerra mundial y la importancia de la fundación de la onu para la reconstrucción de dicha identidad.
Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es un problema de salud pública tanto en países industrializados como en vía de desarrollo. Su prevalencia en la infancia viene en aumento por lo que es relevante determinarla en niños preescolares a nivel local. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en niños de tres a cinco años de una cohorte de 14 hogares infantiles del ICBF de la localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal analítico, utilizando la base de datos de un ensayo aleatorizado y controlado del año 200913, y se evaluaron las cifras de tensión arterial de acuerdo a sexo, edad, talla y su correlación con el IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95% y precisión del 1%. Se calcularon las medias, desviaciones estándar, percentiles y prevalencia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 1035 casos, encontrándose una prevalencia de 4,5% de HTA sistólica, 10,4% de diastólica, ambas en estadio I; teniendo en cuenta tanto sistólica como diastólica, fue de 11,6% en estadio I. Se determinaron los valores de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en cuartiles de acuerdo a edad, sexo y talla. El coeficiente de correlación entre el IMC y los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica fueron de 0.0992 y 0.0362 respectivamente. Conclusión: La prevalencia de HTA general fue de 11,6%, predominando la diastólica en estadio I en niños preescolares. No se encontró correlación entre el IMC y las cifras de tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica.
El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar el papel de la Diplomacia Cultural de Corea del Sur en el posicionamiento de su marca país en Colombia en el periodo 2011-2013. Se pretende demostrar que desde el 2011 la diplomacia cultural de Corea del Sur ha sido usada como estrategia sistemática y armónica del Gobierno de Lee Myung Bak en alianza con los sectores público y privado, a fin de posicionar su marca país en Colombia y promover a través de la llamada “Ola Coreana” la demanda por parte de la sociedad colombiana de productos culturales y educativos coreanos. Al ser este un estudio de caso que aborda experiencias concretas durante un periodo de tiempo de 3 años, el diseño metodológico será longitudinal dentro de un marco cualitativo de investigación, usando como principal técnica el análisis documental.
Esta obra trata de forma innovadora sobre el descubrimiento de una nueva tecnología aduanera: los derechos de aduana deducibles. El punto de partida es una radiografía de la problemática de la mundialización económica y financiera que constituye un desafío para todos los gobiernos. El comercio internacional es libre, sin derechos de aduana. Sin embargo, los costos sociales, fiscales, medioambientales y de producción son inequitativos. En este contexto, el FIREF ha creado una herramienta que permite tratar las asimetrías económicas planetarias: un derecho de aduana de nueva generación.
El artículo forma parte de un monográfico de la revista dedicado a los cambios educativos (2002-2004)
Actuellement, la compréhension en lecture n’est pas souvent enseignée pour elle-même dans les classes genevoises. Comme l’ont observé Soussi et al. (2008), les pratiques se rapprochent davantage de l’évaluation plutôt que de l’enseignement de la compréhension en lecture. Les enseignants proposent fréquemment aux élèves un dispositif couramment appelé «lecture silencieuse»: la lecture d’un texte, suivie d’un questionnaire à remplir, de manière individuelle. Ce dispositif est, selon notre expérience d’élèves et de stagiaires, un outil évaluatif mais qui ne permet pas un enseignement explicite des stratégies de lecture nécessaires pour comprendre un texte
Protons and electrons are being exploited in different natural charge transfer processes. Both types of charge carriers could be, therefore, responsible for charge transport in biomimetic self-assembled peptide nanostructures. The relative contribution of each type of charge carrier is studied in the present work for fi brils self-assembled from amyloid- β derived peptide molecules, in which two non-natural thiophene-based amino acids are included. It is shown that under low humidity conditions both electrons and protons contribute to the conduction, with current ratio of 1:2 respectively, while at higher relative humidity proton transport dominates the conductance. This hybrid conduction behavior leads to a bimodal exponential dependence of the conductance on the relative humidity. Furthermore, in both cases the conductance is shown to be affected by the peptide folding state under the entire relative humidity range. This unique hybrid conductivity behavior makes self-assembled peptide nanostructures powerful building blocks for the construction of electric devices that could use either or both types of charge carriers for their function.
Trace element measurements in PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0 and PM1.0–0.3 aerosol were performed with 2 h time resolution at kerbside, urban background and rural sites during the ClearfLo winter 2012 campaign in London. The environment-dependent variability of emissions was characterized using the Multilinear Engine implementation of the positive matrix factorization model, conducted on data sets comprising all three sites but segregated by size. Combining the sites enabled separation of sources with high temporal covariance but significant spatial variability. Separation of sizes improved source resolution by preventing sources occurring in only a single size fraction from having too small a contribution for the model to resolve. Anchor profiles were retrieved internally by analysing data subsets, and these profiles were used in the analyses of the complete data sets of all sites for enhanced source apportionment. A total of nine different factors were resolved (notable elements in brackets): in PM10–2.5, brake wear (Cu, Zr, Sb, Ba), other traffic-related (Fe), resuspended dust (Si, Ca), sea/road salt (Cl), aged sea salt (Na, Mg) and industrial (Cr, Ni); in PM2.5–1.0, brake wear, other traffic-related, resuspended dust, sea/road salt, aged sea salt and S-rich (S); and in PM1.0–0.3, traffic-related (Fe, Cu, Zr, Sb, Ba), resuspended dust, sea/road salt, aged sea salt, reacted Cl (Cl), S-rich and solid fuel (K, Pb). Human activities enhance the kerb-to-rural concentration gradients of coarse aged sea salt, typically considered to have a natural source, by 1.7–2.2. These site-dependent concentration differences reflect the effect of local resuspension processes in London. The anthropogenically influenced factors traffic (brake wear and other traffic-related processes), dust and sea/road salt provide further kerb-to-rural concentration enhancements by direct source emissions by a factor of 3.5–12.7. The traffic and dust factors are mainly emitted in PM10–2.5 and show strong diurnal variations with concentrations up to 4 times higher during rush hour than during night-time. Regionally influenced S-rich and solid fuel factors, occurring primarily in PM1.0–0.3, have negligible resuspension influences, and concentrations are similar throughout the day and across the regions.
Ambient concentrations of trace elements with 2 h time resolution were measured in PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0 and PM1.0–0.3 size ranges at kerbside, urban background and rural sites in London during winter 2012. Samples were collected using rotating drum impactors (RDIs) and subsequently analysed with synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SR-XRF). Quantification of kerb and urban increments (defined as kerb-to-urban and urban-to-rural concentration ratios, respectively), and assessment of diurnal and weekly variability provided insight into sources governing urban air quality and the effects of urban micro-environments on human exposure. Traffic-related elements yielded the highest kerb increments, with values in the range of 10.4 to 16.6 for SW winds (3.3–6.9 for NE) observed for elements influenced by brake wear (e.g. Cu, Sb, Ba) and 5.7 to 8.2 for SW (2.6–3.0 for NE) for other traffic-related processes (e.g. Cr, Fe, Zn). Kerb increments for these elements were highest in the PM10–2.5 mass fraction, roughly twice that of the PM1.0–0.3 fraction. These elements also showed the highest urban increments (~ 3.0), although no difference was observed between brake wear and other traffic-related elements. All elements influenced by traffic exhibited higher concentrations during morning and evening rush hours, and on weekdays compared to weekends, with the strongest trends observed at the kerbside site, and additionally enhanced by winds coming directly from the road, consistent with street canyon effects. Elements related to mineral dust (e.g. Al, Si, Ca, Sr) showed significant influences from traffic-induced resuspension, as evidenced by moderate kerb (3.4–5.4 for SW, 1.7–2.3 for NE) and urban (~ 2) increments and increased concentrations during peak traffic flow. Elements related to regional transport showed no significant enhancement at kerb or urban sites, with the exception of PM10–2.5 sea salt (factor of up to 2), which may be influenced by traffic-induced resuspension of sea and/or road salt. Heavy-duty vehicles appeared to have a larger effect than passenger vehicles on the concentrations of all elements influenced by resuspension (including sea salt) and wearing processes. Trace element concentrations in London were influenced by both local and regional sources, with coarse and intermediate fractions dominated by traffic-induced resuspension and wearing processes and fine particles influenced by regional transport.
Ce mémoire a pour but de comparer deux romans policiers contemporains et ayant eu un grand succès, l’un écrit par Henning Mankell dont la traduction française a paru sous le titre Les Morts de la Saint-Jean et le second est Pars vite et reviens tard de Fred Vargas. L’objectif de la candidate est d’essayer de trouver les éléments réalistes dans le décor, les personnages et l’enquête. Pour ce qui est du premier paramètre, la candidate montre que Mankell n’essaie jamais de cacher la vérité derrière une surface idéale ; il en va de même pour Vargas qui accentue les points de vue divergents des Français sur la réalité de leur pays. En ce qui a trait aux personnages, on distingue dans le portrait qu’en fait Mankell un combat compliqué et non manichéen, proche de la réalité psychologique; idem pour ceux de Vargas, mais le réalisme est quelque peu atténué par un recours au mystère. Enfin, l’enquête menée par Wallander aboutit un peu par hasard grâce à son intuition alors qu’Adamsberg résout l’énigme grâce à sa faculté de voir, de s’imaginer et d’aller au-delà de la capacité des autres. La conclusion générale du mémoire est que ces deux œuvres sont tout à fait réalistes, mais à un degré un peu différent. Le roman de Mankell l’est sans doute davantage dans la mesure où le recours au mystère est écarté et que l’enquête est menée de façon logique alors que le roman de Vargas, tout en suivant les règles de la logique, a tendance à faire appel au merveilleux. En tout état de cause, il s’agit de deux œuvres réalistes comportant un côté romantique plus ou moins bien exprimé.