955 resultados para Anti-ADN topoisomérase I


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The current research extends our knowledge of the main effects of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived control over the individual’s technology adoption. We propose a critical buffering role of social influence on the collectivistic culture in the relationship between attitude, perceived behavioral control, and Information Technology (IT) adoption. Adoption behavior was studied among 132 college students being introduced to a new virtual learning system. While past research mainly treated these three variables as being in parallel relationships, we found a moderating role for subjective norm on technology attitude and perceived control on adoption intent. Implications and limitations for understating the role of social influence in the collectivistic society are discussed.


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Cytoreductive surgery and chemotherapy continue to be the mainstay of ovarian cancer treatment. However, as mortality from advanced ovarian cancer remains very high, novel therapies are required to be integrated into existing treatment regimens. Immunotherapy represents an alternative and rational therapeutic approach for ovarian cancer based on a body of evidence supporting a protective role of the immune system against these cancers, and on the clinical success of immunotherapy in other malignancies. Whether or not immunotherapy will have a role in the future management of ovarian cancer is too early to tell, but research in this field is active. This review will discuss recent clinical developments of selected immunotherapies for ovarian cancer which fulfil the following criteria: (i) they are antibody-based, (ii) target a distinct immunological pathway, and (iii) have reached the clinical trial stage. Specifically, the focus is on Catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM × anti-CD3), Abagovomab, Oregovomab (anti-CA125), Daclizumab (anti-CD25), Ipilimumab (anti-CTLA-4), and MXD-1105 (anti-PD-L1). Catumaxomab has reached phase III clinical trials and exhibits promise with reports, showing that it can cause a significant and sustained reduction in ascites. Phase IIII clinical trials continue to be conducted on the other antibodies, some of which have had encouraging reports. We will also provide our perspective on the future of immunotherapy for ovarian cancer, and how it may be best employed in treatment regimens.


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Gene expression profiling using microarrays and xenograft transplants of human cancer cell lines are both popular tools to investigate human cancer. However, the undefined degree of cross hybridization between the mouse and human genomes hinders the use of microarrays to characterize gene expression of both the host and the cancer cell within the xenograft. Since an increasingly recognized aspect of cancer is the host response (or cancer-stroma interaction), we describe here a bioinformatic manipulation of the Affymetrix profiling that allows interrogation of the gene expression of both the mouse host and the human tumour. Evidence of microenvironmental regulation of epithelial mesenchymal transition of the tumour component in vivo is resolved against a background of mesenchymal gene expression. This tool could allow deeper insight to the mechanism of action of anti-cancer drugs, as typically novel drug efficacy is being tested in xenograft systems.


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Objectives: Concentrations of troponin measured with high sensitivity troponin assays are raised in a number of emergency department (ED) patients; however many are not diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Clinical comparisons between the early use (2 h after presentation) of high sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) and I (hs-cTnI) assays for the diagnosis of AMI have not been reported. Design and methods: Early (0 h and 2 h) hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI assay results in 1571 ED patients with potential acute coronary syndrome (ACS) without ST elevation on electrocardiograph (ECG) were evaluated. The primary outcome was diagnosis of index MI adjudicated by cardiologists using the local cTnI assay results taken ≥6 h after presentation, ECGs and clinical information. Stored samples were later analysed with hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI assays. Results: The ROC analysis for AMI (204 patients; 13.0%) for hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI after 2 h was 0.95 (95% CI: 0.94–0.97) and 0.98 (95% CI: 0.97–0.99) respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, PLR, and NLR of hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI for AMI after 2 h were 94.1% (95% CI: 90.0–96.6) and 95.6% (95% CI: 91.8–97.7), 79.0% (95% CI: 76.8–81.1) and 92.5% (95% CI: 90.9–93.7), 4.48 (95% CI: 4.02–5.00) and 12.86 (95% CI: 10.51–15.31), and 0.07 (95% CI: 0.04–0.13) and 0.05 (95% CI:0.03–0.09) respectively. Conclusions: Exclusion of AMI 2 h after presentation in emergency patients with possible ACS can be achieved using hs-cTnT or hs-cTnI assays. Significant differences in specificity of these assays are relevant and if using the hs-cTnT assay, further clinical assessment in a larger proportion of patients would be required.


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Trichoderma reesei Rut-C30 is used widely as an expression host for various gene products. We have explored cellular effects caused by the expression of a mutant form of cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI), the major secreted protein of T. reesei using biochemical and transcriptomic analyses and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The mutated CBHI was tagged fluorescently with Venus to establish the subcellular location of the fusion protein and its potential association with the proteasome, an organelle assigned for the disposal of misfolded proteins. Expression of the mutant CBHI in the high protein-secreting host Rut-C30 caused physiological changes in the fungal hyphae, affected protein secretion and elicited ER stress. A massive upregulation of UPR- and ERAD-related genes sec61, der1, uba1, bip1, pdi1, prp1, cxl1 and lhs1 was observed by qRT-PCR in the CBHIΔ4-Venus strain with four mutations introduced in the DNA encoding the core domain of CBHI. Further stress was applied to this strain by inhibiting function of the proteasome with MG132 (N-benzoylcarbonyl(Cbz)-Leu-Leu-leucinal). The effect of MG132 was found to be specific to the proteasome-associated genes. There are no earlier reports on the effect of proteasome inhibition on protein quality control in filamentous fungi. Confocal fluorescence microscopy studies suggested that the mutant CBHI accumulated in the ER and colocalized with the fungal proteasome. These results provide an indication that there is a limit to how far T. reesei Rut-C30, already under secretion stress, can be pressed to produce higher protein yields.


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This paper explores the challenges of writing and publishing faced by Indigenous women who work in the Australian higher education sector. It demonstrates that Indigenous women are under-represented in the academy and argues that Indigenous styles of writing are typically not valued for broader publication. The authors describe a writing mentoring and support program specifically developed for Indigenous academic women in Australia. The Tiddas Writin’ Up Workshop provided a safe and culturally-appropriate space for women to learn about academic writing and develop their writing skills. The workshop led to the publication of a special issue of the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues – known as the Tiddas Collection. The authors highlight the power and strength of well-developed support programs to address skills development, confidence, inequities and under-representation of Indigenous women within the higher education workforce.


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It has been 21 years since the decision in Rogers v Whitaker and the legal principles concerning informed consent and liability for negligence are still strongly grounded in this landmark High Court decision. This paper considers more recent developments in the law concerning the failure to disclose inherent risks in medical procedures, focusing on the decision in Wallace v Kam [2013] HCA 19. In this case, the appellant underwent a surgical procedure that carried a number of risks. The surgery itself was not performed in a sub-standard way, but the surgeon failed to disclose two risks to the patient, a failure that constituted a breach of the surgeon’s duty of care in negligence. One of the undisclosed risks was considered to be less serious than the other, and this lesser risk eventuated causing injury to the appellant. The more serious risk did not eventuate, but the appellant argued that if the more serious risk had been disclosed, he would have avoided his injuries completely because he would have refused to undergo the procedure. Liability was disputed by the surgeon, with particular reference to causation principles. The High Court of Australia held that the appellant should not be compensated for harm that resulted from a risk he would have been willing to run. We examine the policy reasons underpinning the law of negligence in this specific context and consider some of the issues raised by this unusual case. We question whether some of the judicial reasoning adopted in this case, represents a significant shift in traditional causation principles.


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/BM40/Osteonectin is a matricellular protein with multiple effects on cell behaviour. In vitro, its major known functions are anti-adhesive and anti-proliferative, and it is associated with tissue remodelling and cancer in vivo. SPARC is overexpressed in many cancers, including breast cancer, and the effects of SPARC seem to be cell type-specific. To study the effects of SPARC on breast cancer, we transfected SPARC into the MDA-MB-231 BAG, human breast cancer cell line using the Tet-On inducible system. By western analysis, we found low background levels in the MDA-MB-231 BAG and clone X parental cells, and prominent induction of SPARC protein expression after doxycycline treatment in SPARC transfected clones X5, X21, X24 and X75. Induction of SPARC expression did not affect cell morphology or adhesiveness to collagens type I and IV, but it slowed the rate of proliferation in adherent cultures. Cell cycle analysis showed that SPARC slowed the progression to S phase. Doxycycline induction of SPARC also slowed the rate of monolayer wound closure in the cultured wound healing assay. Thymidine inhibition of proliferation abrogated this effect, confirming that it was due to anti-proliferation rather than inhibition of migration. Consistent with this, we were unable to detect any differences in migration and Matrigel outgrowth analysis of doxycycline-stimulated cells. We conclude that SPARC is inhibitory to human breast cancer cell proliferation, and does not stimulate migration, in contrast to its stimulatory effects reported for melanoma (proliferation and migration) and glioma (migration) cells. Similar growth repression by SPARC has been reported for ovarian cancer cells, and this may be a common feature among carcinomas.


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This paper presents a framework for the design of a joint motion controller and a control allocation strategy for dynamic positioning of marine vehicles. The key aspects of the proposed designs are a systematic approach to deal with actuator saturation and to inform the motion controller about saturation. The proposed system uses a mapping that translates the actuator constraint sets into constraint sets at the motion controller level. Hence, while the motion controller addresses the constraints, the control allocation algorithm can solve an unconstrained optimisation problem. The constrained control design is approached using a multivariable anti-wind-up strategy for strictly proper controllers. This is applicable to the implementation of PI and PID type of motion controllers.


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Both the integrin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP) families independently play important roles in modulating tumor cell growth and progression. We present evidence for a specific cell surface localization and a bimolecular interaction between the αvβ3 integrin and IGFBP-2. The interaction, which could be specifically perturbed using vitronectin and αvβ3 blocking antibodies, was shown to modulate IGF-mediated cellular migration responses. Moreover, this interaction was observed in vivo and correlated with reduced tumor size of the human breast cancer cells, MCF-7β3, which overexpressed the αvβ3 integrin. Collectively, these results indicate that αvβ3 and IGFBP-2 act cooperatively in a negative regulatory manner to reduce tumor growth and the migratory potential of breast cancer cells.


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Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is a protein growth factor whose pleiotropic effects on epithelial cells include the stimulation of motility, mitosis and tubulogenesis. These responses are mediated by the cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor c-met. Because both the cytokine and receptor are found in the gastrointestinal tract, we have studied the effects of HGF/SF on transformed gut epithelial cells which express c-met. Here we describe the response of a new transformed human jejunal epithelioid cell line (HIE-7) to HGF/SF. Morphologically HIE-7 cells are immature. Their epithelial lineage was confirmed by reactivity with the epithelial specific antibodies AE1/AE3, Cam 5.2, Ber-EP4 and anti-EMA and is consistent with their expression of c-met mRNA and protein. In addition, electron microscopic analysis revealed the presence of primitive junctions and rudimentary microvilli, but features of polarization were absent. When grown on reconstituted basement membranes, HIE-7 cells formed closely associated multicellular cord-like structures adjacent to acellular spaces. However, the cells did not mature structurally, form lumen-like structures or express disaccharidase mRNA, even in the presence of recombinant HGF (rHGF). On the other hand, rHGF induced HIE-7 cells to scatter and stimulated their rapid migration in a modified wound assay. To determine whether the motogenic effect caused by rHGF is associated with HIE-7 cell invasiveness across reconstituted basement membranes, a Boyden chamber chemoinvasion assay was performed. rHGF stimulated a 10-fold increase in the number of HIE-7 cells that crossed the basement membrane barrier, while only stimulating a small increase in chemotaxis across a collagen IV matrix, suggesting that the cytokine activates matrix penetration by these cells. rHGF also stimulated the invasion of basement membranes by an undifferentiated rat intestinal cell line (IEC-6) and by two human colon cancer cell lines which are poorly differentiated (DLD-1 and SW 948). In contrast, two moderately well differentiated colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2 and HT-29) did not manifest an invasive response when exposed to rHGF. These results suggest that HGF/SF may play a significant role in the invasive behavior of anaplastic and poorly differentiated gut epithelial tumors.


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Type I collagen (Col I)-stimulated matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) activation via membrane type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP) involves both a transcriptional increase in MT1-MMP expression and a nontranscriptional response mediated by preexisting MT1-MMP. In order to identify which MT1-MMP domains were required for the nontranscriptional response, MCF-7 cells that lack endogenous MT1-MMP were transfected with either wild type or domain mutant MT1-MMP constructs. We observed that mutant constructs lacking the MT1-MMP cytoplasmic tail were able to activate MMP-2 in response to Col I but not a construct lacking the MT1-MMP hemopexin domain. Col I did not alter total MT1-MMP protein levels; nor did it appear to directly induce MT1-MMP oligomerization. Col I did, however, redistribute preexisting MT1-MMP to the cell periphery compared with unstimulated cells that displayed amore diffuse staining pattern. In addition, Col I blocked the internalization of MT1-MMP in a dynamin-dependent manner via clathrin-coated pit-mediated endocytosis. This mechanism of impaired internalization is different from that reported for concanavalin A, since it is not mediated by the cytoplasmic tail of MT1-MMP but rather by the hemopexin domain. In summary, upon Col I binding to its cell surface receptor, MT1-MMP internalization via clathrin-coated pit-mediated endocytosis is impaired through interactions with the hemopexin domain, thereby regulating its function and ability to activate MMP-2.


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We have previously demonstrated that fibroblasts and invasive human breast carcinoma (HBC) cells specifically activate matrix metalloproteinase- 2 (MMP-2) when cultured on 3-dimensional gels of type I collagen but not a range of other substrates. We show here the constitutive expression of membrane-type 1 (MT1)-MMP in both fibroblasts, and invasive HBC cell lines, that have fibroblastic attributes presumably acquired through an epithelial- to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Treatment with collagen type I increased the steady-state MT1-MMP mRNA levels in these cells but did not induce either MT1-MMP expression or MMP-2 activation in noninvasive breast carcinoma cell lines, which retain epithelial features. Basal MT3-MMP mRNA expression had a pattern similar to that of MT1-MMP but was not up-regulated by collagen. MT4- MMP mRNA was seen in both invasive and noninvasive HBC cell lines and was also not collagen-regulated, and MT2-MMP mRNA was not detected in any of the HBC cell lines tested. These data support a role for MT1-MMP in the collagen- induced MMP-2-activation seen in these cells. In situ hybridization analysis of archival breast cancer specimens revealed a close parallel in expression of both collagen type I and MT1-MMP mRNA in peritumoral fibroblasts, which was correlated with aggressiveness of the lesion. Relatively high levels of expression of both mRNA species were seen in fibroblasts close to invasive tumor nests and, although only focally, in certain areas close to preinvasive tumors. These foci may represent hot spots for local degradation and invasive progression. Collectively, these results implicate MT1-MMP in collagen- stimulated MMP-2 activation and suggest that this mechanism may be employed in vivo by both tumor-associated fibroblasts and EMT-derived carcinoma cells to facilitate increased invasion and/or metastasis.


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The influence of αVβ3 integrin on MT1-MMP functionality was studied in human breast cancer cells of differing β3 integrin status. Overexpression of β3 integrin caused increased cell surface expression of αV integrin and increased cellular adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) substrates in BT-549, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells. β3 integrin expression also enhanced the migration of breast cancer cells on ECM substrates and enhanced collagen gel contraction. In vivo, αVβ3 cooperated with MT1-MMP to increase the growth of MCF-7 cells after orthotopic inoculation in immunocompromised mice, but had no influence on in vitro proliferation. Despite these stimulatory effects, overexpression of β3 integrin suppressed the type I collagen (Col I) induced MMP-2 activation in all breast cancer cell lines analyzed. This was also evident in extracts from the MCF-7 tumors in vivo, where MMP-2 activation was stimulated by MT1-MMP transfection, but attenuated with β3 integrin expression. Although our studies confirm important biological effects of αVβ3 integrin on enhancing cell adhesion and migration, ECM remodeling and tumor growth, β3 integrin caused reduced MMP-2 activation in response to Col I in vitro, which appears to be physiologically relevant, as it was also seen in tumor xenografts in vivo. The reduction of MMP-2 activation (and thus MT1-MMP activity) by αVβ3 in response to Col I may be important in scenarios where cells which are activated for matrix degradation need to preserve some pericellular collagen, perhaps as a substrate for cell adhesion and migration, thus maintaining a balanced level of proteolysis required for efficient tumor growth.


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The paper provides a systematic approach to designing the laboratory phase of a multiphase experiment, taking into account previous phases. General principles are outlined for experiments in which orthogonal designs can be employed. Multiphase experiments occur widely, although their multiphase nature is often not recognized. The need to randomize the material produced from the first phase in the laboratory phase is emphasized. Factor-allocation diagrams are used to depict the randomizations in a design and the use of skeleton analysis-of-variance (ANOVA) tables to evaluate their properties discussed. The methods are illustrated using a scenario and a case study. A basis for categorizing designs is suggested. This article has supplementary material online.