910 resultados para Anthropology of tourism


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Los modelos de gestión empresarial deben estar en constante actualización según las diversas exigencias del entorno globalizador, razón por la cual, las micro y pequeñas empresas requieren de una visión estratégica y de  generación de calidad y oportunidad en los productos y servicios que deben ofrecer.  Para esto, requiere una capacidad de romper los paradigmas de gestión que le funcionaron en otros momentos de la historia, para poder enfrentar las exigencias del entorno actual. Dentro de éste escenario de mercado, se encuentran muchas micro y pequeñas empresas dedicadas a la actividad del turismo, y particularmente del turismo rural, sector que es uno de los más dinámico en las economías que han generado estrategias para estimularlo y conservarlo; unas de esas estrategias de organización son la conformación de clusters y los encadenamientos productivos, los cuales son empresas que se encuentran dentro de un mismo sector y en una determinada zona geográfica, con el propósito de optimizar sus recursos y brindar servicio integrado y mejor al segmento de mercado que atienden.Palabras claves: Turismo rural, clusters, encadenamientos productivos, micro y pequeñas empresas, gestión turística.Abstracts: Business management models must be under continuous updating to keep up with the different requirements from a globalizing environment.  For this reason micro and small businesses need a strategic vision and the generation of quality and opportunity in the products and services they must offer.  To accomplish this end, they need the capacity to break management models that worked in other times of history, to be able to meet all the challenges from the current environment.  It is within this market scenario that many micro and small businesses are found, businesses that are dedicated to the activity of tourism, and particularly rural tourism, a sector which happens to be one of the most dynamic in the economies that have generated strategies to stimulate it and keep it; one of these organization strategies are the design of clusters and productive chains, that are those businesses found within one single sector and in a particular geographical region, in order to optimize its resources and be able to give an integrated and better service to the market segment they serve.Key words: Rural, tourism., clusters, productive chains, micro and small businesses., tourism management.


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El principal atractivo turístico de Costa Rica lo constituyen sus recursos naturales; de ahí que en los últimos años se ha presentado el acelerado desarrollo de una serie de proyectos llamados “ecoturísticos”, ejecutados por grandes consorcios, en la mayoría de los casos con el aporte de capital extranjero. El proyecto que se describe en el presente artículo lo ejecutan las comunidades de Cariblanco, Ujarrás y Los Angeles, ubicadas en las zonas aledañas al Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Bosque Alegre. Esta experiencia representa un modelo de desarrollo turístico, que se puede llevar a cabo en otras poblaciones rurales, que cuenten COfl los componentes necesarios para la protección y la conservación de sus recursos naturales, asimismo posibilita la utilización de estos desde una perspectiva de sostenibilidad. El trabajo comunitario se realizó con niños de edad escolar, jóvenes, docentes, líderes comunales y amas de casa. Estos grupos mcta constituyen los verdaderos núcleos de apoyo por medio de los cuales se realizan los diversos subproyectos que se ejecutan en el ámbito del turismo ecológico en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Bosque Alegre. Abstract:The main touristic altractive of Costa Rica is its natural resources. For this reason, during the last years there are an accelerate development of ecotouristic project by transnational. The project thai is described in ihis article is carrying out by the Cariblanco, Ujarras and Los Angeles Communities located next to the Wildlife National Refugee of Bosque Alegre. This experiene is a model of tourism development thai can be carrying out in others rural communities thai has the difference component of conservation and preservation of the natural resources. For other hand, it gives the opportunity Lo use and management the natural resources basing in the sustainable approach. The community work was realized with school children, young people, teachers, community leader and housekeepers. Those target groups are (he real people thai support the different activities of the projects that are carry out in to the Wildlife National Refugee of Bosque Alegre.


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La mayoría de áreas protegidas en Costa Rica fueron creadas considerando básicamente enfoques de conservación. Sin embargo, el desarrollo turístico reciente ha forzado a considerar la importancia de actividades turísticas dentro de las áreas silvestres especialmente en los más conocidos parques nacionales como Barra Honda. Este Artículo evalúa los diferentes atractivos determinando algunas recomendaciones, con el objetivo de mejorar las actividades recreativas en este parque.Abstracts: The majority of the protected areas in Costa Rica were created considering basically conservation approach. However, the last tourism development of the country has had forced to consider the importance of tourism activities inside of the Wildland, especially the most well know national parks like Barra Honda. This article evaluated the different natural attractive of parks, its conditions. Also it offer a plan management the attractive presenting some recommendation in order to improve the outdoor activities in the park.


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En el presente artículo el lector podrá encontrar algunos aspectos  relacionados  con el turismo como actividad económica y su expresión concreta en las comunidades de Tambor y Montezuma de Cóbano, provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Pero además y es la parte fundamental del mismo se hace referencia aquí al impacto que ha tenido este sector en la convivencia comunal y cotidianidad de esas comunidades. Este impacto se analiza en tres dimensiones específicas: la socioeconómica, la cultural y la ambiental. En síntesis y como producto de los efectos del turismo, la zona analizada sufre una transformación importante que engloba la convivencia comunal; convivencia que en sus manifestaciones generales coincide en cierta medida con el contexto nacional y mundial, pero que también tiene su particularidad. En este sentido, se nota una re-dimensión en la individualidad de actor y sector social, pero además en la totalidad de la convivencia comunal. Esta re-dimensión, si bien es producto de actividades económicas  de sistemas productivos y de nuevas estrategias de desarrollo globalizantes, se manifiesta en lo social, en lo cultural y en la relación sociedad naturaleza ó ambiente a nivel local, como un producto más divertido de la actividad turística.   Abstract: This paper discusses the effects of the tourism industry in the communities of Tambor and Montezuma, Cobano, province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If focuses in the impact and tourism in peoples everyday life from on three- fold perspective: socio-economic, cultural and evironmental. Regarding the impact of tourism in the socioeconomic dimensión the study revels an important change in the labor market, which was traditionally related to farming and fishing, now oriented to the production of goods and services for tourists and other economic activities take place in medium and small scales and involve men and women, Young  and adults. They generate different social and interpersonal relations, which contribute to change comunal daily coexistence. In the cultural discussion tourism had changed daily like in these communities and patterns of social coexistence. Among the most significant changes are customs and holidays, clothing styles, the loss of traditional forms of communication, the beginning of different ways of dialoging and new relationships among neighbors, and even of the way people talk and how and whit they eat. In relation to the environment the new ways to relate to nature and of trying to manage and handle the natural resources the awareness and the new attitude in regard to the environmental situation, as well as the wormiest for conservation. For having clean and healthy surroundings, among others, had the collective levels. To summarize as a result of the effects of tourism an important transformation is talking place in the communities under study that coincides with the national and global context to a certain extent, but to also has its own particularities. In this sense, it is noticeable a re-definition of the individuality of each actor and social sector and in the totality of the communal identify as well. Eventhough that redefinition is the result of economic activities, of economic systems and new globalized developmental strategies, also effects in the social and cultural aspects and in the relation men-nature in a local level.


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Este artículo desarrolla el diagnostico de los impactos del turismo en el ambiente, en Montezuma, Puntarenas. Se evaluó los efectos de la actividad turísticas en los recursos hídricos, fauna, vegetación y tenencia de la tierra, encontrando que el desarrollo de la actividad, en Montezuma, ha sido sin ninguna planificación y ha venido a alterar la cotidianidad de este pueblo. Aunque se han presentado algunos efectos positivos como son el nacimiento  de una conciencia ambiental entre los diversos grupos de la comunidad, se han desarrollado varios problemas ambientales que están íntimamente ligados a la falta de planificación.Este problema es la alta contaminación del agua, porque no existen sistemas de tratamiento de la misma, además que los antes responsables no supervisan el tratamiento de las aguas tanto potables como servidas en las instalaciones turísticas, las cuales aumentaron aceleradamente durante los últimos cinco años. Por otro lado, se han presentado cambios en el paisaje, han introducido especies exóticas que alteran las condiciones naturales del medio. En cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra en la zona marítima terrestre, ésta se encuentra bajo el dominio de los extranjeros, los costarricenses tienen más números de concesiones pero los extranjeros tienen más superficie (69%). Todos los efectos negativos de turismo en Montezuma, se relaciona con la falta de planificación, por lo que resulta urgente realizar una estrategia de turismo sustentable para el área.ABSTRACTS This article diagnosed the tourism impacts on the environment, in Montezuma, Puntarenas. It e evaluated the effects of tourism in water, wildlife, vegetation and land tenure. It found that tourism in Montezuma have been without planning and it altered the routine life of this town, Even there have been some positive effects like increasing of environmental education, there have been several problems that are very related to the planning lack. Those problems are high water pollution because there is not any system to treat water and also none monitored the water treatment in the hotels, even those increased very fast during the last five years. Changing in the landscape are provoking to loose species even plants or animal, due they have used exotic species in the new hotel. The land tenure in the marine terrestrial zone is controled by foreigners, Costa Ricans have more numbers of concessions but foreigners have more surface (More 69%). Because, all the negative effects of tourism in Montezuma, are related to lack of planning, it is urgent to carry out a management plan for a sustainable tourism in this place.


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El proyecto “Diseño de productos y rutas turísticas alternativas para el mejoramiento del nivel de vida de las comunidades locales: el caso del Golfo de Nicoya” tiene como propósitos: la elaboración de un diagnóstico del sistema turístico de las comunidades involucradas, la evaluación del potencial turístico de los recursos y atractivos identificados en las comunidades, el diseño de productos y rutas turísticas, y la realización de una zonificación turística en las áreas de estudio. El presente artículo se centra en la zonificación turística de las comunidades metas, debido a que las variables anteriormente mencionadas son la base para su elaboración. La zonificación toma en cuenta los aspectos que condicionan los procesos de transformación y articulación del turismo en el territorio, desde el papel de los recursos naturales para la implantación turística y la influencia de la estructura territorial y socioeconómica sobre la que se organiza el turismo. Esta permite un mejor análisis del espacio geográfico y diseño de propuestas de desarrollo. En este caso, se identifican elementos homogeneizadores del espacio turístico a partir del diagnóstico de las comunidades, entre ellos se encuentran: la geomorfología, uso del suelo, tipología de recurso y atractivo turístico, la oferta y la demanda turística, entre otros. ABSTRACT The purpose of the project, “Design of Products and Tourist Route Alternatives for Improving the Standard of Living of Local Communities: The Case of the Gulf of Nicoya”, is to diagnose the system of tourism in the communities involved, evaluate the tourist potential of the resources and attractions of the communities, design products and tour routes, and establish tourist zones in the areas of study. This article focuses on the community goals of the tourist zones since the above-mentioned variables are the basis for their development. The zoning takes into account the aspects that condition the process of transforming an area into a tourist zone, from the role natural resources play in establishing tourism to the influence of socioeconomic and territorial structures. This allows a better analysis of the geographic space and design of development proposals. In this case, homogenous elements of the tourist space are identified from diagnosis of the communities, including the geomorphology, land use, typology of resource and tourist attractions, tourist supply and demand and other factors.


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This dissertation has two main themes: first, the economic impact of tourism on cities and, secondly, the determinants of European long-run development, with a focus on the pre-Industrial era. The common thread is the attempt to develop economic geography models that incorporate spatial frictions and are liable to be given empirical content. Chapter 1, written in conjunction with G. Alfredo Minerva, provides an empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism and economic activity across Italian municipalities, and lays down the basic elements of an urban theory of tourism in an a-spatial setting. Chapter 2 extends these ideas to a quantitative urban framework to study the economic impact and the welfare consequences of tourism into the city of Venice. The model is given empirical content thanks to a large collection of data at the Census tract level for the Municipality of Venice, and then used to perform counterfactual policty analysis. In chapter 3, with Matteo Santacesaria, we consider a setting where agents are continuously distributed over a two-dimensional heterogeneous geography, and are allowed to do business at a finite set of markets. We study the equilibrium partition of the economic space into a collection of mutually-exclusive market areas, and provide condition for this equilibrium partition to exist and to be unique. Finally, chapter 4 "The rise of (urban) Europe: a Quantitative-Spatial analysis", co-authored with Matteo Cervellati and Alex Lehner, sets up a quantitative economic geography model to understand the roots of the Industrial Revolution, in an attempt to match the evolution of the European urban network, and the corresponding city-size distribution, over the period A.D. 1000-1850. It highlights the importance of agricultural trade across cities for the emergence of large manufacturing hubs.


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This PhD was driven by an interest for inclusive and participatory approaches. The methodology that bridges science and society is known as 'citizen science' and is experiencing a huge upsurge worldwide, in the scientific and humanities fields. In this thesis, I have focused on three topics: i) assessing the reliability of data collected by volunteers; ii) evaluating the impact of environmental education activities in tourist facilities; and iii) monitoring marine biodiversity through citizen science. In addition to these topics, during my research stay abroad, I developed a questionnaire to investigate people's perceptions of natural areas to promote the implementation of co-management. The results showed that volunteers are not only able to collect sufficiently reliable data, but that during their participation in this type of project, they can also increase their knowledge of marine biology and ecology and their awareness of the impact of human behaviour on the environment. The short-term analysis has shown that volunteers are able to retain what they have learned. In the long term, knowledge is usually forgotten, but awareness is retained. Increased awareness could lead to a change in behaviour and in this case a more environmentally friendly attitude. This aspect could be of interest for the development of environmental education projects in tourism facilities to reduce the impact of tourism on the environment while adding a valuable service to the tourism offer. We also found that nature experiences in childhood are important to connect to nature in adulthood. The results also suggest that membership or volunteering in an environmental education association could be a predictor of people's interest in more participatory approaches to nature management. In most cases, the COVID -19 pandemic had not changed participants' perceptions of the natural environment.


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Questo studio affronta il tema della partecipazione comunitaria e del suo ruolo nella riorganizzazione dei servizi socio-sanitari della Regione Emilia-Romagna in una prospettiva antropologica. La partecipazione comunitaria è considerata ormai diffusamente un elemento importante per l’organizzazione dei servizi e in particolare nell’ambito delle cure primarie: si tratta infatti del comparto dell’assistenza più prossimo ai territori di vita delle persone, sebbene sia fortemente indebolito, a causa di un progressivo definanziamento e di una profonda svalutazione culturale. Nel contesto italiano, il tema della partecipazione comunitaria in salute ha informato l’istituzione del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. Tuttavia, numerosi contributi hanno messo in luce come la partecipazione delle comunità nell’ambito della sanità sia un proposito rimasto da allora irrealizzato; altri hanno evidenziato come, in un’epoca in cui i nostri sistemi di welfare sono in crisi, la partecipazione venga talvolta strumentalizzata per esternalizzare i costi del lavoro di cura sulle comunità, anziché per promuovere la salute delle persone. Adottando i quadri teorici della Primary Health Care e della Salute Collettiva, il lavoro di ricerca si basa su un’etnografia multisituata e realizzata in tre diversi contesti: un progetto di cooperazione internazionale volto a sviluppare strumenti gestionali e organizzativi per la costruzione degli Ospedali di Comunità nella Regione Emilia-Romagna; un progetto inter-istituzionale che mira ad affrontare le disuguaglianze sociali nella città di Bologna; un progetto promosso da un ambulatorio di Medicina Generale di Ferrara che, sulla base di una proposta di riforma delle cure primarie avanzata da una gruppo di giovani professionisti/e della salute, ha avviato un percorso di partecipazione comunitaria. Questo studio mette in luce come la partecipazione possa contribuire alla costruzione di una “comunità di cura”, capace di negoziare affettivamente i percorsi di assistenza, co-gestire le risorse per la produzione di beni comuni e rigenerare la fiducia nei confronti delle cure primarie.


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My purpose in this essay is to explore how ideas about women and development are created and circulated at the moment of consumption of wares produced at a women's development project in Nepal. I analyze the project as an example of the ways that women's development is an object of material and discursive consumption. Artifacts produced and sold by Nepali women, and purchased by tourists from the "first world," become part of an international exchange of power, money, and meaning. Based on a survey of consumers and ethnographic observations, I conclude that feminist tourists forge relations with disempowered "Others" through the pleasurable activity of an alienated market transaction. Consumers of crafts produced at a women's development project assume a position of empowerment and enlightenment, ready to help out their "women" counterparts through their support of an enterprise with circular logic: within the industry of development (although not necessarily for feminist tourists themselves), at least one of the central projects of development is the development project itself. At the same time, feminist tourists locate themselves outside the oppressive structures and ideologies affecting their "third-world sisters." This is a relation of sympathy and imagined empathy, with no sense of differential location within systems of oppression. They fail to examine or articulate the global link between their own purchasing power and local living conditions of Maithil women; the connection is effectively built out of the discourse.


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The aims of this study were to carry out a serological survey of canine leishmaniasis and identify the phlebotomine fauna in the urban area of Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. The serological survey was conducted on a sample of 303 dogs, by means of the indirect immunofluorescence test. Phlebotomines were captured using automated light traps. The serological survey found that 30% of the dogs were seropositive, both from the center and from all districts of the town. A total of 2,772 specimens of phlebotomines were caught and the species most found was Lutzomyia longipalpis (90.4%), which corroborated its role as the vector of for canine visceral leishmaniasis in the region. Phlebotomines of the species Bichromomyia flaviscutellata (the main vector for Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis) and Nyssomyia whitmani (the vector for Leishmania (Viannia) brasiliensis) were also caught. The findings indicate the need for continuous epidemiological surveillance, with attention towards diminishing the vector breeding sites and the transmission of these diseases in that region.


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This article reflects on the origins and development of social tourism in Brazil, with particular reference to the socio-economic conditions in the country. It discusses the theoretical conceptualisation of social tourism and its implementations in the non-European context. The case study presented here is based on a secondary bibliographical research of existing definitions and an in-depth analysis of the political conditions that have framed its development. More particularly, this article will discuss public initiatives since the Labour Party gained power in Brazil in 2003. Apart from public sector involvement in social tourism, this article also examines the role of the third sector in provision. The example of Social Service of Commerce will be presented. This article will conclude by evaluating the phenomenon of social tourism in Brazil, highlighting where progress has been made and which are the key challenges that need to be overcome.