989 resultados para Ana Carvalho
O trabalho tem como objetivo principal a criação de uma Escola de Artes e Artesanato, que está ligada ao sistema de incubadoras de cooperativas. O foco é projetar um edifício que atenda ao programa da escola e principalmente que tenha parte de sua estrutura construída de maneira artesanal e que seja sustentável. O projeto visa à formação de uma mão de obra qualificada para o mercado de artes e artesanato. Além disso, busca a reciclagem e a sustentabilidade na construção da obra e a inclusão social através dos sistemas de incubadoras de algumas universidades do Estado de São Paulo, incluindo o da Universidade na qual será inserida. A Escola será projetada dentro da Universidade de São Paulo, no Campus Butantã. Além da formação em várias áreas do campo das artes o estudante seria preparado para atuar dentro de uma economia solidária, ou seja, estudaria as formas de aplicar o que aprendeu ao longo dos cursos para poder aplicá-lo em um sistema coletivo para um ganho igualitário e de formação pessoal. Tem como idéia de público alvo agregar a sociedade acadêmica, já existente, com pessoas de diferentes classes e formações, mas com o mesmo intuito. Será a primeira escola que formará profissionais com alta especialização na área do artesanato ligada ao cooperativismo
O mestre (1963), written by the Portuguese author Ana Hatherly, continues to challenge our reading due to its disturbing nature. The text is not only connected to and transcends the emerging modernity of the Portuguese poetic avant- -garde experimental proposals of the period, presenting itself as a permanent intriguing text. This paper examines the narrative procedures put into action in order to destabilize the relationship I – the Other (master and apprentice), multiform agents, producers of metamorphosis and disturbing actions. The female narrator addresses love, truth, knowledge and power in an uncommon way and transforms the narrative into a magic practice, with surprising effects.
The aim of this article is to present some considerations on the contemporary city figurativizations, from the reading of “O Arquiteto”, a Bernardo Carvalho’s short story, published in the anthology “Aberração” (2004). In this short story, the writer retakes the city theme following a modernity tradition, established, among others, by Poe and Baudelaire, making his voice embrace other Brazilian writers voices, that have represented the town, but, at the same time, recreating, in his scripture body, dense and intense, quick and, in some sense, agonic, the utopist projects of renascence ideal cities, questioning the utopias and the aesthetics traces which can be found on the nowadays texts. To enlarge the metalinguistic proposal that emerges from the analysis, some poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto are considered. This comparison allow us to establish parameters to think about influence in certain perspective of contemporary literature, which epicenter configures less the supremacy of the newty and more a aesthetic of deletions of the origins, tracks, traces, which are possible by the canon invention.
Maintaining the viability of probiotic microorganisms from production to consumption has long been a technological challenge for the food industry. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the in vitro interaction between Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Williopsis saturnus var. suaveolens and the effect of this yeast on acidification kinetics, viability of Lactobacillus acidophilus and post-acidification in fermented milk during refrigerated storage at 5 °C. The in vitro study showed a positive interaction between the acid cell free-supernatant (CFS) of probiotic bacteria La-5 and the yeast. The addition of W. saturnus var. suaveolens increased the fermentation time due to consumption of the organic acids produced by L. acidophilus. During the refrigerated storage of the samples, the presence of the yeast increased the viability of L. acidophilus and reduced post-acidification. However, the mechanism of such interaction of bacteria and yeast is not fully understood.
Glycogen functions as a carbohydrate reserve in a variety of organisms and its metabolism is highly regulated. The activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase, the rate-limiting enzymes of the synthesis and degradation processes, respectively, are regulated by allosteric modulation and reversible phosphorylation. To identify the protein kinases affecting glycogen metabolism in Neurospora crassa, we performed a screen of 84 serine/threonine kinase knockout strains. We identified multiple kinases that have already been described as controlling glycogen metabolism in different organisms, such as NcSNF1, NcPHO85, NcGSK3, NcPKA, PSK2 homologue and NcATG1. In addition, many hypothetical kinases have been implicated in the control of glycogen metabolism. Two kinases, NcIME-2 and NcNIMA, already functionally characterized but with no functions related to glycogen metabolism regulation, were also identified. Among the kinases identified, it is important to mention the role of NcSNF1. We showed in the present study that this kinase was implicated in glycogen synthase phosphorylation, as demonstrated by the higher levels of glycogen accumulated during growth, along with a higher glycogen synthase (GSN) ±glucose 6-phosphate activity ratio and a lesser set of phosphorylated GSN isoforms in strain Ncsnf1KO, when compared with the wild-type strain. The results led us to conclude that, in N. crassa, this kinase promotes phosphorylation of glycogen synthase either directly or indirectly, which is the opposite of what is described for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The kinases also play a role in gene expression regulation, in that gdn, the gene encoding the debranching enzyme, was down-regulated by the proteins identified in the screen. Some kinases affected growth and development, suggesting a connection linking glycogen metabolism with cell growth and development.
Com 27 trabalhos produzidos por pesquisadores do Instituto de Pesquisa em Bioenergia (Bioen), da Unesp, este livro oferece uma ampla visão sobre as áreas que compõem o segmento. Seu principal objetivo é contribuir para melhorar a compreensão dos vários aspectos da bioenergia, em especial no Brasil, que figura entre os países com maior nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico no setor. Os artigos abordam uma série abrangente de questões relacionadas à bioenergia, como a construção genética das plantas de cana-de-açúcar visando ao aumento de produtividade, a disseminação de sementes para estimular a propagação de espécies com potencial energético, etapas de produção de bioenergia, usos do combustível e seus efeitos nos diversos tipos de motores. Agrupados por assunto, os textos estão distribuídos em cinco partes: Biomassa para bioenergia; Produção de biocombustíveis; Utilização de bioenergia; Biorrefinaria, alcoolquímica e oleoquímica e Sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis.
O livro integra a coleção “Desafios Contemporâneos”, cujo objetivo é apresentar e discutir temas de interesse da sociedade em linguagem acessível ao grande público, sem prejuízo do rigor científico. No caso desta obra, os vários autores lançam um olhar panorâmico sobre a questão da identidade nacional, de modo a contribuir para o debate sobre o que é o Brasil e quem são os brasileiros. O trabalho foi dividido em cinco núcleos temáticos: a questão racial, o corpo, a língua, a religião e a cultura. Os ensaios procuram sempre adotar uma perspectiva ampla, do ponto de vista temporal e temático, tendo como horizonte a compreensão dos desafios sociais, políticos, econômicos e culturais do Brasil contemporâneos. É feito ainda um amplo balanço das diferentes formas de entender a identidade nacional, a partir da confrontação dos principais pensadores que se dedicaram ao assunto ao longo da história, e uma análise do estado atual das pesquisas sobre a identidade brasileira e os seus possíveis desdobramentos na área de ciências humanas do país.
The Contemporary Challenges series - originally sponsored by the Research Deanship of the State University of São Paulo (Unesp) - aims at providing access to essays on crucial issues concerning the Brazilian society as a whole. With the publication of those titles, which systematically avoid unnecessary academic jargon though preserving scientific rigour, the university fulfills one of its essential tasks: that of disseminating the skills and knowledge reared within its quarters. In the present volume, focused upon sociological questions, the authors face the difficult job of grasping the intricate horizon of complexities of Brazilian identity and their presence in the current national dilemmas.
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Director Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s artistic performances, specially the miniseries Hoje é dia de Maria (2005), A Pedra do Reino (2007) and Capitu (2008), target a true setting of commitment, preoccupation and conciliation towards its spectator’s education. And the purpose of this text is to talk about such reeducation of senses explored by Carvalho’s artistic performances.
In this paper we analyze how the symbols of land and woman are articulated in the lyric from Ana Paula Tavares. Such motifs, applicants at O lago da lua (1999), will take on a structuring in the poetic universe from this Angolan writer, because architect his being in the world at an existential level and political. Paula Tavares gives her voice to express, with defiance and tenderness, the bitter cry of women prisoners in their own silence. The symbiosis between land and woman works as formative and empowering element of identity
This article investigates the universe of women seasonal farm workers, more precisely those women laborers who take the so-called truck, in the newspaper chronicle “Th e Seasonal Farm Workers’ Express” (1976) and the short story “Th e funny face of fear”(1978), both by the journalist and creative writer Murilo Carvalho. Th e hypothesis is that these two narratives, in which the theme is the truck accident, can be classifi ed as testimonial literature.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)