958 resultados para American Envelope Company


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The outer domain (OD) of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 is an important target for vaccine design as it contains a number of conserved epitopes, including a large fraction of the CD4 binding site.Attempts to design OD-based immunogens in the past have met with little success. We report the design and characterization of an Escherichia coli-expressed OD-based immunogen (ODEC), based on the sequence of the HxBc2 strain. The ODEC-designed immunogen lacks the variable loops V1V2 and V3 and incorporates 11 designed mutations at the interface of the inner and the outer domains of gp120. Biophysical studies showed that ODEC is folded and protease-resistant, whereas ODEC lacking the designed mutations is highly aggregation-prone. In contrast to previously characterized OD constructs, ODEC bound CD4 and the broadly neutralizing antibody b12 but not the non-neutralizing antibodies b6 and F105. Upon immunization in rabbits, ODEC was highly immunogenic,and the sera showed measurable neutralization for four subtype B and one subtype C virus including two b12-resistant viruses. In contrast,sera from rabbits immunized with gp120 did not neutralize any of the viruses. ODEC is the first example of a gp120 fragment-based immunogen that yields significant neutralizing antibodies.


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In this paper, an improved probabilistic linearization approach is developed to study the response of nonlinear single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems under narrow-band inputs. An integral equation for the probability density function (PDF) of the envelope is derived. This equation is solved using an iterative scheme. The technique is applied to study the hardening type Duffing's oscillator under narrow-band excitation. The results compare favorably with those obtained using numerical simulation. In particular, the bimodal nature of the PDF for the response envelope for certain parameter ranges is brought out.


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Reduced expression of CCR5 on target CD4(+) cells lowers their susceptibility to infection by R5-tropic HIV-1, potentially preventing transmission of infection and delaying disease progression. Binding of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) protein gp120 with CCR5 is essential for the entry of R5 viruses into target cells. The threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes that enables HIV-1 entry remains poorly estimated. We constructed a mathematical model that mimics Env-mediated cell-cell fusion assays, where target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells are exposed to effector cells expressing Env in the presence of a coreceptor antagonist and the fraction of target cells fused with effector cells is measured. Our model employs a reaction network-based approach to describe protein interactions that precede viral entry coupled with the ternary complex model to quantify the allosteric interactions of the coreceptor antagonist and predicts the fraction of target cells fused. By fitting model predictions to published data of cell-cell fusion in the presence of the CCR5 antagonist vicriviroc, we estimated the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes for cell-cell fusion as similar to 20 mu m(-2). Model predictions with this threshold captured data from independent cell-cell fusion assays in the presence of vicriviroc and rapamycin, a drug that modulates CCR5 expression, as well as assays in the presence of maraviroc, another CCR5 antagonist, using sixteen different Env clones derived from transmitted or early founder viruses. Our estimate of the threshold surface density of gp120-CCR5 complexes necessary for HIV-1 entry thus appears robust and may have implications for optimizing treatment with coreceptor antagonists, understanding the non-pathogenic infection of non-human primates, and designing vaccines that suppress the availability of target CD4(+)CCR5(+) cells.


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When a metal is surface ground the roughness generated is the summation of a function of the wheel roughness and the roughness due to wheel attrition and damage to the workpiece. We identify this function here as a maximum em,elope profile, which is fractal within certain cut off wavelengths determined by the dressing conditions of the wheel. Estimating the global displacement of the binder-grit-workpiece system from the maximum envelope power spectra, we determine the plastic indentation of the workpiece at characteristic length scales using simple contact-mechanical calculation. The estimated roughness corresponds well with that recorded experimentally for hard steel, copper; titanium and aluminium.


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Dynamics of the aircraft configuration considered in this paper show a unique characteristic in that there are no stable attractors in the entire high angle-of-attack flight envelope. As a result, once the aircraft has departed from the normal flight regime, no standard technique can be applied to recover the aircraft. In this paper, using feedback linearization technique, a nonlinear controller is designed at high angles of attack, which is engaged after the aircraft departs from normal flight regime. This controller stabilizes the aircraft into a stable spin. Then a set of synthetic pilot inputs is applied to cause an automatic transition from the spin equilibrium to low angles of attack where the second controller is connected. This controller is a normal gain-scheduled controller designed to have a large domain of attraction at low angles of attack. It traps the aircraft into a low angle-of-attack level flight. This entire concept of recovery has been verified using six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear simulation. Feedback linearization technique used to design a controller ensures internal stability only if the nonlinear plant has stable zero dynamics. Because zero dynamics depend on the selection of outputs, a new method of choosing outputs is described to obtain a plant that has stable zero dynamics. Certain important aspects pertaining to the implementation of a feedback linearization-based controller are also discussed.


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We describe here the characterization of the gene gp64 encoding the envelope fusion protein GP64 (open reading frame) ORF 105 from Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV). gp64 was transcribed from the early to late stages of infection and the transcripts were seen from 6 to 72 h post infection (hpi). The early transcripts initiated from a consensus CAGT motif while the late transcripts arose from three conserved TAAG motifs, all of which were located in the near upstream region of the coding sequence. Both early and late transcripts terminated at a run of T residues following the second polyadenylation signal located 31 nt downstream of the translation termination codon. BmGP64 protein was detectable from 6 hpi and was present in larger quantities throughout the infection process from 12 hpi, in BmNPV-infected BmN cells. The persistent presence of GP64 in BmN cells differed from the protein expression pattern of GP64 in Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus infection, where the protein levels decreased significantly by late times (48 hpi). BmGP64 was located in the membrane and cytoplasm of the infected host cells and as a component of the budded virions. The production of infectious budded virus and the fusion activity were reduced when glycosylation of GP64 was inhibited. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The impact behaviour of epoxy specimens containing 20% by volume of fly ash particles without (coded, FA20) and with surface enveloped by starch in dry (FAS20) and water-ingresses (FASM20) conditions is studied. The resulting behavioural patterns are documented and compared to the composites containing as received fly ash particles. The data on unreinforced (i.e. neat) epoxy system (designated, NE) are also included. Samples with starch covering for the fillers whether tested in dry or wet conditions (i.e. FAS20 & FASM20) showed greater absorption of energy and maximum load compared to the ones derived on composites having as received fillers tested in unexposed (dry) condition (FA20). Ductility Index, D.I. on the other hand, showed a reversal in trends; the energy absorbed was highest for NE and lowest FA20 samples. Scanning microscopic examination of the fracture features was undertaken to correlate the microstructure to impact response.


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We address the problem of estimating the fundamental frequency of voiced speech. We present a novel solution motivated by the importance of amplitude modulation in sound processing and speech perception. The new algorithm is based on a cumulative spectrum computed from the temporal envelope of various subbands. We provide theoretical analysis to derive the new pitch estimator based on the temporal envelope of the bandpass speech signal. We report extensive experimental performance for synthetic as well as natural vowels for both realworld noisy and noise-free data. Experimental results show that the new technique performs accurate pitch estimation and is robust to noise. We also show that the technique is superior to the autocorrelation technique for pitch estimation.


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The ultrastructural functions of the electron-dense glycopeptidolipid-containing outermost layer (OL), the arabinogalactan-mycolic acid-containing electron-transparent layer (ETL), and the electron-dense peptidoglycan layer (PGL) of the mycobacterial cell wall in septal growth and constriction are not clear. Therefore, using transmission electron microscopy, we studied the participation of the three layers in septal growth and constriction in the fast-growing saprophytic species Mycobacterium smegmatis and the slow-growing pathogenic species Mycobacterium xenopi and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in order to document the processes in a comprehensive and comparative manner and to find out whether the processes are conserved across different mycobacterial species. A complete septal partition is formed first by the fresh synthesis of the septal PGL (S-PGL) and septal ETL (S-ETL) from the envelope PGL (E-PGL) in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. The S-ETL is not continuous with the envelope ETL (E-ETL) due to the presence of the E-PGL between them. The E-PGL disappears, and the S-ETL becomes continuous with the E-ETL, when the OL begins to grow and invaginate into the S-ETL for constriction. However, in M. tuberculosis, the S-PGL and S-ETL grow from the E-PGL and E-ETL, respectively, without a separation between the E-ETL and S-ETL by the E-PGL, in contrast to the process in M. smegmatis and M. xenopi. Subsequent growth and invagination of the OL into the S-ETL of the septal partition initiates and completes septal constriction in M. tuberculosis. A model for the conserved sequential process of mycobacterial septation, in which the formation of a complete septal partition is followed by constriction, is presented. The probable physiological significance of the process is discussed. The ultrastructural features of septation and constriction in mycobacteria are unusually different from those in the well-studied organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.


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Species of opportunistic mycobacteria are the major causative agent for disseminating pulmonary infections in immuno-compromised individuals. These naturally resistant strains recruit a unique type of glycolipid known as glycopeptidolipids (GPLs), noncovalently attached to the outer surface of their thick lipid rich cell envelope. Species specific GPLs constitute the chemical determinants of most nontuberculous mycobacterial serotypes, and their absence from the cell surface confers altered colony morphology, hydrophobicity, and inability to grow as biofilms. The objective of this review is to present a comprehensive account and highlight the renewed interest on this much neglected group of pleiotropic molecules with respect to their structural diversity and biosynthesis. In addition, the role of GPLs in mycobacterial survival, both intracellular and in the environment is also discussed. It also explores the possibility of identifying new targets for intervening Mycobacterium avium complex-related infections. These antigenic molecules have been considered to play a pivotal role in immune suppression and can also induce various cytokine mediated innate immune responses, the molecular mechanism of which remains obscure. (c) 2012 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 2012


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We present a novel approach to represent transients using spectral-domain amplitude-modulated/frequency -modulated (AM-FM) functions. The model is applied to the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform (FT) of the transient. The suitability of the model lies in the observation that since transients are well-localized in time, the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier spectrum have a modulation structure. The spectral AM is the envelope and the spectral FM is the group delay function. The group delay is estimated using spectral zero-crossings and the spectral envelope is estimated using a coherent demodulator. We show that the proposed technique is robust to additive noise. We present applications of the proposed technique to castanets and stop-consonants in speech.