989 resultados para Amateur theater.


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Three generations of settlers, convicts and emigrants occupied the valley of the Molonglo River for eighty years before Canberra was planted here in 1913. Stretched between the great houses of Duntroon and Yarralumla, they lived in some twenty cottages, almost all of which were demolished as the city centre and suburbs developed. This book recreates a lost world via archival sources that describe the land and houses, genealogical records showing the inhabitants and their family relationships around the district, and the work of official photographers and amateur artists who recorded the landscape as the city grew.--Publisher description.


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Disasters, emergencies, incidents, and major incidents - they all come back to the same thing regardless of what they are called. The common denominator is that there is loss of life, injury to people and animals and damage and destruction of property. The management of such events relies on four phases: 1. Prevention 2. Preparation 3. Response 4. Recovery Each of these phases is managed in a different way and often by different teams. Here, concentration has been given to phases 2 and 3, with particular emphasis on phase 3, Response. The words used to describe such events are often related to legislation. The terminology is detailed later. However, whatever the description, whenever prevention is not possible, or fails, then the need is to respond. Response is always better when the responders are prepared. Training is a major part of response preparation and this book is designed to assist those in the health industry who need to be ready when something happens. One of the training packages for responders is the Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) Course and this work was designed to supplement the manual prepared by Hodgetts and Macway-Jones(87) in the UK. Included is what the health services responder, who may be sent to an event in which the main concern is trauma, should know. Concentration is on the initial response and does not deal in any detail with hospital reaction, the public health aspects, or the mental health support that provides psychological help to victims and responders, and which are also essential parts of disaster management. People, in times of disaster, have always been quick to offer assistance. It is now well recognised however, that the 'enthusiastic amateur', whilst being a well meaning volunteer, isn't always what is needed. All too often such people have made things worse and have sometimes ended up as victims themselves. There is a place now for volunteers and there probably always will be. The big difference is that these people must be well informed, well trained and well practiced if they are to be effective. Fortunately such people and organisations do exist. Without the work of the St John Ambulance, the State Emergency Service, the Rural Fire Service the Red Cross and the Volunteer Rescue Association, to mention only a few, our response to disasters would be far less effective. There is a strong history of individuals being available to help the community in times of crisis. Mostly these people were volunteers but there has also always been the need for a core of professional support. In the recent past, professional support mechanisms have been developed from lessons learned, particularly to situations that need a rapid and well organised response. As lessons are learned from an analysis of events, philosophy and methods have changed. Our present system is not perfect and perhaps never will be. The need for an 'all-hazards approach' makes detailed planning very difficult and so there will probably always be criticisms about the way an event was handled. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, provided we learn from it. That means that this text is certainly not the 'last word' and revisions as we learn from experience will be inevitable. Because the author works primarily in New South Wales, many of the explanations and examples are specific to that state. In Australia disaster response is a State, rather than a Commonwealth, responsibility and consequently, and inevitably, there are differences in management between the states and territories within Australia. With the influence of Emergency Management Australia, these differences are being reduced. This means that across state and territory boundaries, assistance is common and interstate teams can be deployed and assimilated into the response rapidly, safely, effectively and with minimum explanation. This text sets out to increase the understanding of what is required, what is in place and how the processes of response are managed. By way of introduction and background, examples are given of those situations that have occurred, or could happen. Man Made Disasters has been divided into two distinct sections. Those which are related to structures or transport and those related directly to people. The first section, Chapter 3, includes: • Transport accidents involving land, rail, sea or air vehicles. • Collapse of buildings for reasons other than earthquakes or storms. • Industrial accidents, including the release of hazardous substances and nuclear events. A second section dealing with the consequences of the direct actions of people is separated as Chapter 4, entitled 'People Disasters'. Included are: • Crowd incidents involving sports and entertainment venues. • Terrorism From Chapter 4 on, the emphasis is on the Response phase and deals with organisation and response techniques in detail. Finally there is a section on terminology and abbreviations. An appendix details a typical disaster pack content. War, the greatest of all man made disasters is not considered in this text.


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The Philippine Education Theater Association (PETA), the People’s Theatre in the Philippines was founded within the bounds of the nationalist leftist tradition. Its origin therefore determines to a great extent the contours of the discourse on the feminist movement in the Philippines, its participation within the cultural movement and the founding years of the pioneering People’s Theatre in the country. As a grass roots theatre from a Third World nation, the PETA theatre model responded to the needs in raising socio-political and economic consciousness and can therefore serve as an alternative tool to formal education for other Third World countries. This thesis argues, the People’s Theatre development is determined within the matrix of gender, class, politics and the nationalist movement to which it is intertwined or inextricably linked. The feminist, nationalist and radical movements have become superimposed upon the history of the People’s Theatre and have nurtured its development as a consciousness raising educational tool.


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This thesis explores the impact of culturally hybrid practices on the Singapore Malay community through fully comprehensive analyses of significant productions by two prominent Singapore Malay theatre groups. It demonstrates the value of applying contemporary cultural/semiotic theory and analysis to issues of cultural hybridity and identity to theatrical performance discourse.


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Recently, 'intercultural' theatre has taken aspects of performance genres from different cultures and has blended them into a new hybrid form. This thesis engages with this issue through performance practice, textual analysis and theoretical critique, and aims to explore the possibilities and boundaries of a practical non-neo-colonial 'intercultural' theatre.


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The transition of many sport organisations from being predominantly volunteer-administered and anchored in an amateur ethos to professionally managed entities has created unique challenges for the governance of sport. This paper provides a contribution to the governance literature through the presentation of a situational case where a four-stage model, drawn from an action research approach, has been used for developing a board’s strategic capability and subsequent improvement in organisational performance.

Action research is founded on the premise that change and research are not mutually exclusive and that dual foci on improving practice and developing theory are possible (Coghlan & Brannick, 2001). Utilising a national sport organisation (NSO) in New Zealand the study developed and tested a structured model for improving board functioning and, specifically, strategic contribution.

While the case to which the model has been applied is an NSO, the model and the subsequent reflections have value for non-profit as well as commercial entities particularly with regard to a greater understanding of the mechanisms associated with balancing the performance and conformance roles of the board.


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This paper explores developments in the political representations of English theater audiences from the Elizabethan era to the 1809 OP riots, to demonstrate that audiences were long considered politically significant, not just ‘mere entertainment.’ Early commercial theater audiences were conceived by the Elizabethan state as crowds of subjects that threatened social order. Through the Civil War era, theaters became places of political discussion and dissent and of emerging publics of citizens. By the early nineteenth century theater owners began to reframe audiences as markets of consumers. Each representation continued to appear in later discursive fields, each was contested, and the disputes were couched in political terms.


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Routine activities that many of us are used to performing in person like paying bills, purchases and bookings are now done online. With more people buying irregularly bought products online, more consumers are relying on professional, amateur and user reviews to inform them of the quality of their intended purchase. Little known about how consumers use these reviews. Less is known about how these reviews influence buying behavior. This article outlines a research framework that can provide insight into these areas.


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This paper details the design of an algorithm for automatically manipulating the important aesthetic element of video, visual tempo. Automatic injection, detection and repair of such aesthetic elements, it is argued, is vital to the next generation of amateur multimedia authoring tools. We evaluate the performance of the algorithm on a battery of synthetic data and demonstrate its ability to return the visual tempo of the final media a considerable degree closer to the target signal. The novelty of this work lies chiefly in the systematic manipulation of this high level aesthetic element of video.


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We present a new aspect of our ongoing research aimed at providing technology for the amateur home videographer. We aim to enable the production of quality video presentations that are well structured and use the expressive properties of the medium to full effect, regardless of the technical or artistic abilities of the user. This task requires that help be given to the user at or before capture time. We use a PDA platform to deliver 3d visualizations of shot directives, instructions to the user about the type of footage to capture, and discuss issues connected with realizing high-level representations in concrete first person animations. Additionally, we discuss the mechanism for mating that metadata with captured footage and implementation issues.


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In this paper we present an application designed to improve the quality of amateur video production. The majority of home movie material is negatively impacted by two factors: lack of narrative content- "what to shoot?", and the absence or inappropriate use of cinesthetic elements for effective reinforcement of content - "how to shoot?". We leverage the age-old communicative powers of Story to answer the what For the second problem, the how, we turn to the corpus of aesthetic principles that constitute the film profession, which impact both technical and cinematic considerations for a given project.


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In this paper we describe research aimed at enabling amateur video makers to improve both the technical quality and communicative capacity of their work. Motivated by the recognition that untold hours of home video are simply abandoned after capture, we have formulated the problem as one of defining the what and how of footage capture. We have implemented a framework that answers the first problem, the what, by means of the age-old communicative powers of Story; the second problem, the how, is addressed by means of well documented aesthetic principles that constitute the film profession, which impact both technical and cinematic considerations for a given project. We provide a brief overview of the process, beginning with the narrative template, embodying a chosen story, through the principal phases of generating a storyboard, directing, and editing, resulting in the finished product. We demonstrate the interplay of narrative, purpose for the production, and aesthetic agents, and their influence on the automatically generated storyboard with examples.


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This paper describes a novel interactive media authoring framework, MediaTE, that enables amateurs to create videos of higher narrative or aesthetic quality with a completely mobile lifecycle. A novel event bootstrapping dialog is used to derive shot suggestions that yield both targetted footage and annotation enabling an automatic Computational Media Aesthetics-aware editing phase, the manual performance of which is typically a barrier to the amateur. This facilitates a move away from requiring a prior-conception of the events or locale being filmed, in the form of a template, to at-capture bootstrapping of this information. Metadata gathered as part of the critical path of media creation also has implications for the longevity and reuse of captured media assets. Results of an evaluation performed on both the usability and delivered media aspects of the system are discussed, which highlight the tenability of the proposed framework and the quality of the produced media.


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This paper presents novel additions to our existing amateur media creation framework. The framework provides at-capture guidance to enable the home movie maker to realize their aesthetic and narrative goals and automation of post-production editing. A common problem with the amateur filming context is its contingent nature, which often results in the failure to gain footage vital to the user's goals, even with at-capture software embedding. Accordingly, we have modelled minimizing the difference between target and captured footage at a given time during filming as a probability distribution divergence problem. We apply two policies of feedback to the user on their performance, passive communication via a suggestion desirability measure, and active filtering of undesirable suggestions. We demonstrate the framework using each policy with a simulation of various user and filming situations with promising results.


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This chapter takes a look at the task of creating multimedia authoring tools for the amateur media creator, and the problems unique to the undertaking. It argues that a deep understanding of both the media creation process, together with insight into the precise nature of the relative strengths of computers and users, given the domain of application, is needed before this gap can be bridged by software technology. These issues are further demonstrated within the context of a novel media collection environment, including a real- world example of an occasion filmed in order to automatically create two movies of distinctly different styles. The authors hope that such tools will enable amateur videographers to produce technically polished and aesthetically effective media, regardless of their level of expertise.