984 resultados para Alveolar bone resorption


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INTRODUCTION A prerequisite for development of gingival recession is the presence of alveolar bone dehiscence. Proclination of mandibular incisors can result in thinning of the alveolus and dehiscence formation. OBJECTIVE To assess an association between proclination of mandibular incisor and development of gingival recession. METHODS One hundred and seventeen subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were selected: 1. age 11-14 years at start of orthodontic treatment (TS), 2. bonded retainer placed immediately after treatment (T0), 3. dental casts and lateral cephalograms available pre-treatment (TS), post-treatment (T0), and 5 years post-treatment (T5), and 4. post-treatment (T0) lower incisor inclination (Inc_Incl) <95° or >100.5°. Two groups were formed: non-proclined (N = 57; mean Inc_Incl = 90.8°) and proclined (N = 60; mean Inc_Incl = 105.2°). Clinical crown heights of mandibular incisors and the presence of gingival recession sites in this region were assessed on plaster models. Fisher's exact tests, t-tests, and regression models were computed for analysis of inter-group differences. RESULTS The mean increase of clinical crown heights (from T0 to T5) of mandibular incisors ranged from 0.75 to 0.83mm in the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively (P = 0.273). At T5, gingival recession sites were present in 12.3% and 11.7% patients from the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively. The difference was also not significant (P = 0.851). CONCLUSIONS The proclination of mandibular incisors did not increase a risk of development of gingival recession during five-year observation in comparison non-proclined teeth.


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Osteoclasts originate from the hematopoietic stem cell and share a differentiation pathway with the cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineages. Development and activation of osteoclasts, and as a consequence regulation of bone resorption, depend on two growth factors: macrophage colony-stimulating factor and receptor activator of NF-κB ligand. Furthermore, cell development and activity are modulated by a microenvironment composed of cytokines and growth factors and of the extracellular matrix. Membrane transporters are a means for cells to interact with their environment. Within this study, the expression of proteins regulating cellular iron homeostasis in osteoclast-like cells grown from bone marrow-derived progenitors was compared to the expression of this set of proteins by monocyte/macrophage lineage cells. In differentiating osteoclasts, levels of transcripts encoding transferrin receptor 1 and divalent metal transporter 1 (Slc11A2) were increased, while levels of transcripts encoding ferroportin (Slc40A1) and natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (Slc11A1) were decreased. Supplementation of the culture media with exogenous iron led to an increase in the proliferation of osteoclast progenitor cells and to the expression of a macrophage-like phenotype, while the development of osteoclasts was reduced. Upon transfer of mature OC onto a CaP substrate, iron depletion of the medium with the Fe(3+)-chelator Deferoxamine Mesylate decreased CaP dissolution by ~30 %, which could be restored by addition of exogenous iron. During the 24 h of the assay, no effects were observed on total TRAP activity. The data demonstrate transcriptional regulation of the components of cellular iron transporters during OC development and suggests that iron homeostasis may contribute to fine-tuning of the RANKL-induced OC development.


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En la mayoría de los casos de dientes anquilosados la opción de tratamiento aceptado ha sido la remoción quirúrgica, la cual es frecuentemente acompañada por la rotura traumática del hueso alveolar, particularmente en los casos de la presencia de una delgada tabla vestibular del maxilar. Como en la mayoría de los casos de trauma dental y reimplantación dentaria con la subsiguiente anquilosis se involucran zonas anteriores del maxilar, tales extracciones traumáticas de los dientes anquilosados pueden llevar a deformaciones estéticas de la cresta osea, las que podrían interferir en un óptimo tratamiento protético.


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The high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDT in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica) in the Baltic Sea have been associated with pathological disruptions, including bone lesions and reproductive failures. The underlying environmental and toxicological mechanisms leading to these pathological changes are not yet fully understood. The present study investigated the relationship between the individual contaminant load and bone- and thyroid-related effects in adult gray seals (n = 30) and ringed seals (n = 46) in the highly contaminated Baltic Sea and in reference areas (Sable Island, Canada, and Svalbard, Norway). In the gray seals, multivariate and correlation analyses revealed a clear relationship between circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D), calcium, phosphate, and thyroid hormone (TH) levels and hepatic PCB and DDT load, which suggests contaminant-mediated disruption of the bone and thyroid homeostasis. Contaminants may depress 1,25(OH)2D levels or lead to hyperthyroidism, which may cause bone resorption. In the ringed seals, associations between circulating 1,25(OH)2D, THs, and hepatic contaminants were less prominent. These results suggest that bone lesions observed in the Baltic gray seals may be associated with contaminant-mediated vitamin D and thyroid disruption.


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To isolate genes involved in morphogenic aspects of testis development, and which may act in cell signaling pathways downstream of the testis-determining gene Sry, we have developed a modified mRNA differential display method named signal peptide differential display. It was used to target those genes that encode proteins having a signal peptide sequence. By using this method, we isolated a gene named testatin. This gene was found to be related to a group of genes that encodes cysteine protease inhibitors known as cystatins. Cystatins and their target proteases have been associated with tumor formation and metastasis, but also are involved in natural tissue remodeling events such as bone resorption and embryo implantation. We show that testatin expression is restricted to fetal gonads and adult testis. Furthermore, testatin is expressed during testis cord formation in pre-Sertoli cells, believed to be the site of Sry action, at a time immediately after the peak of Sry expression. This finding suggests that testatin might be activated by transcription factors that are known to orchestrate the early testis development pathway. This gene therefore represents one of the putative downstream targets likely to have an essential role in tissue reorganization during early testis development.


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IL-4 is a pleiotropic immune cytokine secreted by activated TH2 cells that inhibits bone resorption both in vitro and in vivo. The cellular targets of IL-4 action as well as its intracellular mechanism of action remain to be determined. We show here that IL-4 inhibits receptor activator of NF-κB ligand-induced osteoclast differentiation through an action on osteoclast precursors that is independent of stromal cells. Interestingly, this inhibitory effect can be mimicked by both natural as well as synthetic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1 (PPARγ1) ligands and can be blocked by the irreversible PPARγ antagonist GW 9662. These findings suggest that the actions of IL-4 on osteoclast differentiation are mediated by PPARγ1, an interpretation strengthened by the observation that IL-4 can activate a PPARγ1-sensitive luciferase reporter gene in RAW264.7 cells. We also show that inhibitors of enzymes such as 12/15-lipoxygenase and the cyclooxygenases that produce known PPARγ1 ligands do not abrogate the IL-4 effect. These findings, together with the observation that bone marrow cells from 12/15-lipoxygenase-deficient mice retain sensitivity to IL-4, suggest that the cytokine may induce novel PPARγ1 ligands. Our results reveal that PPARγ1 plays an important role in the suppression of osteoclast formation by IL-4 and may explain the beneficial effects of the thiazolidinedione class of PPARγ1 ligands on bone loss in diabetic patients.


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Alendronate (ALN), an aminobisphosphonate used in the treatment of osteoporosis, is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption. Its molecular target is still unknown. This study examines the effects of ALN on the activity of osteoclast protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP; protein-tyrosine-phosphate phosphohydrolase, EC, called PTPepsilon. Using osteoclast-like cells generated by coculturing mouse bone marrow cells with mouse calvaria osteoblasts, we found by molecular cloning and RNA blot hybridization that PTPepsilon is highly expressed in osteoclastic cells. A purified fusion protein of PTPepsilon expressed in bacteria was inhibited by ALN with an IC50 of 2 microM. Other PTP inhibitors--orthovanadate and phenylarsine oxide (PAO)-inhibited PTPepsilon with IC50 values of 0.3 microM and 18 microM, respectively. ALN and another bisphosphonate, etidronate, also inhibited the activities of other bacterially expressed PTPs such as PTPsigma and CD45 (also called leukocyte common antigen). The PTP inhibitors ALN, orthovanadate, and PAO suppressed in vitro formation of multinucleated osteoclasts from osteoclast precursors and in vitro bone resorption by isolated rat osteoclasts (pit formation) with estimated IC50 values of 10 microM, 3 microM, and 0.05 microM, respectively. These findings suggest that tyrosine phosphatase activity plays an important role in osteoclast formation and function and is a putative molecular target of bisphosphonate action.


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A doença periodontal (DP) corresponde a um grupo de doenças inflamatórias que acomete as estruturas periodontais de proteção e de suporte e pode levar à perda dentária. A etiologia está relacionada à placa dentobacteriana que leva à produção de grande quantidade de citocinas pró-inflamatórias importantes na destruição tecidual. A angiotensina (Ang) II também pode contribuir para a inflamação e destruição tecidual no periodonto agindo como mediador chave. A utilização de drogas que atuem na cascata do sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) poderia interferir no estado de saúde ou inflamação do tecido mole, na perda óssea alveolar e na expressão gênica dos componentes do SRA e mediadores inflamatórios. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se o ramipril, um inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA), altera a progressão da DP induzida experimentalmente em ratos. Foi utilizado o modelo de indução da DP por colocação de ligadura ao redor do primeiro molar inferior direito de ratos. Os grupos com 10 animais cada, foram divididos em tratados com ramipril (via gavagem 10 mg/kg/dia) ou água (veículo) durante 14 e 21 dias e o grupo Sham submetido à indução fictícia da DP. Outros quatro grupos foram submetidos ao pré-tratamento com ramipril durante os períodos de 7 e 14 dias e após a indução da DP e tratados por 14 ou 21 dias. As metodologias de avaliação foram: extração de RNA total, transcrição reversa seguida de reação em cadeia da polimerase quantitativa (RTqPCR), análises histológica e da perda óssea alveolar. Os dados foram analisados por meio de gráficos e os resultados foram submetidos à análise unidirecional de variância (ANOVA) e representaram médias e respectivos desvios-padrão. Diferenças entre os grupos foram consideradas estatisticamente significativas quando p < 0,05. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o ramipril foi capaz de reduzir a progressão da perda óssea no grupo tratado por 21 dias (DP-21d-Rami), entretanto houve aumento do processo inflamatório, além de alteração da expressão de RNAm de ECA-2 e do receptor Mas, alguns mediadores do processo inflamatório, como COX2 e VEGF, e os receptores VEGF-R1 e VEGF-R2.


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The c-fms gene encodes the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1). The gene is expressed selectively in the macrophage and trophoblast cell lineages. Previous studies have indicated that sequences in intron 2 control transcript elongation in tissue-specific and regulated expression of c-fms. In humans, an alternative promoter was implicated in expression of the gene in trophoblasts. We show that in mice, c-fms transcripts in trophoblasts initiate from multiple points within the 2-kilobase (kb) region flanking the first coding exon. A reporter gene construct containing 3.5 kb of 5' flanking sequence and the down-stream intron 2 directed expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) to both trophoblasts and macrophages. EGFP was detected in trophoblasts from the earliest stage of implantation examined at embryonic day 7.5. During embryonic development, EGFP highlighted the large numbers of c-fms-positive macrophages, including those that originate from the yolk sac. In adult mice, EGFP location Was consistent with known F4/80-positive macrophage populations, including Langerhans cells of the skin, and permitted convenient sorting of isolated tissue macrophages from disaggregated tissue. Expression of EGFP in transgenic mice was dependent on intron 2 as no lines with detectable EGFP expression were obtained where either all of intron 2 or a conserved enhancer element FIRE (the Fms intronic regulatory element) was removed. We have therefore defined the elements required to generate myeloid- and trophoblast-specific transgenes as well as a model system for the study of mononuclear phagocyte development and function. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Purple acid phosphatases are metal-containing hydrolases. While their precise biological role(s) is unknown, the mammalian enzyme has been linked in a variety of biological circumstances (e.g., osteoporosis) with increased bone resorption. Inhibition of the human enzyme is a possible strategy for the treatment of bone-resorptive diseases such as osteoporosis. Previously, we determined the crystal structure of pig purple acid phosphatase to 1.55 Angstrom and we showed that it is a good model for the human enzyme. Here, a study of the pH dependence of its kinetic parameters showed that the pig enzyme is most efficient at pH values similar to those encountered in the osteoclast resorptive space. Based on the observation that phosphotyrosine-containing peptides are good substrates for pig purple acid phosphatase, peptides containing a range of phosphotyrosine mimetics were synthesized. Kinetic analysis showed that they act as potent inhibitors of mammalian and plant purple acid phosphatases, with the best inhibitors exhibiting low micromolar inhibition constants at pH 3-5. These compounds are thus the most potent organic inhibitors yet reported for the purple acid phosphatases. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Introduction: Apoptosis and differentiation are among the consequences of changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels. In this study, we investigated the effects of the endoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor, thapsigargin (TG), on osteoclast apoptosis and differentiation. Materials and Methods: Both RAW264.7 cells and primary spleen cells were used to examine the effect of TG on RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis. To determine the action of TG on signaling pathways, we used reporter gene assays for NF-kappa B and activator protein-1 (AP-1) activity, Western blotting for phosphoextracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), and fluorescent probes to measure changes in levels of intracellular calcium and reactive oxygen species (ROS). To assess rates of apoptosis, we measured changes in annexin staining, caspase-3 activity, and chromatin and F-actin microfilament structure. Results: At concentrations that caused a rapid rise in intracellular Ca2+, TG increased caspase-3 activity and promoted apoptosis in osteoclast-like cells (OLCs). Low concentrations of TG, which were insufficient to measurably alter intracellular Ca2+, unexpectedly suppressed caspase-3 activity and enhanced RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis. At these lower concentrations, TG potentiated ROS production and RANKL-induced NF-kappa B activity, but suppressed RANKL-induced AP-1 activity and had little effect on ERK phosphorylation. Conclusion: Our novel findings of a biphasic effect of TG are incompletely explained by our current understanding of TG action, but raise the possibility that low intensity or local changes in subcellular Ca2+ levels may regulate intracellular differentiation signaling. The extent of cross-talk between Ca2+ and RANKL-mediated intracellular signaling pathways might be important in determining whether cells undergo apoptosis or differentiate into OLCs.


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Periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) appear to share many pathologic features. In this review, the common pathologic mechanisms of these two common chronic conditions are explored. Emerging evidence now suggests a strong relationship between the extent and severity of periodontal disease and RA. While this relationship is unlikely to be causal, it is clear that individuals with advanced RA are more likely to experience more significant periodontal problems compared to their non-RA counterparts, and vice versa. A case is made that these two diseases could be very closely related through common underlying dysfunction of fundamental inflammatory mechanisms. The nature of such dysfunction is still unknown. Nonetheless, there is accruing evidence to support the notion that both conditions manifest as a result of an imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. As a result, new treatment strategies are expected to emerge for both diseases that may target the inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines and destructive proteases. The clinical implications of the current data dictate that patients with RA should be carefully screened for their periodontal status.


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The ability to identify and manipulate stem cells has been a significant advancement in regenerative medicine and has contributed to the development of tissue engineering-based clinical therapies. Difficulties associated with achieving predictable periodontal regeneration, means that novel techniques such as tissue engineering need to be developed in order to regenerate the extensive soft and hard tissue destruction that results from periodontitis. One of the critical requirements for a tissue engineering approach is the delivery of ex vivo expanded progenitor populations or the mobilization of endogenous progenitor cells capable of proliferating and differentiating into the required tissues. By definition, stem cells fulfill these requirements and the recent identification of stem cells within the periodontal ligament represents a significant development in the progress toward predictable periodontal regeneration. In order to explore the importance of stem cells in periodontal wound healing and regeneration, this review will examine contemporary concepts in stem cell biology, the role of periodontal ligament progenitor cells in the regenerative process, recent developments in identifying periodontal stem cells and the clinical implications of these findings.


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Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in extensive soft and hard tissue destruction of the periodontium. Porphyromonas gingivalis possesses an array of virulence factors and has been shown to induce expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in inflammatory cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eliminating iNOS in a murine model of P. gingivalis infection. This was achieved by utilizing a P. gingivalis-induced skin abscess model, and an alveolar bone loss model employing an oral infection of P. gingivalis in iNOS knockout mice. The results indicated that iNOS knockout mice exhibit more extensive soft tissue damage and alveolar bone loss in response to P. gingivalis infection compared to wild-type mice. The local immune response to P. gingivalis in iNOS knockout mice was characterized by increased numbers of polymorphonuclear monocytes, while the systemic immune response was characterized by high levels of interleukin-12. The iNOS is required for an appropriate response to P. gingivalis infection.


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Purple acid phosphatases are a family of binuclear metallohydrolases that have been identified in plants, animals and fungi. Only one isoform of similar to 35 kDa has been isolated from animals, where it is associated with bone resorption and microbial killing through its phosphatase activity, and hydroxyl radical production, respectively. Using the sensitive PSI-BLAST search method, sequences representing new purple acid phosphatase-like proteins have been identified in mammals, insects and nematodes. These new putative isoforms are closely related to the similar to 55 kDa purple acid phosphatase characterized from plants. Secondary structure prediction of the new human isoform further confirms its similarity to a purple acid phosphatase from the red kidney bean. A structural model for the human enzyme was constructed based on the red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase structure. This model shows that the catalytic centre observed in other purple acid phosphatases is also present in this new isoform. These observations suggest that the sequences identified in this study represent a novel subfamily of plant-like purple acid phosphatases in animals and humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.