954 resultados para Al-Zn-Mg
Una investigación sobre la mejora de la contaminación del aire (CA) por medio de arbolado urbano se realizó en Madrid, una ciudad con casi 4 M de habitantes, 2,8 M de vehículos y casi 3 M de árboles de mantenimiento público. La mayoría de los árboles estaban en dos bosques periurbanos. Los 650.000 restantes era pies de alineación y parques. Los taxones estudiados fueron Platanus orientalis (97.205 árboles), Ulmus sp. (70.557), Pinus pinea (49.038), Aesculus hippocastanum (22.266), Cedrus sp. (13.678) y Quercus ilex (1.650), de calles y parques. Muestras foliares se analizaron en diferentes épocas del año, así como datos de contaminación por PM10 de 28 estaciones de medición de la contaminación durante 30 años, y también la intensidad del tráfico (IMD) en 2.660 calles. La acumulación de metales pesados (MP) sobre hojas y dentro de estas se estimó en relación con la CA y del suelo y la IMD del tráfico. La concentración media de Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb y Zn en suelo (materia seca) alcanzó: 489,5, 0,7, 49,4, 60,9, 460,9, 12,8, 155,9 y 190,3 mg kg-1 respectivamente. Los árboles urbanos, particularmente coníferas (debido a la mayor CA en invierno) contribuyen significativamente a mejorar la CA sobre todo en calles con alta IMD. La capacidad de las seis sp. para capturar partículas de polvo en su superficies foliares está relacionada con la IMD del tráfico y se estimó en 16,8 kg/año de MP tóxicos. Pb y Zn resultaron ser buenos marcadores antrópicos en la ciudad en relación con el tráfico, que fue la principal fuente de contaminación en los árboles y suelos de Madrid. Las especies de árboles variaron en función de su capacidad para capturar partículas (dependiendo de las propiedades de sus superficies foliares) y acumular los MP absorbidos de los suelos. Las concentraciones foliares de Pb y Zn estuvieron por encima de los límites establecidos en diferentes sitios de la ciudad. La microlocalización de Zn mediante microscópico mostró la translocación al xilema y floema. Se detectaron puntos de contaminación puntual de Cu and Cr en antiguos polígonos industriales y la distribución espacial de los MP en los suelos de Madrid mostró que en incluso en zonas interiores del El Retiro había ciertos niveles elevados de [Pb] en suelo, tal vez por el emplazamiento la Real Fábrica de Porcelana en la misma zona hace 200 años. Distintas áreas del centro de la ciudad también alcanzaron niveles altos de [Pb] en suelo. Según los resultados, el empleo de una combinación de Pinus pinea con un estrato intermedio de Ulmus sp. y Cedrus sp. puede ser la mejor recomendación como filtro verde eficiente. El efecto del ozono (O3) sobre el arbolado en Madrid fue también objeto de este estudio. A pesar de la reducción de precursores aplicada en muchos países industrializados, O3 sigue siendo la principal causa de CA en el hemisferio norte, con el aumento de [O3] de fondo. Las mayores [O3] se alcanzaron en regiones mediterráneas, donde el efecto sobre la vegetación natural es compensado por el xeromorfismo y la baja conductancia estomática en respuesta los episodios de sequía estival característicos de este clima. Durante una campaña de monitoreo, se identificaron daños abióticos en hojas de encina parecidos a los de O3 que estaban plantadas en una franja de césped con riego del centro de Madrid. Dada la poca evidencia disponible de los síntomas de O3 en frondosas perennifolias, se hizo un estudio que trató de 1) confirman el diagnóstico de daño de O3, 2) investigar el grado de los síntomas en encinas y 3) analizar los factores ambientales que contribuyeron a los daños por O3, en particular en lo relacionado con el riego. Se analizaron los marcadores macro y micromorfológicos de estrés por O3, utilizando las mencionadas encinas a modo de parcela experimental. Los síntomas consistieron en punteado intercostal del haz, que aumentó con la edad. Además de un punteado subyacente, donde las células superiores del mesófilo mostraron reacciones características de daños por O3. Las células próximas a las zonas dañadas, presentaron marcadores adicionales de estrés oxidativo. Estos marcadores morfológicos y micromorfológicos de estrés por O3 fueron similares a otras frondosas caducifolias con daños por O3. Sin embargo, en nuestro caso el punteado fue evidente con AOT40 de 21 ppm•h, asociada a riego. Análisis posteriores mostraron que los árboles con riego aumentaron su conductancia estomática, con aumento de senescencia, manteniéndose sin cambios sus características xeromórficas foliares. Estos hallazgos ponen de relieve el papel primordial de la disponibilidad de agua frente a las características xeromórficas a la hora de manifestarse los síntomas en las células por daños de O3 en encina. ABSTRACT Research about air pollution mitigation by urban trees was conducted in Madrid (Spain), a southern European city with almost 4 M inhabitants, 2.8 M daily vehicles and 3 M trees under public maintenance. Most trees were located in two urban forests, while 650'000 trees along urban streets and in parks. The urban taxa included Platanus orientalis (97'205 trees), Ulmus sp. (70’557), Pinus pinea (49'038), Aesculus hippocastanum (22’266), Cedrus sp. (13'678 and Quercus ilex (1'650) along streets and parks. Leave samples were analysed sequentially in different seasons, PM10 data from 28 air monitoring stations during 30 years and traffic density estimated from 2’660 streets. Heavy metal (HM) accumulation on the leaf surface and within leaves was estimated per tree related to air and soil pollution, and traffic intensity. Mean concentration of Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in topsoil samples (dry mass) amounted in Madrid: 489.5, 0.7, 49.4, 60.9, 460.9, 12.8, 155.9 and 190.3 mg kg-1 respectively. Urban trees, particularly conifers (due to higher pollution in winter) contributed significantly to alleviate air pollution especially near to high ADT roads. The capacity of the six urban street trees species to capture air-born dust on the foliage surface as related to traffic intensity was estimated to 16.8 kg of noxious metals from exhausts per year. Pb and Zn pointed to be tracers of anthropic activity in the city with vehicle traffic as the main source of diffuse pollution on trees and soils. Tree species differed by their capacity to capture air-borne dust (by different leaf surface properties) and to allocate HM from soils. Pb and Zn concentrations in the foliage were above limits in different urban sites and microscopic Zn revelation showed translocation in xylem and phloem tissue. Punctual contamination in soils by Cu and Cr was identified in former industrial areas and spatial trace element mapping showed for central Retiro Park certain high values of [Pb] in soils even related to a Royal pottery 200 years ago. Different areas in the city centre also reached high levels [Pb] in soils. According to the results, a combination of Pinus pinea with understorey Ulmus sp. and Cedrus sp. layers can be recommended for the best air filter efficiency. The effects of ozone (O3) on trees in different areas of Madrid were also part of this study. Despite abatement programs of precursors implemented in many industrialized countries, ozone remained the main air pollutant throughout the northern hemisphere with background [O3] increasing. Some of the highest ozone concentrations were measured in regions with a Mediterranean climate but the effect on the natural vegetation is alleviated by low stomatal uptake and frequent leaf xeromorphy in response to summer drought episodes characteristic of this climate. During a bioindication survey, abiotic O3-like injury was identified in foliage. Trees were growing on an irrigated lawn strip in the centre of Madrid. Given the little structural evidence available for O3 symptoms in broadleaved evergreen species, a study was undertaken in 2007 with the following objectives 1) confirm the diagnosis, 2) investigate the extent of symptoms in holm oaks growing in Madrid and 3) analyse the environmental factors contributing to O3 injury, particularly, the site water supply. Therefore, macro- and micromorphological markers of O3 stress were analysed, using the aforementioned lawn strip as an intensive study site. Symptoms consisted of adaxial and intercostal stippling increasing with leaf age. Underlying stippling, cells in the upper mesophyll showed HR-like reactions typical of ozone stress. The surrounding cells showed further oxidative stress markers. These morphological and micromorphological markers of ozone stress were similar to those recorded in deciduous broadleaved species. However, stippling became obvious already at an AOT40 of 21 ppm•h and was primarily found at irrigated sites. Subsequent analyses showed that irrigated trees had their stomatal conductance increased and leaf life-span reduced whereas their leaf xeromorphy remained unchanged. These findings suggest a central role of water availability versus leaf xeromorphy for ozone symptom expression by cell injury in holm oak.
Dentro de los materiales estructurales, el magnesio y sus aleaciones están siendo el foco de una de profunda investigación. Esta investigación está dirigida a comprender la relación existente entre la microestructura de las aleaciones de Mg y su comportamiento mecánico. El objetivo es optimizar las aleaciones actuales de magnesio a partir de su microestructura y diseñar nuevas aleaciones. Sin embargo, el efecto de los factores microestructurales (como la forma, el tamaño, la orientación de los precipitados y la morfología de los granos) en el comportamiento mecánico de estas aleaciones está todavía por descubrir. Para conocer mejor de la relación entre la microestructura y el comportamiento mecánico, es necesaria la combinación de técnicas avanzadas de caracterización experimental como de simulación numérica, a diferentes longitudes de escala. En lo que respecta a las técnicas de simulación numérica, la homogeneización policristalina es una herramienta muy útil para predecir la respuesta macroscópica a partir de la microestructura de un policristal (caracterizada por el tamaño, la forma y la distribución de orientaciones de los granos) y el comportamiento del monocristal. La descripción de la microestructura se lleva a cabo mediante modernas técnicas de caracterización (difracción de rayos X, difracción de electrones retrodispersados, así como con microscopia óptica y electrónica). Sin embargo, el comportamiento del cristal sigue siendo difícil de medir, especialmente en aleaciones de Mg, donde es muy complicado conocer el valor de los parámetros que controlan el comportamiento mecánico de los diferentes modos de deslizamiento y maclado. En la presente tesis se ha desarrollado una estrategia de homogeneización computacional para predecir el comportamiento de aleaciones de magnesio. El comportamiento de los policristales ha sido obtenido mediante la simulación por elementos finitos de un volumen representativo (RVE) de la microestructura, considerando la distribución real de formas y orientaciones de los granos. El comportamiento del cristal se ha simulado mediante un modelo de plasticidad cristalina que tiene en cuenta los diferentes mecanismos físicos de deformación, como el deslizamiento y el maclado. Finalmente, la obtención de los parámetros que controlan el comportamiento del cristal (tensiones críticas resueltas (CRSS) así como las tasas de endurecimiento para todos los modos de maclado y deslizamiento) se ha resuelto mediante la implementación de una metodología de optimización inversa, una de las principales aportaciones originales de este trabajo. La metodología inversa pretende, por medio del algoritmo de optimización de Levenberg-Marquardt, obtener el conjunto de parámetros que definen el comportamiento del monocristal y que mejor ajustan a un conjunto de ensayos macroscópicos independientes. Además de la implementación de la técnica, se han estudiado tanto la objetividad del metodología como la unicidad de la solución en función de la información experimental. La estrategia de optimización inversa se usó inicialmente para obtener el comportamiento cristalino de la aleación AZ31 de Mg, obtenida por laminado. Esta aleación tiene una marcada textura basal y una gran anisotropía plástica. El comportamiento de cada grano incluyó cuatro mecanismos de deformación diferentes: deslizamiento en los planos basal, prismático, piramidal hc+ai, junto con el maclado en tracción. La validez de los parámetros resultantes se validó mediante la capacidad del modelo policristalino para predecir ensayos macroscópicos independientes en diferentes direcciones. En segundo lugar se estudió mediante la misma estrategia, la influencia del contenido de Neodimio (Nd) en las propiedades de una aleación de Mg-Mn-Nd, obtenida por extrusión. Se encontró que la adición de Nd produce una progresiva isotropización del comportamiento macroscópico. El modelo mostró que este incremento de la isotropía macroscópica era debido tanto a la aleatoriedad de la textura inicial como al incremento de la isotropía del comportamiento del cristal, con valores similares de las CRSSs de los diferentes modos de deformación. Finalmente, el modelo se empleó para analizar el efecto de la temperatura en el comportamiento del cristal de la aleación de Mg-Mn-Nd. La introducción en el modelo de los efectos non-Schmid sobre el modo de deslizamiento piramidal hc+ai permitió capturar el comportamiento mecánico a temperaturas superiores a 150_C. Esta es la primera vez, de acuerdo con el conocimiento del autor, que los efectos non-Schmid han sido observados en una aleación de Magnesio. The study of Magnesium and its alloys is a hot research topic in structural materials. In particular, special attention is being paid in understanding the relationship between microstructure and mechanical behavior in order to optimize the current alloy microstructures and guide the design of new alloys. However, the particular effect of several microstructural factors (precipitate shape, size and orientation, grain morphology distribution, etc.) in the mechanical performance of a Mg alloy is still under study. The combination of advanced characterization techniques and modeling at several length scales is necessary to improve the understanding of the relation microstructure and mechanical behavior. Respect to the simulation techniques, polycrystalline homogenization is a very useful tool to predict the macroscopic response from polycrystalline microstructure (grain size, shape and orientation distributions) and crystal behavior. The microstructure description is fully covered with modern characterization techniques (X-ray diffraction, EBSD, optical and electronic microscopy). However, the mechanical behaviour of single crystals is not well-known, especially in Mg alloys where the correct parameterization of the mechanical behavior of the different slip/twin modes is a very difficult task. A computational homogenization framework for predicting the behavior of Magnesium alloys has been developed in this thesis. The polycrystalline behavior was obtained by means of the finite element simulation of a representative volume element (RVE) of the microstructure including the actual grain shape and orientation distributions. The crystal behavior for the grains was accounted for a crystal plasticity model which took into account the physical deformation mechanisms, e.g. slip and twinning. Finally, the problem of the parametrization of the crystal behavior (critical resolved shear stresses (CRSS) and strain hardening rates of all the slip and twinning modes) was obtained by the development of an inverse optimization methodology, one of the main original contributions of this thesis. The inverse methodology aims at finding, by means of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm, the set of parameters defining crystal behavior that best fit a set of independent macroscopic tests. The objectivity of the method and the uniqueness of solution as function of the input information has been numerically studied. The inverse optimization strategy was first used to obtain the crystal behavior of a rolled polycrystalline AZ31 Mg alloy that showed a marked basal texture and a strong plastic anisotropy. Four different deformation mechanisms: basal, prismatic and pyramidal hc+ai slip, together with tensile twinning were included to characterize the single crystal behavior. The validity of the resulting parameters was proved by the ability of the polycrystalline model to predict independent macroscopic tests on different directions. Secondly, the influence of Neodymium (Nd) content on an extruded polycrystalline Mg-Mn-Nd alloy was studied using the same homogenization and optimization framework. The effect of Nd addition was a progressive isotropization of the macroscopic behavior. The model showed that this increase in the macroscopic isotropy was due to a randomization of the initial texture and also to an increase of the crystal behavior isotropy (similar values of the CRSSs of the different modes). Finally, the model was used to analyze the effect of temperature on the crystal behaviour of a Mg-Mn-Nd alloy. The introduction in the model of non-Schmid effects on the pyramidal hc+ai slip allowed to capture the inverse strength differential that appeared, between the tension and compression, above 150_C. This is the first time, to the author's knowledge, that non-Schmid effects have been reported for Mg alloys.
En este trabajo doctoral se evaluó la bioaccesibilidad in vitro para As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb y Zn (en la fracción menor de 100μm) por tres procedimientos distintos en 32 muestras de suelo superficial, recogidas en 16 parques infantiles de la ciudad de Madrid.. Dos de los métodos de extracción (SBET y extracción con HCl a pH=1.5) reproducen únicamente la fase gástrica, mientras que otro (RIVM) tiene en cuenta un proceso completo de digestión (gástrico+intestinal). La bioaccesibilidad (%) se definió frente a las concentraciones pseudototales de los elementos traza estudiados (agua regia), utilizando un modelo de regresión lineal pasando por el origen. Los dos métodos gástricos ofrecieron resultados similares y consistentes con datos de otros estudios, siendo el orden de bioaccesibilidad As ≈ Cu ≈ Pb ≈ Zn > Co > Ni > Cr, con rangos entre el 63 y el 7%. Para el procedimiento RIVM (gástrico + intestinal) se obtuvieron valores de un orden similar a los obtenidos en fase gástrica para los elementos As, Cu, Pb y Zn (muy similares para el Zn, algo superiores para Cu y Pb, y algo inferiores para As). Por el contrario, la bioaccesibilidad de Co y Cu es, en este caso, muy superior a la resultante de los ensayos en fase gástrica. El orden de bioaccesibilidad es Co ≈ Cu ≈ Pb > As ≈ Cr ≈ Zn, con rangos entre el 42 y el 69%. Los resultados de los tres procedimientos evaluados correlacionan muy intensamente para los elementos traza As, Cu, Pb y Zn, existiendo intensas correlaciones entre casi todos los elementos estudiados para las dos fases gástricas, no siendo así en el ensayo de digestión completa. Se estudiaron algunas propiedades físico-químicas de los suelos muestreados, así como su composición en algunos elementos mayoritarios con el objeto de evaluar su influencia sobre la bioaccesibilidad. Se observa una dependencia de la bioaccesibilidad (%) de distintos elementos respecto a algunas propiedades de los suelos estudiados, tales como: contenido en Fe, Ca (carbonatos) y P, materia orgánica y pH. El contenido en Fe resulta ser muy relevante en cuanto a la bioaccesibilidad obtenida. En todos los casos correlaciona negativamente con el porcentaje de bioaccesibilidad siendo más significativo este fenómeno en el caso de las extracciones en fase gástrica. Se sugiere que dada la baja solubilización de los óxidos de hierro en los medios extractantes empleados hay una fuerte adsorción de complejos aniónicos (metal-anión cloruro) sobre la superficie de estos óxidos de Fe, con la consiguientes disminución de la bioaccesibilidad. En cuanto al contenido en calcio (carbonatos) este dato parece muy relevante si nos referimos a la bioaccesibilidad del As. Efectivamente el As aparece ligado al Ca del suelo y su solubilización en medios ácidos implicaría un aumento de la bioaccesibilidad del As, mientras que su precipitación al pasar a pH básico (fase intestinal) provocaría una disminución de la bioaccesibilidad. La materia orgánica sólo se ha demostrado relevante respecto a los contenidos pseudototales para el Zn. Para el porcentaje de bioaccesibilidad es significativo para muchos elementos en los ensayos en fase gástrica. La influencia del pH de los suelos estudiados sólo parece ser muy significativo en el caso del Cr. Los valores altamente homogéneos del pH de los suelos estudiados sin duda hacen que este parámetro no resulte significativo para más elementos, tal como se desprende de estudios anteriores. ABSTRACT A total of 32 samples of superficial soil were collected from 16 playground areas in Madrid. The in vitro bioaccessibility of As, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn (fraction below 100μm) was evaluated by means of three extraction processes. Two of them (SBET and HCl-extraction, pH=1.5) simulate the gastric enviroment, while the other one (RIVM) reproduces a gastric+intestinal digestion sequence. Bioaccessibility (%) was compared against pseudo-total concentrations of trace elements studied (aqua regia) with a linear regression model (forced to intercept the origin) Both gastric methods offered very similar and consistent results with data from other studies, with bioaccessibilities following the order: As ≈ Cu ≈ Pb ≈ Zn > Co > Ni > Cr, and ranging from 63% to 7% The values obtained through RIVM (gastric+ intestinal) method are similar to those obtained in gastric environment for elements: As, Cu, Pb and Zn (very similar to Zn, to a higher extent Cu and Pb, and to a lower extent As). On the contrary the bioaccessibility obtained for elements Co and Cu is considerable higher than in gastric environment sequence. Bioaccessibilities follows the order Co ≈ Cu ≈ Pb >As ≈ Cr ≈ Zn, ranging between 42 and 69%. The three procedures used correlate very intensively to trace elements As,Cu, Pb and Zn, existing strong correlations between almost all elements studied for the two gastric environment, not in the case of the complete digestion sequence. Some soil physical – chemical properties selected were studied, as well as their composition in some main elements in order to assess their influence on bioaccessibility. A dependence was observed between different elements bioaccesibility (%) and some soil properties, such as: Fe, Ca (carbonate) content and P, organic matter and pH. Fe content becomes very relevant regarding the bioaccessibility obtained. In all cases it correlated negatively with bioaccessibility percentage being more significant this phenomenon in gastric environment extractions. It is suggested that given the low solubility of iron oxide in the extractant media used there has to be a strong adsorption of anionic complexes (metal – chloride anion) on these Fe oxides surface, with a consequent decrease of bioaccessibility. Regarding calcium (carbonate) content this data seems very relevant referred to As bioaccessibility. Indeed, As appears to be bound to soil Ca and its solubilisation in acid media would increase As bioaccessibility, while its precipitation at basic pH (intestinal environment) would cause a reduction in bioaccessibility. The influence of organic matter only seemed significant for Zn “total” content, while it is significant in terms of gastric bioaccessibility for many elements. Soil pH only seems to be very significant in case of Cr. The highly homogeneous values for soil pH makes the influence of this parameter negligible for the other elements, unlike what has been observed in several previous studies.
Este trabalho apresenta resultados geoquímicos multielementares de sedimentos de corrente no estado de São Paulo, obtidos através do projeto institucional do Serviço Geológico do Brasil denominado \"Levantamento Geoquímico de Baixa Densidade no Brasil\". Dados analíticos de 1422 amostras de sedimento de corrente obtidos por ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), para 32 elementos químicos (Al, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zn e Zr), foram processadas e abordadas através da análise estatística uni e multivariada. Os resultados do tratamento dos dados através de técnicas estatísticas univariadas forneceram os valores de background geoquímico (teor de fundo) dos 32 elementos para todo estado de São Paulo. A análise georreferenciada das distribuições geoquímicas unielementares evidenciaram a compartimentação geológica da área. As duas principais províncias geológicas do estado de São Paulo, Bacia do Paraná e Complexo Cristalino, se destacam claramente na maioria das distribuições geoquímicas. Unidades geológicas de maior expressão, como a Formação Serra Geral e o Grupo Bauru também foram claramente destacadas. Outras feições geoquímicas indicaram possíveis áreas contaminadas e unidades geológicas não cartografadas. Os resultados da aplicação de métodos estatísticos multivariados aos dados geoquímicos com 24 variáveis (Al, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, La, Mn, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sc, Sr, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zn e Zr) permitiram definir as principais assinaturas e associações geoquímicas existentes em todo estado de São Paulo e correlacioná-las aos principais domínios litológicos. A análise de agrupamentos em modo Q forneceu oito grupos de amostras geoquimicamente correlacionáveis, que georreferenciadas reproduziram os principais compartimentos geológicos do estado: Complexo Cristalino, Grupos Itararé e Passa Dois, Formação Serra Geral e Grupos Bauru e Caiuá. A análise discriminante multigrupos comprovou, estatisticamente, a classificação dos grupos formados pela análise de agrupamentos e forneceu as principais variáveis discriminantes: Fe, Co, Sc, V e Cu. A análise de componentes principais, abordada em conjunto com a análise fatorial pelo método de rotação varimax, forneceram os principais fatores multivariados e suas respectivas associações elementares. O georreferenciamento dos valores de escores fatoriais multivariados delimitaram as áreas onde as associações elementares ocorrem e forneceram mapas multivariados para todo o estado. Por fim, conclui-se que os métodos estatísticos aplicados são indispensáveis no tratamento, apresentação e interpretação de dados geoquímicos. Ademais, com base em uma visão integrada dos resultados obtidos, este trabalho recomenda: (1) a execução dos levantamentos geoquímicos de baixa densidade em todo país em caráter de prioridade, pois são altamente eficazes na definição de backgrounds regionais e delimitação de províncias geoquímicas com interesse metalogenético e ambiental; (2) a execução do mapeamento geológico contínuo em escala adequada (maiores que 1:100.000) em áreas que apontam para possíveis existências de unidades não cartografadas nos mapas geológicos atuais.
A microwave-based thermal nebulizer (MWTN) has been employed for the first time as on-line preconcentration device in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). By the appropriate selection of the experimental conditions, the MWTN could be either operated as a conventional thermal nebulizer or as on-line analyte preconcentration and nebulization device. Thus, when operating at microwave power values above 100 W and highly concentrated alcohol solutions, the amount of energy per solvent mass liquid unit (EMR) is high enough to completely evaporate the solvent inside the system and, as a consequence, the analyte is deposited (and then preconcentrated) on the inner walls of the MWTN capillary. When reducing the EMR to the appropriate value (e.g., by reducing the microwave power at a constant sample uptake rate) the retained analyte is swept along by the liquid-gas stream and an analyte-enriched aerosol is generated and next introduced into the plasma cell. Emission signals obtained with the MWTN operating in preconcentration-nebulization mode improved when increasing preconcentration time and sample uptake rate as well as when decreasing the nozzle inner diameter. When running with pure ethanol solution at its optimum experimental conditions, the MWTN in preconcentration-nebulization mode afforded limits of detection up to one order of magnitude lowers than those obtained operating the MWTN exclusively as a nebulizer. To validate the method, the multi-element analysis (i.e. Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb and Zn) of different commercial spirit samples in ICP-AES has been performed. Analyte recoveries for all the elements studied ranged between 93% and 107% and the dynamic linear range covered up to 4 orders of magnitude (i.e. from 0.1 to 1000 μg L−1). In these analysis, both MWTN operating modes afforded similar results. Nevertheless, the preconcentration-nebulization mode permits to determine a higher number of analytes due to its higher detection capabilities.
Context. The ongoing Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is using FLAMES at the VLT to obtain high-quality medium-resolution Giraffe spectra for about 105 stars and high-resolution UVES spectra for about 5000 stars. With UVES, the Survey has already observed 1447 FGK-type stars. Aims. These UVES spectra are analyzed in parallel by several state-of-the-art methodologies. Our aim is to present how these analyses were implemented, to discuss their results, and to describe how a final recommended parameter scale is defined. We also discuss the precision (method-to-method dispersion) and accuracy (biases with respect to the reference values) of the final parameters. These results are part of the Gaia-ESO second internal release and will be part of its first public release of advanced data products. Methods. The final parameter scale is tied to the scale defined by the Gaia benchmark stars, a set of stars with fundamental atmospheric parameters. In addition, a set of open and globular clusters is used to evaluate the physical soundness of the results. Each of the implemented methodologies is judged against the benchmark stars to define weights in three different regions of the parameter space. The final recommended results are the weighted medians of those from the individual methods. Results. The recommended results successfully reproduce the atmospheric parameters of the benchmark stars and the expected Teff-log g relation of the calibrating clusters. Atmospheric parameters and abundances have been determined for 1301 FGK-type stars observed with UVES. The median of the method-to-method dispersion of the atmospheric parameters is 55 K for Teff, 0.13 dex for log g and 0.07 dex for [Fe/H]. Systematic biases are estimated to be between 50−100 K for Teff, 0.10−0.25 dex for log g and 0.05−0.10 dex for [Fe/H]. Abundances for 24 elements were derived: C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Mo, Ba, Nd, and Eu. The typical method-to-method dispersion of the abundances varies between 0.10 and 0.20 dex. Conclusions. The Gaia-ESO sample of high-resolution spectra of FGK-type stars will be among the largest of its kind analyzed in a homogeneous way. The extensive list of elemental abundances derived in these stars will enable significant advances in the areas of stellar evolution and Milky Way formation and evolution.
In this work, the influence of carbon-, sulfur-, and phosphorus-based charge transfer reactions on the emission signal of 34 elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, I, In, Ir, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Pd, Pt, S, Sb, Se, Sr, Te, and Zn) in axially viewed inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry has been investigated. To this end, atomic and ionic emission signals for diluted glycerol, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid solutions were registered and results were compared to those obtained for a 1% w w− 1 nitric acid solution. Experimental results show that the emission intensities of As, Se, and Te atomic lines are enhanced by charge transfer from carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ions. Iodine and P atomic emission is enhanced by carbon- and sulfur-based charge transfer whereas the Hg atomic emission signal is enhanced only by carbon. Though signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions is also expected for ionic emission lines of the above-mentioned elements, no experimental evidence has been found with the exception of Hg ionic lines operating carbon solutions. The effect of carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus charge transfer reactions on atomic emission depends on (i) wavelength characteristics. In general, signal enhancement is more pronounced for electronic transitions involving the highest upper energy levels; (ii) plasma experimental conditions. The use of robust conditions (i.e. high r.f. power and lower nebulizer gas flow rates) improves carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ionization in the plasma and, hence, signal enhancement; and (iii) the presence of other concomitants (e.g. K or Ca). Easily ionizable elements reduce ionization in the plasma and consequently reduce signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions.
A comparative study of the influence of three different acid solids as catalysts (conventional zeolites Z15c with Si/Al = 19.5 and Z40c with Si/Al = 48.2, and a hierarchical zeolite Z40c-H with Si/Al = 50.0) for the etherification of glycerol with benzyl alcohol was performed. The catalytic activity and selectivity of these zeolites was elucidated at different catalyst contents. Three different ethers (3-benzyloxy-1,2-propanediol, which is a mono-benzyl-glycerol ether (MBG) and 1,3-dibenzyloxy-2-propanol, which is a di-benzyl-glycerol ether (DBG) and dibenzyl ether (DBz) were identified as the main products. MBG was the major product of the reaction catalyzed by the microporous Z15c zeolite with low Si/Al molar ratio, whereas DBG was formed in higher yield with the use of microporous Z40c and hierarchical Z40c-H zeolites, both of them having a similar high Si/Al molar ratio (≈50). MBG is a value-added product and it is obtained with good yield and selectivity when using the conventional zeolite Z15c as a catalyst. Under the best conditions tested, i.e., 25 mg of catalyst for 8 h at 120 °C, a 62% of conversion was obtained without the need of solvent, with an excellent 84% selectivity toward the MBG and no formation of DBz.
Este trabalho faz parte do Projeto Grande Minas - União Pelas Águas, que realizou o Zoneamento Ambiental das Sub-Bacias Hidrográficas dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande. O zoneamento foi concluído em 2013 e produziu importantes informações sobre os meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico dos 22 municípios que compõem a bacia hidrográfica, dentre eles o local de estudo, que é o município de Delfinópolis - MG. Dentre os instrumentos que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável, o município pode utilizar, além do zoneamento ambiental, o plano diretor municipal e o plano de manejo do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, uma vez que esta unidade de conservação insere-se no município. Torna-se importante, entretanto, a integração destes três importantes instrumentos de gestão para que o planejamento municipal e as ações de política pública possam ser realizados de forma consistente. Este trabalho vem contribuir na avaliação e integração destas informações (Plano Diretor Municipal, Plano de Manejo, Zoneamento Ambiental) e os resultados deverão contribuir com os administradores públicos na tomada de decisões e na resolução dos problemas enfrentados na região, como exemplo as queimadas, o uso inadequado dos recursos hídricos, as atividades modificadoras do meio físico. A sistemática metodológica adotada envolveu a avaliação de dados existentes e a construção de um banco de dados digital do município; análise dos instrumentos legais de planejamento e gestão municipal e elaboração de produtos cartográficos interpretativos de fácil leitura e entendimento que possam ser utilizados diretamente pelos gestores públicos. A análise e avaliação dos dados existentes permitiu diagnosticar algumas características peculiares ao município, como a sua vocação para o turismo, com mais de 40 atrativos ligados ao ecoturismo; o grande número de minerações de areia e cascalho, grande parte delas não regularizada; e os conflitos locais existentes diante das atividades da economia rural e a necessidade de preservação impostas pela unidade de conservação.
Este trabalho é parte integrante do Projeto Grande Minas - União pelas Águas, que realizou o Zoneamento Ambiental das Sub-bacias Hidrográficas dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande. Após a obtenção dos produtos finais do zoneamento, entra-se agora, na fase de “Implementação”, ou seja, de sua aplicação direta para contribuir no processo de gestão dos recursos hídricos das sub-bacias hidrográficas da área de estudo. Neste trabalho estuda-se, especificamente, a sub-bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Bocaina, considerada uma das 34 sub-bacias que envolvem a Bacia Hidrográfica dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande e situa-se no município de Passos-MG, possuindo uma área de 457,9 km². O trabalho busca dar uma contribuição para a gestão dos recursos hídricos nesta sub-bacia, que vem sofrendo com a degradação do seu recurso hídrico. O objetivo é disponibilizar instrumentos cartográficos para subsidiar a gestão dos recursos hídricos e, com isto, contribuir com a sua preservação e uso sustentável. A sistemática metodológica envolve uma análise dos aspectos legais da área de estudo; a construção de um Banco de Dados Digital georreferenciado com informações sobre os meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico da sub-bacia e a produção de uma carta derivada, de cunho interpretativo e de fácil leitura, que possa ser utilizada diretamente pelo gestor público nas tomadas de decisões. A base digital produzida conta com uma série de mapas digitais, dentre eles: mapas climáticos, de solos, declividades, geomorfológico, geológico, de sistemas aquíferos, hidrográfico, uso e ocupação do solo. Com relação à carta derivada, destaca os terrenos que apresentam maior predisposição à alterações diretas nos recursos hídricos.
Patrimônio cultural é tudo aquilo que possui significado social e representa identidades, sendo dividido em duas principais categorias: material e imaterial. O reconhecimento deste último foi construído ao longo de um processo de maturação, ampliação de debates, legislação e ação de órgãos públicos nacionais e internacionais. No Brasil, a Constituição Federal de 1988 incorporou, ao lado do patrimônio material, as diversas formas de expressão e os modos de criar, fazer e viver, como patrimônio imaterial, adotando novos instrumentos de proteção aos bens culturais: o registro e o inventário. Entretanto, somente pelo Decreto 3.551/2000 é que o registro do imaterial foi definitivamente normatizado. Paulatinamente, ocorreu a descentralização da legislação e das políticas públicas, que passaram a ser compartilhadas por União, Estados e Municípios e, nesse sentido, um caso peculiar na gestão do patrimônio cultural ocorreu no estado de Minas Gerais, no qual o Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Minas Gerais (IEPHA/MG) assumiu um valioso papel na preservação do patrimônio cultural, onde as ações municipais voltadas ao patrimônio cultural no Estado contam com repasses financeiros, via distribuição do Imposto Sobre Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS). Esse cenário propiciou um campo para a reflexão e debate sobre o papel e a função desse órgão estadual frente às práticas de identificação, valorização e promoção do patrimônio imaterial de Minas Gerais.
Based on models and proxy data it has been proposed that salinity-driven stratification weakened in the subarctic North Pacific during the last deglaciation, which potentially contributed to the deglacial rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. We present high-resolution subsurface temperature (TMg/Ca) and subsurface salinity-approximating (d18Oivc-sw) records across the last 20,000 years from the subarctic North Pacific and its marginal seas, derived from combined stable oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios of the planktonic foraminiferal species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). Our results indicate regionally differing changes of subsurface conditions. During the Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas cold phases our sites were subject to reduced thermal stratification, brine rejection due to sea-ice formation, and increased advection of low-salinity water from the Alaskan Stream. In contrast, the Bølling-Allerød warm phase was characterized by strengthened thermal stratification, stronger sea-ice melting, and influence of surface waters that were less diluted by the Alaskan Stream. From direct comparison with alkenone-based sea surface temperature estimates (SSTUk'37), we suggest deglacial thermocline changes that were closely related to changes in seasonal contrasts and stratification of the mixed layer. The modern upper-ocean conditions seem to have developed only since the early Holocene.
Three types of tephra deposits were recovered on Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) from three drill sites at the mouth of the Gulf of California: (1) a series of white ash layers at Sites 483, 484, and 485; (2) a layer of plagioclase- phyric sideromelane shards at Site 483; and (3) an indurated, cross-bedded hyaloclastite in Hole 483B. The ash layers in (1) are composed of colorless, fresh rhyolitic glass shards with minor dacitic and rare basaltic shards. These are thought to be derived from explosive volcanoes on the Mexican mainland. Most of the shards in (2) are fresh, but some show marginal to complete alteration to palagonite. The composition of the glass is that of a MORB-type tholeiite, low in Fe and moderately high in Ti, and possibly erupted from off-axis seamounts. Basaltic glass shards occurring in silt about 45 meters above the basement at Site 484 A in the Tamayo Fracture Zone show a distinctly alkalic composition similar to that of the single basement basalt specimen drilled at this site. The hyaloclastite in (3) is made up chiefly of angular sideromelane shards altered to smectite and zeolites (mainly phillipsite) and minor admixtures of terrigenous silt. A very high K and Ba content indicates significant uptake of at least these elements from seawater. Nevertheless, the unusual chemical composition of the underlying massive basalt flow is believed to be reflected in that of the hyaloclastite. This is a powerful argument for interpreting the massive basalt as a surface flow rather than an intrusion. Glass alteration is different in the glassy margins of flows than in thicker glassy pillow rinds. Also, it appears to proceed faster in coarse- than fine-grained sediments.
We present sea surface, upper thermocline, and benthic d18O data, as well as temperature and paleoproductivity proxy data, from the International Marine Global Change Study Program (IMAGES) Core MD06-3067 (6°31'N, 126°30'E, 1575 m water depth), located in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean within the flow path of the Mindanao Current. Our records reveal considerable glacial-interglacial and suborbital variability in the Mindanao Dome upwelling over the last 160 kyr. Dome activity generally intensified during glacial intervals resulting in cooler thermocline waters, whereas it substantially declined during interglacials, in particular in the early Holocene and early marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5e, when upwelling waters did not reach the thermocline. During MIS 3 and MIS 2, enhanced surface productivity together with remarkably low SST and low upper ocean thermal contrast provide evidence for episodic glacial upwelling to the surface, whereas transient surface warming marks periodic collapses of the Mindanao Dome upwelling during Heinrich events. We attribute the high variability during MIS 3 and MIS 2 to changes in the El Niño Southern Oscillation state that affected boreal winter monsoonal winds and upper ocean circulation. Glacial upwelling intensified when a strong cyclonic gyre became established, whereas El Niño-like conditions during Heinrich events tended to suppress the cyclonic circulation, reducing Ekman transport. Thus, our findings demonstrate that variations in the Mindanao Dome upwelling are closely linked to the position and intensity of the tropical convection and also reflect far-field influences from the high latitudes.