920 resultados para Abbott, Porter H.: The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative


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In recent years, Germany’s federal system has been subject to a number of pressures for change. A constitutional debate on ‘disentangling’ the legislative roles of federal and Länder institutions which stuttered through the 1990s and into the 2000s finally led to a re-allocation of competences in 2006. These reforms shifted some areas of legislative responsibility from the federal to the Länder level and relaxed rules which had earlier justified a federal override when both levels held legislative responsibilities concurrently. At the very least, these constitutional adjustments increased the potential for policy outputs to diverge from one Land to another and give expression to territorial differences in priority and preference.


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Az alábbi írás Kornai János életműsorozata közeljövőben megjelenő harmadik kötetének bevezetője alapján készült. (A sorozat első kötete, A hiány és második kötete, A szocialista rendszer 2012-ben jelent meg.) Ritkán fordul elő, hogy életművét rendszerezve, egy szerző maga veszi tételesen sorra írásait, tárja fel az írások megszületésének körülményeit, és elemzi őket több évtized távlatából. Kornai János életműsorozatának összeállításakor erre a rendkívüli feladatra vállalkozott. A kötetben megjelenő 22 íráshoz fűzött gondolatainak közlésekor mai szemmel veszi górcső alá az egy kivételével a rendszerváltás előtt írt cikkeit, valamint 1956-ban írott első könyvét, A túlzott központosítást. Az írásokat rendszerező bevezető a központosításra és a piaci reformra összpontosítja a figyelmet - e témakörről bebizonyosodott, hogy korai még csupán a közgazdaságtani elmélettörténet fejezeteként számon tartani. A kötetben megjelenő írások egy része közvetlenül kapcsolódik a magyar gazdaság tapasztalataihoz, másik része pedig elméleti jellegű. Ennek megfelelően az itt közölt bevezetés is foglalkozik mind a magyar gazdaságtörténet máig is figyelemre méltó és tanulságos gyakorlati problémáival, mind pedig a szocializmust és a kapitalizmust, a centralizált és decentralizált formákat összehasonlító általános elméletekkel. ______ This piece forms the introduction to the forthcoming third volume of János Kor-nai s life s work series reissued in Hungarian. (The first and second volumes, Economics of Shortage and The Political Economy of the Socialist System, ap-peared in 2012.) It is rare for an author to arrange his own life s work, taking his writings item by item, presenting the circumstances in which they arose, and ana-lysing them decades later. His thoughts on the twenty-two writings in the volume, at the time of republication, involve scrutinizing with present-day eyes articles written, with one exception, before the change of system, along with his first book, Overcentralization, written in 1956. The introduction that systematizes these fo-cuses on centralization and on market reform - events show it is still too soon to see these subjects simply as a chapter in the theoretical history of economics. Some of the articles draw directly on experiences with the Hungarian economy, while others have a theoretical nature. So the introduction also deals both with practical problems of Hungarian economic history that remain notable and instructive, and with comparative general theories of socialism and capitalism and centralized and decentralized forms.


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Az itt bemutatott kutatás célja az volt, hogy azonosítsa és feltárja a szlovák vállalati környezetben követett és kívánatosnak tartott leadership dimenziókat és bemutassa azokat az implicit leadership elmélet alapján meghatározott magatartásokat, amelyek a sikeres leadershipet támogató magatartásokként jelennek meg (az implicit leadership elmélet szerint az egyének magatartásokhoz kapcsolódó hiedelmeik, meggyőződéseik és értékítéleteik alapján határozzák meg, kit tekintenek vezetőnek, illetve hogyan különböztetik meg a hatékony vezetést a nem hatékonytól). Ehhez a GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) kutatását használta fel a szerző empirikus alapként. A faktorelemzéssel előállított kutatási eredmények azt bizonyítják, hogy definiálhatók a nemzetközi mintán elkülöníthető implicit leadership elméletektől jól megkülönböztethető szlovák implicit leadership elméletek. Statisztikai próbáinak eredményei azt mutatják, hogy léteznek olyan leadership faktorok, melyek a szlovák és a magyar vállalati környezetben is megjelennek, illetve feltárhatók olyan implicit leadership elméletek, melyek megítélése ebben a régióban egységesnek tekinthető. _____ The aim of this research is to identify and explore the committed and desirable leadership dimensions in the Slovak organizational environment. This article presents those on the basis of implicit leadership theories identified behaviors which appear as successful leadership supported behaviors. To it the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) research is used as the empirical basis by the author. Research results which were produced by factor analysis demonstrate that the Slovak implicit leadership theories can be identified because those can be clearly distinguished from implicit leadership theories available in the international sample.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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This chapter examines the definition of asset-backed securities under US securities regulations as of August 2014, together with relevant case law prior to and from 2009 edition of this work.


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There has been a recent identification of a need for a New Business History. This discussion connects with the analytic narrative approach. By following this approach, the study of business history provides important implications for the conduct and institutional design of contemporary industrial policy. The approach also allows us to solve historical puzzles. The failure of the De Lorean Motor Company Limited (DMCL) is one specific puzzle. Journalistic accounts that focus on John De Lorean's alleged personality defects as an explanation for this failure miss the crucial institutional component. Moreover, distortions in the rewards associated with industrial policy, and the fact that the objectives of the institutions implementing the policy were not solely efficiency-based, led to increased opportunities for rent-seeking. Political economy solves the specific puzzle; by considering institutional dimensions, we can also solve the more general puzzle of why activist industrial policy was relatively unsuccessful in Northern Ireland.


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The governance of climate adaptation involves the collective efforts of multiple societal actors to address problems, or to reap the benefits, associated with impacts of climate change. Governing involves the creation of institutions, rules and organizations, and the selection of normative principles to guide problem solution and institution building. We argue that actors involved in governing climate change adaptation, as climate change governance regimes evolve, inevitably must engage in making choices, for instance on problem definitions, jurisdictional levels, on modes of governance and policy instruments, and on the timing of interventions. Yet little is known about how and why these choices are made in practice, and how such choices affect the outcomes of our efforts to govern adaptation. In this introduction we review the current state of evidence and the specific contribution of the articles published in this Special Feature, which are aimed at bringing greater clarity in these matters, and thereby informing both governance theory and practice. Collectively, the contributing papers suggest that the way issues are defined has important consequences for the support for governance interventions, and their effectiveness. The articles suggest that currently the emphasis in adaptation governance is on the local and regional levels, while underscoring the benefits of interventions and governance at higher jurisdictional levels in terms of visioning and scaling-up effective approaches. The articles suggest that there is a central role of government agencies in leading governance interventions to address spillover effects, to provide public goods, and to promote the long-term perspectives for planning. They highlight the issue of justice in the governance of adaptation showing how governance measures have wide distributional consequences, including the potential to amplify existing inequalities, access to resources, or generating new injustices through distribution of risks. For several of these findings, future research directions are suggested.


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The 22 papers in this special issue focus on biomedical and biolectronic circuits for enhanced diagnosis and therapy.


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The main contribution of this special issue is to present evaluation studies involving large-scale experiences of implementation of positive parenting programs delivered through home, group-based, and on-line formats in Spain. Two research questions were addressed: (1) what factors affect implementation; and (2) for whom and under which implementation conditions the programs lead to positive outcomes. Target populations were mainly families from low and middle socioeconomic backgrounds, and parents at psychosocial risk attending family support services in need of improving their parenting skills. All the programs fall under the umbrella of the positive parenting initiative launched by the Council of Europe, are evidence-based, follow a collaborative schema with national, regional, or local authorities, have multi-site implementation, and are supported by highly experienced researchers from Spanish universities. Special attention is given to the program adaptations to different contexts, the profile of parents who benefited most from the programs, analyses of the implementation process, and the assessment of parenting programs in the community. The information provided will help to increase our knowledge of evidence-based parenting programs in Spain, their implementation processes and results, and the future challenges that need to be addressed to continue the current expansion of evidence-based parenting programs.


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"Sixth edition, revised and enlarged. Illustrated with 269 coloured figures by J.E. Sowerby."


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Editor's introduction to the Special Edition on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas


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Esta publicação apresenta um estudo sobre as As Báquides de Plauto, no qual se analisam o contexto e as características da peça, a estrutura e as personagens, e ainda o problema da originalidade plautina na conceptualização do ‘terceiro engano’.