957 resultados para AMINO-ACID SUBSTITUTION
X-ray powder diffraction data for the orthorhombic natural amino acid djenkolic acid, C7H14N2O4S2, is described in this paper. The orthorhombic cell parameters are: a = 8.12 Angstrom, b = 12.16 Angstrom, and c = 5.38 Angstrom . (C) 2001 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to identify the free amino acid content in whole saliva of children with (CE) and without early childhood caries (CF) (ECC), correlating these findings with caries experience and mutans streptococci (MS) levels in saliva.Design: Seventy-eight healthy children, both genders, 6-71 months age, were selected to participate in the study. Following examination for dmft scores calculation, unstimulated whole saliva was collected from all 78 participants, stored at -80 degrees C, and used for amino acid analysis, on a Biochem 20 plus amino acid analyzer. Stimulated whole saliva was collected from 52 children, transported, diluted and plated on MSB agar medium for detection of MS in cfu/mL.Results: Forty different free amino acids were identified in whole saliva, with great variation in their concentration. A statistically significant relation was found between caries experience and the presence of free proline and glycine. While proline (p = 0.0182) was more frequently absent in the CF group, the absence of glycine (p = 0.0397) was more often observed in the CE group. In the presence of higher levels of MS, free glycine reduced the risk of experiencing dental caries (p = 0.0419). Conversely, the presence of proline was found to increase the risk of experiencing the disease (p = 0.0492).Conclusions: The presence of free proline and absence of free glycine in children with ECC, highly contaminated with MS, increased the chances of experiencing dental caries in the present population. Further studies are needed to better understand this phenomenon. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of amino acids (AA), protein, and energy in six feed ingredients (Brazilian fish meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, alcoholic yeast, corn, and wheat bran) we evaluated for pacu juveniles. In general, all ingredients showed high digestibility values for all AA, and differences among ADCs of individual amino acid were detected (P < 0.01). Corn gluten, soybean, and fish meals had the highest ADCs of AA. The ADCs of protein in fish meal, yeast, and corn gluten meal should not be used as AA digestibility indicators, because those showed differences up to 6.7% between the ADCs of protein and AA. All ingredients had lower ADCs of energy than corn gluten meal (P < 0.01). Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in fish meal, corn gluten meal, wheat bran, and corn, and the second limiting amino acid in soybean meal, as methionine was the first limiting amino acid in soybean meal and yeast. However, the soybean meal was the best quality protein source, as it had the highest digestible essential amino acid index. This demonstrated that digestible amino acid values can be used to formulate practical diets for pacu, preventing potential deficiencies or excess that might cause environmental and economic losses.
Farmers of the Submedio Sao Francisco Region (Brazil) have been spraying amino acids on mango trees with the objective of increasing panicle length and improving fruit retention and quality. This study, done in two experiments, tested the effect of amino acids sprayings at concentrations of 0.0%; 0.02%; 0.04% and 0.06%, on mango plants, 'Tommy Atkins', on the budding phase (panicles with 5 cm), fruit set and fruit growth (5 cm diameter). They were carried out from June to October in 2003, that is the natural period for harvest in the region, and from January to May, in 2004. There were no statistical differences in the first experiment among treatments regarding panicle length and fruit production, probably due to an appropriate management of nutrition, water and plant growth regulators, besides climatic conditions, mainly temperature and solar radiation. In the second experiment, significant increments in the panicle length of 13.37%, 11.70% and 21.4% were observed with amino acids concentrations, compared to the control. Increasing amino acids doses also enhanced the number of fruits per plant, thirty days before the harvest, in 16.17%, 45.32% and 37.38%, respectively, compared to the control, but there were no significant statistical differences. Characteristics of fruit quality during storage, as weight loss, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pulp firmness were not significantly affected by amino acids spraying. Changes on those variables were registered as a consequence of fruit ripening. Amino acids sprays lightly delayed the evolution of skin luminosity and Hue of pulp, but the differences could not be visually identified. The concentrations of amino acids were not efficient for improving the natural concentrations of these substances in the leaves, which could be the reason for the non significant effects on the variables analyzed.
The venom of Zhaoermia mangshanensis, encountered solely in Mt Mang in China's Hunan Province, exhibits coagulant, phosphodiesterase, L-amino acid oxidase, kallikrein, phospholipase A(2) and myotoxic activities. The catalytically inactive PLA(2) homolog referred to as zhaoermiatoxin is highly myotoxic and displays high myonecrotic and edema activities. Zhaoermiatoxin possesses a molecular weight of 13,972 Da, consists of 121 amino-acid residues crosslinked by seven disulfide bridges and shares high sequence homology with Lys49-PLA(2)s from the distantly related Asian pitvipers. However, zhaoermiatoxin possesses an arginine residue at position 49 instead of a lysine, thereby suggesting a secondary Lys49 -> Arg substitution which results in a catalytically inactive protein. We have determined the first crystal structure of zhaoermiatoxin, an Arg49-PLA(2), from Zhaoermia mangshanensis venom at 2.05 A resolution, which represents a novel member of phospholipase A(2) family. In this structure, unlike the Lys49 PLA(2)s, the C-terminus is well ordered and an unexpected non-polarized state of the putative calcium-binding loop due to the flip of Lys122 towards the bulk solvent is observed. The orientation of the Arg-49 side chain results in a similar binding mode to that observed in the Lys49 PLA(2)s; however, the guadinidium group is tri-coordinated by carbonyl oxygen atoms of the putative calcium-binding loop, whereas the N zeta atom of lysine is tetra-coordinated as a result of the different conformation adopted by the putative calcium-binding loop. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of protein-calorie malnutrition during gestation on the brain amino acids of rat pups was studied following nutritional recovery during lactation. The brain amino acids of rat pups born to dam rats malnourished during gestation were studied after these rat pups received proper nutrition during lactation. Pregnant rats were fed a 1% protein diet with total caloric intake restricted to half that of controls. After birth, the offspring of rats fed on deficient diets were nurtured up to the 28th day postpartum by foster mothers receiving adequate diets. At this time, the offspring were killed. The control group consisted of offspring from pregnant rats fed a diet with adequate protein (21%) and calories during the entire gestation and lactation period. Quantitation of brain amino acids in the pups at 28 days postpartum showed lower concentrations of essential and nonessential amino acids in the rats malnourished during gestation. Concentrations of histidine, glycine, and α-aminobutyric acids were all reduced. These findings demonstrate that the brains of rat pups malnourished during gestation show persistent decreases in specific brain amino acids after adequate postpartum nutrition.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritive value of pigeon pea meal (PPM) with methionine substituting soybean meal (SM) in diets for 1-28 day-old broiler chicks. The experimental design was that of random blocks, in a 3 × 3 factorial scheme with three substitution levels - 15,30 and 45% - and three methionine supplementation levels in relation to the requirements, that is: 100, 66 and 33%, with four repetitions. It was found that PPM treated for 20 minutes at 100°C substituted up to 30% of the SM, even without methionine supplementation, in relation to liveweight (p<0.01), to food conversion and to the efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy and to protein (p<0.05). At the 66% level of methionine supplementation, the same results as for these parameters were obtained at all of the levels of substitution of SM by PPM. The 30% or 45% substitution of SM protein by that of PPM affected (p<0.01) the efficiency of methionine utilization. The sulphur amino acid utilization efficiency was affected (p<0.01) beginning at 66% methionine supplementation in the diets.
Transthyretin and retinal-binding protein are sensitive markers of acute protein-calorie malnutrition both for early diagnosis and dietary evaluation. A preliminary study showed that retinal-binding protein is the most sensitive marker of protein-calorie malnutrition in cirrhotic patients, even those with the mild form of the disease (Child A). However, in addition to being affected by protein-calorie malnutrition, the levels of these short half-life-liver-produced proteins are also influenced by other factors of a nutritional (zinc, tryptophan, vitamin A, etc) and non-nutritional (sex, aging, hormones, renal and liver functions and inflammatory activity) nature. These interactions were investigated in 11 adult male patients (49.9 ± 9.2 years of age) with alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade A) and with normal renal function. Both transthyretin and retinol binding protein were reduced below normal levels in 55% of the patients, in close agreement with their plasma levels of retinal. In 67% of the patients (4/6), the reduced levels of transthyretin and retinal-binding protein were caused by altered liver function and in 50% (3/6) they were caused by protein-calorie malnutrition. Thus, the present data, taken as a whole, indicate that reduced transthyretin and retinal-binding protein levels in mild cirrhosis of the liver are mainly due to liver failure and/or vitamin A status rather than representing an isolated protein-calorie malnutrition indicator.
The aim of the present work was to carry out experimental comparison between humic substances (HS) and representative α-amino acids (methionine, methionine sulfoxide and cysteine hydrochloride) in relation to the complexation of biologically active trace elements (Al, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Cd and Ni). A mobile time-controlled tangential-flow UF technique was applied to differentiate between HS-metal and α-aminoacids-metal complexes. Metal determinations were conventionally carried out using a ICP-OES. The results showed that HS may be considered as a selective complexing agents with higher metal bonding capability in relation to Al, Cu and Pb, the fact that may be clinically important.
Fireflies emit flashes in the green-yellow region of the spectrum for the purpose of sexual attraction. The bioluminescence color is determined by the luciferases. It is well known that the in vitro bioluminescence color of firefly luciferases can be shifted toward the red by lower pH and higher temperature; for this reason they are classified as pH-sensitive luciferases. However, the mechanism and structural origin of pH sensitivity in fireflies remains unknown. Here we report the cloning of a new luciferase from the Brazilian twilight active firefly Macrolampis sp2, which displays an unusual bimodal spectrum. The recombinant luciferase displays a sensitive spectrum with the peak at 569 nm and a shoulder in the red region. Comparison of the bioluminescence spectra of Macrolampis, Photinus and Cratomorphus firefly luciferases shows that the distinct colors are determined by the ratio between green and red emitters under luciferase influence. Comparison of Macrolampis luciferase with the highly similar North American Photinus pyralis luciferase (91%) showed few substitutions potentially involved with the higher spectral sensitivity in Macrolampis luciferase. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the natural substitution E354N determines the appearance of the shoulder in the red region of Macrolampis luciferase bioluminescence spectrum, helping to identify important interactions and residues involved in the pH-sensing mechanism in firefly luciferases. © 2005 American Society for Photobiology.
We have determined the structure of the fatty acid-binding protein 6 (fabp6) gene and the tissue-specific distribution of its transcripts in embryos, larvae and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Like most members of the vertebrate FABP multigene family, the zebrafish fabp6 gene contains four exons separated by three introns. The coding region of the gene and expressed sequence tags code for a polypeptide of 131 amino acids (14 kDa, pI 6.59). The putative zebrafish Fabp6 protein shared greatest sequence identity with human FABP6 (55.3%) compared to other orthologous mammalian FABPs and paralogous zebrafish Fabps. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the zebrafish Fabp6 formed a distinct clade with the mammalian FABP6s. The zebrafish fabp6 gene was assigned to linkage group (chromosome) 21 by radiation hybrid mapping. Conserved gene synteny was evident between the zebrafish fabp6 gene on chromosome 21 and the FABP6/Fabp6 genes on human chromosome 5, rat chromosome 10 and mouse chromosome 11. Zebrafish fabp6 transcripts were first detected in the distal region of the intestine of embryos at 72 h postfertilization. This spatial distribution remained constant to 7-day-old larvae, the last stage assayed during larval development. In adult zebrafish, fabp6 transcripts were detected by RT-PCR in RNA extracted from liver, heart, intestine, ovary and kidney (most likely adrenal tissue), but not in RNA from skin, brain, gill, eye or muscle. In situ hybridization of a fabp6 riboprobe to adult zebrafish sections revealed intense hybridization signals in the adrenal homolog of the kidney and the distal region of the intestine, and to a lesser extent in ovary and liver, a transcript distribution that is similar, but not identical, to that seen for the mammalian FABP6/Fabp6 gene. © 2008 The Authors.
Background. About 130 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide, but effective treatment options are not yet available. One of the most promising targets for antiviral therapy is nonstructural protein 3 (NS3). To identify possible changes in the structure of NS3 associated with virological sustained response or non-response of patients, a model was constructed for each helicase NS3 protein coding sequence. From this, the goal was to verify the interaction between helicases variants and their ligands. Findings. Evidence was found that the NS3 helicase portion of non-responder patients contained substitutions in its ATP and RNA binding sites. K210E substitution can cause an imbalance in the distribution of loads, leading to a decrease in the number of ligations between the essential amino acids required for the hydrolysis of ATP. W501R substitution causes an imbalance in the distribution of loads, leading and forcing the RNA to interact with the amino acid Thr269, but not preventing binding of ribavirin inhibitor. Conclusions. Useful information is provided on the genetic profiling of the HCV genotype 3, specifically the coding region of the NS3 protein, improving our understanding of the viral genome and the regions of its protein catalytic site. © 2010 Rahal et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Catalytically inactive phospholipase A2 (PLA2) homologues play key roles in the pathogenesis induced by snake envenomation, causing extensive tissue damage via a mechanism still unknown. Although, the amino acid residues directly involved in catalysis are conserved, the substitution of Asp49 by Arg/Lys/Gln or Ser prevents the binding of the essential calcium ion and hence these proteins are incapable of hydrolyzing phospholipids. In this work, the crystal structure of a Lys49-PLA2 homologue from Bothrops brazili (MTX-II) was solved in two conformational states: (a) native, with Lys49 singly coordinated by the backbone oxygen atom of Val31 and (b) complexed with tetraethylene glycol (TTEG). Interestingly, the TTEG molecule was observed in two different coordination cages depending on the orientation of the nominal calcium-binding loop and of the residue Lys49. These structural observations indicate a direct role for the residue Lys49 in the functioning of a catalytically inactive PLA2 homologue suggesting a contribution of the active site-like region in the expression of pharmacological effects such as myotoxicity and edema formation. Despite the several crystal structures of Lys49-PLA2 homologues already determined, their biological assembly remains controversial with two possible conformations. The extended dimer with the hydrophobic channel exposed to the solvent and the compact dimer in which the active site-like region is occluded by the dimeric interface. In the MTX-II crystal packing analysis was found only the extended dimer as a possible stable quaternary arrangement. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
The emission of ultraweak light from cells is a phenomenon associated with the oxidation of biomolecules by reactive oxygen species. The indole moiety present in tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin is frequently associated with the emission of light during the oxidation of these metabolites. This study presents results for hypobromous acid (HOBr) oxidation of tryptophan as a putative endogenous source of ultraweak light emission. We found that chemiluminescence elicited by the oxidation of tryptophan by HOBr was significantly higher than by hypochlorous acid (HOCl). This difference was related to secondary oxidation reactions, which were more intense using HOBr. The products identified during oxidation by HOCl, but depleted by using HOBr, were N-formylkynurenine, kynurenine, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-3a-hydroxypyrrolo[2,3-b]-indole-2-carboxylic acid, oxindolylalanine and dioxindolylalanine. The emission of light is dependent on the free α-amino group of tryptophan, and hence, the indole of serotonin and melatonin, although efficiently oxidized, did not produce chemiluminescence. The emission of light was even greater using taurine monobromamine and dibromamine as the oxidant compared to HOBr. A mechanism based on bromine radical intermediates is suggested for the higher efficiency in light emission. Altogether, the experimental evidence described in the present study indicates that the oxidation of free tryptophan or tryptophan residues in proteins is an important source of ultraweak cellular emission of light. This light emission is increased in the presence of taurine, an amino acid present in large amounts in leukocytes, where this putative source of ultraweak light emission is even more relevant.
Free amino acids (FAA) are used principally as substrate in protein synthesis and the source of energy in aerobic catabolism. In marine fish, embryo and larvae FAA are used to maintain body fluid osmolality during fish early development. However, there is essentially no information about FAA concentrations in early ontogeny of freshwater neotropical species in comparison to marine fishes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the FAA concentrations in pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, eggs and larvae. Broodstock fish were induced to spawn and ovulated females were stripped of their eggs and immediately sampled for analysis. Larvae were sampled right after hatching (HL) and after the completion of the yolk-sac absorption (YSA). The wet weight of the HL and YSA larvae amounted to 0.5±0.1mg and 1.1±0.3mg, respectively. HL larvae showed higher levels of most of the indispensable amino acids (IAA) in comparison to eggs and YSA larvae. Exceptions were observed with His and Trp that showed higher or similar levels, respectively, in YSA larvae. The FAA Orn, Tau, Glu, Gln, Gly, and Tyr increased concentrations in both larval stages while that of Tau was found in higher concentration in all analyzed stages. Also, the concentrations of Asn, Ala, Pro, Ser, and Asp were higher in HL larvae. Both larval stages displayed a rise in total free IAA/total free DAA (dispensable amino acids) ratio. The authors conclude that the highest level of FAA in HL pacu larvae is indicative of active proteolysis of yolk reserves and a probable catabolism regulation of some FAA through spare-effect. In addition, Tau is one of the major FAA occurring during pacu ontogeny and may be performing regulation on body fluid osmolality regulation. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2013.