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Mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfide-bearing rocks and ores discovered within the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field are studied. Samples were taken during Cruise 49 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh of the p.p. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Mineral composition of rocks and ores were studied by traditional methods of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (CAMSCAN), and microprobe analysis (EPMA SX-50). Contents of trace elements were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Zn-Cu ore comprises zonal sulfide chimney intergrowths. Numerous Se-rich copper ore fragments occur in volcanomictic layered gritstones and/or barite slabs. Mineral composition, zonality and association of trace elements in ore are typical of black smokers formed at the basalt base near the Azores Triple Junction in the MAR. Obtained results make it possible to reconstruct formation history of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field into the high-temperature (Cu-Se association in ore clasts), medium-temperature (Zn-Cu-As association in ore), and recent (Ba-SiO2 association) stages.


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Despite its importance in the global climate system, age-calibrated marine geologic records reflecting the evolution of glacial cycles through the Pleistocene are largely absent from the central Arctic Ocean. This is especially true for sediments older than 200 ka. Three sites cored during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), provide a 27 m continuous sedimentary section from the Lomonosov Ridge in the central Arctic Ocean. Two key biostratigraphic datums and constraints from the magnetic inclination data are used to anchor the chronology of these sediments back to the base of the Cobb Mountain subchron (1215 ka). Beyond 1215 ka, two best fitting geomagnetic models are used to investigate the nature of cyclostratigraphic change. Within this chronology we show that bulk and mineral magnetic properties of the sediments vary on predicted Milankovitch frequencies. These cyclic variations record "glacial" and "interglacial" modes of sediment deposition on the Lomonosov Ridge as evident in studies of ice-rafted debris and stable isotopic and faunal assemblages for the last two glacial cycles and were used to tune the age model. Potential errors, which largely arise from uncertainties in the nature of downhole paleomagnetic variability, and the choice of a tuning target are handled by defining an error envelope that is based on the best fitting cyclostratigraphic and geomagnetic solutions.


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An additional ore field in the central part of the MARhas been discovered. Together with previously discovered Logachev (14°45'N) and Ashadze (12°58'N) ore fields, the new ore field constitutes a cluster with preliminarily estimated total ore reserve of >10 Mt, which is comparable with large continental massive sulfide deposits.


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We have studied the chemical zoning of plagioclase phenocrysts from the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the intermediate-spreading rate Costa Rica Rift to obtain the time scales of magmatic processes beneath these ridges. The anorthite content, Mg, and Sr in plagioclase phenocrysts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge can be interpreted as recording initial crystallisation from a primitive magma (~11 wt% MgO) in an open system. This was followed by crystal accumulation in a mush zone and later entrainment of crystals into the erupted magma. The initial magma crystallised plagioclase more anorthitic than those in equilibrium with any erupted basalt. Evidence that the crystals accumulated in a mush zone comes from both: (1) plagioclase rims that were in equilibrium with a Sr-poor melt requiring extreme differentiation; and (2) different crystals found in the same thin section having different histories. Diffusion modelling shows that crystal residence times in the mush were <140 years, whereas the interval between mush disaggregation and eruption was ?1.5 years. Zoning of anorthite content and Mg in plagioclase phenocrysts from the Costa Rica Rift show that they partially or completely equilibrated with a MgO-rich melt (>11 wt%). Partial equilibration in some crystals can be modelled as starting <1 year prior to eruption but for others longer times are required for complete equilibration. This variety of times is most readily explained if the mixing occurred in a mush zone. None of the plagioclase phenocrysts from the Costa Rica Rift that we studied have Mg contents in equilibrium with their host basalt even at their rims, requiring mixing into a much more evolved magma within days of eruption. In combination these observations suggest that at both intermediate- and slow-spreading ridges: (1) the chemical environment to which crystals are exposed changes on annual to decadal time scales; (2) plagioclase crystals record the existence of melts unlike those erupted; and (3) disaggregation of crystal mush zones appears to precede eruption, providing an efficient mechanism by which evolved interstitial melt can be mixed into erupted basalts.


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During ODP Leg 209, a magma-starved area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) was drilled in the vicinity of the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone (FZ) that offsets one of the slowest portions of the spreading ridge. We present here the results of a bulk rock multi-elemental study of 27 peridotites drilled at Sites 1272 and 1274 (to the south and the north of the FZ, respectively). The peridotites comprise mainly of harzburgites with minor dunites. Clinopyroxene (Cpx), which is interstitial and interpreted as secondary, is observed in Site 1274 peridotites. Sites 1272 and 1274 peridotites have low Al2O3 contents (<1 anhydrous wt.%), high Mg# (>91.5), and bulk rock trace elements compositions mostly below 0.1X primitive mantle (PM). These peridotites, and in particular Site 1272 peridotites, represent the most depleted peridotites yet sampled at a slow spreading ridge. Their compositions indicate high degrees of partial melting and melt extraction. A single open-system melting event (melting plus percolation of melts produced within upwelling mantle) can explain their highly depleted yet linear chondrite-normalized REE patterns, characterized by a steady depletion from HREE to LREE. Late melt-rock reactions and precipitation of Cpx explains the slightly less depleted compositions of Site 1274 peridotites. Hence, the differences in composition between Sites 1272 and 1274 peridotites do not provide evidence for regional variations in the degrees of partial melting from the south to the north of the FZ. The occurrence of highly refractory peridotites in the Fifteen-Twenty area suggests we sampled a more actively convecting mantle than generally supposed below slow spreading centers.


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Investigations of petrography, mineralogy, and chemical composition of gases and fluids in tuffs and lavas were carried out on samples dredged in the transition zone from the shelf and slope of Iceland to the Reykjanes Ridge. The samples were collected from the depths of 950-720 m during different expeditions of R/V Akademik Kurchatov and Mikhail Lomonosov. Mantle ultrabasite inclusions were first recognized in the region of Iceland. It can be assumed that they are related to eruptive structures formed on the ocean floor during Pliocene and are associated with the Iceland hot spot.


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Macrofaunal assemblages with prevalence of Bresiliidae shrimps and Mytilidae mussels are abundant in at hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mussels inhabit zones of diffuse seeps of hydrothermal fluids with temperature abnormalities up to several degrees. Shrimps inhabit an extreme biotope in a mixed interface between seawater and hydrothermal fluids at temperature up to 20-30°C. We studied the mussel and shrimp assemblages in three hydrothermal vent fields: Rainbow, Broken Spur, and Snake Pit. Species richness of the mussel assemblages within at least two fields (Broken Spur and Snake Pit) is higher as compared with shrimps from the same hydrothermal vent fields. Fauna inhibiting shrimp swarms lack almost any taxa specific for particular assemblages: almost all the taxa are also present in the mussel beds. Structure of the shrimp assemblage is less homogeneous as compared with that of the mussel assemblage. Population prevalence of one taxon (Copepoda) in the shrimp assemblage is most likely connected with extreme and unstable conditions of the biotope occupied by the shrimps in a hydrothermal field. Taxonomic similarity between the mussel and shrimp assemblages within one hydrothermal vent field is higher as compared with similarity between the mussel (or shrimp) assemblages from different fields.