985 resultados para ALKYL BROMIDES


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The potential‐energy functions found by Chang for the methyl halides have been put into valence‐type form and revised to eliminate inconsistencies and to accord with the true (nontetrahedral) geometry and the normal frequencies (corrected for Fermi resonance and anharmonicity). The resulting valence‐type force constants and normal coordinates are given for light (CH3) and heavy (CD3) chlorides, bromides, and iodides.


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A field trial was undertaken to determine the influence of four commercially available film-forming polymers (Bond [alkyl phenyl hydroxyl polyoxyethylene], Newman Crop Spray 11E™ [paraffinic oil], Nu-Film P [poly-1-p menthene], and Spray Gard [di-1-p menthene]) on reducing salt spray injury on two woody species, evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) and laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.). Irrespective of species, the film-forming polymers Nu-Film-P and Spay Gard did not provide any significant degree of protection against salt spray damage irrespective of concentration (1% or 2%) applied as measured by leaf chlorophyll concentrations, photosynthetic efficiency, visual leaf necrosis, foliar sodium and chloride content, and growth (height, leaf area). The film-forming polymer Newman Crop Spray 11E™ provided only 1-week protection against salt spray injury. The film-forming polymer Bond provided a significant (P < 0.05) degree of protection against salt spray injury 3 months after application as manifest by higher leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency, height and leaf area, and lower visual leaf necrosis and foliar Na and Cl content compared with nontreated controls. In conclusion, results indicate that application of a suitable film-forming polymer can provide a significant degree of protection of up to 3 months against salt spray injury in evergreen oak and laurel. Results also indicate that when applied at 1% or 2% solutions, no problems associated with phytotoxicity and rapid degradation on the leaf surface exist.


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Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We have therefore investigated the mechanisms underlying the antioxidant/pro-oxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate, the oxidation product of ascorbic acid, toward LDL incubated With Cu2+ ions. By monitoring lipid peroxidation through the formation of conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, we show that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate is critically dependent on the presence of lipid hydroperoxides, which accumulate during the early stages of oxidation. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we show that dehydroascorbate amplifies the generation of alkoxyl radicals during the interaction of copper ions with the model alkyl hydroperoxide, tert-butylhydroperoxide. Under continuous-flow conditions, a prominent doublet signal was detected, which we attribute to both the erythroascorbate and ascorbate free radicals. On this basis, we propose that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate toward LDL is due to its known spontaneous interconversion to erythroascorbate and ascorbate, which reduce Cu2+ to Cu+ and thereby promote the decomposition of lipid hydroperoxides. Various mechanisms, including copper chelation and Cu+ oxidation, are suggested to underlie the antioxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate in LDL that is essentially free of lipid hydroperoxides. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Since the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) can be measured intact in the human breast and possess oestrogenic properties, it has been suggested that they could contribute to an aberrant burden of oestrogen signalling in the human breast and so play a role in the rising incidence of breast cancer. However, although parabens have been shown to regulate a few single genes (reporter genes, pS2, progesterone receptor) in a manner similar to that of 17 beta-oestradiol, the question remains as to the full extent of the similarity in the overall gene profile induced in response to parabens compared with 17 beta-oestradiol. The GE-Amersham CodeLink 20 K human expression microarray system was used to profile the expression of 19881 genes in MCF7 human breast cancer cells following a 7-day exposure to 5 x 10(-4) m methylparaben, 10(-5) m n-butylparaben and 10(-8) m 17 beta-oestradiol. At these concentrations, the parabens gave growth responses in MCF7 cells of similar magnitude to 17 beta-oestradiol. The study identified genes which are upregulated or downregulated to a similar extent by methylparaben, n-butylparaben and 17 beta-oestradiol. However, the majority of genes were not regulated in the same way by all three treatments. Some genes responded differently to parabens from 17 beta-oestradiol, and furthermore, differences in expression of some genes could be detected even between the two individual parabens. Therefore, although parabens possess oestrogenic properties, their mimicry in terms of global gene expression patterns is not perfect and differences in gene expression profiles could result in consequences to the cells that are not identical to those following exposure to 17 beta-oestradiol. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper addresses the question of whether p-hydroxybenzoic acid, the common metabolite of parabens, possesses oestrogenic activity in human breast cancer cell lines. The alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are used widely as preservatives in consumer products to which the human population is exposed and have been shown previously to possess oestrogenic activity and to be present in human breast tumour tissue, which is an oestrogen-responsive tissue. Recent work has shown p-hydroxybenzoic acid to give an oestrogenic response in the rodent uterotrophic assay. We report here that p-hydroxybenzoic acid possesses oestrogenic activity in a panel of assays in human breast cancer cell lines. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 54% at 5 x 10(6)-fold molar excess and by 99% at 10(7)-fold molar excess. It was able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) at a concentration of 5 x 10(-4) M in MCF7 cells after 24 h and 7 days, which could be inhibited by the anti-oestrogen ICI 182 780 (Faslodex, fulvestrant). Proliferation of two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, ZR-75-1) could be increased by 10(-5) M p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Following on from previous studies showing a decrease in oestrogenic activity of parabens with shortening of the linear alkyl chain length, this study has compared the oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid where the alkyl grouping is no longer present with methylparaben, which has the shortest alkyl group. Intrinsic oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid was similar to that of methylparaben in terms of relative binding to the oestrogen receptor but its oestrogenic activity on gene expression and cell proliferation was lower than that of methylparaben. It can be concluded that removal of the ester group from parabens does not abrogate its oestrogenic activity and that p-hydroxybenzoic acid can give oestrogenic responses in human breast cancer cells. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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It is known that Escherichia coli K-12 is cryptic (Phn(-)) for utilization of methyl phosphonate (MePn) and that Phn(+) variants can be selected for growth on MePn as the sole P source. Variants arise from deletion via a possible slip strand mechanism of one of three direct 8-bp repeat sequences in phnE, which restores function to a component of a putative ABC type transporter. Here we show that Phn(+) variants are present at the surprisingly high frequency of >10(-2) in K-12 strains. Amplified-fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to monitor instability in phnE in various strains growing under different conditions. This revealed that, once selection for growth on MePn is removed, Phn(+) revertants reappear and accumulate at high levels through reinsertion of the 8-bp repeat element sequence. It appears that, in K-12, phnE contains a high-frequency reversible gene switch, producing phase variation which either allows ("on" form) or blocks ("off" form) MePn utilization. The switch can also block usage of other metabolizable alkyl phosphonates, including the naturally occurring 2-aminoethylphosphonate. All K-12 strains, obtained from collections, appear in the "off" form even when bearing mutations in mutS, mutD, or dnaQ which are known to enhance slip strand events between repetitive sequences. The ability to inactivate the phnE gene appears to be unique to K-12 strains since the B strain is naturally Phn(+) and lacks the inactivating 8-bp insertion in phnE, as do important pathogenic strains for which genome sequences are known and also strains isolated recently from environmental sources.


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Previous work has demonstrated that the alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) possess oestrogenic activity, which increases with length of alkyl chain from methylparaben to n-butylparaben and with branching in the alkyl chain from n-butylparaben to isobutylparaben. This study reports on the oestrogenic activity of benzylparaben in a variety of assays in vitro and in vivo. Benzylparaben was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor (ER) of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 22% at 1000-fold molar excess, by 40% at 10000-fold molar excess, by 57% at 100000-fold molar excess and by 100% at 1000000-fold molar excess. It was able to increase expression of a stably transfected oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) in MCF7 cells after 24 h at 10(-5)M/10(-4)M and after 7 days at 10(-6)M/10(-5)M/10(-4)M. Proliferation of MCF7 cells could be increased by 10(-6)M/10(-5)M benzylparaben and this could be inhibited by 10(-7)M pure anti-oestrogen ICI 182,780, indicating that growth effects were ER mediated. Further evidence for ER-mediation was provided from the ability of benzylparaben to increase the growth of a second oestrogen-dependent human breast cancer cell line ZR-75-1, but not the oestrogen-insensitive NIDA-MB-231 cell line. When tested in the presence of 10(-10)M 17beta-oestradiol, benzylparaben gave no antagonist response on the growth of either MCF7 or ZR-75-1 cells. Finally, benzylparaben could increase uterine weight in the immature mouse following topical application of three daily doses of 33 mg to dorsal skin. These results demonstrate that the oestrogenicity of methylparaben can be increased by the addition of an aryl group as well as by lengthening or branching the alkyl grouping. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The synthesis of a series of poly(aromatic amide) dendrimers up to the second generation is described herein. The AB, building block used throughout the synthesis of the dendrimers was the allyl ester of 3,5-diaminocinnamic acid, which has been synthesized from 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid in good yield with use of a four-step procedure. Dendron synthesis was achieved via a convergent approach with use of a sequence of deprotection/coupling steps. Two commercially available alcohols, L-menthol and citronellol, were coupled to the AB(2) monomer by using an alkyl diacid spacer and two core units; 1,7-diaminoheptane and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine have been used to produce the final dendrimers. Characterization was carried out by NMR and IR spectroscopies, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, GPC, and DSC. The novel monomer and dendritic derivatives exhibited a strong fluorescence emission in the visible region (lambda approximate to 500 nm) of the spectrum and a weak emission in the near-infrared (lambda approximate to 850 nm) upon excitation in the near-UV region. The fluorescence emission characteristics were found to be solvent and dendrimer generation dependent.


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HIV attachment via the CD4 receptor is an important target for developing novel approaches to HIV chemotherapy. Cyclotriazadisulfonamide (CADA) inhibits HIV at submicromolar levels by specifically down-modulating cell-surface and intracellular CD4. An effective five-step synthesis of CADA in 30% overall yield is reported. This synthesis has also been modified to produce more than 50 analogues. Many tail-group analogues have been made by removing the benzyl tail of CADA and replacing it with various alkyl, acyl, alkoxycarbonyl and aminocarbonyl substituents. A series of sidearm analogues, including two unsymmetrical compounds, have also been prepared by modifying the CADA synthesis, replacing the toluenesulfonyl sidearms with other sulfonyl groups. Testing 30 of these compounds in MT-4 cells shows a wide range of CD4 down-modulation potency, which correlates with ability to inhibit HIV-1. Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) models were constructed using comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) approaches. The X-ray crystal structures of four compounds, including CADA, show the same major conformation of the central 12-membered ring. The solid-state structure of CADA was energy minimized and used to generate the remaining 29 structures, which were similarly minimized and aligned to produce the 3D-QSAR models. Both models indicate that steric bulk of the tail group, and, to a lesser extent, the sidearms mainly determine CD4 down-modulation potency in this series of compounds.


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Columnar mesophases based on alternating triphenylene and hexaphenyltriphenylene moieties are exceptionally stable and able to accommodate bulky side-chain substituents within the alkyl chain continuum between the columns. This paper presents a system in which the triphenylene bears a fullerene on its side-chain and the hexaphenyltriphenylene equivalent is the aza-derivative hexakis(4-nonylphenyl)dipyrazino[2,3-f : 2'3'-h] quinoxalene, PDQ9. The mesophase formed was identified as hexagonal columnar (Col(h)) by X-ray diffraction (a = 25.2 angstrom and c = 3.5 angstrom) but, in addition to the expected peaks, there is indication of a two-dimensional hexagonal superlattice with d-spacing 59 angstrom. This superlattice is believed to arise from ordering of the fullerenes within the liquid crystal matrix. It can be explained on the assumption that, to maximise fullerene-fullerene contact, the fullerenes form chains which wrap around the central column in every group of seven columns of the triphenylene : PDQ9 Col(h) array.


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The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of 3,4-bis(tributylstannyl)furan-2(5H)-one using chelating ligand or polar solvent gives mixtures of single and double coupled products, even when one equivalent of halide coupling partner is used. After optimization, the double coupling reaction was shown to be general, with the use of two equivalents of aryl iodides giving 3,4-disubstituted furanones, The reaction using benzyl bromides proceeds at lower temperatures than the corresponding coupling using aryl iodides, giving dibenzylfuranones. The methodology has been exemplified in a synthesis of (+/-)-hinokinin.


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The new dioxatetraazamacrocycle (L-1) was synthesized by a 2 + 2 condensation and characterized. Stability constants of its copper(II) complexes were determined by spectrophotometry in DMSO at 298.2 K in 0. 10 mol dm(-3) KClO4. Mainly dinuclear complexes are formed and the presence of mononuclear species is dependent on the counterion (Cl- or ClO4-). The association constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes with dicarboxylate anions [oxalate (oxa(2-)), malonate (mal(2-)), succinate (suc(2-)), and glutarate (glu(2-))] were also determined by spectrophotometry at 298.2 K in DMSO, and it was found that values decrease with an increase of the alkyl chain between the carboxylate groups. X-Band EPR spectra of the dicopper(II) complexes and of their cascade species in frozen DMSO exhibit dipole-dipole coupling, and their simulation, together with their UV-vis spectra, showed that the copper centres of the complexes in solution had square pyramidal geometries though with different distortions. From the experimental data, it was also possible to predict the Cu...Cu distances, the minimum being found at 6.4 angstrom for the (Cu2LCl4)-Cl-1 complex and then successively this distance slightly increases when the chloride anions are replaced by dicarboxylate anions, from 6.6 angstrom for oxa(2-) to 7.8 for glu(2-). The crystal structures of the dinuclear copper cascade species with oxa(2-) and suc(2-) were determined and showed one anion bridging both copper centres and Cu...Cu distances of 5.485(7) angstrom and 6.442(8) angstrom, respectively.


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The dibenzodioxatetraazamacrocycle [26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2) was characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the protonation constants of this compound and the stability constants of its copper(II) and lead(II) complexes were determined by potentiometry in water at 298.2 K in 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mono- and dinuclear complexes were found for both metal ions, the dinuclear complexes being the main species in the 5-7.5 pH range for copper(II) and 7.5-8.5 for lead(II). As expected the values of the stability constants for the copper(II) complexes are lower than those for related macrocycles containing only nitrogen atoms. The presence of mono- and dinuclear copper complexes was also confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. These results suggest that the symmetric macrocyclic cavity of [26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2) has enough space for the coordination of two metal ions. Additionally, NMR spectroscopy showed that the dinuclear complex of lead(II) has high symmetry. The equilibrium constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes and dicarboxylate anions (oxalate, malonate and succinate) were also determined in 0.10 mol dm-3 aqueous KNO3 solution. Only species containing one anion, Cu(2)H(h)LA((2+h)), were found, strongly suggesting that the anion bridges the two copper(II) ions. The binding constants of the cascade species formed by [Cu-2[26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2)(H2O)(4+) with dicarboxylate anions decrease with the increase in length of the alkyl chain of the anion, a fact which was attributed to a higher conformational energy necessary for the rearrangement of the macrocycle to accommodate the larger anions bridging the two copper(II) centres. The variation of the magnetic susceptibility with temperature Of [Cu-2(H-2[26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(oxa)(3)]-4H(2)O and [Cu-2([26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(suc)Cl-2] were measured and the two complexes showed different behaviour. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of the reactions of 1-and 2-butoxy radicals have been studied using a slow-flow photochemical reactor with GC-FID detection of reactants and products. Branching ratios between decomposition, CH3CH(O-.)CH2CH3 CH3CHO + C2H5, reaction (7), and reaction with oxygen, CH3CH(O-.)CH2CH3 + O-2 -> CH3C(O)C2H5 + HO2, reaction (6), for the 2-butoxy radical and between isomerization, CH3CH2CH2CH2O. -> CH2CH2CH2CH2OH, reaction (9), and reaction with oxygen, CH3CH2CH2CH2O. + O-2 -> C3H7CHO + HO2, reaction (8), for the 1-butoxy radical were measured as a function of oxygen concentration at atmospheric pressure over the temperature range 250-318 K. Evidence for the formation of a small fraction of chemically activated alkoxy radicals generated from the photolysis of alkyl nitrite precursors and from the exothermic reaction of 2-butyl peroxy radicals with NO was observed. The temperature dependence of the rate constant ratios for a thermalized system is given by k(7)/k(6) = 5.4 x 1026 exp[(-47.4 +/- 2.8 kJ mol(-1))/RT] molecule cm(-3) and k(9)/k(8) = 1.98 x 10(23) exp[(-22.6 +/- 3.9 kJ mol(-1))/RT] molecule cm(-3). The results agree well with the available experimental literature data at ambient temperature but the temperature dependence of the rate constant ratios is weaker than in current recommendations.


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Molecular modelling studies have been carried out on two bis(calix[4]diqu(inone) ionophores, each created from two (calix[4]diquinone)arenes bridged at their bottom rims via alkyl chains (CH2)(n), 1: n = 3, 2; n = 4, in order to understand the reported selectivity of these ligands towards different sized metal ions such as Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+ in dmso solution. Conformational. analyses have been carried out which show that in the lowest energy conformations of the two macrocycles, the individual calix[4]diquinones exhibit a combination of partial cone, 1,3-alternate and cone conformations. The interactions of these alkali metals with the macrocycles have been studied in the gas phase and in a periodic box of solvent dmso by molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics calculations. Molecular mechanics calculations have been carried out on the mode of entry of the ions into the macrocycles and suggest that this is likely to occur from the side of the central cavity, rather than through the main axis of the calix[4]diquinones. There are energy barriers of ca. 19 kcal mol(-1) for this entry path in the gas phase, but in solution no energy barrier is found. Molecular dynamics simulations show that in both 1 and 2, though particularly in the latter macrocycle, one or two solvent molecules are bonded to the metal throughout the course of the simulation, often to the exclusion, of one or more of the ether oxygen atoms. By contrast the carbonyl oxygen atoms remain bonded to the metal atoms throughout with bond lengths that remain significantly less than those to the ether oxygen atoms. Free energy perturbation studies have been carried out in dmso and indicate that for 1, the selectivity follows the order Rb+ approximate to K+ > Cs+ >> Na+, which is partially in agreement with the experimental results. The energy differences are small and indeed the ratio between stability constants found for Cs+ and K+ complexes is only 0.60, showing that 1 has only a slight preference for K+. For the larger receptor 2, which is better suited to metal complexation, the binding affinity follows the pattern Cs+ >> Rb+ >> K+ >> Na+, with energy differences of 5.75, 2.61, 2.78 kcal mol(-1) which is perfectly consistent with experimental results.