993 resultados para AK22-1949


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The influence of granulometry and organic treatment of a Brazilian montmorillonite (MMT) clay on the synthesis and properties of poly(styrene-co-n-butyl acrylate)/layered silicate nanocomposites was studied. Hybrid latexes of poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate)/MMT were synthesized via miniemulsion polymerization using either sodium or organically modified MMT. Five clay granulometries ranging from clay particles smaller than 75 mu m to colloidal size were selected. The size of the clay particles was evaluated by Specific surface area measurements (BET). Cetyl trimethyl ammonium chloride was used as an organic modifier to enhance the clay compatibility with the monomer phase before polymerization and to improve the clav distribution and dispersion within the polymeric matrix after polymerization. The sodium and organically modified natural clays as well as the composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. The latexes were characterized by dynamic light scattering. The mechanical, thermal, and rheological properties of the composites obtained were characterized by dynamical-mechanical analysis, thermogravimetry, and small amplitude oscillatory, shear tests, respectively. The results showed that smaller the size of the organically modified MMT, the higher the degree of exfoliation of nanoplatelets. Hybrid latexes in presence of Na-MMT resulted in materials with intercalated structures. (C) 2009 Wiley, Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 1949-1958, 2009


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Numerous invertebrate species form long lasting symbioses with bacteria (Buchner, 1949; Buchner, 1965). One of the most common of these bacterial symbionts is Wolbachia pipientis, which has been estimated to infect anywhere from 15–75% of all insect species (Werren et al., 1995a; West et al., 1998; Jeyaprakash and Hoy, 2000; Werren and Windsor, 2000) as well as many species of arachnids, terrestrial crustaceans and filarial nematodes (O’Neill et al., 1997a; Bandi et al., 1998). In most arthropod associations, Wolbachia act as reproductive parasites manipulating the reproduction of their hosts to enhance their own vertical transmission. There appears to be little direct fitness cost to the infected host besides the costs arising from the reproductive manipulations. However instances have been reported where Wolbachia can be either deleterious (Min and Benzer, 1997; Bouchon et al., 1998) or beneficial (Girin and Boultreau, 1995; Stolk and Stouthamer, 1995; Wade and Chang, 1995; Vavre et al., 1999b; Dedeine et al., 2001) to their hosts. Wolbachia were first described as intracellular Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs), infecting the gonad cells of the mosquito, Culex pipiens (Hertig and Wolbach, 1924), and were later named 'Wolbachia pipientis' (Hertig, 1936). It was not until the work of Yen and Barr (Yen and Barr, 1971; Yen and Barr, 1973) that Wolbachia were implicated in causing crossing incompatibilities between different mosquito populations (Laven, 1951; Ghelelovitch, 1952). When polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostics for Wolbachia became available, it became clear that this agent was both extremely widespread and also responsible for a range of different reproductive phenotypes in the different hosts it infected (O’Neill et al., 1992; Rousset et al., 1992; Stouthamer et al., 1993). The most common of these are cytoplasmic incompatibility, inducing parthenogenesis, overriding host sex-determination, and male-killing (O’Neill et al., 1997a). As of the time of this writing, more than 450 different Wolbachia strains with unique gene sequences, different phenotypes, and infecting different hosts have been deposited in GenBank and the Wolbachia host database (http://www.wolbachia.sols. uq.edu.au).


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This review describes the changes in composition of mortality by major attributed cause during the Australian mortality decline this century. The principal categories employed were: infectious diseases, nonrheumatic cardiovascular disease, external causes, cancer,'other' causes and ill-defined conditions. The data were age-adjusted. Besides registration problems (which also affect all-cause mortality) artefacts due to changes in diagnostic designation and coding-are evident. The most obvious trends over the period are the decline in infectious disease mortality (half the decline 1907-1990 occurs before 1949), and the epidemic of circulatory disease mortality which appears to commence around 1930, peaks during the 1950s and 1960s, and declines from 1970 to 1990 (to a rate half that at the peak). Mortality for cancer remains static for females after 1907, but increases steadily for males, reaching a plateau in the mid-1980s (owing to trends in lung cancer); trends in cancers of individual sites are diverse. External cause mortality declines after 1970. The decline in total mortality to 1930 is associated with decline in infection and 'other' causes, Stagnation of mortality decline in 1930-1940 and 1946-1970 for males is a consequence of contemporaneous movements in opposite directions of infection mortality (decrease) and circulatory disease and cancer mortality (increase). In females, declines in infections and 'other' causes of death exceed the increase in circulatory disease mortality until 1960, then stability in all major causes of death to 1970. The overall mortality decline since 1970 is a consequence of a reduction in circulatory disease,'other' cause, external cause and infection mortality, despite the increase in cancer mortality (for males).


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This paper examines gender differences and trends over time in the age of initiation to heroin use. Data from two large surveys: the Sydney component of the ANAIDUS, conducted in 1989, and the ASHIDU, conducted in 1994, were used to examine this issue. Together, these studies contained information on 1,292 individuals who identified themselves as heroin users. Results indicated that, while there were no significant gender differences in age of initiation to heroin use, there was a significant (p < 0.001) time trend in the mean age at which heroin was first used. Specifically, the mean age of first heroin use among individuals born during the interval 1940-1949 was 20.5 years while among those born during 1970-1979 the mean age of first heroin use was 16.5 years. These findings were confirmed by analyses of the National Household Survey. Further analysis of the ASHIDU data indicated that younger age of initiation to heroin use was associated with polydrug use, overdose and crime after the effects of duration of heroin use had been statistically controlled. These findings suggest that there has been both an increase in the willingness of young people to experiment with heroin and an increased availability of the drug over this time. In combination with evidence that there has been an increase in the amount of heroin being imported into Australia, and an increased demand for treatment for opiate dependence, these data suggest that Australia is experiencing an increase in the use of heroin, particularly among youth.


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The Apocreadiidae is reviewed and is considered to include genera recognised previously within the families Apocreadiidae, Homalometridae, Schistorchiidae, Sphincterostomatidae and Trematobrienidae. Key features of the family are extensive vitelline follicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in forebody, I-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and genital pore opening immediately anterior to the ventral sucker (usually) or immediately posterior to it (Postporus Manter, 1949). Three subfamilies and 18 genera are recognised within the Apocreadiidae. The Apocreadiinae comprises Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (new syn. Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965), Callohelmis n. g., Choanodera Manter, 1940, Crassicutis Manter, 1936, Dactylotrema Bravo-Hollis & Manter, 1957, Marsupioacetabulum Yamaguti, 1952, Microcreadium Simer, 1929, Myzotus Manter, 1940, Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Neomegasolena Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Pancreadium Manter, 1954, Procaudotestis Szidat, 1954 and Trematobrien Dollfus, 1950. The Schistorchiinae comprises Schistorchis Luhe, 1906, Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937, Sphincteristomum Oshmarin, Mamaev & Parukhin, 1961 and Megacreadium Nagaty, 1956. The Postporinae comprises only Postporus. A key to subfamilies and genera of the Apocreadiidae is provided. It is argued that there is no convincing basis for the recognition of the genus Apocreadium Manter, 1937 and all its constituent species are combined with Homalometron. The following new combinations are proposed for species previously recognised within Apocreadium: Homalometron balistis (Manter, 1947), H. caballeroi (Bravo-Hollis, 1953), H. cryptum (Overstreet, 1969), H. longisinosum (Manter, 1937), H. manteri (Overstreet, 1970), H. mexicanum (Manter, 1937) and H. vinodae (Ahmad, 1985). Apocreadium uroproctoferum Sogandares-Bernal, 1959 is found to lack a uroproct and is made a synonym of H. mexicanum. Homalometron verrunculi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the secondarily pre-occupied H. caballeroi Lamothe-Argumedo, 1965. Barbulostomum is made a synonym of Homalometron and H. cupuloris (Ramsey, 1965) n. comb. is proposed. Neochoanodera is made a synonym of Choanodera and Choanodera ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas, 1970) n. comb. is proposed. Species within the Apocreadiinae and Postporinae are reviewed and the following are recorded or described from Australian fishes: Homalometron wrightae n. sp. from Achlyopa nigra (Macleay), H. synagris (Yamaguti, 1953) n. comb. from Scolopsis monogramma (Cuvier), H. stradbrokensis n. sp. from Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier, Marsupioacetabulum opallioderma n. sp. from G. subfasciatus, Neoapocreadium karwarensis (Hafeezullah, 1970) n. comb. from G. subfasciatus, N. splendens n. sp. from S. monogramma and Callohelmis pichelinae n. g., n. sp. from Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), H. fasciatus (Bloch), Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker) andChoerodon venustus (De Vis). Callohelmis is recognised by the combination of absence of tegumental spines, caeca terminating midway between the testes and posterior end of body, ventral sucker enclosed in a tegumental pouch, prominent muscles radiating through the body from the ventral sucker, vitelline follicles not extending into the forebody, and a very short excretory vesicle that opens ventrally. New combinations for species previously recognised within Crassicutis are proposed as follows: Neoapocreadium caranxi (Bilqees, 1976) n. comb., N. gerridis (Nahhas & Cable, 1964) n. comb., N. imtiazi (Ahmad, 1984) n. comb. and N. marina (Manter, 1947) n. comb. The host-specificity and zoogeography of the Apocreadiinae are considered.


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Objective: This paper examines trends in the rate of suicide among young Australians aged 15-24 years from 1964 to 1997 and presents an age-period-cohort analysis of these trends. Method: Study design consisted of an age-period-cohort analysis of suicide mortality in Australian youth aged between 15 and 24 for the years 1964-1997 inclusive. Data sources were Australian Bureau of Statistics data on: numbers of deaths due to suicide by gender and age at death; and population at risk in each of eight birth cohorts (1940-1944, 1945-1949, 1950-1954, 1955-1959, 1960-1964, 1965-1969, 1970-1974, and 1975-1979). Main outcome measures were population rates of deaths among males and females in each birth cohort attributed to suicide in each year 1964-1997. Results: The rate of suicide deaths among Australian males aged 15-24 years increased from 8.7 per 100 000 in 1964 to 30.9 per 100 000 in 1997, with the rate among females changing little over the period, from 5.2 per 100 000 in 1964 to 7.1 per 100 000 in 1997. While the rate of deaths attributed to suicide increased over the birth cohorts, analyses revealed that these increases were largely due to period effects, with suicide twice as likely among those aged 15-24 years in 1985-1997 than between 1964 and 1969. Conclusions: The rate of youth suicide in Australia has increased since 1964, particularly among males. This increase can largely be attributed to period effects rather than to a cohort effect and has been paralleled by an increased rate of youth suicides internationally and by an increase in other psychosocial problems including psychiatric illness, criminal offending and substance use disorders.


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Aim: To model the impact of rising rates of cannabis use on the incidence and prevalence of psychosis under four hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. Methods: The study modelled the effects on the prevalence of schizophrenia over the lifespan of cannabis in eight birth cohorts: 1940-1944, 1945-1949, 1950-1954, 1955-1959, 1960-1964, 1965-1969, 1970-1974, 1975-1979. It derived predictions as to the number of cases of schizophrenia that would be observed in these birth cohorts, given the following four hypotheses: (1) that there is a causal relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia; (2) that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in vulnerable persons; (3) that cannabis use exacerbates schizophrenia; and (4) that persons with schizophrenia are more liable to become regular cannabis users. Results: There was a steep rise in the prevalence of cannabis use in Australia over the past 30 years and a corresponding decrease in the age of initiation of cannabis use. There was no evidence of a significant increase in the incidence of schizophrenia over the past 30 years. Data on trends the age of onset of schizophrenia did not show a clear pattern. Cannabis use among persons with schizophrenia has consistently been found to be more common than in the general population. Conclusions: Cannabis use does not appear to be causally related to the incidence of schizophrenia, but its use may precipitate disorders in persons who are vulnerable to developing psychosis and worsen the course of the disorder among those who have already developed it. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Familial adenomatous polyposis is a genetic syndrome associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and different extracolonic manifestations Goals The goal of this study is to evaluate the frequency of death causes Material and Methods Charts from 97 patients treated from 1977 to 2008 were reviewed Retrieved data and family information allowed us to classify causes of death in those related to CCR to other malignancies or other causes Results There were analyzed data from 46 men (47 4%) and 51 women (52 6%) with an average age of 35 1 years (14 to 82) At diagnosis, 57 patients (58 7%) already had CRC-associated polyposis There were performed 93 colectomies, one internal diversion, and one partial resection Two patients were not operated on Results from 19 deceased patients (19 5%) were analyzed CRC, other tumors (desmoid tumors, lymphoma, and gastric cancer), and other causes (complication of duodenal cancer surgery, complication after ileorectal anastomosis (IRA), and coronary disease) were responsible for 12 (63 1%), four (21 1%), and three (15 8%) of all deaths, respectively Death from CRC occurred in the context of either systemic, rectal, or pouch recurrence Desmoid disease was the second cause of death (10 5% of all causes), leading to a fatal outcome 22% of all patients who developed DT during the study period Upper digestive carcinomas were responsible for other two death cases Conclusions (1) CRC is still the most prevalent cause of death, (2) even after curative resections, CRC can cause death through rectal or pouch malignization, (3) long-term survival was also strongly related to the development of extracolonic neoplasia, especially desmoid tumors and gastroduodenal carcinoma, (4) our results raise the need for local improvement in familiar screening and help us to define follow-up strategies and patient-information standards


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Purpose: A gap of more than a hundred years occurred between the first accounts of mesial temporal sclerosis and recognition of its role in the pathogenesis of psychomotor seizures. This paper reviews how the understanding and surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy developed, particularly from the work of Penfield, Jasper, and their associates at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI). Methods: Publications on EEG and surgery for temporal lobe seizures from 1935 to 1953 were reviewed and charts of selected patients operated on at the MNI in the same period were examined. Attention was focused on the evolution of surgical techniques for temporal lobe epilepsy. Results: In the late 1930s, some EEG findings suggested deep-lying disturbances originating in the temporal lobe. However, it took another two decades before the correlation of clinical, neurophysiological, and anatomical findings provided evidence for the involvement of the mesial structures in psychomotor or temporal lobe seizures. From 1949 and onward, Penfield and his associates applied this evidence to extend the surgical resections to include the uncus and the hippocampus. Conclusion: The collaborative work of a team led by Penfield and Jasper at the MNI helped to define the role of neurophysiological studies in epilepsy surgery. As a result, the importance of removing the mesial structures in order to obtain better seizure control in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy became firmly established.


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Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become a major health priority in Brazil-72% of all deaths were attributable to NCDs in 2007. They are also the main source of disease burden, with neuropsychiatric disorders being the single largest contributor. Morbidity and mortality due to NCDs are greatest in the poor population. Although the crude NCD mortality increased 5% between 1996 and 2007, age-standardised mortality declined by 20%. Declines were primarily for cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, in association with the successful implementation of health policies that lead to decreases in smoking and the expansion of access to primary health care. Of note, however, the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension is rising in parallel with that of excess weight; these increases are associated with unfavourable changes of diet and physical activity. Brazil has implemented major policies for the prevention of NCDs, and its age-adjusted NCD mortality is falling by 1.8% per year. However, the unfavourable trends for most major risk factors pose an enormous challenge and call for additional and timely action and policies, especially those of a legislative and regulatory nature and those providing cost-effective chronic care for individuals affected by NCDs.


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O objetivo desse texto é recuperar, a partir de dois textos específicos de Lévi-Strauss, o debate que esse autor trava com a História. Tratam-se mais exatamente de dois ensaios que, apesar de apresentarem título idêntico - "História e etnologia" -, foram redigidos em momentos diferentes e, mais interessante, não se remetem um ao outro. O primeiro deles, e o mais conhecido, é parte da famosa coletânea de artigos escritos por Lévi-Strauss durante os anos 40 e 50, intitulada Antropologia Estrutural. O artigo em questão fora publicado originalmente com o mesmo título na Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, número 54, no ano de 1949. Já o segundo artigo, é o resultado de uma palestra apresentada por Lévi-Strauss, em 2 de julho de 1983, na Sorbonne, por ocasião do quinto ciclo de conferências em homenagem a Marc Bloch e editado na revista dos Annales, no mesmo ano. A intenção é, portanto, tomar as análises de Lévi-Strauss, entendido nessas searas como o mais radical dos antropólogos em seu método sincrônico e sem sujeito, e perceber como na delimitação disciplinar, sobretudo no campo da Antropologia, pareceu necessária a contraposição com a História.


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Description of Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from interandean areas of Peru and Equador. Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp., probable vector of human bartonellosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, is described and illustrated. This species presents strong affinity with L. serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949) but they can be distinguished by variance analysis of four male characteristics and only one female characteristic. In the variance analysis, populations of L. serrana, of Amazonian areas of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, the coast of Equador and other areas of Brazil were studied. The synonymy of Lutzomyia guayasi (Rodriguez) and L. serrana was corroborated.