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Nandrolone and other anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) at elevated concentration can alter the expression and function of neurotransmitter systems and contribute to neuronal cell death. This effect can explain the behavioural changes, drug dependence and neuro degeneration observed in steroid abuser. Nandrolone treatment (10-8M–10-5M) caused a time- and concentration-dependent downregulation of mu opioid receptor (MOPr) transcripts in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. This effect was prevented by the androgen receptor (AR) antagonist hydroxyflutamide. Receptor binding assays confirmed a decrease in MOPr of approximately 40% in nandrolonetreated cells. Treatment with actinomycin D (10-5M), a transcription inhibitor, revealed that nandrolone may regulate MOPr mRNA stability. In SH-SY5Y cells transfected with a human MOPr luciferase promoter/reporter construct, nandrolone did not alter the rate of gene transcription. These results suggest that nandrolone may regulate MOPr expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms requiring the AR. Cito-toxicity assays demonstrated a time- and concentration dependent decrease of cells viability in SH-SY5Y cells exposed to steroids (10-6M–10-4M). This toxic effects is independent of activation of AR and sigma-2 receptor. An increased of caspase-3 activity was observed in cells treated with Nandrolone 10-6M for 48h. Collectively, these data support the existence of two cellular mechanisms that might explain the neurological syndromes observed in steroids abuser.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Rubinen der drei derzeit bedeutendsten Vorkommen in Nord-Vietnam, mit ihrer Entstehung, ihrer Charakterisierung, ihrem Edelsteinpotential und ihren Materialeigenschaften im Kontext mit handelsüblichen Synthesen. Zur Erstellung der hierfür erforderlichen Datenbanken wurden sowohl phasenanalytische wie chemisch-analytische als auch spektroskopische Methoden benutzt und die Ergebnisse mit den Erkenntnissen klassischer gemmologischer Untersuchungsmethoden interpretiert. Die natürlichen Bildungsbedingungen der Rubine werden der granulit-faziellen Metamorphose der Day Nui Con Voi - Zone innerhalb der Red River Ailao Shan - Region Südostasiens zugerechnet. Marmore, Gneise und Mobilisationszonen zwischen sehr unterschiedlichen Gesteinen sind dabei zu Trägern von oxidischen Edelsteinmineralen wie Rubin und Spinell geworden, gleichzeitig entstandene Magmatite führen silikatische Edelsteinminerale wie Turmalin und Topas.Mit IR-, Ramanspektroskopie, Elektronstrahl-Mikrosonde und Edelsteinmikroskop werden Kaolinit, Boehmit, Glimmer, Diaspor, Calcit, Zirkon, Turmalin, Graphit, Rutil als charakterisierende Mineraleinschlüsse in vietnamesischen Rubinen bestimmt. Die chemische Zusammensetzung vietnamesischer und synthetischer Rubine wurde mit der Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde untersucht. Die vietnamesischen Rubine von Yen Bai, Luc Yen und Nghe An sind aufgrund spezieller Spurenelement-Kombinationen und auch durch Absolutgehalte bestimmter Elemente relativ sicher von Synthesen jeglicher Art zu unterscheiden; selbst die qualitativ besten Synthesen (Douros), die mit klassischen Methoden nur schwer als solche zu identifizieren sind, können von hochwertigen natürlichen Rubinen differenziert werden. Polarisierte Absorptionsspektren vietnamesischer Rubine zeigen die typischen Banden des Cr3+ in der Kristallstruktur des Rubins bei 17953 cm-1; 24570 cm-1 (E?c) sowie 17985 cm-1 und 25125 cm-1 (E//c). Sie entsprechen den Spinübergängen 4A2g?4T2g(4F) und 4A2g?4T1g(4F); eine zu beobachtende Verschiebung der Spektrenkante bei 32500 cm-1 zu 35000 cm-1 nach Temperaturbehandlung wird wahrscheinlich von V3+ verursacht. Mit Laser-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie wurden polarisierte Emissionsspektren von ausgewählten Rubinen mit spezieller Spurenelementchemie aufgenommen; dabei konnte die Schwächung der Fluoreszenzintensität von Cr durch Fe festgestellt werden. Die Emissionsspektren bestehen aus dem charakteristischen Chromdublett (R1 und R2 Linien bei etwa 693 nm und 694 nm), Seitenbanden in Stoke und anti Stoke-Bereich und n-Linien, die auf die Emission benachbarter, farbwirksamer Ionenpaare zurückzuführen sind. Das Verhältnis der Intensitäten der n-Linien bei 702 nm und 705 nm zu den Seitenbandenlinien bei 713 nm zeigt im untersuchten Cr3+-Konzentrationsbereich eine nahezu lineare Abhängigkeit zur Cr3+-Konzentration, unabhängig von der Anregungswellenlänge und der Fe-Konzentration. Die in vietnamesischen Rubinen häufig vorkommenden blauen Farbzonen werden durch elektronische Wechselwirkung von Fe2+/Fe3+ und Fe2+/Ti4+ -Kombinationen verursacht und können für den Edelstein schadlos durch geeignete Temperaturbehandlung eliminiert werden.
A one-dimensional multi-component reactive fluid transport algorithm, 1DREACT (Steefel, 1993) was used to investigate different fluid-rock interaction systems. A major short coming of mass transport calculations which include mineral reactions is that solid solutions occurring in many minerals are not treated adequately. Since many thermodynamic models of solid solutions are highly non-linear, this can seriously impact on the stability and efficiency of the solution algorithms used. Phase petrology community saw itself faced with a similar predicament 10 years ago. To improve performance and reliability, phase equilibrium calculations have been using pseudo compounds. The same approach is used here in the first, using the complex plagioclase solid solution as an example. Thermodynamic properties of a varying number of intermediate plagioclase phases were calculated using ideal molecular, Al-avoidance, and non-ideal mixing models. These different mixing models can easily be incorporated into the simulations without modification of the transport code. Simulation results show that as few as nine intermediate compositions are sufficient to characterize the diffusional profile between albite and anorthite. Hence this approach is very efficient, and can be used with little effort. A subsequent chapter reports the results of reactive fluid transport modeling designed to constrain the hydrothermal alteration of Paleoproterozoic sediments of the Southern Lake Superior region. Field observations reveal that quartz-pyrophyllite (or kaolinite) bearing assemblages have been transformed into muscovite-pyrophyllite-diaspore bearing assemblages due to action of fluids migrating along permeable flow channels. Fluid-rock interaction modeling with an initial qtz-prl assemblage and a K-rich fluid simulates the formation of observed mineralogical transformation. The bulk composition of the system evolves from an SiO2-rich one to an Al2O3+K2O-rich one. Simulations show that the fluid flow was up-temperature (e.g. recharge) and that fluid was K-rich. Pseudo compound approach to include solid solutions in reactive transport models was tested in modeling hydrothermal alteration of Icelandic basalts. Solid solutions of chlorites, amphiboles and plagioclase were included as the secondary mineral phases. Saline and fresh water compositions of geothermal fluids were used to investigate the effect of salinity on alteration. Fluid-rock interaction simulations produce the observed mineral transformations. They show that roughly the same alteration minerals are formed due to reactions with both types of fluid which is in agreement with the field observations. A final application is directed towards the remediation of nitrate rich groundwaters. Removal of excess nitrate from groundwater by pyrite oxidation was modeled using the reactive fluid transport algorithm. Model results show that, when a pyrite-bearing, permeable zone is placed in the flow path, nitrate concentration in infiltrating water can be significantly lowered, in agreement with proposals from the literature. This is due to nitrogen reduction. Several simulations investigate the efficiency of systems with different mineral reactive surface areas, reactive barrier zone widths, and flow rates to identify the optimum setup.
Non esiste una definizione standard di spreco alimentare, così come non esistono metodologie uniformi per calcolarlo. Gli studi finora realizzati sullo spreco sono carenti, i dati raccolti spesso insufficienti. Il cibo viene sprecato ad ogni stadio della filiera alimentare, dal campo alla tavola. Nei Paesi Membri dell’Unione Europea, le famiglie – secondo dati elaborati da Eurostat- sono le principali responsabili dello spreco. Secondo la FAO, ogni europeo spreca ogni anno 179 chili di alimenti. Last Minute Market, spin off accademico che si occupa di ridurre e recuperare lo spreco, ha stimato che a livello domestico in Italia si sprecano mediamente il 17% dei prodotti ortofrutticoli acquistati, il 15% di pesce, il 28% di pasta e pane, il 29% di uova, il 30% di carne e il 32% di latticini. Da un punto di vista economico, lo sperpero alimentare significa una perdita di 1.693 euro l’anno per famiglia. Per inquadrare lo spreco alimentare domestico in Italia e gettare luce su dati contrastanti emersi da diversi studi finora realizzati, la tesi – dopo aver presentato stime a livello globale, europeo e italiano – si concentra sull’analisi dei dati emersi da un questionario sullo spreco domestico, compilato da 3.087 italiani tra il mese di novembre e quello di dicembre 2012. L’indagine socio-economica è stata realizzata in collaborazione con la Commissione Europea (DG JCR, Istituto per la Tutela della Salute dei Consumatori) e il Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie. Il questionario è stato posto sulla piattaforma online surveymonkey. La tesi ha avuto come obiettivi l’identificazione di dati quantitativi circa “quanto si spreca” , “cosa si spreca”, l’individuazione delle cause sociali, valoriali, comportamentali e di stile di vita, dello spreco alimentare delle famiglie italiane, l’impatto economico dello spreco sul budget domestico e l’elaborazione di profili di consumatori attraverso la cluster analysis.
BACKGROUND: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is common and imposes a high risk of major systemic and limb ischemic events. The REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) Registry is an international prospective registry of patients at risk of atherothrombosis caused by established arterial disease or the presence of 3 atherothrombotic risk factors. METHODS AND RESULTS: We compared the 2-year rates of vascular-related hospitalizations and associated costs in US patients with established PAD across patient subgroups. Symptomatic PAD at enrollment was identified on the basis of current intermittent claudication with an ankle-brachial index (ABI) <0.90 or a history of lower-limb revascularization or amputation. Asymptomatic PAD was diagnosed on the basis of an enrollment ABI <0.90 in the absence of symptoms. Overall, 25 763 of the total 68 236-patient REACH cohort were enrolled from US sites; 2396 (9.3%) had symptomatic and 213 (0.8%) had asymptomatic PAD at baseline. One- and cumulative 2-year follow-up data were available for 2137 (82%) and 1677 (64%) of US REACH patients with either symptomatic or asymptomatic PAD, respectively. At 2 years, mean cumulative hospitalization costs, per patient, were $7445, $7000, $10 430, and $11 693 for patients with asymptomatic PAD, a history of claudication, lower-limb amputation, and revascularization, respectively (P=0.007). A history of peripheral intervention (lower-limb revascularization or amputation) was associated with higher rates of subsequent procedures at both 1 and 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: The economic burden of PAD is high. Recurring hospitalizations and repeat revascularization procedures suggest that neither patients, physicians, nor healthcare systems should assume that a first admission for a lower-extremity PAD procedure serves as a permanent resolution of this costly and debilitating condition.
Context: Through overexpression and aberrant activation in many human tumors, the IGF system plays a key role in tumor development and tumor cell proliferation. Different strategies targeting IGF-I receptor (IGFI-R) have been developed, and recent studies demonstrated that combined treatments with cytostatic drugs enhance the potency of anti-IGFI-R therapies. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the IGFI-R expression status in neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system (GEP-NETs) in comparison with healthy tissues and use potential overexpression as a target for novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes. Experimental Design: A human tumor tissue array and samples from different normal tissues were investigated by immunohistochemistry. An IGFI-R antagonistic antibody (1H7) was coupled to the surface of sterically stabilized liposomes loaded with doxorubicin. Cell lines from different tumor entities were investigated for liposomal association studies in vitro. For in vivo experiments, neuroendocrine tumor xenografts were used for evaluation of pharmacokinetic and therapeutic properties of the novel compound. Results: Immunohistochemistry revealed significant IGFI-R overexpression in all investigated GEP-NETs (n = 59; staining index, 229.1 +/- 3.1%) in comparison with normal tissues (115.7 +/- 3.7%). Furthermore, anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes displayed specific tumor cell association (44.2 +/- 1.6% vs. IgG liposomes, 0.8 +/- 0.3%; P < 0.0001) and internalization in human neuroendocrine tumor cells in vitro and superior antitumor efficacy in vivo (life span 31.5 +/- 2.2 d vs. untreated control, 19 +/- 0.6, P = 0.008). Conclusion: IGFI-R overexpression seems to be a common characteristic of otherwise heterogenous NETs. Novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes have been developed and successfully tested in a preclinical model for human GEP-NETs. Moreover in vitro experiments indicate that usage of this agent could also present a promising approach for other tumor entities.
Isolated lateral malleolar fractures usually result from a supination-external rotation (SER) injury and may include a deltoid ligament rupture. The necessity of operative treatment is based on the recognition of a relevant medial soft-tissue disruption. Currently used tests to assess ankle stability include manual stress radiographs and gravity stress radiographs, but seem to overestimate the need for fracture fixation.
Background Parasitic wasps constitute one of the largest group of venomous animals. Although some physiological effects of their venoms are well documented, relatively little is known at the molecular level on the protein composition of these secretions. To identify the majority of the venom proteins of the endoparasitoid wasp Chelonus inanitus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), we have randomly sequenced 2111 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a cDNA library of venom gland. In parallel, proteins from pure venom were separated by gel electrophoresis and individually submitted to a nano-LC-MS/MS analysis allowing comparison of peptides and ESTs sequences. Results About 60% of sequenced ESTs encoded proteins whose presence in venom was attested by mass spectrometry. Most of the remaining ESTs corresponded to gene products likely involved in the transcriptional and translational machinery of venom gland cells. In addition, a small number of transcripts were found to encode proteins that share sequence similarity with well-known venom constituents of social hymenopteran species, such as hyaluronidase-like proteins and an Allergen-5 protein. An overall number of 29 venom proteins could be identified through the combination of ESTs sequencing and proteomic analyses. The most highly redundant set of ESTs encoded a protein that shared sequence similarity with a venom protein of unknown function potentially specific of the Chelonus lineage. Venom components specific to C. inanitus included a C-type lectin domain containing protein, a chemosensory protein-like protein, a protein related to yellow-e3 and ten new proteins which shared no significant sequence similarity with known sequences. In addition, several venom proteins potentially able to interact with chitin were also identified including a chitinase, an imaginal disc growth factor-like protein and two putative mucin-like peritrophins. Conclusions The use of the combined approaches has allowed to discriminate between cellular and truly venom proteins. The venom of C. inanitus appears as a mixture of conserved venom components and of potentially lineage-specific proteins. These new molecular data enrich our knowledge on parasitoid venoms and more generally, might contribute to a better understanding of the evolution and functional diversity of venom proteins within Hymenoptera.
Detrital zircon and igneous zircon U-Pb ages are reported from Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in northern New Mexico. These data give new insight into the provenance and depositional age of a >3-km-thick metasedimentary succession and help resolve the timing of orogenesis within an area of overlapping accretionary orogens and thermal events related to the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of southwest Laurentia. Three samples from the Paleoproterozoic Vadito Group yield narrow, unimodal detrital zircon age spectra with peak ages near 1710 Ma. Igneous rocks that intrude the Vadito Group include the Cerro Alto metadacite, the Picuris Pueblo granite, and the Penasco quartz monzonite and yield crystallization ages of 1710 +/- 10 Ma, 1699 +/- 3 Ma, and 1450 +/- 10 Ma, respectively. Within the overlying Hondo Group, a metamorphosed tuff layer from the Pilar Formation yields an age of 1488 +/- 6 Ma and represents the first direct depositional age constraint on any part of the Proterozoic metasedimentary succession in northern New Mexico. Detrital zircon from the overlying Piedra Lumbre Formation yield a minimum age peak of 1475 Ma, and similar to 60 grains (similar to 25%) yield ages between 1500 Ma and 1600 Ma, possibly representing non-Laurentian detritus originating from Australia and/or Antarctica. Detrital zircons from the basal metaconglomerate and the middle quartzite member of the Marquenas Formation yield minimum age peaks of 1472 Ma and 1471 Ma, consistent with earlier results. We interpret the onset of ca. 1490-1450 Ma deposition followed by tectonic burial, regional Al2SiO5 triple-point metamorphism, and ductile deformation at depths of 12-18 km to reflect a Mesoproterozoic contractional orogenic event, possibly related to the final suturing of the Mazatzal crustal province to the southern margin of Laurentia. We propose to call this event the Picuris orogeny.
Hyperkalemia is a concern in heart failure (HF), especially in older patients with co-morbidities. Previous studies addressing this issue have focused mainly on younger patients. This study was aimed at determining the frequency and predictors of hyperkalemia in older patients with HF undergoing intense medical therapy. Frequency and predictors of hyperkalemia were defined in patients (n = 566) participating in the Trial of Intensified versus Standard Medical Therapy in Elderly Patients with Congestive Heart Failure, in which patients ≥60 years of age were randomized to a standard versus an intensified N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide-guided HF therapy. During an 18-month follow-up 76 patients (13.4%) had hyperkalemia (≥5.5 mmol/L) and 28 (4.9%) had severe hyperkalemia (≥6.0 mmol/L). Higher baseline serum potassium (odds ratio [OR] 2.92 per mmol/L), baseline creatinine (OR 1.11 per 10 μmol/L), gout (OR 2.56), New York Heart Association (NYHA) class (compared to NYHA class II, IV OR 3.08), higher dosage of spironolactone at baseline (OR 1.20 per 12.5 mg/day), and higher dose changes of spironolactone (compared to no dose change: 12.5 mg, OR 1.45; 25 mg, OR 2.52; >25 mg, OR 3.24) were independent predictors for development of hyperkalemia (p <0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, hyperkalemia is common in patients ≥60 years of age with HF undergoing intense medical therapy. Risk is increased in patients treated with spironolactone, in addition to patient-specific risk factors such as chronic kidney disease, higher serum potassium, advanced NYHA class, and gout. Careful surveillance of serum potassium and cautious use of spironolactone in patients at risk may help to decrease the incidence of potentially hazardous complications caused by hyperkalemia.
Survival after surgical treatment using competing-risk analysis has been previously examined in patients with prostate cancer (PCa). However, the combined effect of age and comorbidities has not been assessed in patients with high-risk PCa who might have heterogeneous rates of competing mortality despite the presence of aggressive disease.
In the diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) various autonomic tests are used. We took a novel statistical approach to find a combination of autonomic tests that best separates normal controls from patients with DAN.