837 resultados para 655, EAST
The need to obtain ocean color essential climate variables (OC-ECVs) using hyperspectral technology has gained increased interest in recent years. Assessing ocean color on a large scale in high latitude environments using satellite remote sensing is constrained by polar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, on a small scale we can assess ocean color using above-water and in-water remote sensing. Unfortunately, above-water remote sensing can only determine apparent optical properties leaving the sea surface and is susceptible to near surface environmental conditions for example sky and sunglint. Consequently, we have to rely on accurate in-water remote sensing as it can provide both synoptic inherent and apparent optical properties of seawater. We use normalized water leaving radiance LWN or the equivalent remote sensing reflectance RRS from 27 stations to compare the differences in above-water and in-water OC-ECVs. Analysis of above-water and in-water RRS spectra provided very good match-ups (R2 > 0.97, MSE<1.8*10**-7) for all stations. The unbiased percent differences (UPD) between above-water and in-water approaches were determined at common OC-ECVs spectral bands (410, 440, 490, 510 and 555) nm and the classic band ratio (490/555) nm. The spectral average UPD ranged (5 - 110) % and band ratio UPD ranged (0 - 12) %, the latter showing that the 5% uncertainty threshold for ocean color radiometric products is attainable. UPD analysis of these stations West of Greenland, Labrador Sea, Denmark Strait and West of Iceland also suggests that the differences observed are likely a result of environmental and instrumental perturbations.
Endolithic bioerosion is difficult to analyse and to describe, and it usually requires damaging of the sample material. Sponge erosion (Entobia) may be one of the most difficult to evaluate as it is simultaneously macroscopically inhomogeneous and microstructurally intricate. We studied the bioerosion traces of the two Australian sponges Cliona celata Grant, 1826 (sensu Schönberg 2000) and Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 with a newly available radiographic technology: high resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (MCT). MCT allows non-destructive visualisation of live and dead structures in three dimensions and was compared to traditional microscopic methods. MCT and microscopy showed that C. celata bioerosion was more intense in the centre and branched out in the periphery. In contrast, C. orientalis produced a dense, even trace meshwork and caused an overall more intense erosion pattern than C. celata. Extended pioneering filaments were not usually found at the margins of the studied sponge erosion, but branches ended abruptly or tapered to points. Results obtained with MCT were similar in quality to observations from transparent optical spar under the dissecting microscope. Microstructures could not be resolved as well as with e.g. scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Even though sponge scars and sponge chips were easily recognisable on maximum magnification MCT images, they lacked the detail that is available from SEM. Other drawbacks of MCT involve high costs and presently limited access. Even though MCT cannot presently replace traditional techniques such as corrosion casts viewed by SEM, we obtained valuable information. Especially for the possibility to measure endolithic pore volumes, we regard MCT as a very promising tool that will continue to be optimised. A combination of different methods will produce the best results in the study of Entobia.
The Aral Sea is located in an arid region with much sand and salt deposits in the surrounding barren open land. Hence, significant displacements of sediments into the lakebed by the action of wind, water, gravity, or snow are likely. The bathymetry of the lake was last observed in the 1960s, and within the last half century, the structure of the lakebed has changed. Based on satellite observations of the temporal changes of shoreline (Landsat optical remote sensing) and water level (multi-mission satellite altimetry) over more than one decade an updated bathymetric chart for the East Basin of the Aral Sea has been generated. During this time, the geometry of the shallow East Basin experienced strong fluctuations due to the occurrence of periods of drying and strong inflow. By the year 2014 the East Basin fell dry. The dynamic behavior of the basin allowed for estimating the lake's bathymetry from a series of satellite-based information. The river mouth made its impression in the present East Aral Sea, because its shrinking led to the inflow of much sediment into the lake's interior. In addition, salt deposits along the shorelines increased the corresponding elevation, a phenomenon that is more pronounced in the reduced lakebed because of increased salinity. It must be noted that height estimates from satellite altimetry were only possible down to a minimum elevation of 27 m above sea level due to a lack of reliable altimetry data over the largely reduced water surface. In order to construct a complete bathymetric chart of the lakebed of the East Aral Sea heights below 27 m were obtained solely from Landsat optical images following the SRB (Selected Region Boundary) approach as described by Singh et al. (2015).
In the monograph metalliferous sediments of the East Pacific Rise near 21°S are under consideration. Distribution trends of chemical, mineral and grain size compositions of metalliferous sediments accumulated near the axis of this ultrafast spreading segment of the EPR are shown. On the basis of lithological and geochemical investigations spatial and temporal variations of hydrothermal activity are estimated. Migration rates of hydrothermal fields along the spreading axis are calculated. The model of cyclic hydrothermal process is suggested as a result of tectono-magmatic development of the spreding centre.
The motivation for ISSS-08 was to alleviate the scarcity of observational data on transport and processing of water, sediment and carbon on the East Siberian Arctic Shelves (ESAS). The region is of particular interest from the perspective of carbon-climate couplings as it has witnessed a 4°C springtime positive temperature anomaly for 2000-2005 compared with preceding decades. A complex sampling program was accomplished during the 50-days ISSS-08 cruise August - September 2008 by participants from 12 organizations in Russia, Sweden, UK and USA.
Acoustic estimates of herring and blue whiting abundance were obtained during the surveys using the Simrad ER60 scientific echosounder. The allocation of NASC-values to herring, blue whiting and other acoustic targets were based on the composition of the trawl catches and the appearance of echo recordings. To estimate the abundance, the allocated NASC -values were averaged for ICES-squares (0.5° latitude by 1° longitude). For each statistical square, the unit area density of fish (rA) in number per square nautical mile (N*nm-2) was calculated using standard equations (Foote et al., 1987; Toresen et al., 1998). To estimate the total abundance of fish, the unit area abundance for each statistical square was multiplied by the number of square nautical miles in each statistical square and then summed for all the statistical squares within defined subareas and over the total area. Biomass estimation was calculated by multiplying abundance in numbers by the average weight of the fish in each statistical square then summing all squares within defined subareas and over the total area. The Norwegian BEAM soft-ware (Totland and Godø 2001) was used to make estimates of total biomass.
Acoustic estimates of herring and blue whiting abundance were obtained during the surveys using the Simrad ER60 scientific echosounder. The allocation of NASC-values to herring, blue whiting and other acoustic targets were based on the composition of the trawl catches and the appearance of echo recordings. To estimate the abundance, the allocated NASC -values were averaged for ICES-squares (0.5° latitude by 1° longitude). For each statistical square, the unit area density of fish (rA) in number per square nautical mile (N*nm-2) was calculated using standard equations (Foote et al., 1987; Toresen et al., 1998). To estimate the total abundance of fish, the unit area abundance for each statistical square was multiplied by the number of square nautical miles in each statistical square and then summed for all the statistical squares within defined subareas and over the total area. Biomass estimation was calculated by multiplying abundance in numbers by the average weight of the fish in each statistical square then summing all squares within defined subareas and over the total area. The Norwegian BEAM soft-ware (Totland and Godø 2001) was used to make estimates of total biomass.
The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the southern Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, has been reconstructed using diatom assemblages from two long, well-dated sediment cores taken in two marine bays. The diatom assemblage of the lowest sediment layers suggests a warm climate with mostly open water conditions during the late Pleistocene. During the following glacial, the Windmill Islands were covered by grounded ice preventing any in situ bioproductivity. Following deglaciation, a sapropel with a well-preserved diatom assemblage was deposited from ~10?500 cal yr BP. Between ~10?500 and ~4000 cal yr BP, total organic carbon (Corg) and total diatom valve concentrations as well as the diatom species composition suggest relatively cool summer temperatures. Hydrological conditions in coastal bays were characterised by combined winter sea-ice and open water conditions. This extensive period of glacial retreat was followed by the Holocene optimum (~4000 to ~1000 cal yr BP), which occurred later in the southern Windmill Islands than in most other Antarctic coastal regions. Diatom assemblages in this period suggest ice-free conditions and meltwater-stratified waters in the marine bays during summer, which is also reflected in high proportions of freshwater diatoms in the sediments. The diatom assemblage in the upper sediments of both cores indicates Neoglacial cooling from ~1000 cal yr BP, which again led to seasonally persistent sea-ice on the bays. The Holocene optimum and cooling trends in the Windmill Islands did not occur contemporaneously with other Antarctic coastal regions, showing that the here presented record reflects partly local environmental conditions rather than global climatic trends.
Acoustic estimates of herring and blue whiting abundance were obtained during the surveys using the Simrad ER60 scientific echosounder. The allocation of NASC-values to herring, blue whiting and other acoustic targets were based on the composition of the trawl catches and the appearance of echo recordings. To estimate the abundance, the allocated NASC -values were averaged for ICES-squares (0.5° latitude by 1° longitude). For each statistical square, the unit area density of fish (rA) in number per square nautical mile (N*nm-2) was calculated using standard equations (Foote et al., 1987; Toresen et al., 1998). To estimate the total abundance of fish, the unit area abundance for each statistical square was multiplied by the number of square nautical miles in each statistical square and then summed for all the statistical squares within defined subareas and over the total area. Biomass estimation was calculated by multiplying abundance in numbers by the average weight of the fish in each statistical square then summing all squares within defined subareas and over the total area. The Norwegian BEAM soft-ware (Totland and Godø 2001) was used to make estimates of total biomass.