981 resultados para 612.238
简要介绍了质子与重离子肿瘤治疗的历史和现状. 现在, 全世界有质子治疗中心 23家,治疗肿瘤患者总数为 39 612人; 重离子治疗设备有 3台, 治疗肿瘤患者 4 511人(包括He离子治疗2 054例病人).
采用二维谐振子相干态为初始态 ,在形变原子核系统分别为规则和混沌两种情况下 ,对其在相空间中的时间行为进行了傅里叶分析 ,特别比较了混沌系统中波包宽度在整个时间段与达到饱和后两个阶段的傅里叶分析结果 .指出系统的混沌运动是由于大量能级免交叉的出现在波包运动的初始阶段就破坏了波包内部的规则结构 ,波包各成分间的协同性被破坏 ,波包的运动成为混沌 .此后 ,波包内各成分对波包运动的贡献开始相同 ,能级之间的免交叉对波包运动的影响也不再明显
利用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型,研究了~(112)Sn+~(112)Sn和~(124)Sn+ ~(124)Sn两个反应系统在入射能量 E=40MeV/u时的多重碎裂。计算结果能与 实验值定性符合。观察到两个反应系统中,中等质量碎片多重性、中子多重性、 荷电粒子多重性与轻荷电粒子多重性之间的关联存在着明显的差别。另外,通 过与膨胀蒸发源模型及同位旋相关的渗透模型分析结果的比较,发现这种差别 主要是由同位旋相关的反应动力学所造成的。
CdS nanotubes and nanowires have been synthesized with controlled dimensions by means of template-electrodeposition method in etched ion-track membranes. The diameters of nanotubes and nanowires are between 20 and I 10 nm, and the lengths are up to tens of micrometers. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern investigations demonstrate that CdS nanotubes and nanowires are polycrystalline in nature. The UV-vis absorption spectra of CdS nanotubes and nanowires embedded in polycarbonate (PC) membranes show that the absorption edges of PC films shift towards the shorter wavelength, with decreasing diameters of the deposited nanostructures. The results indicate that nanowires are formed from nanotubes by nanotube-stuffing-growth mechanism.
In the concept of dinuclear system, the quasifission rate from Kramers formula has been incorporated in the master equation in order to study the competition between fusion and qusifission. Mass yields of quasifission products of the three reactions Ca-48 + Pu-244, Ca-48 + U-238 and Fe-58 + Th-232 have been calculated, and the experimental data are reproduced very well, which is a critical test for the existing fusion model. Also we have shown the time evolution of the mass distributions of quasifission products, which provides valuable information of the process of competition between fusion and quasifission.
Single crystals of alpha-alumina were irradiated at room temperature with 1.157 (GeVFe)-Fe-56, 1.755 (GeVXe)-Xe-136 and 2.636 (GeVU)-U-238 ions to fluences range from 8.7 x 10(9) to 6 x 10(12) ions/cm(2). Virgin and irradiated samples were investigated by ultraviolet visible absorption measurements. The investigation reveals the presence of various color centers (F, F+, F-2(2+), F-2(+) and F-2 centers) appearing in the irradiated samples. It is found that the ratio of peak absorbance of F-2 to F centers increases with the increase of the atomic numbers of the incident ions from Fe, Xe to U ions, so do the absorbance ratio of F-2(2+) to F+ centers and of large defect cluster to F centers, indicating that larger defect clusters are preferred to be produced under heavier ion irradiation. Largest color center production cross-section was found for the U ion irradiation. The number density of single anion vacancy scales better with the energy deposition through processes of nuclear stopping, indicating that the nuclear energy loss processes determines the production of F-type defects in heavy ion irradiated alpha-alumina.
Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.
The Heavy Ion Research Facility and Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR) accelerator in Lanzhou offers a unique possibility for the generation of high density and short pulse heavy ion beams by non-adiabatic bunch compression longitudinally, which is implemented by a fast jump of the RF-voltage amplitude. For this purpose, an RF cavity with high electric field gradient loaded with Magnetic Alloy cores has been developed. The results show that the resonant frequency range of the single-gap RF cavity is from 1.13 MHz to 1.42 MHz, and a maximum RF voltage of 40 kV with a total length of 100 cm can be obtained, which can be used to compress heavy ion beams of U-238(72+) with 250 MeV/u from the initial bunch length of 200 ns to 50 ns with the coaction of the two single-gap RF cavity mentioned above.
A linear accelerator as a new injector for the SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron) of the HIRFL (Heavy ton Research Facility Lanzhou) is being designed. The DTL (Drift-Tube-Linac) has been designed to accelerate U-238(34+) from 0.140 MeV/u to 0.97 MeV/u. To the first accelerating tank which accelerates U-238(34+) to 0.54 MeV/u, the approach of Alternating-Phase-Focusing (APF) is applied. The phase array is obtained by coupling optimization software Dakota and beam optics code LINREV. With the hybrid of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and a pattern search method, an optimum array of asynchronous phases is determined. The final growth, both transversely and longitudinally, can meet the design requirements. In this paper, the deign optimization of the APF DTL is presented.
新核素的合成及衰变性质的研究一直是核物理科学的前沿领域,它对于人类拓广对原子核运动规律的认识有着十分重要的意义。本文首先概述了新核素合成的意义、方法,并简要阐述了一种奇异的衰变方式—β~-延发裂变,为实验部分的论述提供理论基础。在实验部分,本文阐述了用放射化学方法研究了钍、钡、镭等复杂反应产物的化学分离。通过在Th的分离中引用PMBP萃取和反萃体系,并采用氧化还原体系有效地去除了绝大多数杂质元素,特别是非常好的去除了碘和溴离子的沾污,较好地完成了Th与其它反应产物的分离。对Ba、Ra的分离主要采用快速的阳离子交换流程,达到了满意的分离效果。对用中能~(18)O离子束照射铀、钍的反应产物进行分离,对分离出的钍、钡、镭样品进行了γ(X)单谱和时间序列谱测量。并对记录下来的样品的谱图进行了分析。使用上述方法,我们在兰州重离子加速器(HIRFL)上用~(18)O离子照射重铀酸铵靶,通过多核子转移反应,首次合成并鉴别了新核素不相识~(238)Th。 同时通过不同的反应道产生~(237)Th,并对~(237)Th的半衰期进行了测定;在HIRFL上用~(18)O离子照射氧化钍靶对~(230)Ra的子体~(230)Ac的β~-延发裂变现象进行了观测,在被Ra样品爆光的云母径迹探测器上观察到了两个裂变径迹,从ThO_2靶中用三次BaCl_2沉淀法分离出钡、使用γ谱学这技术测定了十多个Ba的放射性同位素的截面。
本论文从内容上可以分为两大部分:第一部分:对近球形核~(143)Pm高自旋态进行的在束γ研究。这一部分是本文的重点。利用能量为82和90 MeV的~(19)F束流,通过融合蒸发反应~(128)Te (~(19)F,4nγ) ~(143)Pm布局~(143)Pm的高自旋态。利用联合在束装置(JIBGE)的10套带BGO反康的HPGe探测器进行了标准在束γ谱学测量,包括γ射线的激发函数、γ单谱、γ-γ-t符合谱以及DCO测量。在已有工作的基础上,建立了~(143)Pm激发能高达10.5 MeV,自旋约为(61/2)h的高自旋态能级结构。观测到了28条新的跃迁能级和48条新的γ射线。对两个已知的同质异能态寿命进行了提取,并在8 MeV激发能附近进行了高自旋态同质异能态的搜索。以~(142)Nd,~(144)Sm为核实,用零级弱耦合模型对~(143)Pm的晕态能级结构进行了定量的解释。计算表明,直到激发能Ex = 6.77 MeV,自旋宇称J~π = (37/2~+)的晕态能级都可以用弱耦合模型进行很好的解释。但是,对于更高激发能的能级,组态情况要复杂的多,有出现N = 82中子闭壳打破的可能。同时,利用大基壳模型OXBASH程序对其能级结构进行了计算和讨论,其结果支持弱耦合模型的假设。第二部分:利用中能重离子的多核子转移反应,(~(186)W-2p + 2n),(~(238)U-2p + 2n)对丰中子核~(186)Hf和~(238)Th进行了合成和鉴别。测量它们的半衰期分别为(2.6 ± 1.2) min和 (9.4 ± 2.0) min,与用质子一中子准粒子随机相近似方法的预言值是相符的。同时,对β延发裂变先驱核~(230)Ac进行了实验研究。观测到了它的两个裂变事件,得到~(230)Acβ延发裂变几率为(1.19 ± 0.85) * 10~(-8)。从而使~(230)Ac成为世界上第一种被确认了的基态β延发裂变先驱核。
本工作用固体云母核径迹探测器测量了质心能量为73.7至93.4MeV的~(16)O + ~(238)U和能量为57.9至76.0MeV的~(12)C + ~(237)Np系统熔合裂变碎片角分布和截面;首次用双栅位置灵敏雪崩计数器[DGAC]测量了质心能量为46.5至56.2 MeV的~(11)B + ~(238)U和能量为58.9至76.0 MeV的~(12)C + ~(237)Np及84.0MeV的~(16)O + ~(238)U系统熔合裂变碎片角关联和截面。研究结果表明:使用二种测量方法得到的熔合裂变截面和裂变碎片角分布是一致的,对于三个反应系统熔合裂变截面用考虑靶核形变的耦合道理论能得到合理的描述;而从计算熔合截面中提取穿透系数,从有限力程转动液滴模型中提取有效转动惯量,用鞍点过渡态理论计算裂变碎片角分布,发现裂变碎片角分布各向异性异常;随入射能量减少,各向异性并不是单调地变化,而是呈现异常的“鼓包”;裂变碎片各向异性还有明显的入射道效应,在近垒和垒上能区~(12)C + ~(237)Np和~(11)B + ~(238)U系统裂变碎片角分布可以用鞍点过渡态理论描述,没有发现异常;而对于~(16)O + ~(238)U系统裂变碎片角分布都有大于理论的异常,而且在垒上低能端异性度随能量的变化走向不同于以前测量的结果。虽然入射道效应证明了前平衡裂变的理论预言,但对于垒下能区,碎片异性度的异常依然存在,表明仅用前平衡裂变理论解释裂变碎片角分布的异常是不够的。为了澄清转移裂变对角分布异常的贡献,采用了角关联技术成功地区分出复合核裂变和转移裂变,实现了对纯复合核裂变碎片角分布各向异性的研究。在被研究的能区内,转移裂变占总裂变截面10%以下,而且它的各向异性度比复合核裂变的要小,扣除转移裂变的贡献使裂变碎片异性度提高5%,因此角分布异常不可能起源于转移裂变的贡献
本文利用核化学方法研究了中能重离子反应机制。在135MeV/u~(12)C + Fe反应中鉴别了39个放射性核素,并得到了这些靶余核的生成截面,通过电荷分布假设导出了该反应中靶余核的质量分布。结果表明,中能重离子与非裂变靶核相互作用中靶余核质量分布的形状相似,随着入射能的增加,质量分布曲线变得更加平缓。同时,在低质量区(A < 30)反应产物的产额明显增加,且产物有偏向丰中子一侧的趋势。利用熔合碎裂统计模型和级联两体统计模型对实验结果进行了拟合,两种理论模型都能较好地符合实验数据的总体趋势,但考虑了多重碎裂衰变模式的熔合碎裂统计模型的计算结果再现了A < 30质量区产额的回升现象,而级联两体模型更好地符合了蒸发余核的质量分布,预示着在很高入射能的情况下,多重碎裂成为靶余核形成的主要反应机制之一。在20MeV/u~(40)Ar引起~(238)U的裂变反应中测到了101个核素的生成截面,通过高斯电荷分布曲线拟合得到了各同量民位素的独立产额以及各质量链的质量产额。从电荷分布曲线中可以看出,裂变碎片来源于两种不同的反应机制,即丰中子产物来自高激发核的裂变过程,而缺中子产物来自低能裂变过程。质量分布曲线在裂变质量区(80 < A < 140)有一很宽的对称裂变峰而在近靶区的重靶余核也能以很高的截面通过周边碰撞产生