999 resultados para 465


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Neospora caninum é um protozoário coccídio que tem ampla difusão e provoca consideráveis prejuízos aos criatórios dos animais. Para levantar a freqüência de ocorrência de anticorpos anti-N. caninum em bovinos leiteiros do município de Parauapebas, Mesorregião Sudeste do Estado do Pará, 465 amostras de soros de bovinos leiteiros de 45 propriedades rurais foram submetidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), adotando-se como ponto de corte a diluição 1:100; 62 (13,33 %) amostras de soros demonstraram a presença de anticorpos anti-N. caninum, distribuídos pelos seguintes percentuais e títulos 27(43,55 %) na titulação 1:100; 14 (22,58 %) na 1:200; 16 (25,80) na 1:400 e 5 (8,07 %) com título de 1:800. Nenhum animal apresentou título superior a 1:800; não foi observada diferença significativa entre os sexos dos animais, mas, animais com idade igual ou superior a cinco anos apresentaram percentagem maior de soros positivos, proporcionalmente à quantidade coletada em relação aos animais mais jovens. Os resultados demonstram que os bovinos leiteiros no município de Parauapebas tinham com uma considerável freqüência anticorpos anti-N. caninum. Medidas e ações de vigilância sanitária são recomendadas para prevenir a entrada de novas fontes de N. caninum nos rebanhos e controlar a difusão desse agente no criatório regional.


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Os tipos de vegetação atual, sequências sedimentares, dados de pólen e datações por radiocarbono obtidas em três testemunhos de sedimento da planície costeira de Calçoene foram utilizados para estabelecer uma história paleoecológica durante o Holoceno superior das zonas úmidas costeiras do Amapá conforme as mudanças no regime de inundação, nível do mar e clima. Baseado nestes três registros, quatro fases de desenvolvimento da vegetação são apresentadas e provavelmente refletem a interação entre o fluxo de energia na acumulação do sedimento e a influência das águas salobras e doces na vegetação. Este trabalho sugere alternâncias entre períodos caracterizados por influências marinha e fluvial. O perfil longitudinal não revelou a ocorrência de manguezais nos sedimentos depositados por volta de 2100 anos A.P. Durante a segunda fase, a lama preencheu progressivamente as depressões e canais de maré. Provavelmente, os manguezais iniciaram seu desenvolvimento nas margens dos canais, e os campos herbáceos nos setores elevados. A terceira fase é caracterizada por uma interrupção no desenvolvimento dos manguezais e a expansão da vegetação de várzea devido a uma diminuição na influência das águas marinhas. A última fase é representada pela expansão de manguezais e várzeas. A correlação entre os padrões atuais de distribuição das unidades geobotânicas e a paleovegetação indica que os manguezais e as florestas de várzea estão migrando sobre os campos herbáceos nos setores topograficamente mais elevados do litoral em estudo, o que pode estar relacionado a um aumento do nível relativo do mar.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de vacas de corte primíparas, suplementadas com uréia no período seco. Foram utilizadas 58 fêmeas mestiças Tabapuã x Nelore, prenhas, com idade média de 39 meses e peso médio de 399 kg. Os animais experimentais foram vermifugados e divididos em dois grupos, um grupo (A) suplementado com sal mineral e o outro (B) com sal mineral enriquecido com uréia, na proporção de 80:20 (sal:uréia). Os animais foram mantidos em uma área de 50 hectares de capim Brachiaria brizantha, sendo 25 hectares para cada grupo. Durante os meses de agosto a novembro, período mais seco do ano na região, o pasto apresentou em média 5.800 kg de matéria seca por hectare com 6,2% de proteína bruta. As misturas minerais foram administradas em cochos cobertos de forma a atender um consumo ad libitum durante o período seco. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos. Foi verificada diferença no peso vivo ao final do experimento (PVF) entre os tratamentos com sal mineral e sal mineral com uréia, com valores médios de 360,1 kg e 385,8 kg, respectivamente. Também foi observada diferença para o ganho médio diário, com média de 0,465 kg/an/dia para o grupo tratado com uréia, e 0,284 kg/an/dia para o grupo controle, com ganho pós-parto de 41,2 e 26,5 kg/animal, respectivamente. O melhor desempenho dos animais suplementados deve estar relacionado ao aumento no consumo de matéria seca promovido pela suplementação com uréia (12,610 kg contra 8,744 kg). O melhor desenvolvimento corporal (peso e escore corporal) ao início da estação de monta refletiu na manifestação de cio dos animais, sendo que 75% das vacas suplementadas com uréia já haviam manifestado cio durante os primeiros 60 dias da estação de monta contra apenas 53,33% das não suplementadas. Quando se avaliou o período integral da estação de monta não foi observado diferença entre a manifestação de cio das fêmeas suplementadas ou não, fato relacionado ao bom escore corporal apresentado pelos animais ao fim da estação de monta, 3,7 nas fêmeas suplementadas e 2,9 nas não suplementadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PURPOSE:To assess the hemodynamic changes and bispectral index (BIS) following administration of a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of butorphanol in isoflurane-anesthetized calves.METHODS: Eight calves weighing 110 ± 12 kg were included in the study. Anesthesia was induced with 5% isoflurane in O2 delivered via face mask and maintained with end-tidal concentration of 1.4%. IPPV was set to a peak inspiratory airway pressure of 15 cmH2O and respiratory rate of six breaths minute-1. Forty minutes after the start of anesthetic maintenance, 0.1 mg kg-1butorphanol was administered intravenously, followed by a CRI of 20 µg kg-1 minute-1. Hemodynamic variables and BIS were recorded before butorphanol administration (T0), and at 10, 20, 40 and 80 minutes following the CRI. Anesthesia was discontinued after the last recording and the calves were allowed to recover. The time to sternal recumbency (SRE) and standing (ST) were evaluated.RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the moments in all hemodynamic variables and BIS. The time to SRE and ST was 9 ± 5 and 14 ± 7 minutes, respectively.CONCLUSION: The continuous rate infusion did not produce clinically relevant changes in hemodynamic or bispectral index values compared to baseline in mechanically ventilated and unstimulated calves anesthetized at 1.4% isoflurane.


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BACKGROUND: The relevance of left ventricular (LV) geometric pattern after myocardial infarction is not known. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the presence of different LV geometric patterns and teir impact as a predictor of remodeling in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS: Patients with anterior acute myocardial infarction (n = 80) were divided according to the geometric pattern: normal (normal left ventricular mass index [LVMI] and normal relative wall thickness [RWT]), concentric remodeling (normal LVMI and increased RWT), concentric hypertrophy (increased LVMI and RWT) and eccentric hypertrophy (increased LVMI and normal RWT). After six months, echocardiographic assessment was repeated. RESULTS: Four patients died. Of the survivors, 41 showed remodeling (R +), whereas 39 did not (R-). Considering the geometric pattern, the cases were distributed as follows: 24 patients with normal pattern, 13 with concentric remodeling, 29 with concentric hypertrophy and 14 with eccentric hypertrophy. Patients who showed remodeling had larger infarction sizes analyzed by peak CPK (R + = 4,610 (1,688-7,970), R- = 1,442 (775-4247), p <0.001) and CK-MB (R + = 441 (246 - 666), R- = 183 (101-465), p <0.001), trend towards higher prevalence of concentric remodeling (R+ = 10, R- = 3, p = 0.08) and lower prevalence of eccentric hypertrophy (R + = 2 R- = 12, p = 0.006). In the multivariate regression analysis, infarction size was a predictor (OR = 1.01, p = 0.020) and eccentric hypertrophy was a protective factor (OR = 0.189, p = 0.046) of ventricular remodeling after coronary occlusion. CONCLUSION: The LV geometric pattern of can have an impact on the remodeling process in patients with myocardial infarction.


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The largest losses in mechanical harvesting of peanuts occur during the stage of digging, and its assessment is still incipient in Brazil. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quantitative losses and the performance of the tractor-digger-inverter, according to soil water content and plant populations. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with a factorial scheme 2 x 3, in which the treatments consisted of two soil, water content (19.3 and 24.8%) and three populations of plants (86,111, 127,603 and 141,144 plants ha-1), with four replications. The quantitative digging losses and the set mechanized performance were evaluated. The largest amount of visible and total losses was found in the population of 141.144 plants ha-1 for the 19.3% soil water content. The harvested material flow and the tractor-digger-inverter performance were not influenced by soil water content and plant population. The water content in the pods was higher in 24.8% soil water content only for the population of 86,111 plants ha-1; the yield was higher in the populations of 141.144 and 127.603 plants ha-1, in the 19.3 e 24.8% soil water content, respectively.


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The aim of this paper is to present an analytical solution for the spin motion equations of spin-stabilized satellite considering only the influence of solar radiation torque. The theory uses a cylindrical satellite on a circular orbit and considers that the satellite is always illuminated. The average components of this torque were determined over an orbital period. These components are substituted in the spin motion equations in order to get an analytical solution for the right ascension and declination of the satellite spin axis. The time evolution for the pointing deviation of the spin axis was also analyzed. These solutions were numerically implemented and compared with real data of the Brazilian Satellite of Data Collection - SCD1 an SCD2. The results show that the theory has consistency and can be applied to predict the spin motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites.


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This study at aims performing the stability analysis of the rotational motion to artificial satellites using quaternions to describe the satellite attitude (orientation on the space). In the system of rotational motion equations, which is composed by four kinematic equations of the quaternions and by the three Euler equations in terms of the rotational spin components. The influence of the gravity gradient and the direct solar radiation pressure torques have been considered. Equilibrium points were obtained through numerical simulations using the softwares Matlab and Octave, which are then analyzed by the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion.


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In this paper we present a set of generic results on Hamiltonian non-linear dynamics. We show the necessary conditions for a Hamiltonian system to present a non-twist scenario and from that we introduce the isochronous resonances. The generality of these resonances is shown from the Hamiltonian given by the Birkhof-Gustavson normal form, which can be considered a toy model, and from an optic system governed by the non-linear map of the annular billiard. We also define a special kind of transport barrier called robust torus. The meanders and shearless curves are also presented and we show the most robust shearless barrier associated with the rotation numbers.


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Anaplasma marginale is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Some studies have suggested that cows during peripartum may present a transient immunosuppression state and development of clinical signs of anaplasmosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between some risk factors and the seroprevalence of A. marginale in dairy cows during peripartum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The risk factors analyzed in association with the prevalence of antibodies against A. marginale in dairy cows were calving season, reproductive experience, breed standard, tick infestations, stocking density, and milk yield. The antibodies against A. marginale were tested in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A primary screening using a 2 x k contingency table of the exposed variables with the outcomes was performed. All variables for which p < 0.20 were included in a fixed effects log regression. The risk factors investigated to anaplasmosis were calving (OR 2.61, IC 1.08-7.63), breed standard (OR 3.83, IC 0.08-0.28), reproductive experience (OR 33.7, IC 2.14-5.16), milk yield (OR 3.9, IC 2.24-7.03), Rhipicephalus microplus infestations (OR 10.3, IC 0.05-0.17), and stocking density (OR 22.3, IC 0.05-0.17). Low titers of antibodies against A. marginale during peripartum had been characterized as a period previous to development of clinical anaplasmosis. Thus, studies on anaplasmosis should consider each farm as an epidemiological unit, where environmental and immunological factors may influence the endemic status of the pathogen.


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In this paper were studied regions close to the Roche lobe of a planet like Jupiter, in order to find regions with low velocities. We simulated a two dimensional and non-self-gravitating disk, where tidal and viscous torques are considered, using the hydrodynamic numerical integrator FARGO 2D. As stated earlier we are interested in find low velocities regions for in future works study the possibility of satellites formation in these regions.


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Background: The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the host response caused by three different models of experimental periodontitis in mice.Methods: C57BL/6 wild-type female mice were distributed into six experimental groups and sacrificed at 7, 15, and 30 days after the induction of periodontal disease: 1) group C: no treatment control group; 2) group L: periodontal disease induced by ligature; 3) group G-Pg: oral gavage with Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg); 4) group G-PgFn: oral gavage with Fusobacterium nucleatum + Pg; 5) group I-Pg: heat-killed Pg injected into the palatal mucosa between the molars; and 6) group I-V: phosphatebuffered saline injected into the palatal mucosa. The samples were used to analyze the immune-inflammatory process in the gingival tissue via descriptive histologic and real-time polymerase chain reaction analyses. The alveolar bone loss was evaluated using microcomputed tomography. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by a post hoc Dunn test and analysis of variance, followed by a Tukey test using a 5% significance level.Results: Only the ligature model displayed significant alveolar bone loss in the initial period (7 days), which was maintained with time. The group injected with heat-killed Pg displayed significant alveolar bone loss starting from day 15, which continued to progress with time (P < 0.05). A significant increase (P < 0.05) in the gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6 and -1b) and proteins involved in osteoclastogenesis (receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB ligand and osteoprotegerin) was observed in the ligature group on day 7.Conclusion: The ligature and injection of heat-killed Pg models were the most representative of periodontal disease in humans, whereas the oral gavage models were not effective at inducing the disease under the experimental conditions.