926 resultados para 410401 Design Theory


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Cyclotides are a novel class of circular, disulfide-rich peptides (similar to 30 amino acids) that display a broad range of bioactivities and have exceptionally high stability. Their physical properties, which include resistance to thermal and enzymatic degradation, can be attributed to their unique cyclic backbone and knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds. The applicability of linear peptides as drugs is potentially limited by their susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage and poor bioavailability. Such limitations may be overcome by using the cyclotide framework as a scaffold onto which new activities may be engineered. The potential use of cyclotides for drug design is evaluated here, with reference to rapidly increasing knowledge of natural cyclotides and the emergence of new techniques in peptide engineering.


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The technique of permanently attaching piezoelectric transducers to structural surfaces has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design. For thin structural members such as composite laminated plates, it has been well recognized that guided Lamb wave techniques can provide a very sensitive and effective means for large area interrogation. However, since in these applications multiple wave modes are generally generated and the individual modes are usually dispersive, the received signals are very complex and difficult to interpret. An attractive way to deal with this problem has recently been introduced by applying piezoceramic transducer arrays or interdigital transducer (IDT) technologies. In this paper, the acoustic wave field in composite laminated plates excited by piezoceramic transducer arrays or IDT is investigated. Based on dynamic piezoelectricity theory, a discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the input impedance characteristics of the transducer and the surface velocity response of the plate. The method enables the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the electrical characteristics of the excitation circuit, the geometric and piezoelectric properties of the transducer array, and the mechanical and geometrical features of the laminate. Numerical results are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of single wave mode selection and isolation. The results show that the interaction between individual elements of the piezoelectric array has a significant influence on the performance of the IDT, and these effects can not be neglected even in the case of low frequency excitation. It is also demonstrated that adding backing materials to the transducer elements can be used to improve the excitability of specific wave modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the design of free-space optical interconnects (FSOIs) based on arrays of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), microlenses, and photodetectors. We explain the effect of the modal structure of a multimodeVCSEL beam on the performance of a FSOI with microchannel architecture. A Gaussian-beam diffraction model is used in combination with the experimentally obtained spectrally resolved VCSEL beam profiles to determine the optical channel crosstalk and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the system. The dependence of the SNR on the feature parameters of a FSOI is investigated. We found that the presence of higher-order modes reduces the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. We also found that the positioning of a VCSEL array relative to the transmitter microlens has a significant impact on the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. Our analysis shows that the departure from the traditional confocal system yields several advantages including the extended interconnect distance and/or improved SNR. The results show that FSOIs based on multimode VCSELs can be efficiently utilized in both chip-level and board-level interconnects. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Carbon gasification with steam to produce H-2 and CO is an important reaction widely used in industry for hydrogen generation. Although the literature is vast, the. mechanism for the formation of H-2 is still unclear. In particular, little has, been done to investigate the potential of molecular orbital theory to distinguish different mechanism possibilities. In this work, we used molecular orbital theory to demonstrate a favorable energetic pathway where H2O is first physically adsorbed on the virgin graphite surface with negligible change in molecular structure. Chemisorption occurs via O approaching the carbon edge site with one H atom stretching away from the O in the transition state. This is followed by a local minimum. state in which the stretching H is further disconnected from the O atoms and the remaining OH group is still on the carbon edge site. The disconnected H then pivot around the OH group to bond with the H of the OH group and forms H-2. The O atom remaining on the carbon edge site is subsequently desorbed as CO. The reverse occurs when H-2 reacts with the surface oxygen to produce H2O.


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This article uses data for Nepal to test contemporary hypotheses about the remitting behaviour and associated motives of rural-to-urban migrants and to consider the likely impact of such remittances on rural development. Possibilities for inheritance, degree of family attachment, likelihood of eventual return to place of origin and family investment in the education of the migrants are found to be significant influences on levels of remittances by Nepalese migrants. However, in Nepal, remittances do not seem to result in long-term capital investment in rural areas and so may not promote long-term development of these areas.


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An important feature of improving lattice gas models and classical isotherms is the incorporation of a pore size dependent capacity, which has hitherto been overlooked. In this paper, we develop a model for predicting the temperature dependent variation in capacity with pore size. The model is based on the analysis of a lattice gas model using a density functional theory approach at the close packed limit. Fluid-fluid and solid-fluid interactions are modeled by the Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential and Steele's 10-4-3, potential respectively. The capacity of methane in a slit-shaped carbon pore is calculated from the characteristic parameters of the unit cell, which are extracted by minimizing the grand potential of the unit cell. The capacities predicted by the proposed model are in good agreement with those obtained from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation, for pores that can accommodate up to three adsorbed layers. Single particle and pair distributions exhibit characteristic features that correspond to the sequence of buckling and rhombic transitions that occur as the slit pore width is increased. The model provides a useful tool to model continuous variation in the microstructure of an adsorbed phase, namely buckling and rhombic transitions, with increasing pore width. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A heterogeneous modified vacancy solution model of adsorption developed is evaluated. The new model considers the adsorption process through a mass-action law and is thermodynamically consistent, while maintaining the simplicity in calculation of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, as in the original vacancy solution theory. It incorporates the adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy, represented by Steele's 10-4-3 potential expression. The experimental data of various hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on four different activated carbons - Ajax, Norit, Nuxit, and BPL - at multiple temperatures over a wide range of pressures were studied by the heterogeneous modified VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters and micropore-size distribution of carbons. The model successfully correlates the single-component adsorption equilibrium data for all compounds studied on various carbons. The fitting results for the vacancy occupancy parameter are consistent with the pressure change on different carbons, and the effect of pore heterogeneity is important in adsorption at elevated pressure. It predicts binary adsorption equilibria better than the IAST scheme, reflecting the significance of molecular size nonideality.


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Density functional theory for adsorption in carbons is adapted here to incorporate a random distribution of pore wall thickness in the solid, and it is shown that the mean pore wall thickness is intimately related to the pore size distribution characteristics. For typical carbons the pore walls are estimated to comprise only about two graphene layers, and application of the modified density functional theory approach shows that the commonly used assumption of infinitely thick walls can severely affect the results for adsorption in small pores under both supercritical and subcritical conditions. Under supercritical conditions the Henry's law coefficient is overpredicted by as much as a factor of 2, while under subcritical conditions pore wall heterogeneity appears to modify transitions in small pores into a sequence of smaller ones corresponding to pores with different wall thicknesses. The results suggest the need to improve current pore size distrubution analysis methods to allow for pore wall heterogeneity. The density functional theory is further extended here to allow for interpore adsorbate interactions, and it appears that these interaction are negligible for small molecules such as nitrogen but significant for more strongly interacting heavier molecules such as butane, for which the traditional independent pore model may not be adequate.