948 resultados para 290500 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


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Global energy consumption has been increasing yearly and a big portion of it is used in rotating electrical machineries. It is clear that in these machines energy should be used efficiently. In this dissertation the aim is to improve the design process of high-speed electrical machines especially from the mechanical engineering perspective in order to achieve more reliable and efficient machines. The design process of high-speed machines is challenging due to high demands and several interactions between different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical and energy engineering. A multidisciplinary design flow chart for a specific type of high-speed machine in which computer simulation is utilized is proposed. In addition to utilizing simulation parallel with the design process, two simulation studies are presented. The first is used to find the limits of two ball bearing models. The second is used to study the improvement of machine load capacity in a compressor application to exceed the limits of current machinery. The proposed flow chart and simulation studies show clearly that improvements in the high-speed machinery design process can be achieved. Engineers designing in high-speed machines can utilize the flow chart and simulation results as a guideline during the design phase to achieve more reliable and efficient machines that use energy efficiently in required different operation conditions.


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L’électrofilage est une technique permettant de fabriquer des fibres polymériques dont le diamètre varie entre quelques nanomètres et quelques microns. Ces fibres ont donc un rapport surface/volume très élevé. Les fibres électrofilées pourraient trouver des applications dans le relargage de médicaments et le génie tissulaire, comme membranes et capteurs chimiques, ou dans les nanocomposites et dispositifs électroniques. L’électrofilage était initialement utilisé pour préparer des toiles de fibres désordonnées, mais il est maintenant possible d’aligner les fibres par l’usage de collecteurs spéciaux. Cependant, il est important de contrôler non seulement l’alignement macroscopique des fibres mais aussi leur orientation au niveau moléculaire puisque l’orientation influence les propriétés mécaniques, optiques et électriques des polymères. Les complexes moléculaires apparaissent comme une cible de choix pour produire des nanofibres fortement orientées. Dans les complexes d’inclusion d’urée, les chaînes polymères sont empilées dans des canaux unidimensionnels construits à partir d’un réseau tridimensionnel de molécules d’urée liées par des ponts hydrogène. Ainsi, les chaînes polymère sonts très allongées à l’échelle moléculaire. Des nanofibres du complexe PEO-urée ont été préparées pour la première fois par électrofilage de suspensions et de solutions. Tel qu’attendu, une orientation moléculaire inhabituellement élevée a été observée dans ces fibres. De tels complexes orientés pourraient être utilisés à la fois dans des études fondamentales et dans la préparation de matériaux hiérarchiquement structurés. La méthode d’électrofilage peut parfois aussi être utilisée pour préparer des matériaux polymériques métastables qui ne peuvent pas être préparés par des méthodes conventionnelles. Ici, l’électrofilage a été utilisé pour préparer des fibres des complexes stables (α) et "métastables" (β) entre le PEO et l’urée. La caractérisation du complexe β, qui était mal connu, révèle un rapport PEO:urée de 12:8 appartenant au système orthorhombique avec a = 1.907 nm, b = 0.862 nm et c = 0.773 nm. Les chaînes de PEO sont orientées selon l’axe de la fibre. Leur conformation est significativement affectée par les ponts hydrogène. Une structure en couches a été suggérée pour la forme β, plutôt que la structure conventionnelle en canaux adoptée par la forme α. Nos résultats indiquent que le complexe β est thermodynamiquement stable avant sa fonte et peut se transformer en forme α et en PEO liquide par un processus de fonte et recristallisation à 89 ºC. Ceci va dans le sens contraire aux observations faites avec le complexe β obtenu par trempe du complexe α fondu. En effet, le complexe β ainsi obtenu est métastable et contient des cristaux d’urée. Il peut subir une transition de phases cinétique solide-solide pour produire du complexe α dans une vaste gamme de températures. Cette transition est induite par un changement de conformation du PEO et par la formation de ponts hydrogène intermoléculaires entre l’urée et le PEO. Le diagramme de phases du système PEO-urée a été tracé sur toute la gamme de compositions, ce qui a permis d’interpréter la formation de plusieurs mélanges qui ne sont pas à l’équilibre mais qui sont été observés expérimentalement. La structure et le diagramme de phases du complexe PEO-thiourée, qui est aussi un complexe très mal connu, ont été étudiés en détail. Un rapport molaire PEO :thiourée de 3:2 a été déduit pour le complexe, et une cellule monoclinique avec a = 0.915 nm, b = 1.888 nm, c = 0.825 nm et β = 92.35º a été déterminée. Comme pour le complexe PEO-urée de forme β, une structure en couches a été suggérée pour le complexe PEO-thiourée, dans laquelle les molécules de thiourée seraient disposées en rubans intercalés entre deux couches de PEO. Cette structure en couches pourrait expliquer la température de fusion beaucoup plus faible des complexes PEO-thiourée (110 ºC) et PEO-urée de forme β (89 ºC) en comparaison aux structures en canaux du complexe PEO-urée de forme α (143 ºC).


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Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales.


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Un objectif principal du génie logiciel est de pouvoir produire des logiciels complexes, de grande taille et fiables en un temps raisonnable. La technologie orientée objet (OO) a fourni de bons concepts et des techniques de modélisation et de programmation qui ont permis de développer des applications complexes tant dans le monde académique que dans le monde industriel. Cette expérience a cependant permis de découvrir les faiblesses du paradigme objet (par exemples, la dispersion de code et le problème de traçabilité). La programmation orientée aspect (OA) apporte une solution simple aux limitations de la programmation OO, telle que le problème des préoccupations transversales. Ces préoccupations transversales se traduisent par la dispersion du même code dans plusieurs modules du système ou l’emmêlement de plusieurs morceaux de code dans un même module. Cette nouvelle méthode de programmer permet d’implémenter chaque problématique indépendamment des autres, puis de les assembler selon des règles bien définies. La programmation OA promet donc une meilleure productivité, une meilleure réutilisation du code et une meilleure adaptation du code aux changements. Très vite, cette nouvelle façon de faire s’est vue s’étendre sur tout le processus de développement de logiciel en ayant pour but de préserver la modularité et la traçabilité, qui sont deux propriétés importantes des logiciels de bonne qualité. Cependant, la technologie OA présente de nombreux défis. Le raisonnement, la spécification, et la vérification des programmes OA présentent des difficultés d’autant plus que ces programmes évoluent dans le temps. Par conséquent, le raisonnement modulaire de ces programmes est requis sinon ils nécessiteraient d’être réexaminés au complet chaque fois qu’un composant est changé ou ajouté. Il est cependant bien connu dans la littérature que le raisonnement modulaire sur les programmes OA est difficile vu que les aspects appliqués changent souvent le comportement de leurs composantes de base [47]. Ces mêmes difficultés sont présentes au niveau des phases de spécification et de vérification du processus de développement des logiciels. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, la spécification modulaire et la vérification modulaire sont faiblement couvertes et constituent un champ de recherche très intéressant. De même, les interactions entre aspects est un sérieux problème dans la communauté des aspects. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, nous avons choisi d’utiliser la théorie des catégories et les techniques des spécifications algébriques. Pour apporter une solution aux problèmes ci-dessus cités, nous avons utilisé les travaux de Wiels [110] et d’autres contributions telles que celles décrites dans le livre [25]. Nous supposons que le système en développement est déjà décomposé en aspects et classes. La première contribution de notre thèse est l’extension des techniques des spécifications algébriques à la notion d’aspect. Deuxièmement, nous avons défini une logique, LA , qui est utilisée dans le corps des spécifications pour décrire le comportement de ces composantes. La troisième contribution consiste en la définition de l’opérateur de tissage qui correspond à la relation d’interconnexion entre les modules d’aspect et les modules de classe. La quatrième contribution concerne le développement d’un mécanisme de prévention qui permet de prévenir les interactions indésirables dans les systèmes orientés aspect.


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Natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, and polybutadiene rubber were used to replace part of the butadieneacrylonitrile rubber in a 70/30 butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber/ poly(vinyl chloride) blend. Such replacement up to 15% of the total weight of the blend improved the mechanical properties, while decreasing the cost of the blend. Styrenebutadiene rubber could replace butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber up to 30% of the total weight of the blend without deterioration in the mechanical properties.


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Cast Ai-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive, aerospace and general engineering industries due to their excellent combination of properties such as good castability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. The present investigation is on the influence of alloying additions on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg alloy. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study these beneficial effects of calcium on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. The second objective of this work is to study the effects of Mn,Be and Sr addition as Fe neutralizers and also to study the interaction of Mn,Be,Sr and Ca in Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. In this study the duel beneficial effects of Ca viz;modification and Fe-neutralization, comparison of the effects of Ca and Sr with common Fe neutralizers. The casting have been characterized with respect to their microstructure, %porosity and electrical conductivity, solidification behaviour and mechanical properties. One of the interesting observations in the present work is that a low level of calcium reduces the porosity compared to the untreated alloy. However higher level of calcium addition lead to higher porosity in the casting. An empirical analysis carried out for comparing the results of the present work with those of the other researchers on the effect of increasing iron content on UTS and % elongation of Ai-Si-Mg and Ai-Si-Cu alloys has shown a linear and an inverse first order polynomial relationships respectively.


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This study was undertaken in order to upgrade blends of HDPE and PP, two of the most widely used standard plastics so as to widen their application spectrum. Dicumyl peroxide was used as the modifier for the upgradation. Optimum concentration of dicumyl peroxide required for modification was detennined by measurement of mechanical, rheological, thermal and morphological properties. Selected blends were used to prepare recyclable composites with nylon clothes by compression moulding. The composites were characterized by measurement of mechanical and thermal properties. The composites were recycled and the mechanical propertics of the recycled material were determined.


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Data centre is a centralized repository,either physical or virtual,for the storage,management and dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body and nerve centre of the present IT revolution.Data centre are expected to serve uniinterruptedly round the year enabling them to perform their functions,it consumes enormous energy in the present scenario.Tremendous growth in the demand from IT Industry made it customary to develop newer technologies for the better operation of data centre.Energy conservation activities in data centre mainly concentrate on the air conditioning system since it is the major mechanical sub-system which consumes considerable share of the total power consumption of the data centre.The data centre energy matrix is best represented by power utilization efficiency(PUE),which is defined as the ratio of the total facility power to the IT equipment power.Its value will be greater than one and a large value of PUE indicates that the sub-systems draw more power from the facility and the performance of the data will be poor from the stand point of energy conservation. PUE values of 1.4 to 1.6 are acievable by proper design and management techniques.Optimizing the air conditioning systems brings enormous opportunity in bringing down the PUE value.The air conditioning system can be optimized by two approaches namely,thermal management and air flow management.thermal management systems are now introduced by some companies but they are highly sophisticated and costly and do not catch much attention in the thumb rules.


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Biotechnology is currently considered as a useful altemative to conventional process technology in industrial and catalytic fields. The increasing awareness of the need to create green and sustainable production processes in all fields of chemistry has stimulated materials scientists to search for innovative catalysts supports. lmmobilization of enzymes in inorganic matrices is very useful in practical applications due to the preserved stability and catalytic activity of the immobilized enzymes under extreme conditions. Nanostructured inorganic, organic or hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites present paramount advantages to facilitate integration and miniaturization of the devices (nanotechnologies), thus affording a direct connection between the inorganic, organic and biological worlds. These properties, combined with good chemical stability, make them competent candidates for designed biocatalysts, protein-separation devices, drug delivery systems, and biosensors Aluininosilicate clays and layered double hydroxides, displaying, respectively, cation and anion exchange properties, were found to be attractive materials for immobilization because of their hydrophilic, swelling and porosity properties, as well as their mechanical and thermal stability.The aim of this study is the replacement of inorganic catalysts by immobilized lipases to obtain purer and healthier products.Mesocellular silica foams were synthesized by oil-in-water microemulsion templating route and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. " The experimental results from IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis demonstrated the presence of immobilized lipase and also functionalisation with silane and glutaraldehyde on the supports.The present work is a comprehensive study on enzymatic synthesis of butyl isobutyrate through esterification reaction using lipase immobilized onto mesocellular siliceous foams and montmorillonite K-10 via adsorption and covalent binding. Moreover, the irnrnobil-ization does not modify the nature of the kinetic mechanism proposed which is of the Bi-Bi Ping—Pong type with inhibition by n-butanol. The immobilized biocatalyst can be commercially exploited for the synthesis of other short chain flavor esters. Mesocellular silica foams (MCF) were synthesized by microemusion templating method via two different routes (hydrothermal and room temperature). and were functionalized with silane and glutaraldehyde. Candida rugosa lipase was adsorbed onto MCF silica and clay using heptane as the coupling medium for reactions in non-aqueous media. I From XRD results, a slight broadening and lowering of d spacing values after immobilization and modification was observed in the case of MCF 160 and MCF35 but there was no change in the d-spacing in the case of K-10 which showed that the enzymes are adsorbed only on the external surface. This was further confirmed from the nitrogen adsorption measurements


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Concrete is a universal material in the construction industry. With natural resources like sand and aggregate, fast depleting, it is time to look for alternate materials to substitute these in the process of making concrete. There are instances like exposure to solar radiation, fire, furnaces, and nuclear reactor vessels, special applications like missile launching pads etc., where concrete is exposed to temperature variations In this research work, an attempt has been made to understand the behaviour of concrete when weathered laterite aggregate is used in both conventional and self compacting normal strength concrete. The study has been extended to understand the thermal behaviour of both types of laterised concretes and to check suitability as a fire protection material. A systematic study of laterised concrete considering parameters like source of laterite aggregate, grades of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and types of supplementary cementitious materials (fly ash and GGBFS) has been carried out to arrive at a feasible combination of various ingredients in laterised concrete. A mix design methodology has been proposed for making normal strength laterised self compacting concrete based on trial mixes and the same has also been validated. The physical and mechanical properties of laterised concretes have been studied with respect to different variables like exposure temperature (200°C, 400°C and 600°C) and cooling environment (air cooled and water cooled). The behaviour of ferrocement elements with laterised self compacting concrete has also been studied by varying the cover to mesh reinforcement (10mm to 50mm at an interval of 10mm), exposure temperature and cooling environment.


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The application vistas of superconductors have widened very much since the discovery of high TC superconductors (HTS) as many of the applications can be realised at 77 K rather than going down to 4.2 K, the liquid He temperature. One such application is the HTS current lead which is used to connect a superconducting system with a room temperature power source. Minimising heat leak to the cryogenic environment is the main advantage of introducing current leads into superconducting systems. The properties of HTSS likes zero resistance (avoiding joule heating) and very low thermal conductivity (minimized conductive heat transfer) make them ideal candidates to be used as current leads. There are two forms of HTS current leads. (i) bulk form (tube or rod) prepared either from YBCO or BSCCO and (ii) tape form prepared from Bi-2223 multifilamentary tapes. The tape form of current leads has many advantages with respect to the mechanical and thermal stability related criteria. Crucial information on various aspects of HTS current lead development are not available in the literature as those are kept proprietary by various companies around the world. The present work has been undertaken to tailor the properties of multifilamentary tapes for the current lead application and to optimise the processing parameters of the same for enhanced critical current density and field tolerance. Also it is the aim of the present investigation is to prepare prototype current leads engineered for operation in conduction cooled mode and test them for operational stability


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Upgrading two widely used standard plastics, polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE), and generating a variety of useful engineering materials based on these blends have been the main objective of this study. Upgradation was effected by using nanomodifiers and/or fibrous modifiers. PP and HDPE were selected for modification due to their attractive inherent properties and wide spectrum of use. Blending is the engineered method of producing new materials with tailor made properties. It has the advantages of both the materials. PP has high tensile and flexural strength and the HDPE acts as an impact modifier in the resultant blend. Hence an optimized blend of PP and HDPE was selected as the matrix material for upgradation. Nanokaolinite clay and E-glass fibre were chosen for modifying PP/HDPE blend. As the first stage of the work, the mechanical, thermal, morphological, rheological, dynamic mechanical and crystallization characteristics of the polymer nanocomposites prepared with PP/HDPE blend and different surface modified nanokaolinite clay were analyzed. As the second stage of the work, the effect of simultaneous inclusion of nanokaolinite clay (both N100A and N100) and short glass fibres are investigated. The presence of nanofiller has increased the properties of hybrid composites to a greater extent than micro composites. As the last stage, micromechanical modeling of both nano and hybrid A composite is carried out to analyze the behavior of the composite under load bearing conditions. These theoretical analyses indicate that the polymer-nanoclay interfacial characteristics partially converge to a state of perfect interfacial bonding (Takayanagi model) with an iso-stress (Reuss IROM) response. In the case of hybrid composites the experimental data follows the trend of Halpin-Tsai model. This implies that matrix and filler experience varying amount of strain and interfacial adhesion between filler and matrix and also between the two fillers which play a vital role in determining the modulus of the hybrid composites.A significant observation from this study is that the requirement of higher fibre loading for efficient reinforcement of polymers can be substantially reduced by the presence of nanofiller together with much lower fibre content in the composite. Hybrid composites with both nanokaolinite clay and micron sized E-glass fibre as reinforcements in PP/HDPE matrix will generate a novel class of high performance, cost effective engineering material.


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Much of the published human factors work on risk is to do with safety and within this is concerned with prediction and analysis of human error and with human reliability assessment. Less has been published on human factors contributions to understanding and managing project, business, engineering and other forms of risk and still less jointly assessing risk to do with broad issues of ‘safety’ and broad issues of ‘production’ or ‘performance’. This paper contains a general commentary on human factors and assessment of risk of various kinds, in the context of the aims of ergonomics and concerns about being too risk averse. The paper then describes a specific project, in rail engineering, where the notion of a human factors case has been employed to analyse engineering functions and related human factors issues. A human factors issues register for potential system disturbances has been developed, prior to a human factors risk assessment, which jointly covers safety and production (engineering delivery) concerns. The paper concludes with a commentary on the potential relevance of a resilience engineering perspective to understanding rail engineering systems risk. Design, planning and management of complex systems will increasingly have to address the issue of making trade-offs between safety and production, and ergonomics should be central to this. The paper addresses the relevant issues and does so in an under-published domain – rail systems engineering work.


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