998 resultados para 1108


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Elaborar y aplicar el programa de desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento: an??lisis, s??ntesis y evaluaci??n, DASE. Objetivos generales del programa: atenci??n temprana a los alumnos con alta capacidad, ofrecer al profesor un procedimiento de identificaci??n de los alumnos de alta capacidad, desarrollo de las habilidades de pensamiento, ofrecer un recurso al profesor que le permita atender a este tipo de alumnos. Se pretende, a partir de la observaci??n del programa, determinar las actividades que resultan m??s enriquecedoras a estos alumnos biendotados, es decir, aquellas en las que obtienen mayor rendimiento. La fundamentaci??n te??rica de este trabajo est?? compuesta por los siguientes conceptos te??ricos: Modelo de Buena Dotaci??n seguido en el Estudio, Definici??n de Buena Dotaci??n, Modelo de Intervenci??n Educativa, Modelo de Evaluaci??n del Programa DASE, y por los datos pr??cticos procedentes de informes sobre programas experimentales de identificaci??n y de intervenci??n educativa con alumnos de altas capacidades. Planteamiento de hip??tesis. Investigaci??n realizada en 4 centros escolares de la Comunidad de Madrid con alumnos biendotados o de altas capacidades entre 5 y 7 a??os, durante los cursos acad??micos 1995-96 y 1996-97. El estudio tiene dos partes, la primera se centra en el diagn??stico de los alumnos, y la segunda en la intervenci??n educativa dentro del aula ordinaria a trav??s del programa de enriquecimiento cognitivo DASE (??lvarez Gonz??lez, 1998). El programa piloto DASE se aplic?? durante el curso 1995-96 y su versi??n experimental se inici?? en el curso 1996-97. Con los datos recogidos se llevaron a cabo estudios descriptivos de la muestra y se aplicaron pruebas de contraste de hip??tesis con la finalidad de comprobar los efectos producidos por la aplicaci??n del programa. Se utilizaron varios grupos experimentales y de control. Se llev?? a cabo un riguroso plan de evaluaci??n de este programa para proporcionar informaci??n sobre el impacto que, las decisiones tomadas en cada una de las fases, han tenido sobre el resultado final. Variable independiente: el programa DASE; concretamente los tres tipos de habilidades que pretende desarrollar: an??lisis, s??ntesis y evaluaci??n. Variables dependientes: son los efectos del programa DASE. Para el proceso de identificaci??n de la muestra de alumnos de altas capacidades: Escalas Wechsler: WPPSI (3 a 6 a??os) y WISC-R (6 A 16 a??os); Test de pensamiento creativo de P. Torrance (forma figural, de 5 a??os a adolescencia); Cuestionario de autoconcepto de Renzulli-Smith (de 4 a 12 a??os); Un protocolo de identificaci??n dirigido a los profesores elaborado ad hoc. Para la evaluaci??n del programa DASE: Prueba de pretest; Escalas Wechsler: WISC-R; Prueba de habilidades mentales de C. Yuste (THM); Cuestionario ESPQ de Coan y Cattell. Las conclusiones refuerzan la idea de la necesidad de ofrecer a los alumnos recursos adecuados a sus capacidades. En el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, practicamente a todos les beneficia un nivel de exigencia ligeramente m??s alto de lo que es habitual. Los resultados logrados a trav??s de la aplicaci??n del programa, parecen en t??rminos generales, satisfactorios, a pesar de no haber alcanzado valores significativos en varias de las hip??tesis planteadas. Habr??a que trabajar con este tipo de alumnos en un contexto en el que se promueva fundamentalmente su ritmo de aprendizaje. A la hora de atender a los alumnos m??s capaces, es importante determinar el grado de buena dotaci??n, pues en funci??n del mismo se requerir?? un tipo de estrategia u otras. Se desaconseja fijar un ??nico medio de atenci??n. Se ha establecido la aceleraci??n, como forma de adaptaci??n a este tipo de alumnado. No obstante la diferenciaci??n educativa exige arbitrar formas de atenci??n espec??ficas en cada caso y esto se traduce en estudios personalizados y adaptaciones curriculares, en profundidad y en extensi??n, en aquellas ??reas en las que se ha manifestado las altas capacidades. Se presentan propuestas relacionadas con los alumnos, los contenidos, la escuela y los profesores, la administraci??n educativa, y la investigaci??n. En este ??ltimo caso, ir??an encaminadas al perfeccionamiento del programa DASE y a su experimentaci??n en entornos diversos adem??s del aula ordinaria. Futuras l??neas de investigaci??n se orientar??an en la l??nea de mejorar el diagn??stico y hacerlo m??s operativo. En cuanto a la intervenci??n, el prop??sito es continuar el estudio del programa DASE comprobando sus efectos en situaciones distintas a las que se han experimentado en esta investigaci??n. Se ha llegado a la intervenci??n en segundo curso de primaria. Los estudios inmediatos que se ha proyectado llevar a cabo contemplan la atenci??n a los alumnos biendotados desde el primer curso de preescolar.


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Estudiar la importancia que tiene la educación en el desarrollo y manifestación de la conducta agresiva y la posibilidad y necesidad de prevenir una agresividad patológica por medio de una adecuada educación durante el periodo de la primera infancia. Se divide en cinco partes: comienza en la primera parte con las definiciones y enfoques teóricos que se suelen dar al tema de la agresividad. Se intenta llegar a una definición, recapitular y confrontar las aportaciones de la etología y de diversas corrientes psicológicas. Por último se tratan las influencias de la educación. En la segunda parte, se explican los mecanismos psico-fisiológicos, es decir, se trata de la localización en el cerebro de ciertas áreas que pueden activar o reducir la agresividad. La tercera parte trata de explicar las manifestaciones positivas considerando la agresividad como una actividad inevitable, natural y sana. En la parte cuarta se realiza un análisis de la agresividad patológica y sus manifestaciones: se trata de aquellos individuos que a causa de algún trastorno de la personalidad o de una anterior situación de abandono y falta de afecto desarrollan un comportamiento desmesuradamente agresivo. Por último, en la quinta parte se hace referencia al conjunto de técnicas como la terapia, mediante las cuales se puede reducir y en último término llegar a eliminar el comportamiento humano agresivo patológico. 1) La agresividad humana en parte se debe a bases hereditarias innatas y parte al aprendizaje y estimulación del medio ambiente, 2) Es fundamental el método educativo utilizado por los padres en el modo de encauzar la agresividad, 3) En el cerebro humano la parte asociada con la agresividad se denomina sistema límbico, 4) Ciertas formas de agresividad desempeñan un papel muy importante en orden a la autoafirmación e independización del ser humano, 5) La agresividad es una parte esencial en el desarrollo normal de las personas, pero cuando es excesiva se convierte en patológica, 6) Las manifestaciones o conductas agresivas patológicas surgen como resultado de carencias o privaciones del afecto materno durante la temprana infancia, 7) Los psicólogos de diversas tendencias han propuesto distintas técnicas para conseguir un control eficaz de la agresividad, 8) Existen diferentes terapias como la conductista o la psicoanalítica.


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This paper examines the relation between the speech perception abilities of children with a cochlear implant and parental attitudes.


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Existen un sin número de prácticas artísticas con sonido, aparentemente generadas en las vanguardias europeas y estadounidenses de inicios y mediados del siglo XX, producto de la apropiación y asimilación cultural, lingüística, musical y gráfica, de las expresiones simbólicas africanas y asiáticas, por parte de dadaístas, surrealistas, futuristas, expresionistas y minimalistas. Son estos procedimientos de apropiación y asimilación de matrices culturales no occidentales, los cuales generaron experiencias como 4'33'', de John Cage, que consistió en una acción de silencio frente al piano, de cuatro minutos y treinta y tres segundos, mientras un auditorio impaciente producía sonidos de roces, tosidos, respiraciones y murmullos. La intención del silencio, en 4'33'', para Cage se ligaba fundamentalmente a la filosofía oriental del Budismo Zen. Este tipo de prácticas afiliadas al uso de los aparatos de reproducción sonora, para la década de los sesenta, fueron diseminadas a lo largo y ancho de latinoamerica, como modelos innovativos para el campo de las artes y la música. Actualmente el desplazamiento, de prácticas visuales provenientes del arte, el cine, la fotografía y el video, al sonido, a más de las exploraciones de la música electroacústica, garantizan el devenir de lo sonoro como lugar de expresión. Quizá sea esta una de las razones por las que los agentes generadores de estas prácticas denominan su propio quehacer como arte sonoro, arte acústico, música experimental, en definitiva, un glosario de formas disciplinares de nombrar las prácticas sonoras que se definen y redefinen desde el lugar en el que operan los sujetos de estas prácticas. El Presente trabajo se basa en el análisis de estas agencias, y a partir de este análisis, una apuesta por un nuevo campo de estudios, el de los estudios sonoros. Cuyo fin último, es el de establecer una perspectiva epistemológica y política de las prácticas artísticas con sonido, en diálogo con proyectos provenientes de los estudios culturales como el proyecto modernidad- colonialidad, las teorías poscoloniales, los estudios subalternos. Desde estas posiciones teóricas y políticas estamos concientes de que el sonido y sus posibilidades experimentales, articulan un régimen influyente en el mundo contemporáneo. Razón por la que esta, sobre todo es una reflexión desde las prácticas sonoras que surgen en dos ciudades andinas Quito y Bogotá, como una expresión emergente de establecer encuentros, sur-sur, que puedan generar diálogos epistemológicos sobre el sonido. En otras palabras, el sonido como un lugar de conocimiento.


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Heritage tourism depends on a physical resource based primarily on listed buildings and scheduled monuments. Visiting or staying in a historic building provides a rich tourism experience, but historic environments date from eras when access for disabled people was not a consideration. Current UK Government policy now promotes social inclusion via an array of equal opportunities, widening participation and anti-discrimination policies. Historic environments enjoy considerable legislative protection from adverse change, but now need to balance conservation with public access for all. This paper discusses the basis of research being undertaken by The College of Estate Management funded by the Mercers Company of London and the Harold Samuel Trust. It assesses how the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act has changed the legal obligations of owners/operators in managing access to listed buildings in tourism use. It also examines the key stakeholders and power structures in the management of historic buildings and distinguishes other important players in the management process.


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The context of construction management (CM) reveals that this method of procurement is as much a management philosophy as a contract structure. It is important to consider legal and contractual issues in this context. The interplay between management and law is complex and often misunderstood. Before considering specific issues, the use of contractual remedies in business agreements is discussed. In addition, the extent to which standardising a form of contract detracts or contributes to the success of projects is also considered. The dearth of judicial decisions, and the lack of a standard form, render it difficult to be specific about legal issues. Therefore, the main discussion of legal issues is centred around a recently completed research project which involved eliciting the views of a cross-section of experienced construction management clients, consultants and trade contractors. These interviews are used as the basis for highlighting some of the most important legal points to consider when setting up CM projects. The interviews revealed that the advantage of CM is the proximity of the client to the trade contractors and the disadvantage is that it depends on a high degree of professionalism and experience; qualities which are unfortunately difficult to find in the UK construction industry.


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The eclectic paradigm of Dunning (1980) (with its OLI and four motives for FDI framework) can be reconciled with the firm and country matrix of Rugman (1981). However, the fit is not perfect. The main reason for misalignment is that Dunning is focused upon outward FDI into host economies, whereas Rugman’s matrix is for firm-level strategy covering MNE activity in both home and host countries.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the intellectual property (IP) aspects of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. Design/methodology/approach – A holistic approach is proposed that embraces IP as an integral part of the M&A process in the form of a roadmap for the strategic and purposeful management of IP assets in M&A deals. Findings – Addressing IP issues in transactions in isolation can lead to undesirable consequences (e.g. considerable costs for unplanned purchases of rights). IP due diligence and IP integration project processes can be automated using collaborative software solutions. Thereby, risk can be reduced through the creation of a high level of transparency and predefined responsibilities. Practical implications – Although the proposed IP management framework is based on intellectual property matters relevant to German jurisdiction, conclusions derived and the proposed roadmap are transferable to other jurisdictions and hence have a broader relevance. Evidence for this is provided by the successful application of the roadmap in the context of the multinational transaction stated above. Originality/value – This paper is based on the authors' collective experience, insight and reflected observation of M&A practice gained in advisory M&A roles in management consultancies over a period of more than a decade. The paper summarizes the authors' reflections and observations and brings these into the context of the current management literature. Moreover, this paper builds on earlier published research.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate gym and non-gym users' use and understanding of nutrition labels. Design/methodology/approach – A consumer survey in the form of a questionnaire conducted in the Greater London area in February/March 2005. Subject recruitment process took place in both a gym and university setting. Frequency tables and ?2-test are used to assess relationships between variables (p=0.05). Findings – The resulting sample consisted of 187 subjects, with predominance of females and gym users. Of the subjects, 88 per cent reported to at least occasionally read nutrition labels, with higher reading rates amongst women, irrespective of gym user status. Total and saturated fats are the most often information viewed on labels, however the overall knowledge of the calorie content of fat is low, with 53 per cent of subjects responding saturated fat contains more calories per gram when compared with other types of fats. This paper does not find significant differences in the use and understanding of nutrition labels between gym and non-gym users, but highlights the publics' continued lack of understanding of nutrition labels. Originality/value – This paper is unique as it investigates whether there is any difference between gym/non-gym users' use and interpretation of use of nutrition labels. It finds gender impacted more on nutritional labels knowledge than gym user's status. This points to a gender issue and questions the quality of information available to the general public. This paper is valuable as it highlights and identifies an area that requires further research and assessment, and is therefore useful to key stakeholders responsible for public health nutrition.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to offer an exploratory case study comparing one Brazilian beef processor's relationships supplying two different distribution channels, an EU importer and an EU retail chain operating in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach - The paper begins with a short review of global value chains and the recent literature on trust. It gives the background to the Brazilian beef chain and presents data obtained through in-depth interviews, annual reports and direct observation with the Brazilian beef processor, the EU importer and the retailer. The interviews were conducted with individual firms, but the analysis places them in a chain context, identifying the links and relationships between the agents of the chains and aiming to describe each distribution channel. Findings - Executive chain governance exercised by the domestic retailer stimulates technical upgrading and transferring of best practices to local. suppliers. Consequently, this kind of relationship results in more trust within the global value chain. Practical implications - There are difficulties and challenges facing this Brazilian beef processor that are party related to the need to comply with increasingly complex and demanding food safety and food quality standards. There is still a gap between practices adopted for the export market and practices adopted locally. The strategies of transnational retailers in offering differentiated beef should be taken in account. Originality/value - The research outlines an interdisciplinary framework able to explain chain relationships and the kind of trust that emerges in relationships between EU importer/retail and a developing country supplier.


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Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to present the results of a study examining managers' attitudes towards the deployment and use of information and communications technology (ICT) in their organisations. The study comes at a time when ICT is being recognised as a major enabler of innovation and new business models, which have the potential to have major impact on western economies and jobs. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was specially designed to collect data relating to three research questions. The questionnaire also included a number of open-ended questions. A total of 181 managers from a wide range of industries across a number of countries participated in the electronic survey. The quantitative responses to the survey were analysed using SPSS. Exploratory factor analysis using Varimax rotation was used and ANOVA to compare responses by different groups. Findings – The survey showed that many of the respondents appeared equipped to work “any place, any time”. However, it also highlighted the challenges managers face in working in a connected operation. Also, the data suggested that many managers were less than confident about their companies' policies and practices in relation to information management. Originality/value – A next step from this exploratory research could be the development of a model exploring the impact of ICT on management and organisational performance in terms of personal characteristics of the manager, the role performed, the context and the ICT provision. Also, further research could focus on examining in more detail differences between management levels.


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The annual survey of corporate real estate practices has been conducted by CREMRU since 1993 and in collaboration with Johnsons Controls Inc. since 1997. This year the survey forms the first stage of a broader research project: International Survey of Corporate Real Estate Practices: longitudinal study 1993-2002, being undertaken for the Innovative Construction Research Centre at the University of Reading, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The survey has been endorsed by CoreNet, the leading professional association concerned with corporate real estate, which opened it to a wider audience. This summary of the ten annual surveys focuses on the incidence of corporate real estate management (CREM) policies, functions and activities, as well as the assessment of knowledge or skills relevant to the CREM function in the future. Both are of vital interest to educational institutions concerned with this field, as well as the personnel and training functions within organisations concerned with better management of their property.


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Applies organisational justice theory to facilities management with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction with the service received. Provides an overview of organisational justice theory, and reviews the numerous different forms that this may take. Although there is strong theoretical support for participative decision making, in practice it often leads to conflict and delays. Two-way communication appears to represent the most effective form. The conclusions are based upon theoretical support as well as semi-structured interviews and observations in an organisational setting. The conclusions drawn do not have the benefits of more objective quantitative research methods. Contributes to practical understanding of how to maintain customer satisfaction in the facilities management industry and the theoretical reasons why the proposed methods will be effective. Argues that the impact of organisational justice on employee satisfaction can be applied to customer satisfaction with specific reference to facilities management.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the nature of “service innovation” in the facilities management (FM) context. It reviews recent thinking on “service innovation” as distinct from “product innovation”. Applying these contemporary perspectives it describes UK case studies of 11 innovations in different FM organisations. These include both in-house client-based innovations and third-party innovations. Design/methodology/approach – The study described in the paper encompasses 11 different innovations that constitute a mix of process, product and practice innovations. All of the innovations stem from UK-based organisations that were subject to in-depth interviews regarding the identification, screening, commitment of resources and implementation of the selected innovations. Findings – The research suggested that service innovation is highly active in the UK FM sector. However, the process of innovation rarely followed a common formalized path. Generally, the innovations were one-shot commitments at the early stage. None of the innovations studied failed to proceed to full adoption stage. This was either due to the reluctance of participating organisations to volunteer “tested but unsuccessful” innovations or the absence of any trial methods that might have exposed an innovations shortcomings. Research limitations/implications – The selection of innovations was restricted to the UK context. Moreover, the choice of innovations was partly determined by the innovating organisation. This selection process appeared to emphasise “one-shot” high profile technological innovations, typically associated with software. This may have been at the expense of less resource intensive, bottom-up innovations. Practical implications – This paper suggests that there is a role for “research and innovation” teams within larger FM organisations, whether they are client-based or third-party. Central to this philosophy is an approach that is open to the possibility of failure. The innovations studied were risk averse with a firm commitment to proceed at the early stage. Originality/value – This paper introduces new thinking on the subject of “service innovation” to the context of FM. It presents research and development as a planned solution to innovation. This approach will enable service organisations to fully test and exploit service innovations.