1000 resultados para 106-649E


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El protocol de transplants, especifica que l'òrgan a ser transplantat es conserva a una temperatura de 4ºC en el seu nucli, just després de ser extret del donant. Aquesta temperatura es manté durant el seu transport fins el destinatari. L'extracció es realitza mitjançant la isquèmia, en la qual es suspèn la circulació arterial. Un cop l'òrgan ha arribat a la destinació final i el pacient està a punt, es retira l'òrgan de la banyera de gel i es coseix en el lloc pertinent del receptor. En aquest estat, previ a la reperfusió (reactivació del rec sanguini) l'òrgan va guanyant temperatura a poc a poc per l'exposició a la temperatura ambient o del propi cos del receptor. En tot aquest procés, cal tenir controlada la temperatura de l'òrgan, ja que la isquèmia calenta el podria malmetre irreversiblement. Aquest projecte proporciona un producte per al mesurament remot de la temperatura. Està destinat a la monitorització de l'estat tèrmic dels òrgans dins el protocol de transplants explicat. El producte està format per un dispositiu transmissor, en contacte directe amb l'òrgan i un receptor connectat a un ordinador així com el seu software. La comunicació entre els aparells transmissor i receptor es realitza mitjançant radiofreqüència. L’aparell transmissor té característiques de baix cost, baix consum i petites dimensions. En el desenvolupament del projecte s'intenta en tot moment donar-hi dimensió de producte. Per això juntament amb la informació referent al producte en si, amb més caire tècnic, es mostra un breu estudi legislatiu en el capítol introductori i es realitza una valoració dels costs reals que comporta la seva fabricació.


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Sur 410 B. glabrata infestées par 1 miracidium de S. mansoni, 300 ont été placées dans des boîtes aérées, sur de la terre humide, et soumises à 6 semaines de dessiccation progressive. Au terme de l'expérience, il y avait 71 survivantes (23.66%), dont 9 positives. Les 110 autres planorbes ont cosntitué le lot témein, avec 106 survivantes (96.36%) à la première semaine d'apparition des cercaires. L'étude hebdomadaire des émissions cercariennes a montré des variations périodiques pour les deux sexes, une plus grande production de certaines femelles chez les témoins, mais une production de cercaires mâles ou femelles semblable chez les mollusques ayant subi l'anhydrobiose. Le faible nombre de ces dernies n'a pas permis une étude comparée significative de la survie des porteurs de formes larvaires mâles et femelles. La durée du développement du parasite chez son hôte ne semble pas modifiée si l'on tient compte de la phase d'estivation.


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NKG2D is an activation receptor that allows natural killer (NK) cells to detect diseased host cells. The engagement of NKG2D with corresponding ligand results in surface modulation of the receptor and reduced function upon subsequent receptor engagement. However, it is not clear whether in addition to modulation the NKG2D receptor complex and/or its signaling capacity is preserved. We show here that the prolonged encounter with tumor cell-bound, but not soluble, ligand can completely uncouple the NKG2D receptor from the intracellular mobilization of calcium and the exertion of cell-mediated cytolysis. However, cytolytic effector function is intact since NKG2D ligand-exposed NK cells can be activated via the Ly49D receptor. While NKG2D-dependent cytotoxicity is impaired, prolonged ligand exposure results in constitutive interferon gamma (IFNgamma) production, suggesting sustained signaling. The functional changes are associated with a reduced presence of the relevant signal transducing adaptors DNAX-activating protein of 10 kDa (DAP-10) and killer cell activating receptor-associated protein/DNAX-activating protein of 12 kDa (KARAP/DAP-12). That is likely the consequence of constitutive NKG2D engagement and signaling, since NKG2D function and adaptor expression is restored to normal when the stimulating tumor cells are removed. Thus, the chronic exposure to tumor cells expressing NKG2D ligand alters NKG2D signaling and may facilitate the evasion of tumor cells from NK cell reactions.


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Gestures are the first forms of conventional communication that young children develop in order to intentionally convey a specific message. However, at first, infants rarely communicate successfully with their gestures, prompting caregivers to interpret them. Although the role of caregivers in early communication development has been examined, little is known about how caregivers attribute a specific communicative function to infants' gestures. In this study, we argue that caregivers rely on the knowledge about the referent that is shared with infants in order to interpret what communicative function infants wish to convey with their gestures. We videotaped interactions from six caregiver-infant dyads playing with toys when infants were 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 months old. We coded infants' gesture production and we determined whether caregivers interpreted those gestures as conveying a clear communicative function or not; we also coded whether infants used objects according to their conventions of use as a measure of shared knowledge about the referent. Results revealed an association between infants' increasing knowledge of object use and maternal interpretations of infants' gestures as conveying a clear communicative function. Our findings emphasize the importance of shared knowledge in shaping infants' emergent communicative skills.


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Novel cancer vaccines are capableto efficiently induce and boost humantumor antigen specific T-cells. However,the properties of these CD8T-cells are only partially characterized.For in depth investigation ofT-cells following Melan-A/MART-1peptide vaccination in melanoma patients,we conducted a detailed prospectivestudy at the single cell level.We first sorted individual human naiveand effector CD8 T-cells from peripheralblood by flow cytometry, andtested a modified RT-PCR protocolincluding a global amplification ofexpressed mRNAs to obtain sufficientcDNAfromsingle cells.We successfullydetected the expression ofseveral specific genes of interest evendown to 106-fold dilution (equivalentto 10-5 cell). We then analyzed tumor-specific effector memory (EM)CD8T-cell subpopulations ex vivo, assingle cells from vaccinated melanomapatients. To elucidate the hallmarksof effective immunity the genesignatures were defined by a panel ofgenes related to effector functions(e.g. IFN-, granzyme B, perforin),and individual clonotypes were identifiedaccording to the expression ofdistinct T-cell receptors (TCR). Usingthis novel single cell analysis approach,we observed that T-cell differentiationis clonotype dependent,with a progressive restriction in TCRBV clonotype diversity from EMCD28pos to EMCD28neg subsets. However,the effector function gene imprintingis clonotype-independent,but dependent on differentiation,since it correlates with the subset oforigin (EMCD28pos or EMCD28neg). We also conducted a detailedcomparative analysis after vaccinationwith natural vs. analog Melan-Apeptide. We found that the peptideused for vaccination determines thefunctional outcome of individualT-cell clonotypes, with native peptideinducing more potent effector functions.Yet, selective clonotypic expansionwith differentiation was preservedregardless of the peptide usedfor vaccination. In summary, the exvivo single cell RT-PCR approach ishighly sensitive and efficient, andrepresents a reliable and powerfultool to refine our current view of molecularprocesses taking place duringT-cell differentiation.


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OBJECTIVE: Incomplete compliance is one of several possible causes of uncontrolled hypertension. Yet, non-compliance remains largely unrecognized and is falsely interpreted as treatment resistance, because it is difficult to confirm or exclude objectively. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits of electronic monitoring of drug compliance in the management of patients with resistant hypertension. METHODS: Forty-one hypertensive patients resistant to a three-drug regimen (average blood pressure 156/ 106 +/- 23/11 mmHg, mean +/- SD) were studied prospectively. They were informed that for the next 2 months, their presently prescribed drugs would be provided in electronic monitors, without any change in treatment, so as to provide the treating physician with a measure of their compliance. Thereafter, patients were offered the possibility of prolonging the monitoring of compliance for another 2 month period, during which treatment was adapted if necessary. RESULTS: Monitoring of compliance alone was associated with a significant improvement of blood pressure at 2 months (145/97 +/- 20/15 mmHg, P < 0.01). During monitoring, blood pressure was normalized (systolic < 140 mmHg or diastolic < 90 mmHg) in one-third of the patients and insufficient compliance was unmasked in another 20%. When analysed according to tertiles of compliance, patients with the lowest compliance exhibited significantly higher achieved diastolic blood pressures (P = 0.04). In 30 patients, compliance was monitored up to 4 months and drug therapy was adapted whenever necessary. In these patients, a further significant decrease in blood pressure was obtained (from 150/100 +/- 18/15 to 143/94 +/- 22/11 mmHg, P = 0.04/0.02). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that objective monitoring of compliance using electronic devices may be a useful step in the management of patients with refractory hypertension, as it enables physicians to take rational decisions based on reliable and objective data of drug compliance and hence to improve blood pressure control.


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Pensado en un ámbito de tecnología médica, el propósito principal es el de realizar un seguido de medidas en diferentes partes del cuerpo para establecer unos valores máximos que nos permitan detectar cuando un paciente empieza a padecer estrés. Para ello se necesita un proceso de medición y otro de transmisión de los datos. Es aquí donde aparece el trabajo realizado en el proyecto. “ZigBee aplicado a la transmisión de datos de sensores biomédicos” está pensado para realizar la tarea de transmisión de los datos desde que el sensor realiza la medida hasta que los datos son monitorizados y almacenados. En la memoria del proyecto podremos encontrar el estudio realizado al medio de transmisión inalámbrico utilizado (ZigBee), el análisis del kit eZ430-RF2500 compatible con el medio, y finalmente la implementación del proyecto. Todo este trabajo finalizará con la recepción satisfactoria de los datos medidos por nuestro sensor biomédico (oxímetro) en el aplicativo personal programado con Visual Basic.


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Résumé : La présente étude vise à déterminer quels sont les facteurs permettant de valider de nouvelles échelles de personnalité spécifiques à la relation intra-couple construites sur la base de profils de personnalité en auto- et hétéro-évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous avons défini des critères sociologiques (par exemple âge, niveau socioprofessionnel, nombre de relations passées), des critères psychologiques (satisfaction conjugale) et des critères biologiques (distance génétique et préférence d'odeurs) afin de vérifier s'ils sont susceptibles de valider les six échelles de personnalité intra-couples inédites que nous avons construites dans le cadre de cette recherche de doctorat. Notre échantillon se compose de 106 couples mariés et de 60 jeunes couples non mariés, qui ont chacun complété le test de personnalité L.A. B. E. L. (F Gendre & R. Capel), l'Échelle d'Ajustement Dyadique (Spanier, 1976) ainsi qu'un test génétique pour une partie d'entre eux.


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This paper attempts to extend existing models of political agency to an environment in which voting may be divided between informed and instrumental, informed and ‘expressive’ (Brennan and Lomasky (1993)) and uninformed due to ‘rational irrationality’ (Caplan (2007)). It constructs a model where politicians may be good, bad or populist. Populists are more willing than good politicians to pander to voters who may choose inferior policies in a large-group electoral setting because their vote is insignificant compared with those that voters would choose were their vote decisive in determining the electoral outcome. Bad politicians would ideally like to extract tax revenue for their own ends. Initially we assume the existence of only good and populist politicians. The paper investigates the incentives for good politicians to pool with or separate from populists and focuses on three key issues – (1) how far the majority of voter’s preferences are from those held by the better informed incumbent politician (2) the extent to which the population exhibits rational irrationality and expressiveness (jointly labelled as emotional) and (3) the cost involved in persuading uninformed voters to change their views in terms of composing messages and spreading them. This paper goes on to consider how the inclusion of bad politicians may affect the behaviour of good politicians and suggests that a small amount of potential corruption may be socially useful. It is also argued that where bad politicians have an incentive to mimic the behaviour of good and populist politicians, the latter types of politician may have an incentive to separate from bad politicians by investing in costly public education signals. The paper also discusses the implications of the model for whether fiscal restraints should be soft or hard.


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El present projecte de final de carrera reflexa el procés seguit per tal de dotar al programari wiki de referència, del Grup d’Interès en IDES:Wiki de la UAB, d’un conjunt d’eines que han de permetre augmentar la qualitat del procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de les assignatures que utilitzen les noves tecnologies i més concretament el wiki com a espai docent no presencial. Les eines desenvolupades en aquest projecte han estat proposades pels membres del GI-IDES:WIKI en funció de les necessitats detectades en el programari wiki al llarg dels darrers 4 anys d’experiència, i han estat desenvolupades sobre el motor wiki de codi obert MoinMoin.


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This paper replicates the analysis of Scottish HEIs in Hermannsson et al (2010a) to identify the impact of London-based HEIs on the English economy in order to provide a self-contained analysis that is readily accessible by those whose primary concern is with the regional impacts of London HEIs. When we treat each of the 38 London-based Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that existed in England in 2006 as separate sectors in conventional input-output analysis, their expenditure impacts per unit of final demand appear rather homogenous (though less so than HEIs in Wales and Scotland), with the apparent heterogeneity of their overall impacts being primarily driven by scale. However, a disaggregation of their income by source reveals considerable variation in their dependence upon general public funding and their ability to draw in income/funding from external sources. Acknowledging the possible alternative uses of the public funding and deriving balanced expenditure multipliers reveals large differences in the net-expenditure impact of London HEIs upon the English economy, with the source of variation being the origin of income. Applying a novel treatment of student expenditure impacts, identifying the amount of exogenous spending per student, modifies the heterogeneity of the overall expenditure impacts. On balance this suggests that the impacts of impending budget cut-backs will be quite different by institution depending on their sensitivity to public funding. However, predicting the outcome of budget cutbacks at the margin is problematic for reasons that we identify.


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Recent episodes of public dissent (such as the demonstrations against G8 policies) raise the issue of the psychological processes triggered in obeying and disobeying the authority. Even if obedience to authority is an important aspect of social life and it plays a key role in maintaining social order, the concept of obedience has been studied in social psychology mainly in terms of its destructive aspects. Besides, most of the studies have overlooked the role of disobedience in the authority relationship. Disobedience may be conceived of as a protest that undermines the legitimacy of the authority or it can represent an instrument for controlling the legitimacy of the authority's demands, becoming a factor protecting against authoritarianism. In this article, a new perspective on the study of the relationship between the individual and the authority is put forward, considering obedience and disobedience as parallel concepts, each having constructive and destructive aspects. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the current effectiveness of routine prenatal ultrasound screening in detecting gastroschisis and omphalocele in Europe. DESIGN: Data were collected by 19 congenital malformation registries from 11 European countries. The registries used the same epidemiological methodology and registration system. The study period was 30 months (July 1st 1996-December 31st 1998) and the total number of monitored pregnancies was 690,123. RESULTS: The sensitivity of antenatal ultrasound examination in detecting omphalocele was 75% (103/137). The mean gestational age at the first detection of an anomaly was 18 +/- 6.0 gestational weeks. The overall prenatal detection rate for gastroschisis was 83% (88/106) and the mean gestational age at diagnosis was 20 +/- 7.0 gestational weeks. Detection rates varied between registries from 25 to 100% for omphalocele and from 18 to 100% for gastroschisis. Of the 137 cases of omphalocele less than half of the cases were live births (n = 56; 41%). A high number of cases resulted in fetal deaths (n = 30; 22%) and termination of pregnancy (n = 51; 37%). Of the 106 cases of gastroschisis there were 62 (59%) live births, 13 (12%) ended with intrauterine fetal death and 31 (29%) had the pregnancies terminated. CONCLUSIONS: There is significant regional variation in detection rates in Europe reflecting different policies, equipment and the operators' experience. A high proportion of abdominal wall defects is associated with concurrent malformations, syndromes or chromosomal abnormalities, stressing the need for the introduction of repeated detailed ultrasound examination as a standard procedure. There is still a relatively high rate of elective termination of pregnancies for both defects, even in isolated cases which generally have a good prognosis after surgical repair.


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We set up a trade model where three countries compete for an exogenous number of firms. Our innovation lies in the geography of the model. Of the three countries, one is the hub through which all trade takes place. First, we establish the natural geography of the region, which is given by the equilibrium distribution of industrial activity in the absence of taxes or subsidies. We then examine the implications for corporate taxes when the countries compete with each other to attract firms. We find that, even when all countries are the same size, the centrality of the hub gives it an advantage in tax setting, such that its equilibrium tax can be larger than that of the spokes and yet it still attracts a disproportionate share of industry. Thus geographic advantage in tax competition has a second dimension, centrality in addition to size.