995 resultados para Þrándr Þorbjarnarson, 10th cent.
Objective: To produce age-related normograms for serum antimullerian hormone (AMH) level in infertile women without polycystic ovaries (non-PCO).Design: Retrospective cohort analysis.Setting: Fifteen academic reproductive centers.Patient(s): A total of 3,871 infertile women.Intervention(s): Blood sampling for AMH level.Main Outcome Measure(s): Serum AMH levels and correlation between age and different percentiles of AMH.Result(s): Age-related normograms for the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th percentiles of AMH were produced. We found that the curves of AMH by age for the 3rd to 50th percentiles fit the model and appearance of linear relation, whereas the curves of >75th percentiles fit cubic relation. There were significant differences in AMH and FSH levels and in antral follicle count (AFC) among women aged 24-33 years, 34-38 years, and >= 39 years. Multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis of FSH, age, AFC, and the type of AMH kit as predictors of AMH level shows that all variables are independently associated with AMH level, in the following order: AFC, FSH, type of AMH kit, and age.Conclusion(s): Age-related normograms in non-PCO infertile women for the 3rd to 97th percentiles were produced. These normograms could provide a reference guide for the clinician to consult women with infertility. However, future validation with longitudinal data is still needed. (Fertil Steril (R) 2011; 95: 2359-63. (C) 2011 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Aquest projecte té com a objectiu l’estudi de l’estat ambiental dels hotels del municipi de Sitges i l’estudi d’aprofitament dels recursos hídrics i energètics característics d’aquesta zona del Mediterrani per hotels de 4 i 5 estrelles. Sitges és un municipi que al període estival dobla la població, i que amb una superfície de 43,85 Km2 conta amb 35 hotels i apart pensions, hostals i càmpings, per tant, el turisme és l’activitat més important a Sitges. Per desenvolupar aquest projecte s’ha realitzat una enquesta senzilla sobre qualitat ambiental per conèixer el comportament ambiental dels diferents hotels. En aquest estudi han participat 15 dels 35 hotels del municipi, ja que el 49% d’aquests romanen tancats des d’Octubre fins a Març i dels 18 hotels restants 15 han accedit a formar part d’aquest estudi. A través d’una prova pilot s’ha avaluat la implantació del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental a l’hotel Antemare i a l’hotel Sunway Playa Golf, aquests dos hotels pertanyen a la categoria de quatre estrelles, categoria que reuneix més nombre d’hotels i el tant per cent d’ocupació és major en comparació amb les altres categories. El DGQA és una ecoetiqueta de serveis que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya a partir de la revisió de l’establiment per mitjà d’un tècnic autoritzat. S’ha analitzat l’aprofitament dels recursos local com, les aigües pluvials i la radiació solar en els hotels de 4 i 5 estrelles per obtenir l’autosuficiència individual dels 9 hotels objecte d’estudi. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest estudi reflecteixen la possibilitat de millorar l’estat ambiental dels establiments hotelers, duent a terme alguns criteris bàsics com, la recollida selectiva i una major implantació d’energies renovables, així com també la utilització d’aquestes per assolir un cert nivell d’autosuficiència energètica i hídrica. La prova pilot mostra que els dos hotels estudiats estan molt a prop d’aconseguir el DGQA, els vectors on s’haurien de fer millores són, informació ambiental, energia, aigua i residus.
This article enquires into the causes of union growth and decline by analysing flows in and out of membership at the level of 70 Swiss union locals over 2006-2008. Gross flows in union membership are much larger than the resulting net changes: annual membership turnover of 10 per cent is a surprisingly constant feature across unions. Net changes in membership are primarily determined by inflows: successful and languishing union locals differ in their entry rates, whereas exit rates are similar. Variance in union locals' entry rates is not usefully explained by the labour market context, but by differences in union strategy.
A survey of Isospora suis performed in 177 faecal samples from 30 swine farms detected thin wall type I. suis oocysts in seven samples. This type of oocyst measuring 23.9 by 20.7 mm had a retracted thin wall similar to that of the genus Sarcocystis. This type of oocysts, isolated from four different faecal samples, was inoculated in four-five-days-old piglets free of contamination in order to verify the life cycle and pathogenicity of the species. The pigs were kept in individual metal cages and fed with cow milk. Daily faecal collections and examinations were performed until the 21st day after infection. MacMaster and Sheather' s methods were used for oocyst counting and identification. Infected piglets produced yellowish-pasty diarrhoea with slight dehydration. The prepatent and patent periods were respectively from 6 to 9 and 3 to 10 days after infection. Oocyst elimination was interrupted on the 10th and 11th days after infection with biphasic cycles. Thin and thick wall oocysts were detected in the same faecal samples. Thin walls were not observed in unsporulated oocysts. The observations suggest that this type of oocysts could appear in specific strains which occur in the later stages of their development. These oocysts seem to be responsible for clinical and pathogenic signs of neonatal isosporosis in pigs.
Astrocytes are the brain nonnerve cells that are competent for gliosecretion, i.e., for expression and regulated exocytosis of clear and dense-core vesicles (DCVs). We investigated whether expression of astrocyte DCVs is governed by RE-1-silencing transcription factor (REST)/neuron-restrictive silencer factor, the transcription repressor that orchestrates nerve cell differentiation. Rat astrocyte cultures exhibited high levels of REST and expressed neither DCVs nor their markers (granins, peptides, and membrane proteins). Transfection of dominant-negative construct of REST induced the appearance of DCVs filled with secretogranin 2 and neuropeptide Y (NPY) and distinct from other organelles. Total internal reflection fluorescence analysis revealed NPY-monomeric red fluorescent protein-labeled DCVs to undergo Ca21 -dependent exocytosis, which was largely prevented by botulinum toxin B. In the I-II layers of the human temporal brain cortex, all neurons and microglia exhibited the expected inappreciable and high levels of REST, respectively. In contrast, astrocyte RESTwas variable, going from inappreciable to high, and accompanied by a variable expression of DCVs. In conclusion, astrocyte DCV expression and gliosecretion are governed by REST. The variable in situ REST levels may contribute to the wellknown structural/ functional heterogeneity of astrocytes.
In order to evaluate the predictive value of acid fast bacilii (AFB) smear for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens in a setting with a high prevalence of Aids and an unknown prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), we retrospectively examined specimens cultured for mycobacteria between 1 September 1993 and 30 September 1994 and medical records of patients with positive culture in a General Hospital, Aids reference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Seventy three per cent (1517/2077) of samples were respiratory specimens and mycobacteria were recovered from 20.6% (313/1517) of these. M. tuberculosis was identified in 94.2% (295/313) and NTM in 5.8% (18/313). The yield of positive AFB smear and of positive culture was 6.1% (93/1517) and 20.6% (313/1517), respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) of AFB for M. tuberculosis was 98.4% in expectorated sputum and 96.4% in bronchoalveolar lavage. Forty four percent (130/295) of specimens with positive culture for M. tuberculosis and 66.7% (12/18) for NTM were from patients HIV positive. The conclusion was that in our study population, the PPV of AFB for M. tuberculosis in respiratory specimens was high and the prevalence of NTM was low despite the high prevalence of HIV positive.
BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. One specific mutation in the MYBPC3 gene is highly prevalent in center east of France giving an opportunity to define the clinical profile of this specific mutation. METHODS: HCM probands were screened for mutation in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TNNT2 and TNNI3 genes. Carriers of the MYBPC3 IVS20-2A>G mutation were genotyped with 8 microsatellites flanking this gene. The age of this MYBPC3 mutation was inferred with the software ESTIAGE. The age at first symptom, diagnosis, first complication, first severe complication and the rate of sudden death were compared between carriers of the IVS20-2 mutation (group A) and carriers of all other mutations (group B) using time to event curves and log rank test. RESULTS: Out of 107 HCM probands, 45 had a single heterozygous mutation in one of the 4 tested sarcomeric genes including 9 patients with the MYBPC3 IVS20-2A>G mutation. The IVS20-2 mutation in these 9 patients and their 25 mutation carrier relatives was embedded in a common haplotype defined after genotyping 4 polymorphic markers on each side of the MYBPC3 gene. This result supports the hypothesis of a common ancestor. Furthermore, we evaluated that the mutation occurred about 47 generations ago, approximately at the 10th century.We then compared the clinical profile of the IVS20-2 mutation carriers (group A) and the carriers of all other mutations (group B). Age at onset of symptoms was similar in the 34 group A cases and the 73 group B cases but group A cases were diagnosed on average 15 years later (log rank test p = 0.022). Age of first complication and first severe complication was delayed in group A vs group B cases but the prevalence of sudden death and age at death was similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: A founder mutation arising at about the 10th century in the MYBPC3 gene accounts for 8.4% of all HCM in center east France and results in a cardiomyopathy starting late and evolving slowly but with an apparent risk of sudden death similar to other sarcomeric mutations.
Plus de cent maladies peuvent se manifester par une hémoptysie, qui peut être le reflet d'une pathologie sous-jacente potentiellement sérieuse. Elle n'est massive que dans 5% des cas et devient alors une entité clinique souvent dramatique, mortelle dans 30% des cas, qui nécessite une approche multidisciplinaire en milieu de soins intensifs. Quelques cas cliniques introduisent la discussion des aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de leur prise en charge. Après avoir assuré la survie immédiate, l'origine du saignement sera localisée par une endoscopie qui permettra de réaliser un éventuel tamponnement endobronchique. Une artériographie doit ensuite être effectuée, afin de tenter d'obtenir l'hémostase par embolisation du réseau artériel bronchique responsable de l'épisode d'hémoptysie dans la majorité des cas.
Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.
Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.
Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.
In a study of congenital transmission during acute infection of Toxoplasma gondii, 23 pregnant Balb/c mice were inoculated orally with two cysts each of the P strain. Eight mice were inoculated 6-11 days after becoming pregnant (Group 1). Eight mice inoculated on the 10th-15th day of pregnancy (Group 2) were treated with 100 mg/kg/day of minocycline 48 h after inoculation. Seven mice inoculated on the 10th-15th day of pregnancy were not treated and served as a control (Group 3). Congenital transmission was evaluated through direct examination of the brains of the pups or by bioassay and serologic tests. Congenital transmission was observed in 20 (60.6%) of the 33 pups of Group 1, in one (3.6%) of the 28 pups of Group 2, and in 13 (54.2%) of the 24 pups of Group 3. Forty-nine Balb/c mice were examined in the study of congenital transmission of T. gondii during chronic infection. The females showed reproductive problems during this phase of infection. It was observed accentuated hypertrophy of the endometrium and myometrium. Only two of the females gave birth. Our results demonstrate that Balb/c mice with acute toxoplasmosis can be used as a model for studies of congenital T. gondii infection. Our observations indicate the potential of this model for testing new chemotherapeutic agents against congenital toxoplasmosis.
Down Lisburn Health And Social Services Trust Eastern Health And Social Services Board Fieldwork Inspection: 31st May 2005 - 10th June 2005 (Final Report April 2006)
Northern Ireland Fire Brigade - 10th and 11th March 2005