877 resultados para [JEL:J63] Labor and Demographic Economics - Mobility, Unemployment, and Vacancies - Turnover
This paper reports large variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes taihuensis) from Lake Chaohu, China. The lake anchovy exhibited a significant C-13- and N-15- enrichment in relation to increasing fish length, and the isotopic compositions of small lake anchovy (<= 130 mm) were significantly more enriched than those of large lake anchovy (> 130 mm). The significant differences in the isotopic compositions of small and large lake anchovy suggested that their assimilated diets differed over a period of time and reflected the size-related diet shift of this fish. Bellamya aeruginosa and Corbicula fluminea were used to establish the baseline carbon signal of benthic and pelagic food webs, and these data were used to parameterize a 2-source mixing model to estimate in consumers the contribution of carbon derived from benthic versus pelagic food webs. Mixing models showed that small lake anchovy derived only 37% of their carbon from benthic food web, indicating increased reliance on pelagic prey, whereas benthic prey contributed 71% of large lake anchovy diet, suggesting greater use of benthic sources. These data indicate that there was a change in lake anchovy feeding strategy related to their size, suggesting a role in dynamic coupling between pelagic and benthic food chains. The trophic position of small lake anchovy averaged 3.0, indicating a zooplankton-based diet, compared with 3.6 in large lake anchovy, indicative of an increase in piscivorous diet. Overlap in the isotopic compositions of small and large lake anchovy probably indicated that these fish occasionally shared common diets, as suggested by stomach content studies, and/or resulted from the differences in the rate of isotopic turnover depending on differences in growth rate and metabolic turnover between small and large anchovy during diet shift from pelagic to benthic food webs. This study presents the contributions of benthic and pelagic food webs supporting lake anchovy and indicates that the intraspecific isotopic dynamic should be considered when applying stable isotope analyses to infer trophic interactions in aquatic ecosystems.
克隆植物被认为比非克隆植物更宜于利用异质性环境。在复杂的空间异质环境中,克隆植物可能形成了各种有效利用环境异质性的适应对策。对于克隆植物适应机制的研究,前人已做了大量的工作,特别是从形态和生物量分配等方面对简单异质生境下克隆植物的克隆整合和克隆分工进行了详细的研究。本研究以分布广泛的克隆植物东方草莓(Fragaria orientalis)作为研究对象,应用野外调查和实验生态学方法,采用多对比度单资源模型和不同向双资源模型,从形态和生理生态的角度,研究复杂异质生境下克隆植物的整合和分工及其耗益问题,分析不同类型的生境对克隆植物整合和分工的修饰作用,进而探讨克隆植物对异质生境的适应策略。克隆构型和分株种群特征是植物克隆生长及其生态适应对策研究的基本内容。本文通过野外调查,研究在不同光照条件下东方草莓克隆构型、分株种群特征以及点分布格局。结果表明:东方草莓的克隆构型随光照发生相应的变化,低光照下其匍匐茎节间长和分枝角度均增大而分枝强度减小;随光照减弱,东方草莓分株种群的生物量、根冠比和分株种群密度显著降低;不同光照下东方草莓分株均以随机分布为主但不同尺度下有所差异,其分布格局强度依次为旷地<林缘<林下。结合克隆植物对资源的利用对策,探讨了克隆构型和分株种群特征以及分布格局随环境条件变化的生态适应意义。不同生境斑块条件下克隆植物可能采取不同的适应对策。采用盆栽实验,研究不同水分对比度下克隆整合及其生理生态特征,并对单向和交互资源中东方草莓的克隆整合做了对比研究。结果显示:高的水分对比度能够促进东方草莓的克隆整合,并能刺激相连分株增加光合作用,东方草莓体内的氧化—抗氧化系统也II随对比度做出相应的反应。耗-益分析表明胁迫分株的受益是以供给分株的损耗为代价的,但从克隆片段总体来说是受益的。单向资源中东方草莓生长的绝对值高于交互资源,但耗-益分析表明生长于交互资源下东方草莓的克隆整合获益大于生长于单向资源下东方草莓的克隆整合获益。长期生长于特定生境的克隆植物,在进化过程中其克隆整合和克隆分工在对资源异质性的适应策略方面可能有所侧重。采用盆栽实验对来自不同海拔梯度的东方草莓的克隆整合和克隆分工对异质资源的适应对策进行了研究。实验结果表明,来自高海拔的东方草莓可塑性较差。来自两个海拔的东方草莓对切断匍匐茎的表现有所差异,总体上切断匍匐茎对来自高海拔的东方草莓影响更大些。另外,来自高海拔的东方草莓表现出更高的克隆分工。IIIClonal plants are known to be more suitable for the habitats of heterogeneousresources than nonclonal plants, perhaps due to their well developed adaptivestrategies to environmental heterogeneity. Many studies have been done on theadaptive mechanisms of clonal plants, especially on the clonal integration anddivision of labor with morphology and biomass allocation under simpleheterogeneous habitats. Based on field surveys, laboratory experiments, multi-contrastunidirectional resource model and reciprocal resource model, Fragaria orientalis, aRosaceae stoloniferous herb that widely distributes in China, was used to study thisplant’s morphological and physiological responses to complicated heterogeneoushabitats in terms of its clonal integration, division of labor and cost-benefit, as well astheir modifications by different habitats, so as to better understand the adaptivestrategies of clonal plants under heterogeneous environments.Clonal architecture and ramet population characteristics are of the major concernin the studies on growth and adaptive strategies of clonal plants. Clonal architecture,ramet population characteristics and spatial point pattern of F. orientalis underdifferent light intensity were studied with field observations. The results showed that,clonal architecture changed with light availability: Internode-lengths and branchangels of stolons were larger while branch intensities were smaller under lower lightintensity than those under higher light intensity; Biomass of ramet population,root-shoot ratio and density of ramet population decreased significantly with reduce oflight intensity; Under all light intensities, spatial pattern of ramets was mainlyrandomly distributed but it changed with different scales, with pattern intensity as:open space < forest edge < understory. Adaptation significance of the clonal architecture, the ramet population characteristics and the spatial pattern changing withdifferent environments was discussed according to these results.Clonal plants may take different adaptive strategies under different patches. Withpot culture, clonal integration and physiological parameters of F. orientalis underdifferent water contrasts were studied, and clonal integration under unilateralresources and reciprocal resources were also compared. The results suggested that,high water contrast improve the clonal integration of F. orientalis and increase thephotosynthesis of connected ramets. Oxidative and antioxidative system of F.orientalis also responded with changing water contrasts. According to cost-benefitanalysis, the drought-stressed ramets obtained benefits from the connectedwell-watered ramets, and as a whole, the clonal fragment could also get benefits.Growth of F. orientalis in homogeneous resources was better than that inheterogeneous resources, but the whole plant got more benefit through clonalintegration in heterogeneous resources than in homogeneous resources.Pot culture experiments were also used to study the adaptive strategies inutilizing heterogeneous resources by the plant populations from different altitudes.The results showed that, F. orientalis from alpine zones were shorter and lessexpanded with poorer clonal plasticity than those from middle mountains. F.orientalis from two different altitudes showed different responses to stolon severing,and as a whole, stolon severing had more influence on F. orientalis from alpine zones.In addition, F. orientalis from alpine zones exhibited higher division of labor, whichsuggested that clonal plants from different habitats develop their own adaptivemechanisms in their clonal integration and division of labor in response toenvironmental heterogeneity.
A number of methods are available for those researchers considering the addition of molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi to their research projects and weighing the various approaches they might take. Analyzing natural EcM fungal communities has traditionally been a highly skilled, time-consuming process relying heavily on exacting morphological characterization of EcM root tips. Increasingly powerful molecular methods for analyzing EcM communities make this area of research available to a much wider range of researchers. Ecologists can gain from the body of work characterizing EcM while avoiding the requirement for exceptional expertise by carefully combining elements of traditional methods with the more recent molecular approaches. A cursory morphological analysis can yield a traditional quantification of EcM fungi based on tip numbers, a unit with functional and historical significance. Ectomycorrhizal root DNA extracts may then be analyzed with molecular methods widely used for characterizing microbiota. These range from methods applicable only to the simple mixes resulting from careful morphotyping, to community-oriented methods that identify many types in mixed samples as well as provide an estimate of their relative abundances. Extramatrical hyphae in bulk soil can also be more effectively studied, extending characterization of EcM fungal communities beyond the rhizoplane. The trend toward techniques permitting larger sample sets without prohibitive labor and time requirements will also permit us to more frequently address the issues of spatial and temporal variability and better characterize the roles of EcM fungi at multiple scales.
CoFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by chemical coprecipitation method in a magnetic field exhibit novel magnetic properties. The average particle diameter was about 2 nm and larger depending on the post annealing temperature. Magnetization measurements indicate that smaller nanoparticles are superparamagnetic above their respective blocking temperatures. In the blocked state, these nanoparticles exhibit interesting behaviors in the magnetic hysteresis measurements. Constricted, or wasp waisted with extremely narrow waist, hysteresis curves have been observed in the magnetization versus field sweeps. For larger nanoparticles, the room temperature hysteresis is typical of a ferromagnet with an open loop, but the loop closes at lower temperature. The novel magnetic behavior is attributed to the directional order of Co ions and vacancies in CoFe2O4 established during the coprecipitation of the nanoparticles under an applied field.
O selénio (Se) é um micronutriente essencial para o crescimento, desenvolvimento e normal metabolismo dos animais, incluindo o ser humano. É parte integrante de um conjunto de proteínas, as selenoproteínas, com ação antioxidante (protegendo as membranas celulares contra danos dos radicais livres), envolvidas no metabolismo das hormonas da tiróide, na regulação do crescimento e viabilidade celular, nas funções do sistema imune e na reprodução. É introduzido na dieta alimentar (principalmente nas formas de selenometionina e selenocisteína) através das plantas, e de produtos que delas derivam, que assimilam os compostos de selénio presentes no solo. Uma vez que a quantidade de selénio existente nos solos é muito variável, o teor nos alimentos vai depender da sua origem geográfica e, por consequência, a ingestão de selénio varia entre regiões e países. Baixos níveis de selénio estão associados a um declínio na função imune e problemas cognitivos. A deficiência de Se pode também ocasionar problemas musculares e cardiomiopatia. Concentrações reduzidas foram observadas em indíviduos com crises epiléticas e também em casos de pré-eclampsia. A deficiência de selénio pode também desenvolver-se durante a nutrição parenteral. Atualmente, a Dose Diária Recomendada (DDR) é de 55 μg/dia para homens e mulheres adultos e saudáveis. No entanto, existem evidências clínicas de que a ingestão em doses superiores (200-300 μg/dia) pode ter um papel benéfico na prevenção de alguns tipos de cancro e doenças cardiovasculares, na melhoria da resposta imunológica, como neuroprotetor e na fertilidade. O Se desempenha um papel importante na fertilidade masculina, sendo necessário na biossíntese da testosterona e na formação e normal desenvolvimento dos espermatozóides. Em mulheres grávidas o Se, ajuda a prevenir complicações antes e durante o parto e promove o normal desenvolvimento do feto. Como antioxidante o selénio vai combater os danos provocados pelos radicais livres, impedindo que estes exerçam o seu papel prejudicial no organismo. Sendo o sistema imunológico muito suscetível aos danos provocados pelo stress oxidativo, o Se vai exercer efeitos benéficos combatendo os danos por ele causados. Relativamente à capacidade viral, não é possível saber com exatidão qual a quantidade de Se necessária ou concentração ideal no plasma para evitar a ocorrência e desenvolvimento de infeções virais. No entanto, sabe-se que tem um efeito benéfico em pacientes HIV positivos e em indivíduos infetados com o vírus da hepatite (B ou C) contra a progressão para o neoplasia de fígado. Em teoria, a nível cardiovascular, este elemento pode exercer um efeito protetor, embora alguns estudos epidemiológicos não tenham mostrado uma associação clara entre o risco cardiovascular e os níveis selénio. A nível cerebral o Se vai atuar como neuroprotetor, prevenindo o aparecimento de patologias como demência e doença de Alzheimer. Apesar destes indicadores, a maioria dos países europeus, incluindo Portugal, regista uma deficiente ingestão de selénio por parte da população. A suplementação poderá constituir uma opção para garantir os níveis nutricionais recomendados e/ou ser utilizada com o objetivo de prevenir algumas doenças e o envelhecimento. No entanto o selénio pode também ser tóxico se ingerido em excesso, estando a dose máxima admissível fixada em 400 μg/dia. A intoxicação por selénio é chamada selenose e os sintomas comuns incluem: hálito a alho, distúrbios gastrointestinais, perda de cabelo, descamação das unhas, danos neurológicos e fadiga. Assim, atualmente acredita-se que enquanto indivíduos com baixo nível de Se podem obter benefícios da suplementação, esta pode ser prejudicial aqueles com valores normais ou elevados.
1. A comparison was made of the daily energy expenditure (DEE), resting metabolic rate (RMR) and water turnover (WTO) of two populations of Common Spiny Mice Acomys cahirinus from north- and south-facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, which represented 'Mediterranean' and 'desert' habitats, respectively.
This article highlights how problems of recruitment and retention in front-line services create a particular challenge to traditional HRM models and solutions. Private day nurseries make an interesting example of the challenges facing managers in the service sector as the combination of a feminised workforce, a price-sensitive service, public-private competition and state regulation create particular difficulties. We report on a study of 33 day nurseries involving interviews with managers and employees over an eight-month period. Our findings show that childcare providers have to cope with recruitment and retention problems associated with high-end interactive service provision compounded by gender segregation and small business characteristics. Our analysis of employer and employee perspectives examines labour market issues affecting recruitment, and categorises the reasons for staff turnover into internal 'push' factors, external 'pull' factors, outside factors and functional turnover.
Activity and selectivity are both important issues in heterogeneous catalysis and recent experimental results have shown that Ni catalysts doped by gold exhibit high activity for the hydrogenation of acetylene with good selectivity of ethylene formation. To unravel the underlying mechanism for this observation, the general trend of activity and selectivity of Ni surfaces doped by Au, Ag, and Cu has been investigated using density functional theory calculations. Complete energy profiles from C2H2 to C2H4 on Ni(111), Au/Ni(111), Ag/Ni(111) and Cu/Ni(111) are obtained and their turnover frequencies (TOFs) are computed. The results show that acetylene adsorption on Ni catalyst is strong which leads to the low activity while the doping of Au, Ag, and Cu on the Ni catalyst weakens the acetylene adsorption, giving rise to the increase of activity. The selectivity of ethylene formation is also quantified by using the energy difference between the hydrogenation barriers and the absolute value of the adsorption energies of ethylene. It is found that the selectivity of ethylene formation increases by doping Au and Ag, while those of Cu/Ni and Ni are similar.
Introduction to edited collection, including historiographical review and summary of main contributions in ten-chapter volume.
SUMMARY: "Heteroresistance" describes a phenomenon where subpopulations of seemingly isogenic bacteria exhibit a range of susceptibilities to a particular antibiotic. Unfortunately, a lack of standard methods to determine heteroresistance has led to inappropriate use of this term. Heteroresistance has been recognized since at least 1947 and occurs in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Its clinical relevance may be considerable, since more resistant subpopulations may be selected during antimicrobial therapy. However, the use of nonstandard methods to define heteroresistance, which are costly and involve considerable labor and resources, precludes evaluating the clinical magnitude and severity of this phenomenon. We review the available literature on antibiotic heteroresistance and propose recommendations for definitions and determination criteria for heteroresistant bacteria. This will help in assessing the global clinical impact of heteroresistance and developing uniform guidelines for improved therapeutic outcomes.
1. Using data on the spatial distribution of the British avifauna, we address three basic questions about the spatial structure of assemblages: (i) Is there a relationship between species richness (alpha diversity) and spatial turnover of species (beta diversity)? (ii) Do high richness locations have fewer species in common with neighbouring areas than low richness locations?, and (iii) Are any such relationships contingent on spatial scale (resolution or quadrat area), and do they reflect the operation of a particular kind of species-area relationship (SAR)?
2. For all measures of spatial turnover, we found a negative relationship with species richness. This held across all scales, with the exception of turnover measured as beta (sim).
3. Higher richness areas were found to have more species in common with neighbouring areas.
4. The logarithmic SAR fitted better than the power SAR overall, and fitted significantly better in areas with low richness and high turnover.
5. Spatial patterns of both turnover and richness vary with scale. The finest scale richness pattern (10 km) and the coarse scale richness pattern (90 km) are statistically unrelated. The same is true of the turnover patterns.
6. With coarsening scale, locations of the most species-rich quadrats move north. This observed sensitivity of richness 'hotspot' location to spatial scale has implications for conservation biology, e.g. the location of a reserve selected on the basis of maximum richness may change considerably with reserve size or scale of analysis.
7. Average turnover measured using indices declined with coarsening scale, but the average number of species gained or lost between neighbouring quadrats was essentially scale invariant at 10-13 species, despite mean richness rising from 80 to 146 species (across an 81-fold area increase). We show that this kind of scale invariance is consistent with the logarithmic SAR.
Cell differentiation is ubiquitous and facilitates division of labor and development. Bacteria are capable of multicellular behaviors that benefit the bacterial community as a whole. A striking example of bacterial differentiation occurs throughout the formation of a biofilm. During Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation, a subpopulation of cells differentiates into a specialized population that synthesizes the exopolysaccharide and the TasA amyloid components of the extracellular matrix. The differentiation process is indirectly controlled by the transcription factor Spo0A that facilitates transcription of the eps and tapA (tasA) operons. DegU is a transcription factor involved in regulating biofilm formation. Here, using a combination of genetics and live single-cell cytological techniques, we define the mechanism of biofilm inhibition at high levels of phosphorylated DegU (DegU∼P) by showing that transcription from the eps and tapA promoter regions is inhibited. Data demonstrating that this is not a direct regulatory event are presented. We demonstrate that DegU∼P controls the frequency with which cells activate transcription from the operons needed for matrix biosynthesis in favor of an off state. Subsequent experimental analysis led us to conclude that DegU∼P functions to increase the level of Spo0A∼P, driving cell fate differentiation toward the terminal developmental process of sporulation.
Monsenhor Airosa - pedagogo - empresário : história do colégio de regeneração de Braga : (1869-1931)
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
In the competitive landscape of the 21st century, effectively managing human capital in firms is considered to be a potential source of sustainable performance. Therefore, in this study, we tested the influence of high-performance work systems, as a talent management tool, on employees’ experience of developmental jobs. Then, we tested the mediating effect of such experiences on employees’ engagement, exhaustion, performance and turnover intention. With a sample of 254 employees of a diversity of companies and sectors of activity, our findings demonstrated that high-performance practices increase engagement, via the promotion of developmental experiences of fit, which improves performance and decreases turnover intention. Besides, those practices do not control for the pressure dimension of the developmental job experiences that increases exhaustion and turnover intention despite not worsening performance.
The purpose of this study was to compare bone speed of sound (SOS) measured by quantitative ultrasound, circulating levels of IGF- 1 and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pre- (Pr) and post-menarcheal (Po) synchronized swimmers (SS) and controls (NS). Seventy participants were recruited: 8 PrSS, 22 PoSS, 20 PrNS, and 20 PoNS. Anthropometric measures of height, weight, skeletal maturity and percent body fat were taken, and dietary intake evaluated using 24-hour recall. Bone SOS was measured at the distal radius and mid-tibia and blood samples analyzed for IGF-1, osteocalcin, NTx, and 25-OH vitamin D. Results demonstrated maturational effects on bone SOS, IGF-1 and bone turnover (p<0.05), with no differences observed between SS and NS. Main effects were observed for a reduced caloric intake in SS compared to NS (p<0.05). Therefore, SS does not offer additive affects on bone strength but imparts no adverse affects to skeletal health in these athletes.