981 resultados para >400 µm
We present a simplified yet analytical formulation of the carrier backscattering coefficient for zig-zag semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes under diffusive regime. The electron-phonon scattering rate for longitudinal acoustic, optical, and zone-boundary phonon emissions for both inter- and intrasubband transition rates have been derived using Kane's nonparabolic energy subband model.The expressions for the mean free path and diffusive resistance have been formulated incorporating the aforementioned phonon scattering. Appropriate overlap function in Fermi's golden rule has been incorporated for a more general approach. The effect of energy subbands on low and high bias zones for the onset of longitudinal acoustic, optical, and zone-boundary phonon emissions and absorption have been analytically addressed. 90% transmission of the carriers from the source to the drain at 400 K for a 5 mu m long nanotube at 105 V m(-1) has been exhibited. The analytical results are in good agreement with the available experimental data. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics.
A detailed study of nickel-monoethanolamine complexes has been made employing potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. The conditions for the formation of mono as well as polynuclear complexes have been investigated by potentiometric method. Evidence is presented for the formation of the following complexes and their stability constants are determined: NiA2+, Ni22+, Ni32+, NiA42+, NiA52+, NiA22+, Ni2A24+ and Ni3A36+. Combining potentiometric data with the spectrophotometric data, absorption spectra of the pure mononuclear complexes NiA2+ to NiA42+ and NiA2+6 have been computed. The absorption spectrum of NiA2+6 has been discussed on the basis of ligand field and molecular orbital theories. The absorption spectra of intermediate complexes have been interpreted on the basis of average ligand field theory. There has been good agreement between the experimental (10,400 cm-1) value of 10 Dq of NiA2+6 and the calculated value of 10 Dq (11,400 cm-1) on the basis of M.O. theory.
We present the result of a search for a massive color-octet vector particle, (e.g. a massive gluon) decaying to a pair of top quarks in proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. This search is based on 1.9 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected using the CDF detector during Run II of the Tevatron at Fermilab. We study $t\bar{t}$ events in the lepton+jets channel with at least one $b$-tagged jet. A massive gluon is characterized by its mass, decay width, and the strength of its coupling to quarks. These parameters are determined according to the observed invariant mass distribution of top quark pairs. We set limits on the massive gluon coupling strength for masses between 400 and 800 GeV$/c^2$ and width-to-mass ratios between 0.05 and 0.50. The coupling strength of the hypothetical massive gluon to quarks is consistent with zero within the explored parameter space.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Soklin kaivoshankkeen vaikutusta Savukosken kuntaan. Aluksi kuvataan tilasto- ja kartta-aineiston avulla Savukosken kunnan nykyistä kehitystä ja mahdollisuuksia suunniteltua kaivostoimintaa varten. Sen jälkeen analysoidaan, millaisia vaikutuksia kaivoshankkeella on Savukosken kunnan väestö-, työllisyys- ja talouskehitykseen. Analyysit perustuvat Ruralia-instuutissa kehitetyn RegFinDyn -laskentamallin aineistoon kaivoksen aluetaloudellisista vaikutuksista. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan edelleen, millaisia haasteita kaivostoiminta tuo Savukosken kunnan palveluille ja taloudelle. Lopuksi esitetään suosituksia, joiden avulla Savukosken kunta voisi hyötyä kaivoksesta mahdollisimman paljon sekä kokonaisarvio kaivoksen aluetaloudellisesta merkityksestä Savukosken kunnalle. Savukosken kunnassa on tonttitarjonnan, peruspalvelujen, talouden sekä virkistys- ja vapaa-aikamahdollisuuksien puolesta hyvät edellytykset vastata kaivostoiminnan tuomiin haasteisiin. Kunnassa on riittävästi tonttireserviä kaivostoiminnan johdosta Savukoskelle muuttavaa väestöä varten. Kuitenkin vapaista asunnoista tulee ehkä olemaan puutetta. Kunnan palveluvarustus kykenee vastaamaan kaivostoiminnan myötä lisääntyvään palvelutarpeeseen. Soklin kaivoshanke on suuren luokan hanke, jolla on merkittäviä aluetaloudellisia vaikutuksia kaivoksen työssäkäyntialueelle ja sen sijaintikunnalle. Laskelmien mukaan kaivoshankkeen työllisyysvaikutus kohoaa kerrannaisvaikutuksineen enimmillään yhteensä noin 3 400 henkilötyövuoteen investointivaiheen loppuun mennessä vuonna 2014 ja tasoittuu sen jälkeen noin 700 henkilötyövuoteen tarkastelujakson loppuun, vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Kaivoksen työllisyys-, väestö- ja talousvaikutukset ulottuvat ensisijaisesti Itä- ja Pohjois-Lapin sekä Rovaniemen seutukuntien kuntiin, jotka muodostavat tässä tarkastelussa määritellyn työssäkäyntialueen. Kaivoksen hyödyt kohdentuvat siten useaan kuntaan. Kaivoksen investointivaiheen aikana huomattava osa työllisyysvaikutuksesta valuisi voimakkaan pendelöinnin seurauksena Savukosken ja myös Itä-Lapin ulkopuolelle, lähinnä Rovaniemen seutukuntaan. Sen sijaan tuotantovaiheen aikana pääosa työllisyysvaikutuksesta kohdentuisi Itä-ja Pohjois-Lapin seutukuntien kuntiin. Kaivos kohentaisi joka tapauksessa selvästi Savukosken työllisyystilannetta ja vähentäisi työttömyyttä. Kaivoksen investointivaiheessa pääosa hankkeen aiheuttamasta nettomuutosta kohdentuisi lähinnä Rovaniemen seutukuntaan ja tuotantovaiheessa taas Itä- ja Pohjois-Lapin seutukuntiin. Kaivoksen työllisyysvaikutukset eivät ainakaan vielä tässä vaiheessa kääntäisi Savukosken kunnan väestökehitystä positiiviseksi. Sen sijaan kaikkien työssäkäyntialueen kuntien veropohja vahvistuisi työllisyyden kasvun seurauksena. Savukosken kunnan verotulot kasvaisivat laskelmien mukaan vuosina 2011–2020 yhteensä runsaalla 7 miljoonalla eurolla verrattuna kehitykseen ilman kaivostoimintaa. Kaivoksen hyödyt eivät koidu automaattisesti Savukosken kunnan hyväksi, vaan ne vaativat kunnalta aktiivisia toimenpiteitä edellytysten luomiseksi niin, että kunta voi maksimoida kaivoksen työllisyysvaikutukset. Keskeistä on, että mahdollisimman monet kaivoksen ansiosta työllistyvät asuvat Savukoskella. Kaivos antaa Savukosken kunnalle uusia mahdollisuuksia myönteisen kehityksen ja kilpailukyvyn vahvistamiseen. Ruralia-instituutin arvion mukaan Savukosken kunnan sopeutuminen Soklin kaivoksen investointiin ja toimintaan on hallittavissa kunnan määrätietoisella toiminnalla ja hyvällä yhteistyöllä lähi- sekä muiden kuntien ja toimijoiden kanssa.
The magnetic susceptibilities of certain vanadium pentoxide systems supported by kieselgur have been determined in the temperature interval 30° to 400° C. The plot of reciprocal susceptibility against temperature for all the systems studied indicates sudden deflections at temperatures which are about 150° lower than those of optimum catalytic activity. It has been suggested that these points may mark the temperatures of commencement of structural changes which may be responsible for the activity of these catalysts.
Hormone therapy (HT) is widely used to relieve climacteric symptoms in order to increase the well-being of the women. The benefits as well as side-effects of HT are well documented. The principal menopausal oral symptoms are dry mouth (DM) and sensation of painful mouth (PM) due to various causes. Profile studies have indicated that HT users are more health-conscious than non-users. The hypothesis of the present study was that there are differences in oral health between woman using HT and those not using HT. A questionnaire study of 3173 women of menopausal age (50-58 years old) was done to investigate the prevalence of self-assessed sensations of PM and DM. Of those women participating in the questionnaire study, a random sample of 400 (200 using, 200 not using HT) was examined clinically in a 2-year follow-up study. Oral status was recorded according to WHO methods using DMFT and CPITN indices. The saliva flows were measured, salivary total protein, albumin and immunoglobulin concentrations and selected periodontal micro-organisms were analysed, and panoramic tomography of the jaws was taken. The patients filled in a structured questionnaire on their systemic health, medication and health habits. According to our questionnaire study there was no significant difference in the occurrence of self- assessed PM or DM between the HT users and non-users. According to logistic regression analyses, climacteric complaints significantly correlated with the occurrence of PM (p=0.000) and DM (p=0.000) irrespective of the use of HT, indicating that PM and DM are associated with climacteric symptoms in general. There was no difference between the groups in DMFT index values at follow up. The number of filled teeth (FT) showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the HT group at follow-up. Periodontitis was diagnosed in 79% of HT users at baseline and in 71% at the follow-up. The values for non-HT users were 80% vs. 76%, respectively (Ns.). The mean numbers of ≥ 6 mm deep periodontal pockets were 0.9 ± 1.7 at baseline vs. 1.1 ± 2.1 two years later in the HT group, and 1.0 ± 1.7 vs. 1.2 ± 1.9, respectively, in the non-HT group. In a large Finnish national health survey, the prevalence of peridontitis of women of this age group was lower, but the prevalence of severe periodontitis seemed to be higher than in our study. Salivary albumin, IgG and IgM concentrations decreased in the HT group during the 2-year follow up (p<0.05), possibly indicating an improvement in epithelial integrity. No difference was found in any other salivary parameters or in the prevalence of the periodontal bacteria between or within the groups. In conclusion, the present findings showed that 50 to 58 year old women living in Helsinki have fairly good oral and dental health. The occurrence of PM and DM seemed to be associated with climacteric symptoms in general, and the use of HT did not affect the oral symptoms studied.
Kelan astma- ja diabeteskuntoutus on pienentynyt merkittävästi parissa vuosikymmenessä. Kun vuonna 1990 astmakuntoutujia oli 3 500, oli heitä vuonna 2010 enää 700 eli viidennes parin vuosikymmenen takaisesta. Diabeteskuntoutujien määrä on vastaavana aikana puolittunut 2 400:sta 1 000 henkeen.
Biofunctionalization of noble metal nanoparticles like Ag, Au is essential to obtain biocompatibility for specific biomedical applications. Silver nanciparticles are being increasingly used in bio-sensing applications owing to excellent optoelectronic properties. Among the serum albumins, the most abundant proteins in plasma, a wide range of physiological functions of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) has made it a model system for biofunctionalization. In absence of adequate prior reports, this study aims to investigate the interaction between silver nanoparticles and BSA. The interaction of BSA [0.05-0.85% concentrations] with Ag nanoparticles [50 ppm concentration] in aqueous dispersion was Studied through UV-vis spectral changes, morphological and surface structural changes. At pH 7, which is More than the isoelectric point of BSA, a decrease in absorbance at plasmon peak of uninteracted nanciparticles (425 mn) was noted till 0.45% BSA, beyond that a blue shift towards 410 urn was observed. The blue shift may be attributed to enhanced electron density on the particle surfaces. Increasing pH to 12 enhanced the blue shift further to 400 rim. The conformational changes in BSA at alkaline pH ranges and consequent hydrophobic interactions also played an important role. The equilibrium adsorption data fitted better to Freundlich isotherm compared to Langmuir Curve. The X-ray diffraction study revealed complete coverage of Ag nanoparticles by BSA. The scanning electron microscopic study of the interacted nanoparticles was also carried Out to decipher morphological changes. This study established that tailoring the concentration of BSA and pH of the interaction it was possible to reduce aggregation of nanoparticles. Biofunctionalized Ag nanoparticles with reduced aggregation will be more amenable towards bio-sensing applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Despite the central role of legitimacy in social and organizational life, we know little of the subtle meaning-making processes through which organizational phenomena, such as industrial restructuring, are legitimated in contemporary society. Therefore, this paper examines the discursive legitimation strategies used when making sense of global industrial restructuring in the media. Based on a critical discourse analysis of extensive media coverage of a revolutionary pulp and paper sector merger, we distinguish and analyze five legitimation strategies: (1) normalization, (2) authorization, (3) rationalization, (4) moralization, and (5) narrativization. We argue that while these specific legitimation strategies appear in individual texts, their recurring use in the intertextual totality of the public discussion establishes the core elements of the emerging legitimating discourse.
This paper describes an approach for the analysis and design of 765kV/400kV EHV transmission system which is a typical expansion in Indian power grid system, based on the analysis of steady state and transient over voltages. The approach for transmission system design is iterative in nature. The first step involves exhaustive power flow analysis, based on constraints such as right of way, power to be transmitted, power transfer capabilities of lines, existing interconnecting transformer capabilities etc. Acceptable bus voltage profiles and satisfactory equipment loadings during all foreseeable operating conditions for normal and contingency operation are the guiding criteria. Critical operating strategies are also evolved in this initial design phase. With the steady state over voltages obtained, comprehensive dynamic and transient studies are to be carried out including switching over voltages studies. This paper presents steady state and switching transient studies for alternative two typical configurations of 765kV/400 kV systems and the results are compared. Transient studies are carried out to obtain the peak values of 765 kV transmission systems and are compared with the alternative configurations of existing 400 kV systems.
This paper describes the design and development of a thermoelectric gas sensor suitable for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). In order to enhance the seebeck coefficient of the sensor, we have deposited chromium metal films on a limited area of the glass substrate. Tin oxide thin film was deposited on top of these metal films. The resulting metal/semiconductor film exhibits a high seebeck coefficient of 400 mu V/ degrees C. Platinum catalyst film deposited on the oxide film to create the necessary temperature gradient resulted in further enhancement in the sensitivity of the sensor to target gases. The sensor shows high sensitivity to ppm-change in the concentration of target hydrocarbons at a relatively low temperature of 120 degrees C.
Under åren 2002-2005 förverkligades Druvan-projektet i Dragsfjärds kommun, vilket innebar en dramatisk ökning av företagshälsovårdsinsatserna. Företagshälsovårdsutgifterna ökade från 20 € per anställd till över 400 €. Den totala satsningen på personalens hälsa ökade ännu mer. Innehållet i Druvan baserade sig på den s.k. Metal Age-metoden. Metoden går ut på att arbetsgemenskapen tillsammans identifierar utvecklingsbehov och –åtgärder. Projektet ledde till en stor mängd utvecklingsåtgärder och därpå följande effekter på personalens hälsa, trivsel och samarbete. Som en del av åtgärderna utarbetade kommunen en personalrapport för de aktuella åren. Under projekttiden utvecklades personalens arbetsförmåga betydligt gynnsammare än förväntat. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att det investerade kapitalet gav en avkastning på 46%. Nyttan uppkom som resultat av minskad sjukfrånvaro och färre förtidspensioneringar. Druvan-projektet stöder de tidigare bedömningarna, enligt vilka det finns ett klart utrymme för att öka satsningarna på företagshälsovård i vårt land. Detta gäller speciellt arbetsplatser vars satsningar på företagshälsovård är betydligt under genomsnittet. Dragsfjärds kommun har beslutat göra Druvan till en bestående struktur inom kommunen. Guy Ahonen är professor i Knowledge Management, speciellt personalekonomi vid institutionen för företagsledning och organisation vid Hanken. Ove Näsman är ledande företagsläkare vid Dalmed OyAb i Dalsbruk i sydvästra Finland. Båda har forskat i årtionden kring effekterna av ökat välbefinnande i arbetet.
The growth of strongly oriented or epitaxial thin films of metal oxides generally requires relatively high growth temperatures or infusion of energy to the growth surface through means such as ion bombardment. We have grown high quality epitaxial thin films of Co3O4 on different substrates at a temperature as low as 400 degreesC by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) using cobalt(II) acetylacetonate as the precursor. With oxygen as the reactant gas, polycrystalline Co3O4 films are formed on glass and Si (100) in the temperature range 400-550 degreesC. Under similar conditions of growth. highly oriented films of Co3O4 are formed on SrTiO3 (100) and LaAlO3 (100). The activation energy for the growth of polycrystalline films on glass is significantly higher than that for epitaxial growth on SrTiO3 (100). The film on LaAlO3 (100) grown at 450 degreesC shows a rocking curve FWHM of 1.61 degrees, which reduces to 1.32 degrees when it is annealed in oxygen at 725 degreesC. The film on SrTiO3 (100) has a FWHM of 0.33 degrees (as deposited) and 0.29 (after annealing at 725 degreesC). The phi -scan analysis shows cube-on-cube epitaxy on both these substrates. The quality of epitaxy on SrTiO3 (100) is comparable to the best of the perovskite-based oxide thin films grown at significantly higher temperatures. A plausible mechanism is proposed for the observed low temperature epitaxy. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Kinetic measurements of enzyme activity indicate that type I pantothenate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has dual substrate specificity for ATP and GTP, unlike the enzyme from Escherichia coli, which shows a higher specificity for ATP. A molecular explanation for the difference in the specificities of the two homologous enzymes is provided by the crystal structures of the complexes of the M. tuberculosis enzyme with (1) GMPPCP and pantothenate, (2) GDP and phosphopantothenate, (3) GDP, (4) GDP and pantothenate, (5) AMPPCP, and (6) GMPPCP, reported here, and the structures of the complexes of the two enzymes involving coenzyme A and different adenyl nucleotides reported earlier. The explanation is substantially based on two critical substitutions in the amino acid sequence and the local conformational change resulting from them. The structures also provide a rationale for the movement of ligands during the action of the mycobacterial enzyme. Dual specificity of the type exhibited by this enzyme is rare. The change in locations of ligands during action,observed in the case of the M. tuberculosis enzyme, is unusual, so is the striking difference between two homologous enzymes in the geometryof the binding site, locations of ligands, and specificity. Furthermore, the dual specificity of the mycobacterial enzyme appears to have been caused by a biological necessity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
Background & objectives: The multiple drug resistance (MDR) is a serious health problem and major challenge to the global drug discovery programmes. Most of the genetic determinants that confer resistance to antibiotics are located on R-plasmids in bacteria. The present investigation was undertaken to investigate the ability of organic extract of the fruits of Helicteres isora to cure R-plasmids from certain clinical isolates. mMethods: Active fractions demonstrating antibacterial and antiplasmid activities were isolated from the acetone extracts of shade dried fruits of H. isora by bioassay guided fractionation. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics and organic extracts was determined by agar dilution method. Plasmid curing activity of organic fractions was determined by evaluating the ability of bacterial colonies (pre treated with organic fraction for 18 h) to grow in the presence of antibiotics. The physical loss of plasmid DNA in the cured derivatives was further confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Results: The active fraction did not inhibit the growth of either the clinical isolates or the strains harbouring reference plasmids even at a concentration of 400 mu g/ml. However, the same fraction could cure plasmids from Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and E. coli (RP4) at curing efficiencies of 14, 26, 22 and 2 per cent respectively. The active fraction mediated plasmid curing resulted in the subsequent loss of antibiotic resistance encoded in the plasmids as revealed by antibiotic resistance profile of cured strains. The physical loss of plasmid was also confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Interpretation & conclusions: The active fraction of acetone extract of H. isora fruits cured R-plasmids from Gram-positive and Gram-negative clinical isolates as well as reference strains. Such plasmid loss reversed the multiple antibiotic resistance in cured derivatives making them sensitive to low concentrations of antibiotics. Acetone fractions of H. isora may be a source to develop antiplasmid agents of natural origin to contain the development and spread of plasmid borne multiple antibiotic resistance.