954 resultados para zygotic embryos
Many aspects of early embryonic development in the horse are unusual or unique; this is of scientific interest and, in some cases, considerable practical significance. During early development the number of different cell types increases rapidly and the organization of these increasingly differentiated cells becomes increasingly intricate as a result of various inter-related processes that occur step-wise or simultaneously in different parts of the conceptus (i.e., the embryo proper and its associated membranes and fluid). Equine conceptus development is of practical interest for many reasons. Most significantly, following a high rate of successful fertilization (71-96%) (Ball, 1988), as many as 30-40% of developing embryos fail to survive beyond the first two weeks of gestation (Ball, 1988), the time at which gastrulation begins. Indeed, despite considerable progress in the development of treatments for common causes of sub-fertility and of assisted reproductive techniques to enhance reproductive efficiency, the need to monitor and rebreed mares that lose a pregnancy or the failure to produce a foal, remain sources of considerable economic loss to the equine breeding industry. Of course, the potential causes of early embryonic death are numerous and varied (e.g. persistent mating induced endometritis, endometrial gland insufficiency, cervical incompetence, corpus luteum (CL) failure, chromosomal, genetic and other unknown factors (LeBlanc, 2004). However, the problem is especially acute in aged mares with a history of poor fertility in which the incidence of embryonic loss between days 2 and 14 after ovulation has been reported to reach 62-73%, and in which embryonic death is due primarily to embryonic defects rather than to uterine pathology (Ball et al., 1989; Carnevale & Ginther, 1995; Ball, 2000).
Germin is a homopentameric glycoprotein, the synthesis of which coincides with the onset of growth in germinating wheat embryos. There have been detailed studies of germin structure, biosynthesis, homology with other proteins, and of its value as a marker of wheat development. Germin isoforms associated with the apoplast have been speculated to have a role in embryo hydration during maturation and germination. Antigenically related isoforms of germin are present during germination in all of the economically important cereals studied, and the amounts of germin-like proteins and coding elements have been found to undergo conspicuous change when salt-tolerant higher plants are subjected to salt stress. In this report, we describe how circumstantial evidence arising from unrelated studies of barley oxalate oxidase and its coding elements have led to definitive evidence that the germin isoform made during wheat germination is an oxalate oxidase. Establishment of links between oxalate degradation, cereal germination, and salt tolerance has significant implications for a broad range of studies related to development and adaptation in higher plants. Roles for germin in cell wall biochemistry and tissue remodeling are discussed, with special emphasis on the generation of hydrogen peroxide during germin-induced oxidation of oxalate.
In young pollen grains of Datura innoxia, a wall of the usual hemispherical type separates the 2 gametophytic cells initially and, in the electron microscope, appears as an electron-translucent matrix which is contiguous with the intine. Before detachment of the generative cell from the intine, the matrix decreases in thickness and in places is dispersed altogether leaving the plasmalemmae on either side of it in close apposition. A particularly prominent zone, triangular in profile, is left where the wall joins with the intine. After detachment of the cell, remnants of the matrix can be seen distributed irregularly around the cell and it is supposed that these are partly derived from material in the triangular zone as the cell is drawn away from the intine. The wall residues persist throughout the maturation phase of the pollen and are considered to be either callose resulting from incomplete digestion of the initial wall, or some other polysaccharide material which is unevenly laid down along the wall and concentrated at the junction with the intine. In pollen induced into embryogenesis by anther culture, wall material is also distributed irregularly around the detached cell in a series of discrete zones, but these are more extensive than in vivo, closer together and in many instances highly dilated. The wall profiles thus have a beaded appearance, the 'beads' being connected together by short links of the 2 apposed plasmalemmae. The contents of the swollen zones have a similar electron density to that of the matrix in vivo but also show traces of a fibrillar component. It is postulated that this unusual swelling is a prelude to dispersal of the wall by disruption of the plasmalemmal links and to the establishment of cytoplasmic continuity between the 2 cells. The significance of such binucleate pollen grains in the formation of non-haploid embryos is discussed.
Seeds of Sterculia foetida were tested for germination following desiccation and subsequent hermetic storage. Whereas seeds at 10.3% moisture content were intact and provided 98% germination, further desiccation reduced germination substantially. The majority of seed coats had cracked after desiccation to 5.1% moisture content. Ability to germinate was not reduced after 12 months' hermetic storage at 10.3% and 7.3% moisture content at 15 degrees C or -18 degrees C, but was reduced considerably at 5.1%. Fungal infection was detected consistently for cracked seeds in germination tests and they did not germinate. However, almost all embryos extracted from cracked seeds germinated if first disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%, 5 minutes). In addition. 80 -100% of disinfected extracted embryos from cracked seeds stored hermetically for 28 d at -18 degrees C or -82 degrees C with 3.3% to 6.0% moisture content, and excised embryos stored in this way, were able to germinate. Hence. failure of the very dry seeds of Sterculia foetida to germinate was not due to embryo death from desiccation but to cracking increasing susceptibility to fungal infection upon rehydration. Cracking was associated negatively and strongly with relative humidity and appears to be a mechanical consequence of substantial differences between the isotherms of whole seeds compared with cotyledons and axes.
This experiment addresses the long-term effect of active immunization of goats against a recombinant ovine inhibin alpha subunit (roIHN-alpha). In late anestrus 100 mu g of roINH-alpha was administered to 40 pluriparous Boer goat does, followed, 4 weeks later, by a booster injection. Weekly blood samples were drawn to monitor the inhibin binding capacity with the aid of a radio-tracer binding assay. From the onset until 48 h after the end of each estrus, follicular development and ovulation rate were monitored at 24 h intervals by transrectal ultrasonography. Beginning in August and continuing into January, does were mated at every other estrus, and submitted to transcervical embryo collection. Seven months after the first immunization, the does were mated again and permitted to carry to term. All immunized does produced inhibin antibodies, an elevated titre being first detected 2 weeks after primary immunization. Maximum titres were reached after 6 weeks, i.e. 2 weeks after the booster injection. Thereafter, in the course of the following 32 weeks, the titre subsided gradually. The does started cycling by mid-August. At that stage the average number of follicles more than 4 mm in diameter, ovulations and total embryos and ova recovered were 14.7 (+/- 2.3), 5.3 (+/- 0.7) and 4.4 (+/- 1.0), respectively. A steady decline followed and in January the corresponding means were: 5.2 (+/- 0.6) follicles, 3.1 (+/- 0.6) ovulations and 1.2 (+/- 0.4) embryos and ova recovered. When mated toward the end of the breeding season, 85% of the does became pregnant to the first mating and 73% went to term. Healthy kids were born, the average litter size being 2.2 (+/- 0.1). In conclusion, immunization of goats against a recombinant inhibin alpha-subunit proved to be a practicable means of producing embryos for transfer purposes. After about half a year, when the inhibin antibody titre has subsided, it is possible to return the does to the breeding flock without risking complications with normal breeding activity. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
With the purpose of eliciting a superovulatory response, 12 adult nulliparous Boer goat does were actively immunized against a recombinant a-subunit of ovine inhibin (roIHN-alpha; two injections of 100 mg 4 weeks apart). Another 12 control Boer goat does were treated with physiological saline and acted as controls. One year later the immunized animals were boostered by the administration of another dose (100 mg) of the immunogen. Following treatment, blood samples were collected twice weekly for the periods of 16 and 12 weeks, respectively, to monitor the inhibin binding ability with the aid of a radio-tracer binding assay. Throughout the experiment, estrus detection was conducted twice daily with the aid of an aproned intact buck. From the first day after treatment to 48 h after standing estrus, ovarian activity was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography. On alternate estrous cycles, does were mated and 6 days later flushed transcervically to recover embryos. All goats treated with the roIHN-alpha produced antibodies reactive to the native bovine inhibin tracer-the titre increasing from 2.9 +/- 0.4 to a maximum of 21.9 +/- 2.9% binding after the second injection. The antibody titre gradually subsided over the next 16 weeks. The booster injection restored an elevated antibody titre (11.7 +/- 0.4%), which was maintained until the end of the sampling period 12 weeks later. In the control goats only trace amounts of antibody were recorded throughout the trial. In the roIHN-alpha-immunized goats the number of follicles reaching a diameter of > 4 mm was 14.6 +/- 1.2 per doe. A positive correlation was recorded between the follicle number and antibody titre (r=0.61; P < 0.01). The number of follicles ovulating per doe (6.9 +/- 0.7) followed the same tendency-however, the proportion decreased with increasing follicle numbers. A relatively weak correlation was recorded between the inhibin binding ability and number of ovulations (r=0.27; P < 0.05). In the control goats the majority (92%) of follicles exceeding 4 mm in diameter ovulated (2.5 +/- 0.1 follicles/doe). Embryo collection proved unsatisfactory (42% versus 39% recovery for immunized and control animals, respectively)-presumably because the uterine lumen of the nulliparous does was too narrow to permit effective flushing. In the group of immunized goats the occurrence of short estrous cycles (< 15 days) recorded was 34% versus only 6% in the controls. Overall, immunization of goats against roIHN-alpha led to an almost six-fold increase in number of ovarian follicles, a three-fold increase in ovulations and, despite the low recovery rate, a more than three-fold increase in ova or embryos recovered. It may be concluded that treatment of female goats with roIHN-alpha leads to an inhibin antibody response, accompanied by enhanced ovarian activity. The response was, however, accompanied by a large proportion of retained follicles and a high incidence of short estrous cycles. These problems need to be further investigated before rendering the method fit for application in embryo transfer programs in goats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Investigations were undertaken on the use of somatic embryogenesis to generate cocoa swollen shoot virus (CSSV) disease free clonal propagules, from infected trees. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) capillary electrophoresis revealed the presence of CSSV in all the callus tissues induced from the CSSV-infected Amelonado cocoa trees (T1, T2 and T4). The virus was transmitted to primary somatic embryos induced from the infected callus tissues at the rate of 10 (19%), 18 (14%) and 16 (15%) for T1, T2 and T4, respectively. Virus free primary somatic embryos from the infected callus tissues converted into plantlets tested CSSV negative by PCR/capillary electrophoresis 2 years after weaning. Secondary somatic embryos induced from the CSSV-infected primary somatic embryos revealed the presence of viral fragments at the rate of 4 (4%) and 9 (9%) for T2 and T4, respectively. Real-time PCR revealed 23 of the 24 secondary somatic embryos contained no detectable virus. Based on these findings, it is proposed that progressive elimination of the CSSV in infected cocoa trees occurred from primary embryogenesis to secondary embryogenesis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Wnt family of secreted signalling molecules controls a wide range of developmental processes in all metazoans. In this investigation we concentrate on the role that members of this family play during the development of (1) the somites and (2) the neural crest. (3) We also isolate a novel component of the Wnt signalling pathway called Naked cuticle and investigate the role that this protein may play in both of the previously mentioned developmental processes. (1) In higher vertebrates the paraxial mesoderm undergoes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transformation to form segmentally organised structures called somites. Experiments have shown that signals originating from the ectoderm overlying the somites or from midline structures are required for the formation of the somites, but their identity has yet to be determined. Wnt6 is a good candidate as a somite epithelialisation factor from the ectoderm since it is expressed in this tissue. In this study we show that injection of Wnt6-producing cells beneath the ectoderm at the level of the segmental plate or lateral to the segmental plate leads to the formation of numerous small epithelial somites. We show that Wnts are indeed responsible for the epithelialisation of somites by applying Wnt antagonists which result in the segmental plate being unable to form somites. These results show that Wnt6, the only member of this family to be localised to the chick paraxial ectoderm, is able to regulate the development of epithelial somites and that cellular organisation is pivotal in the execution of the differentiation programmes. (2) The neural crest is a population of multipotent progenitor cells that arise from the neural ectoderm in all vertebrate embryos and form a multitude of derivatives including the peripheral sensory neurons, the enteric nervous system, Schwann cells, pigment cells and parts of the craniofacial skeleton. The induction of the neural crest relies on an ectodermally derived signal, but the identity of the molecule performing this role in amniotes is not known. Here we show that Wnt6, a protein expressed in the ectoderm, induces neural crest production. (3) The intracellular response to Wnt signalling depends on the choice of signalling cascade activated in the responding cell. Cells can activate either the canonical pathway that modulates gene expression to control cellular differentiation and proliferation, or the non-canonical pathway that controls cell polarity and movement (Pandur et al. 2002b). Recent work has identified the protein Naked cuticle as an intracellular switch promoting the non-canonical pathway at the expense of the canonical pathway. We have cloned chick Naked cuticle-1 (cNkd1) and demonstrate that it is expressed in a dynamic manner during early embryogenesis. We show that it is expressed in the somites and in particular regions where cells are undergoing movement. Lastly our study shows that the expression of cNkd1 is regulated by Wnt expression originating from the neural tube. This study provides evidence that non-canonical Wnt signalling plays a part in somite development.
Objectives: Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family, plays a key role in skeletal muscle myogenesis by limiting hyperplastic and hypertrophic muscle growth. In cardiac muscle, myostatin has been shown to limit agonist-induced cardiac hypertrophic growth. However, its role in cardiac hyperplastic growth remains undetermined. The aim of this study was to characterise the expression of myostatin in developing myocardium, determine its effect on cardiomyocyte proliferation, and explore the signalling mechanisms affected by myostatin in dividing cardiomyocytes. Methods: We used quantitative PCR and Western blotting to study the expression of myostatin in cardiomyocytes isolated from rat myocardium at different developmental ages. We. determined the effect of recombinant myostatin on proliferation and cell viability in dividing cardiomyocytes in culture. We analysed myostatin's effect on cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression by flow cytometry and used Western blotting to explore the signalling mechanisms involved. Results: Myostatin is expressed differentially in cardiomyocytes during cardiac development such that increasing expression correlated with a low cardiomyocyte proliferation index. Proliferating foetal cardiomyocytes, from embryos at 18 days of gestation, expressed low levels of myostatin mRNA and protein, whereas isolated cardiomyocytes from postnatal day 10 hearts, wherein the majority of cardiomyocytes have lost their ability to proliferate, displayed a 6-fold increase in myostatin expression. Our in vitro studies demonstrated that myostatin inhibited proliferation of dividing foetal and neonatal cardiomyocytes. Flow cytometric analysis showed that this inhibition occurs mainly via a block in the G1-S phase transition of the cardiomyocyte cell cycle. Western blot analysis showed that part of the mechanism underpinning the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation by myostatin involves phosphorylation of SMAD2 and altered expressions of the cell cycle proteins p21 and CDK2. Conclusions: We conclude that myostatin is an inhibitor of cardiomyocyte proliferation with the potential to limit cardiomyocyte hyperplastic growth by altering cardiac cell cycle progression. (c) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
Ovaries were collected over a period of two years from heifers slaughtered at under 30 months of age and used to harvest 1757 oocytes. After in vitro maturation, fertilisation and culture, the proportions of oocytes and cleaved embryos that developed to blastocysts were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the autumn, from September to November, than in the spring, from March to May. In contrast, embryo development, as assessed by oocytes that developed to eight or more cells and blastocysts, was lowest (P < 0.01) in the spring. These results were consistent during the two-year study, indicating a seasonal fluctuation in oocyte competence.
Molecular evidence from ascidians for the evolutionary origin of vertebrate cranial sensory placodes
Cranial sensory placodes are specialised areas of the head ectoderm of vertebrate embryos that contribute to the formation of the cranial sense organs and associated ganglia. Placodes are often considered a vertebrate innovation, and their evolution has been hypothesised as one key adaptation underlying the evolution of active predation by primitive vertebrates. Here, we review recent molecular evidence pertinent to understanding the evolutionary origin of placodes. The development of vertebrate placodes is regulated by numerous genes, including members of the Pax, Six, Eya, Fox, Phox, Neurogenin and Pou gene families. In the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis (a basal chordate and close relative of the vertebrates), orthologues of these genes are deployed in the development of the oral and atrial siphons, structures used for filter feeding by the sessile adult. Our interpretation of these findings is that vertebrate placodes and sea squirt siphon primordia have evolved from the same patches of specialised ectoderm present in the common ancestor of the chordates.
Development of external genitalia in mammalian embryos requires tight coordination of a complex series of morphogenetic events involving outgrowth, proximodistal and dorsoventral patterning, and epithelial tubulogenesis. Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the external genitalia that results from failure of urethral tube closure. Although this is the second most common birth defect in humans, affecting one in every 250 children, the molecular mechanisms that regulate morphogenesis of the mammalian urethra are poorly understood. We report that mice lacking the IIIb isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (Fgfr2) exhibit severe hypospadias. Urethral signaling regions, as indicated by Shh and Fgf8 expression, are established in Fgfr2-IIIb null mice; however, cell proliferation arrests prematurely and maturation of the urethral epithelium is disrupted. Fgfr2-IIIb(-/-) mutants fail to maintain the progenitor cell population required for uroepithelial renewal during tubular morphogenesis. In addition, we show that antagonism of the androgen receptor (AR) leads to loss of Fgfr2-IIIb and Fgf10 expression in the urethra, and an associated hypospadias phenotype, suggesting that these genes are downstream targets of AR during external genital development. Genitourinary defects resulting from disruption of AR activity, by either genetic or environmental factors, may therefore involve negative regulation of the Fgfr2 pathway. This represents the first example of how the developing genitourinary system integrates cues from systemically circulating steroid hormones with a locally expressed growth factor pathway.
The COE/EBF gene family marks a subset of prospective neurons in the vertebrate central and peripheral. nervous system; including neurons deriving from some ectodermal placodes. Since placodes are often considered unique to vertebrates, we have characterised an amphioxus COE/EBF gene with the aim of using it as a marker to examine the timing and location of peripheral neuron differentiation. A single COE/EBF family member, AmphiCoe, was isolated from the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae: AmphiCoe lies basal to the vertebrate COE/EBF genes in molecular phylogenetic analysis, suggesting that the duplications that formed the vertebrate COE/EBF family were specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiCoe is expressed in the central nervous system and in a small number of scattered ectodermal cells on the flanks of neurulae stage embryos. These cells become at least largely recessed beneath the ectoderm. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine embryos in which the ectoderm had been partially peeled away. This revealed that these cells have neuronal morphology, and we infer that they are the precursors of epidermal primary sensory neurons. These characters lead us to suggest that differentiation of some ectodermal cells into sensory neurons with a tendency to sink beneath the embryonic surface represents a primitive feature that has become incorporated into placodes during vertebrate evolution. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In mouse and chick embryos, cyclic expression of lunatic fringe has an important role in the regulation of mesoderm segmentation. We have isolated a Fringe gene from the protochordate amphioxus. Amphioxus is the closest living relative of the vertebrates, and has mesoderm that is definitively segmented in a manner that is similar to, and probably homologous with, that of vertebrates. AmphiFringe is placed basal to vertebrate Fringe genes in molecular phylogenetic analyses, indicating that the duplications that formed radical-, manic- and lunatic fringe are specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiFringe expression was detected in the anterior neural plate of early neurulae, where it resolved into a series of segmental patches by the mid-neurulae stage. No AmphiFringe transcripts were detected in the mesoderm. Based on these observations, we propose a model depicting a successive recruitment of Fringe in the maintenance then regulation of segmentation during vertebrate evolution.
1. Embryos of the domestic fowl have been partially sterilised by injecting the drug busulphan into 24-h incubated eggs. 2. Some of these embryos were injected with primordial germ cells (PGCs) after 55 h of incubation to attempt to repopulate the gonads. 3. Primordial germ cells transfected with a defective retrovirus containing the reporter gene lac Z were shown to settle in these sterilised gonads. 4. Quantitative histology of 6-d embryos showed that busulphan produced 75% sterilisation but that PGCs could repopulate these gonads. 5. The technique of producing such germ line chimaeras is of value in studying cell kinetics, gonad differentiation and the production of transgenics.