934 resultados para zooplankton abundance


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Abundance and ecological distribution of the rock shrimp Sicyonia dorsalis from the northern coast of São Paulo State (Brazil) was investigated during a two-year period (July 2001 to June 2003). Monthly collections were conducted in the Ubatuba (UBA) and Caraguatatuba (CA) regions, using a commercial shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets. In each region, seven depths were delimited (5 m to 35 m). A total of 1,752 and 1,894 shrimp were obtained at UBA and CA, respectively. The distribution of S. dorsalis differed among depths, years, and seasons. Highest abundance values were recorded in depths where silt and clay comprised more than 70% of the sediment. The majority (89%) of captured specimens were caught in the first year, in periods of lower mean temperature, mainly in the spring of 2001, when the intrusion of cold South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) was more intense. In such period, the differences in the abundance of shrimps in each region (UBA = 1,118 and CA = 493) suggested that S. dorsalis migrated to the north (UBA), during the SACW intrusion. Thus, sediment type and water temperature are among the most important variables affecting the bathymetric distribution of S. dorsalis in these regions.


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The social wasp nests were quantified in three different plant physiognomies (forested Caatinga, shrubby Caatinga, and agricultural systems) to analyze the effect of environmental seasonality and plant physiognomy on the richness, nest abundance, and species composition of social wasps in the region of tropical dry forest of Brazil. The forested Caatinga physiognomy had the greatest richness of species (S = 16), followed by shrubby Caatinga (S 13) and by agricultural system (S = 12). The first axis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) explained 67.8% of the variability and shows a gradient of the fauna from agricultural system and shrubby Caatinga to forested Caatinga. In the first axis, wet season scores were much higher than those for the dry season in forested Caatinga. The second axis explained 18.7% of the variability and shows a separation of samples collected during the wet or the dry periods in shrubby Caatinga. This separation was less evident in the agricultural system. Variations in nest abundance were more intense in arbustive caatinga (45% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), moderate in forested Caatinga (24% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), and low in agricultural systems (8% decrease in the dry period).


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To contribute to the knowledge of lotic zooplankton from dammed and free stretches, we tested the hypothesis that the ecological attributes are different between these environments, which are subjected to several effects caused by different hydrological conditions. The study was carried out in the low Iguacu river, a large hydrographic basin in the south of Brasil. Two samplings were performed, one in the dry period (April/04) and the other in the atypical rainy period (July/04), in five stations downstream a large reservoir, and other 12 stations in four tributaries representing the upper, intermediate and low regions of each river. The observations suggest a clear spatial distribution of zooplankton in lotic stretches subjected or not to damming, mainly due to the effects of physical, chemical and biological variables. Furthermore, the atypical rainfall promoted alterations in community structure when compared to the dry period.


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In Brazil, the environmental impacts of fish cage farming in water reservoirs have not been well studied. As this activity is being increasingly practiced, investigations on the impacts of this practice are strongly needed. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of a small cage tilapia farm on zooplankton assemblages in an oligo/mesotrophic reservoir (Jurumirim Reservoir, Paranapanema River). Zooplankton, limnological variables, and water samples were obtained trimonthly during a year at two sample sites, one was located adjacent to the cage farm and the control area was located one kilometer away from it. Eighteen species were identified and Cladocera was the dominant group. The same species of microcrustaceans were identified at both sites. Among the ecological attributes studied, only evenness showed a tendency towards being higher in the control site. Significant differences between studied variables in the sites were observed only for material in suspension. The results of the study indicate that, during the studied period, the cage farm did not generate detectable changes in the zooplankton assemblages and their ecological attributes. However, small differences in some limnological variables could be an indication of some environmental changes associated with the fish farm system.


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The Tiete River (in São Paulo state) receives most of the efuents of the metropolitan region of São Paulo; and the Barra Bonita reservoir, 200 km distant downstream, receives and recycle most of that pollution load. This work studied the ecological features of the zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) sampled in a point of Tiete River's mouth. Monthly samples were collected, from April, 2001 to February, 2008. The hypothesis currently tested was that the composition and availability of zooplankton were similar to the others reservoir regions (middle and lacustrine sensu Thornton) and to other reservoirs of the Upper Parana River basin, supporting the idea that these organisms manage to stand the strong pollution. The reservoir shows a typical variation of accumulation, with wide variation of seasonal altimetric grading and large fow in the rainy pe- riod, infuenced by the rainfall regime, with efects upon zooplankton assemblage. As a whole, 24 species were registered: 12 Rotifera, 8 Cladocera and 4 Copepoda. Data showed that the hypothesis formulated must be rejected, due the variation trends of zooplankton environmental attributes not being regular, with relatively high abundance values for a lotic environment in specifc months, and low organism abundance or absence in other months. Those facts can be attributed to pollution efects conducting to low dissolved oxygen concentration (> 4mg.l-1) in some months, which causes the zooplankton community to be very much afected. [K]


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Adjusted mean catches which are calculated discounting the effect of average fishing effort increase the further the lake is from Manaus, Brazil. -from Author


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Patterns of attack for collected species of phorids are predicted using multivariate morphometrics of female Pseudacteon species and worker size distributions of parasitized fire ants, Solenopsis saevissima. The model assumes that there is a direct correlation between phorid size and the size range of the worker ant attacked, and presumes that worker sizes are a resource that is divided by sympatric phorid species to minimize joint parasitism. These results suggest that the community of sympatric Pseudacteon species on only one host species coexists by restricting the size of workers attacked, and secondarily by differing diel patterns of ovipositional activity. When we compared relative abundance of species of Pseudacteon with the size distribution of foragers of S. saevissima, our observed distribution did not differ significantly from our predicted relative abundance of females of Pseudacteon. The activity of Pseudacteon may be a factor determining forager size distributions.


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The absence of natural enemies often allows exotic pests to reach densities that are much higher than normally occur in their native habitats. When Solenopsis fire ants were introduced into the United States, their numerous natural enemies were left behind in South America. To compare intercontinental fire ant densities, we selected 13 areas in South America and another 12 areas in North America. Sample areas were paired with weather stations and distributed across a broad range of climatic conditions. In each area, we measured fire ant densities at 5 preselected roadside sites that were at least 5 km apart. At each site, we also measured foraging activity, checked for polygyne colonies, and recorded various kinds of environmental data. In most areas, we also measured fire ant densities in lawns and grazing land. Fire ant populations along roadsides in North America were 4-7 times higher than fire ant populations in South America. Similar intercontinental differences were found in lawns and on grazing lands. These intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance were not associated with sampling conditions, seasonal variability, habitat differences, or the frequency of polygyny. Although several correlations were found with long-term weather conditions, careful inspection of the data suggests that these correlations were probably more coincidental than causal. Cultural differences in roadside maintenance may explain some of the intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance, but they did not account for equivalent intercontinental differences in grazing land and mowed lawns. Bait tests showed that competition with other ants was much more important in South America; however, we were not able to determine whether this was a major cause of intercontinental differences or largely a consequence of other factors such as the numerous pathogens and parasites that are found in South America. Because this study was correlational, we were unable to determine the cause(s) of the large intercontinental difference in fire ant abundance that we observed. However, we were able to largely exclude a number of possible explanations for the differences, including sampling, season, polygyny, climate, and aspects of habitat. By a process of elimination, escape from natural enemies remains among the most likely explanations for the unusually high densities of fire ants found in North America.


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Jaú National Park is a large rain forest reserve that contains small populations of four caiman species. We sampled crocodilian populations during 30 surveys over a period of four years in five study areas. We found the mean abundance of caiman species to be very low (1.0 ± 0.5 caiman/km of shoreline), independent of habitat type (river, stream or lake) and season. While abundance was almost equal, the species' composition varied in different waterbody and study areas. We analysed the structure similarity of this assemblage. Lake and river habitats were the most similar habitats, and inhabited by at least two species, mainly Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger. However, those species can also inhabit streams. Streams were the most dissimilar habitats studied and also had two other species: Paleosuchus trigonalus and P. palpebrosus. The structure of these assemblage does not suggest a pattern of species associated and separated by habitat. Trends in species relationships had a negative correlation with species of similar size, C. crocodilus and P. trigonatus, and an apparent complete exclusion of M. niger and P. trigonatus. Microhabitat analysis suggests a slender habitat partitioning: P. trigonatus was absent from river and lake lgapo (flooded forest), but frequent in stream Igapó. This species was the most terrestrial and found in microhabitats similar to C crocodilus (shallow waters, slow current). Melanosuchus niger inhabits deep, fast moving waters in different study areas Despite inhabiting the same waterbodies in many surveys, M. niger and C. crocodilus did not share the same microhabitats. Paleosuchus palpebrosus was observed only in running waters and never in stagnant lake habitats. Cluster analysis revealed three survey groups: two constitute a mosaic in floodplains. (a) a cluster with both M. niger and C crocodilus, and another (b) with only C. crocodilus. A third cluster (c) included more species, and the presence of Paleosuchus species. There was no significant difference among wariness of caimans between disturbed and undisturbed localities. However, there was a clear trend to increase wariness during the course of consecutive surveys at four localities, suggesting that we, more than local inhabitants, had disturbed caimans. The factors that are limiting caiman populations can be independent of human exploitation. Currently in Amazonia, increased the pressure of hunting, habitat loss and habitat alteration, and there is no evidence of widespread recovery of caiman populations. In large reserves as Jaú without many disturbance, most caiman populations can be low density, suggesting that in blackwater environments their recovery from exploitation should be very slow.


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The aim of this study is to determine the natural abundance of carbon stable isotope (13C) of some food components and determine its contribution to the pintado juvenile growth, in laboratory conditions. 150 fishes were used with average weight of 1.39 g, and stocked in two net ponds with 125L each, during 60 days. Every 10 days a water sample was collected to analyse phytoplakton and zooplankton. Clacocera was dominant in the analysis of the stomach contents, following Chironomidae and Copepoda. A fish sample was collected in the beginning, and at the end of the experiment to analyses the isotopic signal. An average value of -20.94; -15.36 and -18.81 δ13C%o was obtained for phytoplankton, Cladocera and Chironomidae, respectively. Cladocera was the main carbon source and contribution with carbon average 89.24% in feeding this species, while the Chironomid contribution was 10.76%. The δ13C was effective as carbon tracer in food chain, because the consumer reflects its diet isotopicly.


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The zooplankton communities of two lacustrine ecosystems in southwestern Amazonia (Lago Amapá and Lago Pirapora) were studied based on samples collected over an 11-month period. The general aim of the present work was to contribute to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna in southwestern Amazonia, by studying the occurrence of certain species; and to improve the knowledge of the Rio Acre tributaries. The total number of taxa included 38 species of rotifers, 6 cladocerans and 7 copepods. Most of the species were from the rotifer family Brachionidae. Jaccard's similarity index was similar for the two lakes at 0.6964 The constancy index defined the species Keratella cochlearis, Filinia cf. terminate, Filinia opoliensis, Hexarthra intermedia braziliensis, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina minuta, Diaphanosoma spinulosnm, and immature forms (nauplii and copepodites) as the constant in these lakes. The presence of zooplankton with higher number of species occupying the middle depths, during morning and night periods.


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Monthly samples were taken from April 1992 to March 1993 of fish assemblages present in six permanent lagoons and four ponds, fragmented from them during the drought period and during the terminal phases of desiccation, to evaluate changes in their diversity, abundance and dominance. Their relationships with hydrological and environment conditions were examined. A total of 63 fish species were identified. Species composition and abiotic factors were heterogeneous among the different water bodies. The proportion of piscivores and oxygen concentration were the determining factors for structuring the assemblages. The impact of piscivory upon fish diversity was neutral at the beginning and negative at the end of the dry season. In the terminal phase of desiccation, diversity was higher in ponds that contained a moderate proportion of piscivores than in these containing a higher proportion.


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We assessed how the abundance of ant-tended Hemiptera associated with two Amazonian myrmecophytes, Tococa bullifera and Maieta guianensis, varied as a function of resident ant species. We collected five species or morpho-species of adult hemiptera in the domatia of M. guianensis, with four of these species also found in Tococa bullifera. Maieta guianensis plants inhabited by Crematogaster laevis had over four-fold more hemiptera in them than plants inhabited by Pheidole minutula. In contrast, the density of hemiptera in Tococa bullifera domatia was independent of the species of ant resident. For each of the two ant species inhabiting Maieta guianensis, there was a positive and significant relationship between the abundance of hemiptera and workers inhabiting a plant. This relationship was also significant and positive for the Tococa bullifera plants inhabited by C. laevis. However, there was no relationship between Azteca worker and hemipteran density, although there was a trend towards a positive relationship. Our results indicate that hemipteran abundance can vary significantly between different myrmecophyte species, but that the nature of this relationship is mediated by the identity of the ant associate. Because hemipterans are herbivores, the costs and benefits of different ant partners to the host plant may vary in ways that are often overlooked.


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The nutritional value of zooplankton (lipid and phosphorus contents) was analyzed in outdoor, plankton-culture tanks, to monitor the effects of diurnal variation and fertilization. Total lipid contents were significantly higher (average values of about 14% DW) for the treatment fertilized during the sampling week. A significantly highher total lipid concentrations generally coincided with high biomass of Moina sp. (Cladocera) and Thermocyclops sp. nauplii (Copepoda), which is probably related to zooplankton filtration rates. The values tended to be higher during the afternoon and the night. Phosphorus contents in the zooplanktonic population varied from 0.15 to 0.91% DW, with significant differences among the tanks. The zooplankton nutritional quality was greatly influenced by fertilization, which also determined the species composition in the tanks.