997 resultados para zinc sulfate


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The cellular effects of biodiesel emissions particulate matter (BDEP) and petroleum diesel emissions particulate matter (PDEP) were compared using a human airway cell line, A549. At concentrations of 25 µg/ml, diesel particulate matter induced the formation of multinucleate cells. In cells treated with a mixture of 80% PDEP:20% BDEP, 52% of cells were multinucleate cells compared with only 16% of cells treated with 20% PDEP:80% BDEP with a background multinucleate rate of 7%. These results demonstrate a causal relation between the formation of multinucleate cells and exposure to exhaust particulate matter, in particular diesel exhaust. Exposure of A549 cells to PDEP induced apoptosis, seen by active caspase-3 expression and the presence of cleaved pancytokeratin. PDEP exhaust was a much stronger inducer of cellular death through apoptosis than BDEP. There was an eightfold increase in the expression of SLC30A3 (zinc transporter-3 or ZnT3) in cells exposed to 80% PDEP:20% BDEP compared to untreated cells. The increase in ZnT3 expression seen in apoptotic cells following PDEP suggests a role for this zinc transporter in the apoptotic pathway, possibly through controlling zinc fluxes. As exposure to diesel exhaust particles is associated with asthma and apoptosis in airway cells, diesel exhaust particles may directly contribute to asthma by inducing epithelial cell death through apoptotic pathway.


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By reaction of Zn(CH3COO)2 with p,p′-diphenylmethylenediphosphinic acid in water a new inorganic–organic polymeric hybrid of formula [Zn(CH2(P(Ph)O2)2)] has been synthesized and completely characterized. The X-ray analysis established that the structure consists of 2D-layered polymeric array, the 2D-sheets being built up through strong covalent linkages between the zinc metal and the oxygen donors of the phenylphosphinate ligand. The 2D-layers, which are featuring a mesh-net fashion, present voids of various dimensionality, up to 24-membered rings. The organic parts of the hybrid ligand, namely the phenyl rings, are shielding the inorganic skeleton of the layers, preventing the propagation of the polymer in the third dimension. No water molecules are present in the lattice, both of coordination and crystallization. Crystal data are: monoclinic, P21Ic, a=11.840(2), b=9.646(9), c=12.516(5) Å, β=95.03(2), V=1423.9(15) Å3, Z=4. The solid material has been characterized by 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis.


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Dietary ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) influences the expression of a number of genes in the brain. Zinc transporter (ZnT) 3 has been identified as a putative transporter of zinc into synaptic vesicles of neurons and is found in brain areas such as hippocampus and cortex. Neuronal zinc is involved in the formation of amyloid plaques, a major characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. The present study evaluated the influence of dietary ω-3 PUFA on the expression of the ZnT3 gene in the brains of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were raised and/or maintained on a control (CON) diet that contained ω-3 PUFA or a diet deficient (DEF) in ω-3 PUFA. ZnT3 gene expression was analyzed by using real-time PCR, free zinc in brain tissue was determined by zinquin staining, and total zinc concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Compared with CON-raised animals, DEF-raised animals had increased expression of ZnT3 in the brain that was associated with an increased level of free zinc in the hippocampus. In addition, compared with CON-raised animals, DEF-raised animals had decreased plasma zinc level. No difference in cerebrospinal fluid zinc level was observed. The results suggest that overexpression of ZnT3 due to a perinatal ω-3 PUFA deficiency caused abnormal zinc metabolism in the brain. Conceivably, the influence of dietary ω-3 PUFA on brain zinc metabolism could explain the observation made in population studies that the consumption of fish is associated with a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


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The toxic milk (tx) mouse is a rodent model for Wilson disease, an inherited disorder of copper overload. Here we assessed the effect of copper accumulation in the tx mouse on zinc and iron metabolism. Copper, zinc and iron concentrations were determined in the liver, kidney, spleen and brain of control and copper-loaded animals by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Copper concentration increased dramatically in the liver, and was also significantly higher in the spleen, kidney and brain of control tx mice in the first few months of life compared with normal DL mice. Hepatic zinc was increased with age in the tx mouse, but zinc concentrations in the other organs were normal. Liver and kidney iron concentrations were significantly lower at birth in tx mice, but increased quickly to be comparable with control mice by 2 months of age. Iron concentration in the spleen was significantly higher in tx mice, but was lower in 5 day old tx pups. Copper-loading studies showed that normal DL mice ingesting 300 mg/l copper in their diet for 3 months maintained normal liver, kidney and brain copper, zinc and iron levels. Copper-loading of tx mice did not increase the already high liver copper concentrations, but spleen and brain copper concentrations were increased. Despite a significant elevation of copper in the brain of the copper-loaded tx mice no behavioural changes were observed. The livers of copper-loaded tx mice had a lower zinc concentration than control tx mice, whilst the kidney had double the concentration of iron suggesting that there was increased erythrocyte hemolysis in the copper-loaded mutants.


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Zinc nanowires have been synthesized by heating a mixture of boron and zinc oxide (ZnO) powders at 1050 °C under a nitrogen atmosphere. The influences of the gas flow rate and the substrate character on the nanowire formation were investigated. It was found that higher-flow rate of gas led to the formation of thinner nanowires; while lower-flow rate of gas produced thicker nanowires and even particles due to the higher partial pressure of Zn vapor in this case. Zn nanowires can be produced on alumina and quartz substrates, but not on a stainless-steel substrate under the same or different synthetic conditions. Photoluminescence measurements were conducted on Zn nanowires and particles and weak emission bands at 482 and 493 nm were observed, which may be contributed by the thin ZnO film on the nanowire surface.


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Intracellular zinc homeostasis is strictly regulated by zinc binding proteins and zinc transporters. In the present study, we quantified in a first global view the expression of all characterized human zinc exporters (hZnT-1-9) in different leukocyte subsets in response to zinc supplementation and depletion and analyzed their influence on alterations in the intracellular zinc concentration. We found that hZnT-1 is the most regulated zinc exporter. Furthermore, we discovered that hZnT-4 is localized in the plasma membrane similar to hZnT-1. hZnT-4 is most highly expressed in Molt-4, up-regulated after treatment with PHA and is responsible for the measured decrease of intracellular zinc content after high zinc exposure. In addition, we found that hZnT-5, hZnT-6, and hZnT-7 in Raji as well as hZnT-6 and hZnT-7 in THP-1 are up-regulated in response to cellular zinc depletion. Those zinc exporters are all localized in the Golgi network, and this type of regulation explains the observed zinc increase in both cell types after up-regulation of their expression during zinc deficiency and, subsequently, high zinc exposure. Furthermore, we detected, for the first time, the expression of hZnT-8 in peripheral blood lymphocytes, which varied strongly between individuals. While hZnT-2 was not detectable, hZnT-3 and hZnT-9 were expressed at low levels. Further on, the amount of expression was higher in primary cells than in cell lines. These data provide insight into the regulation of intracellular zinc homeostasis in cells of the immune system and may explain the variable effects of zinc deficiency on different leukocyte subsets.


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This paper describes the effect on the fading of dyed polyester fabrics in artificial sunlight, when the Ultra Violet (UV) component of the radiation was blocked by coating the fabric with zinc oxide nanoparticles, dispersed in an acrylic polymer. Zinc oxide is photoactive and generates superoxide and hydroxyl radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species; ROS) when irradiated with UV in the presence of oxygen and water. The results for the four dyes studied show that different dye chromophores interact differently with ROS. Selection of dyes with anti oxidant properties or addition of other anti oxidants may reduce the adverse effects of ROS


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The accumulation of senile plaques composed primarily of aggregated amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), is the major characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies correlate plaque accumulation and the presence of metal ions, particularly copper and zinc. The metal binding sites of the amyloid Aβ peptide of Alzheimer’s disease are located in the N-terminal region of the full-length peptide. In this work, the interactions with metals of a model peptide comprising the first 16 amino acid residues of the amyloid Aβ peptide, Aβ(1–16), were studied. The effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+ binding to Aβ(1–16) on peptide structure and oligomerisation are reported. The results of ESI-MS, gel filtration chromatography and NMR spectroscopy demonstrated formation of oligomeric complexes of the peptide in the presence of the metal ions and revealed the stoichiometry of Cu2+ and Zn2+ binding to Aβ(1–16), with Cu2+ showing a higher affinity for binding the peptide than Zn2+.


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Aging is associated with alterations in the immune system, effects which may be exacerbated by inadequate zinc (Zn) status. We examined the relationship between Zn status and markers of immunity and the effect of supplementation with 15 mg or 30 mg Zn/d for 6 months on immune status in healthy individuals. Zn status was assessed by dietary intake and biochemical indices. Immune status was assessed by multiple flow cytometric methods. At baseline, Zn concentration was positively associated with lymphocyte subpopulation counts and T-lymphocyte activation. Zn supplementation of 30 mg/d significantly lowered B-lymphocyte count, albeit at month 3 only. Lower doses of Zn (15 mg Zn/d) significantly increased the ratio of CD4 to CD8 T lymphocytes at month 6. Overall, these findings suggest that total Zn intake (diet plus supplementation) of up to 40 mg Zn/d do not have significant long-term effects on immune status in apparently healthy persons aged 55–70 years.


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The use of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles as ultraviolet (UV) absorbers for many organic substrates is limited because of the high photocatalytic activity of ZnO. In this study, a facile and efficient technique for the preparation of a hybrid material of silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles was used to reduce the photocatalytic activity of ZnO. Monodispersed ZnO nanopartcles were prepared by wet chemistry and the particle surface was modified by tetraethylorthosilicate to form a silica coating via the Sto¨ ber method. ZnO samples, both before and after the coating process, were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scanning, infrared, and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The effect of the surface modification on the photocatalytic activity of ZnO was studied by monitoring the degradation of Rhodamine B caused by photo-generated free radicals. The results implied that the photo-generation of free-radicals was strongly quenched by the presence of silica on the particle surface.


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The successful use of nanoparticulate ZnO in applications such as UV-screening agents or photocatalyst for the destruction of chemical waste requires the development of techniques for controlling its photocatalytic activity. In this study, we have investigated transition metal doping as a means of achieving this goal. Powders of ZnO, MnxZn1−xO, and CoxZn1−xO were synthesised by a three-stage process consisting of high-energy mechanical milling, heat treatment, and washing. The photocatalytic activity of these powders was evaluated using the spin-trapping technique with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that the photocatalytic activity of CoxZn1−xO progressively decreased with the doping level. In contrast, the activity of MnxZn1−xO initially increased with doping up to a level of 2 mol% and thereafter declined. These results demonstrate that doping with transition metal oxides can be used to tailor the photocatalytic properties of nanoparticulate ZnO.


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This paper describes the effects of applying coatings of an acrylic polymer containing nanoparticles of zinc oxide (ZnO) on the fading rate in artificial sunlight of polyester fabrics dyed with disperse dyes containing anthraquinone and benzopyran chromophores. Factors affecting the transparency and UV absorbance of the coatings are discussed. Removing the UV component of sunlight with ZnO nanoparticles markedly decreased the fading rate of the dyes, provided the polymer/ZnO film was not in direct contact with the fabric. When the treatment was applied directly to the fabrics, however, the protection against colour fading was different for the two dyes studied. Whereas the rate of colour fading of a benzopyran dye, of relatively low lightfastness, was decreased by the polymer-ZnO film, the treatment increased the fading rate of the dye of higher lightfastness, based on anthraquinone. This effect has been attributed to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when ZnO is exposed to UV. The effect of decreasing the photoactivity of ZnO by doping with manganese has been examined. For the benzopyran dye, the UV protection was greatly increased, whereas a much smaller improvement was found for the anthraquinone-based dye.


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In this study, a three-stage process consisting of mechanical milling, heat treatment, and washing has been used to manufacture nanoparticulate ZnO powders with a controlled particle size and minimal agglomeration. By varying the temperature of the post-milling heat treatment, it was possible to control the average particle size over the range of 28–57 nm. The photocatalytic activity of these powders was characterized by measuring the hydroxyl radical concentration as a function of irradiation time using the spin-trapping technique with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that there exists an optimum particle size of approximately 33 nm for which the photocatalytic activity is maximized. The existence of this optimal particle size is attributable to an increase in the charge carrier recombination rate, which counteracts the increased activity arising from the higher specific surface area for a sufficiently small particle size.


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The Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of nanocrystalline zinc oxide produced by mechanochemical synthesis were measured using a pulsed nitrogen laser (337.1 nm) and xenon lamp (360 nm) as excitation sources in PL measurements and a cw Nd:YAG laser in Raman measurements. PL was observed in the range 400–800 nm. The Raman spectrum of nanocrystalline (90 nm) ZnO was compared to that of coarsegrained ZnO. The Raman bands of nanocrystalline zinc oxide were found to be shifted to lower frequencies and broadened. Laser radiation was shown to cause local heating of zinc oxide up to 1000 K, resulting in photoinduced formation of zinc nanoclusters. Mixtures of zinc oxide and sodium chloride powders are heated to substantially lower temperatures. Under nitrogen laser excitation, the green PL band (535 nm), characteristic of bulk ZnO, is shifted to longer wavelengths by 85 nm. The results are interpreted in terms of light confinement in zinc oxide microclusters consisting of large number of nanocrystallites. The photoinduced processes in question may be a viable approach to producing metal-insulator structures in globular photonic crystals, opals, filled with zinc oxide.