919 resultados para wheel
Long-haul drivers work in irregular schedules due to load delivery demands. In general, driving and sleeping occur at irregular times and, consequently, partial sleep deprivation and/or circadian misalignment may emerge and result in sleepiness at the wheel. In this way, the aim of this study was to verify changes in the postural control parameters of professional drivers after one-night working. Eight male truck drivers working at night - night drivers (ND) and nine day drivers (DD) volunteered to participate in this study. The night drivers' postural stability was assessed immediately before and after an approximately 430 km journey by two identical force platforms at departure and arrival sites. The DD group was measured before and after a day's work. An interaction effect of time of day and type of shift in both conditions: eyes open (p < 0.01) and eyes closed (p < 0.001) for amplitude of mediolateral movements was observed. Postural stability, measured by force platform, is affected by a night of work, suggesting that it could be an effect of circadian and homeostatic influences over postural control.
The present investigation was undertaken to test whether exercise training (ET) associated with AMPK/PPAR agonists (EM) would improve skeletal muscle function in mdx mice. These drugs have the potential to improve oxidative metabolism. This is of particular interest because oxidative muscle fibers are less affected in the course of the disease than glycolitic counterparts. Therefore, a cohort of 34 male congenic C57Bl/10J mdx mice included in this study was randomly assigned into four groups: vehicle solution (V), EM [AICAR (AMPK agonist, 50 mg/Kg-1.day-1, ip) and GW 1516 (PPAR delta agonist, 2.5 mg/Kg-1.day-1, gavage)], ET (voluntary running on activity wheel) and EM+ET. Functional performance (grip meter and rotarod), aerobic capacity (running test), muscle histopathology, serum creatine kinase (CK), levels of ubiquitined proteins, oxidative metabolism protein expression (AMPK, PPAR, myoglobin and SCD) and intracellular calcium handling (DHPR, SERCA and NCX) protein expression were analyzed. Treatments started when the animals were two months old and were maintained for one month. A significant functional improvement (p<0.05) was observed in animals submitted to the combination of ET and EM. CK levels were decreased and the expression of proteins related to oxidative metabolism was increased in this group. There were no differences among the groups in the intracellular calcium handling protein expression. To our knowledge, this is the first study that tested the association of ET with EM in an experimental model of muscular dystrophy. Our results suggest that the association of ET and EM should be further tested as a potential therapeutic approach in muscular dystrophies.
South American subterranean rodents (Ctenomys aff. knighti), commonly known as tuco-tucos, display nocturnal, wheel-running behavior under light-dark (LD) conditions, and free-running periods >24 h in constant darkness (DD). However, several reports in the field suggested that a substantial amount of activity occurs during daylight hours, leading us to question whether circadian entrainment in the laboratory accurately reflects behavior in natural conditions. We compared circadian patterns of locomotor activity in DD of animals previously entrained to full laboratory LD cycles (LD12:12) with those of animals that were trapped directly from the field. In both cases, activity onsets in DD immediately reflected the previous dark onset or sundown. Furthermore, freerunning periods upon release into DD were close to 24 h indicating aftereffects of prior entrainment, similarly in both conditions. No difference was detected in the phase of activity measured with and without access to a running wheel. However, when individuals were observed continuously during daylight hours in a semi-natural enclosure, they emerged above-ground on a daily basis. These day-time activities consisted of foraging and burrow maintenance, suggesting that the designation of this species as nocturnal might be inaccurate in the field. Our study of a solitary subterranean species suggests that the circadian clock is entrained similarly under field and laboratory conditions and that day-time activity expressed only in the field is required for foraging and may not be time-dictated by the circadian pacemaker.
In this work, multi-component white cast iron was applied by HVOF thermal spray process as alternative to other manufacture processes. Effects of substrate type, substrate pre-heating and heat treatment of coating on mass loss have been determined by rubber wheel apparatus in accordance with ASTM G-65. Furthermore, influence of heat treatment of coating on wear mechanisms was also determined by scanning electron microscopy analysis. Heat-treated coatings presented mass loss three times lower than as-sprayed coatings. Furthermore, wear mechanisms of as-sprayed coating are micro-cutting associated with cracks close to unmelted particles and pores. In heat-treated coating, lesser mass loss is due to sintering. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biogeography is the science that studies the geographical distribution and the migration of species in an ecosystem. Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed global optimization algorithm as a generalization of biogeography to evolutionary algorithm and has shown its ability to solve complex optimization problems. BBO employs a migration operator to share information between the problem solutions. The problem solutions are identified as habitat, and the sharing of features is called migration. In this paper, a multiobjective BBO, combined with a predator-prey (PPBBO) approach, is proposed and validated in the constrained design of a brushless dc wheel motor. The results demonstrated that the proposed PPBBO approach converged to promising solutions in terms of quality and dominance when compared with the classical BBO in a multiobjective version.
Abstract Background The beneficial actions of exercise training on lipid, glucose and energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity appear to be in part mediated by PGC-1α. Previous studies have shown that spontaneously exercised rats show at rest enhanced responsiveness to exogenous insulin, lower plasma insulin levels and increased skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. This study was initiated to examine the functional interaction between exercise-induced modulation of skeletal muscle and liver PGC-1α protein expression, whole body insulin sensitivity, and circulating FFA levels as a measure of whole body fatty acid (lipid) metabolism. Methods Two groups of male Wistar rats (2 Mo of age, 188.82 ± 2.77 g BW) were used in this study. One group consisted of control rats placed in standard laboratory cages. Exercising rats were housed individually in cages equipped with running wheels and allowed to run at their own pace for 5 weeks. At the end of exercise training, insulin sensitivity was evaluated by comparing steady-state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentrations at constant plasma insulin levels attained during the continuous infusion of glucose and insulin to each experimental group. Subsequently, soleus and plantaris muscle and liver samples were collected and quantified for PGC-1α protein expression by Western blotting. Collected blood samples were analyzed for glucose, insulin and FFA concentrations. Results Rats housed in the exercise wheel cages demonstrated almost linear increases in running activity with advancing time reaching to maximum value around 4 weeks. On an average, the rats ran a mean (Mean ± SE) of 4.102 ± 0.747 km/day and consumed significantly more food as compared to sedentary controls (P < 0.001) in order to meet their increased caloric requirement. Mean plasma insulin (P < 0.001) and FFA (P < 0.006) concentrations were lower in the exercise-trained rats as compared to sedentary controls. Mean steady state plasma insulin (SSPI) and glucose (SSPG) concentrations were not significantly different in sedentary control rats as compared to exercise-trained animals. Plantaris PGC-1α protein expression increased significantly from a 1.11 ± 0.12 in the sedentary rats to 1.74 ± 0.09 in exercising rats (P < 0.001). However, exercise had no effect on PGC-1α protein content in either soleus muscle or liver tissue. These results indicate that exercise training selectively up regulates the PGC-1α protein expression in high-oxidative fast skeletal muscle type such as plantaris muscle. Conclusion These data suggest that PGC-1α most likely plays a restricted role in exercise-mediated improvements in insulin resistance (sensitivity) and lowering of circulating FFA levels.
Since the earliest developments of human history, friction has been a major issue. From the invention of the wheel and the use of the first lubricants to the studiesof coated and microtexturized surfaces, significant effort has been put on improvements that couldovercome the resistance to motion. Areview by Holmberg, Andersson and Erdemir[1] shows that, in an average passenger car, about one third of the total energy consumptionis due to friction losses. Of these, another one third is consumed in the engine system. The optimization of the lubricating oil formulation used ininternal combustion enginesis an important way to reduce friction, therefore improving energeticefficiencyand controllingemissions.Lubrication is also a way to assure the required protection to the system by maintaining wear rates in an adequate level, which helps to minimize maintenance costs.
Il presente studio ha avuto l’obiettivo di indagare la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione a partire dagli scarti lignocellulosici della canna da zucchero (bagassa), facendo riscorso al processo enzimatico. L’attività di ricerca è stata svolta presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica dell’Università di Lund (Svezia) all’interno di rapporti scambio con l’Università di Bologna. Il principale scopo è consistito nel valutare la produzione di etanolo in funzione delle condizioni operative con cui è stata condotta la saccarificazione e fermentazione enzimatica (SSF) della bagassa, materia prima che è stata sottoposta al pretrattamento di Steam Explosion (STEX) con aggiunta di SO2 come catalizzatore acido. Successivamente, i dati ottenuti in laboratorio dalla SSF sono stati utilizzati per implementare, in ambiente AspenPlus®, il flowsheet di un impianto che simula tutti gli aspetti della produzione di etanolo, al fine di studiarne il rendimento energetico dell’intero processo. La produzione di combustibili alternativi alle fonti fossili oggigiorno riveste primaria importanza sia nella limitazione dell’effetto serra sia nel minimizzare gli effetti di shock geopolitici sulle forniture strategiche di un Paese. Il settore dei trasporti in continua crescita, consuma nei paesi industrializzati circa un terzo del fabbisogno di fonti fossili. In questo contesto la produzione di bioetanolo può portare benefici per sia per l’ambiente che per l’economia qualora valutazioni del ciclo di vita del combustibile ne certifichino l’efficacia energetica e il potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra. Numerosi studi mettono in risalto i pregi ambientali del bioetanolo, tuttavia è opportuno fare distinzioni sul processo di produzione e sul materiale di partenza utilizzato per comprendere appieno le reali potenzialità del sistema well-to-wheel del biocombustibile. Il bioetanolo di prima generazione ottenuto dalla trasformazione dell’amido (mais) e delle melasse (barbabietola e canna da zucchero) ha mostrato diversi svantaggi: primo, per via della competizione tra l’industria alimentare e dei biocarburanti, in secondo luogo poiché le sole piantagioni non hanno la potenzialità di soddisfare domande crescenti di bioetanolo. In aggiunta sono state mostrate forti perplessità in merito alla efficienza energetica e del ciclo di vita del bioetanolo da mais, da cui si ottiene quasi la metà della produzione di mondiale di etanolo (27 G litri/anno). L’utilizzo di materiali lignocellulosici come scarti agricolturali e dell’industria forestale, rifiuti urbani, softwood e hardwood, al contrario delle precedenti colture, non presentano gli svantaggi sopra menzionati e per tale motivo il bioetanolo prodotto dalla lignocellulosa viene denominato di seconda generazione. Tuttavia i metodi per produrlo risultano più complessi rispetto ai precedenti per via della difficoltà di rendere biodisponibili gli zuccheri contenuti nella lignocellulosa; per tale motivo è richiesto sia un pretrattamento che l’idrolisi enzimatica. La bagassa è un substrato ottimale per la produzione di bioetanolo di seconda generazione in quanto è disponibile in grandi quantità e ha già mostrato buone rese in etanolo se sottoposta a SSF. La bagassa tal quale è stata inizialmente essiccata all’aria e il contenuto d’acqua corretto al 60%; successivamente è stata posta a contatto per 30 minuti col catalizzatore acido SO2 (2%), al termine dei quali è stata pretrattata nel reattore STEX (10L, 200°C e 5 minuti) in 6 lotti da 1.638kg su peso umido. Lo slurry ottenuto è stato sottoposto a SSF batch (35°C e pH 5) utilizzando enzimi cellulolitici per l’idrolisi e lievito di birra ordinario (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) come consorzio microbico per la fermentazione. Un obiettivo della indagine è stato studiare il rendimento della SSF variando il medium di nutrienti, la concentrazione dei solidi (WIS 5%, 7.5%, 10%) e il carico di zuccheri. Dai risultati è emersa sia una buona attività enzimatica di depolimerizzazione della cellulosa che un elevato rendimento di fermentazione, anche per via della bassa concentrazione di inibitori prodotti nello stadio di pretrattamento come acido acetico, furfuraldeide e HMF. Tuttavia la concentrazione di etanolo raggiunta non è stata valutata sufficientemente alta per condurre a scala pilota un eventuale distillazione con bassi costi energetici. Pertanto, sono stati condotti ulteriori esperimenti SSF batch con addizione di melassa da barbabietola (Beta vulgaris), studiandone preventivamente i rendimenti attraverso fermentazioni alle stesse condizioni della SSF. I risultati ottenuti hanno suggerito che con ulteriori accorgimenti si potranno raggiungere gli obiettivi preposti. E’ stato inoltre indagato il rendimento energetico del processo di produzione di bioetanolo mediante SSF di bagassa con aggiunta di melassa in funzione delle variabili più significative. Per la modellazione si è fatto ricorso al software AspenPlus®, conducendo l’analisi di sensitività del mix energetico in uscita dall’impianto al variare del rendimento di SSF e dell’addizione di saccarosio. Dalle simulazioni è emerso che, al netto del fabbisogno entalpico di autosostentamento, l’efficienza energetica del processo varia tra 0.20 e 0.53 a seconda delle condizioni; inoltre, è stata costruita la curva dei costi energetici di distillazione per litro di etanolo prodotto in funzione delle concentrazioni di etanolo in uscita dalla fermentazione. Infine sono già stati individuati fattori su cui è possibile agire per ottenere ulteriori miglioramenti sia in laboratorio che nella modellazione di processo e, di conseguenza, produrre con alta efficienza energetica bioetanolo ad elevato potenziale di mitigazione dell’effetto serra.
This thesis gathers the work carried out by the author in the last three years of research and it concerns the study and implementation of algorithms to coordinate and control a swarm of mobile robots moving in unknown environments. In particular, the author's attention is focused on two different approaches in order to solve two different problems. The first algorithm considered in this work deals with the possibility of decomposing a main complex task in many simple subtasks by exploiting the decentralized implementation of the so called \emph{Null Space Behavioral} paradigm. This approach to the problem of merging different subtasks with assigned priority is slightly modified in order to handle critical situations that can be detected when robots are moving through an unknown environment. In fact, issues can occur when one or more robots got stuck in local minima: a smart strategy to avoid deadlock situations is provided by the author and the algorithm is validated by simulative analysis. The second problem deals with the use of concepts borrowed from \emph{graph theory} to control a group differential wheel robots by exploiting the Laplacian solution of the consensus problem. Constraints on the swarm communication topology have been introduced by the use of a range and bearing platform developed at the Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory (DISAL), EPFL (Lausanne, CH) where part of author's work has been carried out. The control algorithm is validated by demonstration and simulation analysis and, later, is performed by a team of four robots engaged in a formation mission. To conclude, the capabilities of the algorithm based on the local solution of the consensus problem for differential wheel robots are demonstrated with an application scenario, where nine robots are engaged in a hunting task.
This work presents a program for simulations of vehicle-track and vehicle-trackstructure dynamic interaction . The method used is computationally efficient in the sense that a reduced number of coordinates is sufficient and doesn’t require high efficiency computers. The method proposes a modal substructuring approach of the system by modelling rails , sleepers and underlying structure with modal coordinates, the vehicle with physical lumped elements coordinates and by introducing interconnection elements between these structures (wheel-rail contact, railpads and ballast) by means of their interaction forces. The Frequency response function (FRF) is also calculated for both cases of track over a structure (a bridge, a viaduct ...) and for the simple vehicle-track program; for each case the vehicle effect on the FRF is then analyzed through the comparison of the FRFs obtained introducing or not a simplified vehicle on the system.
The wheel - rail contact analysis plays a fundamental role in the multibody modeling of railway vehicles. A good contact model must provide an accurate description of the global contact phenomena (contact forces and torques, number and position of the contact points) and of the local contact phenomena (position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements). The model has also to assure high numerical efficiency (in order to be implemented directly online within multibody models) and a good compatibility with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). The wheel - rail contact problem has been discussed by several authors and many models can be found in the literature. The contact models can be subdivided into two different categories: the global models and the local (or differential) models. Currently, as regards the global models, the main approaches to the problem are the so - called rigid contact formulation and the semi – elastic contact description. The rigid approach considers the wheel and the rail as rigid bodies. The contact is imposed by means of constraint equations and the contact points are detected during the dynamic simulation by solving the nonlinear algebraic differential equations associated to the constrained multibody system. Indentation between the bodies is not permitted and the normal contact forces are calculated through the Lagrange multipliers. Finally the Hertz’s and the Kalker’s theories allow to evaluate the shape of the contact patch and the tangential forces respectively. Also the semi - elastic approach considers the wheel and the rail as rigid bodies. However in this case no kinematic constraints are imposed and the indentation between the bodies is permitted. The contact points are detected by means of approximated procedures (based on look - up tables and simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry). The normal contact forces are calculated as a function of the indentation while, as in the rigid approach, the Hertz’s and the Kalker’s theories allow to evaluate the shape of the contact patch and the tangential forces. Both the described multibody approaches are computationally very efficient but their generality and accuracy turn out to be often insufficient because the physical hypotheses behind these theories are too restrictive and, in many circumstances, unverified. In order to obtain a complete description of the contact phenomena, local (or differential) contact models are needed. In other words wheel and rail have to be considered elastic bodies governed by the Navier’s equations and the contact has to be described by suitable analytical contact conditions. The contact between elastic bodies has been widely studied in literature both in the general case and in the rolling case. Many procedures based on variational inequalities, FEM techniques and convex optimization have been developed. This kind of approach assures high generality and accuracy but still needs very large computational costs and memory consumption. Due to the high computational load and memory consumption, referring to the current state of the art, the integration between multibody and differential modeling is almost absent in literature especially in the railway field. However this integration is very important because only the differential modeling allows an accurate analysis of the contact problem (in terms of contact forces and torques, position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements) while the multibody modeling is the standard in the study of the railway dynamics. In this thesis some innovative wheel – rail contact models developed during the Ph. D. activity will be described. Concerning the global models, two new models belonging to the semi – elastic approach will be presented; the models satisfy the following specifics: 1) the models have to be 3D and to consider all the six relative degrees of freedom between wheel and rail 2) the models have to consider generic railway tracks and generic wheel and rail profiles 3) the models have to assure a general and accurate handling of the multiple contact without simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry; in particular the models have to evaluate the number and the position of the contact points and, for each point, the contact forces and torques 4) the models have to be implementable directly online within the multibody models without look - up tables 5) the models have to assure computation times comparable with those of commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail) and compatible with RT and HIL applications 6) the models have to be compatible with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). The most innovative aspect of the new global contact models regards the detection of the contact points. In particular both the models aim to reduce the algebraic problem dimension by means of suitable analytical techniques. This kind of reduction allows to obtain an high numerical efficiency that makes possible the online implementation of the new procedure and the achievement of performance comparable with those of commercial multibody software. At the same time the analytical approach assures high accuracy and generality. Concerning the local (or differential) contact models, one new model satisfying the following specifics will be presented: 1) the model has to be 3D and to consider all the six relative degrees of freedom between wheel and rail 2) the model has to consider generic railway tracks and generic wheel and rail profiles 3) the model has to assure a general and accurate handling of the multiple contact without simplifying hypotheses on the problem geometry; in particular the model has to able to calculate both the global contact variables (contact forces and torques) and the local contact variables (position and shape of the contact patch, stresses and displacements) 4) the model has to be implementable directly online within the multibody models 5) the model has to assure high numerical efficiency and a reduced memory consumption in order to achieve a good integration between multibody and differential modeling (the base for the local contact models) 6) the model has to be compatible with commercial multibody software (Simpack Rail, Adams Rail). In this case the most innovative aspects of the new local contact model regard the contact modeling (by means of suitable analytical conditions) and the implementation of the numerical algorithms needed to solve the discrete problem arising from the discretization of the original continuum problem. Moreover, during the development of the local model, the achievement of a good compromise between accuracy and efficiency turned out to be very important to obtain a good integration between multibody and differential modeling. At this point the contact models has been inserted within a 3D multibody model of a railway vehicle to obtain a complete model of the wagon. The railway vehicle chosen as benchmark is the Manchester Wagon the physical and geometrical characteristics of which are easily available in the literature. The model of the whole railway vehicle (multibody model and contact model) has been implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment. The multibody model has been implemented in SimMechanics, a Matlab toolbox specifically designed for multibody dynamics, while, as regards the contact models, the CS – functions have been used; this particular Matlab architecture allows to efficiently connect the Matlab/Simulink and the C/C++ environment. The 3D multibody model of the same vehicle (this time equipped with a standard contact model based on the semi - elastic approach) has been then implemented also in Simpack Rail, a commercial multibody software for railway vehicles widely tested and validated. Finally numerical simulations of the vehicle dynamics have been carried out on many different railway tracks with the aim of evaluating the performances of the whole model. The comparison between the results obtained by the Matlab/ Simulink model and those obtained by the Simpack Rail model has allowed an accurate and reliable validation of the new contact models. In conclusion to this brief introduction to my Ph. D. thesis, we would like to thank Trenitalia and the Regione Toscana for the support provided during all the Ph. D. activity. Moreover we would also like to thank the INTEC GmbH, the society the develops the software Simpack Rail, with which we are currently working together to develop innovative toolboxes specifically designed for the wheel rail contact analysis.
Combustion control is one of the key factors to obtain better performances and lower pollutant emissions for diesel, spark ignition and HCCI engines. An algorithm that allows estimating, as an example, the mean indicated torque for each cylinder, could be easily used in control strategies, in order to carry out cylinders trade-off, control the cycle to cycle variation, or detect misfires. A tool that allows evaluating the 50% of Mass Fraction Burned (MFB50), or the net Cumulative Heat Release (CHRNET), or the ROHR peak value (Rate of Heat Release), could be used to optimize spark advance or to detect knock in gasoline engines and to optimize injection pattern in diesel engines. Modern management systems are based on the control of the mean indicated torque produced by the engine: they need a real or virtual sensor in order to compare the measured value with the target one. Many studies have been performed in order to obtain an accurate and reliable over time torque estimation. The aim of this PhD activity was to develop two different algorithms: the first one is based on the instantaneous engine speed fluctuations measurement. The speed signal is picked up directly from the sensor facing the toothed wheel mounted on the engine for other control purposes. The engine speed fluctuation amplitudes depend on the combustion and on the amount of torque delivered by each cylinder. The second algorithm processes in-cylinder pressure signals in the angular domain. In this case a crankshaft encoder is not necessary, because the angular reference can be obtained using a standard sensor wheel. The results obtained with these two methodologies are compared in order to evaluate which one is suitable for on board applications, depending on the accuracy required.
Modern Internal Combustion Engines are becoming increasingly complex in terms of their control systems and strategies. The growth of the algorithms’ complexity results in a rise of the number of on-board quantities for control purposes. In order to improve combustion efficiency and, simultaneously, limit the amount of pollutant emissions, the on-board evaluation of two quantities in particular has become essential; namely indicated torque produced by the engine and the angular position where 50% of fuel mass injected over an engine cycle is burned (MFB50). The above mentioned quantities can be evaluated through the measurement of in-cylinder pressure. Nonetheless, at the time being, the installation of in-cylinder pressure sensors on vehicles is extremely uncommon mainly because of measurement reliability and costs. This work illustrates a methodological approach for the estimation of indicated torque and MFB50 that is based on the engine speed fluctuation measurement. This methodology is compatible with the typical on-board application restraints. Moreover, it requires no additional costs since speed can be measured using the system already mounted on the vehicle, which is made of a magnetic pick-up faced to a toothed wheel. The estimation algorithm consists of two main parts: first, the evaluation of indicated torque fluctuation based on speed measurement and secondly, the evaluation of the mean value of the indicated torque (over an engine cycle) and MFB50 by using the relationship with the indicated torque harmonic and other engine quantities. The procedure has been successfully applied to an L4 turbocharged Diesel engine mounted on-board a vehicle.
In the last few years, a new generation of Business Intelligence (BI) tools called BI 2.0 has emerged to meet the new and ambitious requirements of business users. BI 2.0 not only introduces brand new topics, but in some cases it re-examines past challenges according to new perspectives depending on the market changes and needs. In this context, the term pervasive BI has gained increasing interest as an innovative and forward-looking perspective. This thesis investigates three different aspects of pervasive BI: personalization, timeliness, and integration. Personalization refers to the capacity of BI tools to customize the query result according to the user who takes advantage of it, facilitating the fruition of BI information by different type of users (e.g., front-line employees, suppliers, customers, or business partners). In this direction, the thesis proposes a model for On-Line Analytical Process (OLAP) query personalization to reduce the query result to the most relevant information for the specific user. Timeliness refers to the timely provision of business information for decision-making. In this direction, this thesis defines a new Data Warehuose (DW) methodology, Four-Wheel-Drive (4WD), that combines traditional development approaches with agile methods; the aim is to accelerate the project development and reduce the software costs, so as to decrease the number of DW project failures and favour the BI tool penetration even in small and medium companies. Integration refers to the ability of BI tools to allow users to access information anywhere it can be found, by using the device they prefer. To this end, this thesis proposes Business Intelligence Network (BIN), a peer-to-peer data warehousing architecture, where a user can formulate an OLAP query on its own system and retrieve relevant information from both its local system and the DWs of the net, preserving its autonomy and independency.
The topic of this thesis is the feedback stabilization of the attitude of magnetically actuated spacecraft. The use of magnetic coils is an attractive solution for the generation of control torques on small satellites flying inclined low Earth orbits, since magnetic control systems are characterized by reduced weight and cost, higher reliability, and require less power with respect to other kinds of actuators. At the same time, the possibility of smooth modulation of control torques reduces coupling of the attitude control system with flexible modes, thus preserving pointing precision with respect to the case when pulse-modulated thrusters are used. The principle based on the interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and the magnetic field generated by the set of coils introduces an inherent nonlinearity, because control torques can be delivered only in a plane that is orthogonal to the direction of the geomagnetic field vector. In other words, the system is underactuated, because the rotational degrees of freedom of the spacecraft, modeled as a rigid body, exceed the number of independent control actions. The solution of the control issue for underactuated spacecraft is also interesting in the case of actuator failure, e.g. after the loss of a reaction-wheel in a three-axes stabilized spacecraft with no redundancy. The application of well known control strategies is no longer possible in this case for both regulation and tracking, so that new methods have been suggested for tackling this particular problem. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose continuous time-varying controllers that globally stabilize the attitude of a spacecraft, when magneto-torquers alone are used and when a momentum-wheel supports magnetic control in order to overcome the inherent underactuation. A kinematic maneuver planning scheme, stability analyses, and detailed simulation results are also provided, with new theoretical developments and particular attention toward application considerations.