966 resultados para weight maintenance
Työn tarkoituksena oli kerätä käyttövarmuustietoa savukaasulinjasta kahdelta suomalaiselta sellutehtaalta niiden käyttöönotosta aina tähän päivään asti. Käyttövarmuustieto koostuu luotettavuustiedoista sekä kunnossapitotiedoista. Kerätyn tiedon avulla on mahdollista kuvata tarkasti laitoksen käyttövarmuutta seuraavilla tunnusluvuilla: suunnittelemattomien häiriöiden lukumäärä ja korjausajat, laitteiden seisokkiaika, vikojen todennäköisyys ja korjaavan kunnossapidon kustannukset suhteessa savukaasulinjan korjaavan kunnossapidon kokonaiskustannuksiin. Käyttövarmuustiedon keräysmetodi on esitelty. Savukaasulinjan kriittisten laitteiden määrittelyyn käytetty metodi on yhdistelmä kyselytutkimuksesta ja muunnellusta vian vaikutus- ja kriittisyysanalyysistä. Laitteiden valitsemiskriteerit lopulliseen kriittisyysanalyysiin päätettiin käyttövarmuustietojen sekä kyselytutkimuksen perusteella. Kriittisten laitteiden määrittämisen tarkoitus on löytää savukaasulinjasta ne laitteet, joiden odottamaton vikaantuminen aiheuttaa vakavimmat seuraukset savukaasulinjan luotettavuuteen, tuotantoon, turvallisuuteen, päästöihin ja kustannuksiin. Tiedon avulla rajoitetut kunnossapidon resurssit voidaan suunnata oikein. Kriittisten laitteiden määrittämisen tuloksena todetaan, että kolme kriittisintä laitetta savukaasulinjassa ovat molemmille sellutehtaille yhteisesti: savukaasupuhaltimet, laahakuljettimet sekä ketjukuljettimet. Käyttövarmuustieto osoittaa, että laitteiden luotettavuus on tehdaskohtaista, mutta periaatteessa samat päälinjat voidaan nähdä suunnittelemattomien vikojen todennäköisyyttä esittävissä kuvissa. Kustannukset, jotka esitetään laitteen suunnittelemattomien kunnossapitokustannusten suhteena savukaasulinjan kokonaiskustannuksiin, noudattelevat hyvin pitkälle luotettavuuskäyrää, joka on laskettu laitteen seisokkiajan suhteena käyttötunteihin. Käyttövarmuustiedon keräys yhdistettynä kriittisten laitteiden määrittämiseen mahdollistavat ennakoivan kunnossapidon oikean kohdistamisen ja ajoittamisen laitteiston elinaikana siten, että luotettavuus- ja kustannustehokkuusvaatimukset saavutetaan.
TTCN-kieltä käytetään testitapausten määrittelemiseen tietoliikennejärjestelmissä. Nykyään TTCN:stä on tullut yhä suositumpi tapa toteuttaa testitapauksia. TTCN tarjoaa hyvän ja yksinkertaisen tavan muuntaa käsin testattavat testitapaukset automatisoiduiksi. Tämän diplomityön yhteydessä toteutettiin TTCN testitapaukset WCDMA -tukiaseman käyttö- ja kunnossapito- (O&M) ohjelmistolle. Ohjelmistoa on käytetty myös toisen sukupolven tukiasemissa, mutta kolmannen sukupolven tukiasemissa sillä on huomattavasti isompi rooli. WCDMA -tukiasemassa O&M käsittelee muun muassa tukiaseman käynnistyksen, virhetilanteet ja valvoo tukiaseman komponentteja. Ensimmäisiä tehtäviä diplomityötä tehdessä oli valita ne testitapaukset, jotka olisivat mahdollisia ja hyödyllisiä toteuttaa TTCN:n avulla. Testitapaukset valittiin valmiina olleista testitapausten kuvauksista. Valitut testitapaukset toteutettiin käyttäen rinnakkaista ja modulaarista TTCN-kieltä ja testattiin WCDMA -tukiasemaa vasten käyttäen TTCN Tester ohjelmistoa. Tämän diplomityön yhteydessä toteutettuja testitapauksia käytetään varmistamaan, että tukiasema voi toipua erilaisista virhetilanteista O&M ohjelmiston avulla. Testitapauksia WCDMA -tukiasemaa vasten ajettaessa varmistetaan myös, että O&M ohjelmisto toimii määrittelyn mukaisesti eri tilanteissa. Toteutetut testi tapaukset korvaavat nykyään käsin testatut O&M testi tapaukset tukiaseman O&M ohjelmistoa testatessa. Automatisoidut testi tapaukset tekevät O&M ohjelmiston testaamisen merkittävästi nopeammaksi ja helpommaksi.
Extreme weight conditions (EWC) groups along a continuum may share some biological risk factors and intermediate neurocognitive phenotypes. A core cognitive trait in EWC appears to be executive dysfunction, with a focus on decision making, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Differences between individuals in these areas are likely to contribute to the differences in vulnerability to EWC. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a common pattern of executive dysfunction in EWC while comparing anorexia nervosa patients (AN), obese subjects (OB) and healthy eating/weight controls (HC).
Heterozygous germline mutations in the zinc finger transcription factor GATA2 have recently been shown to underlie a range of clinical phenotypes, including Emberger syndrome, a disorder characterized by lymphedema and predisposition to myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia (MDS/AML). Despite well-defined roles in hematopoiesis, the functions of GATA2 in the lymphatic vasculature and the mechanisms by which GATA2 mutations result in lymphedema have not been characterized. Here, we have provided a molecular explanation for lymphedema predisposition in a subset of patients with germline GATA2 mutations. Specifically, we demonstrated that Emberger-associated GATA2 missense mutations result in complete loss of GATA2 function, with respect to the capacity to regulate the transcription of genes that are important for lymphatic vessel valve development. We identified a putative enhancer element upstream of the key lymphatic transcriptional regulator PROX1 that is bound by GATA2, and the transcription factors FOXC2 and NFATC1. Emberger GATA2 missense mutants had a profoundly reduced capacity to bind this element. Conditional Gata2 deletion in mice revealed that GATA2 is required for both development and maintenance of lymphovenous and lymphatic vessel valves. Together, our data unveil essential roles for GATA2 in the lymphatic vasculature and explain why a select catalogue of human GATA2 mutations results in lymphedema.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen teollisuustuotteelle, jota business-to-business -markkinoilla toimiva case-yritys valmistaa. Aihetta tarkastellaan ensin teoreettisesti lähdekirjallisuuden avulla ja sen jälkeen empiirisesti case-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on normatiivinen eli soveltava case-tutkimus. Tutkimusote on kvalitatiivinen. Markkinointisuunnitelma laaditaan analysoimalla yrityksen ulkoista ja sisäistä toimintaympäristöä, asettamalla markkinoinnin tavoitteet, määrittelemällä markkinointistrategiat ja yksilöimällä toimintaohjeet. Markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen kannattaa, sillä se tehostaa yrityksen ulkoista markkinointia. Tutkielman tuloksena voidaan todeta, että case-yrityksellä on hyvät mahdollisuudet menestyä hihnavaakamarkkinoilla uudella tuotteellaan, kunhan se saa nimeään tunnetuksi.
The present study aimed to establish, by a consensus of experts, the stages and processes of change for weight management in overweight and obese people. The first step involved developing two questionnaires aimed at assessing stages and processes of change for weight loss in overweight and obese people. The processes-ofchange questionnaire consisted of 12 subscales, and contained 107 items. A three-round Delphi study was carried out through a website, where participants were asked to give their opinion about the representativeness and clarity of the scale items. The stages-of-change questionnaire consisted of five items and was presented in the final round of the study. A team of 66 experts in the obesity field from 29 countries participated in the study. They were selected either because they belonged to the organizing committee of international associations related to obesity, or because of their research career. The required changes in the questionnaire were made according to the opinions of the participants. Some of these were the result of the group statistical response, whereas others were due to the suggestions made by the participants. A final version of the questionnaire consisting of 63 items was eventually obtained. The present study produced two questionnaires to assess stages and processes of change for weight management. The strength of the study lies in the consensus reached by the panel of experts in order to establish the required content of the questionnaires. The two measures provide useful tools for practitioners who wish to tailor weight-management interventions according to transtheoretical model constructs.
Maintenance is a part of system development and it is possible to develop operation models for accomplishing maintenance tasks. These models can be applied to individual maintenance tasks, maintenance projects and version management. Beneficial operation models makes maintenance more effective and they assist in managing various changes. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a maintenance process which can be used to remote administer network servers. This consisted of defining those operation models and technical specifications which enable to set up, manage changes, maintain and monitor resources of information systems that are located in several different sites. At first in this thesis the needs of the process were determined and requirements were defined based on those needs. The meaning of processes in maintenance of information systems, maintenance workflows and challenges were studied. Then current practical problems and disadvantages of maintenance work were analyzed in order to focus the development to proper issues. Because available operation models did not cover all the recent needs, new maintenance process which fulfilled the requirements was developed.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The standard liver volume (SLV) is widely used in liver surgery, especially for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). All the reported formulas for SLV use body surface area or body weight, which can be influenced strongly by the general condition of the patient. METHODS: We analyzed the liver volumes of 180 Japanese donor candidates and 160 Swiss patients with normal livers to develop a new formula. The dataset was randomly divided into two subsets, the test and validation sample, stratified by race. The new formula was validated using 50 LDLT recipients. RESULTS: Without using body weight-related variables, age, thoracic width measured using computed tomography, and race independently predicted the total liver volume (TLV). A new formula: 203.3-(3.61×age)+(58.7×thoracic width)-(463.7×race [1=Asian, 0=Caucasian]), most accurately predicted the TLV in the validation dataset as compared with any other formulas. The graft volume for LDLT was correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time, and the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the new formula was significantly better correlated with the postoperative prothrombin time than the graft volume/SLV ratio calculated using the other formulas or the graft volume/body weight ratio. CONCLUSIONS: The new formula derived using the age, thoracic width and race predicted both the TLV in the healthy patient group and the SLV in LDLT recipients more accurately than any other previously reported formulas.
We hypothesized that shorter sleep durations and greater variability in sleep patterns are associated with weight gain in the first semester of university. Students (N = 132) completed daily sleep diaries for 9 weeks, completed the MEQ (chronotype) and CES-D (depressed mood) at week 9, and self-reported weight/height (weeks 1 & 9). Mean and variability scores were calculated for sleep duration (TST, TSTv), bedtime (BT, BTv), and wake time (WT, WTv). An initial hierarchical regression evaluated (block 1) sex, ethnicity; (block 2) depressed mood, chronotype; (block 3) TST; (block 4) BT, WT; and (block 5; R(2) change = 0.09, p = 0.005) TSTv, BTv, WTv with weight change. A sex-by-TSTv interaction was found. A final model showed that ethnicity, TST, TSTv, and BTv accounted for 31% of the variance in weight change for males; TSTv was the most significant contributor (R(2) change = 0.21, p < 0.001). Daily variability in sleep duration contributes to males' weight gain. Further investigation needs to examine sex-specific outcomes for sleep and weight.
The main target of the study was to find ideas for maintenance and development of supplier relations in irregular business environment. The other aim was to find out the suppliers’ opinions concerning the case company and the relationship between the companies. The study was conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A mail survey was used to find out supplier opinions and an interview to find out suppliers’ ideas for relationship maintenance and development. It was found out that the use of relational elements is essential in the relationship maintenance in an irregular environment. In development of supplier relations the company should make better use of its suppliers’ potential, assure better flow of information and utilize the possibilities of Supplier Relationship Management.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors alpha (PPARα) and delta (PPARδ) belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily. PPARα is a target of well established lipid-lowering drugs. PPARδ (also known as PPARβ/δ) has been investigated as a promising antidiabetic drug target; however, the evidence in the literature on PPARδ effect on hepatic lipid metabolism is inconsistent. Mice conditionally expressing human PPARδ demonstrated pronounced weight loss and promoted hepatic steatosis when treated with GW501516 (PPARδ-agonist) when compared to wild type mice. This effect was completely absent in mice with either a dominant negative form of PPARδ or deletion of the DNA binding domain of PPARδ. This confirmed the absolute requirement for PPARδ in the physiological actions of GW501516 and confirmed the potential utility against the human form of this receptor. Surprisingly the genetic deletion of PPARα also abrogated the effect of GW501516 in terms of both weight loss and hepatic lipid accumulation. Also the levels of the PPARα endogenous agonist 16:0/18:1-GPC were shown to be modulated by PPARδ in wild type mice. Our results show that both PPARδ and PPARα receptors are essential for GW501516-driven adipose tissue reduction and subsequently hepatic steatosis, with PPARα working downstream of PPARδ.