923 resultados para variable power, cycle-run, stochastic cycling


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Traditional schemes for abstract interpretation-based global analysis of logic programs generally focus on obtaining procedure argument mode and type information. Variable sharing information is often given only the attention needed to preserve the correctness of the analysis. However, such sharing information can be very useful. In particular, it can be used for predicting run-time goal independence, which can eliminate costly run-time checks in and-parallel execution. In this paper, a new algorithm for doing abstract interpretation in logic programs is described which infers the dependencies of the terms bound to program variables with increased precisión and at all points in the execution of the program, rather than just at a procedure level. Algorithms are presented for computing abstract entry and success substitutions which extensively keep track of variable aliasing and term dependence information. The algorithms are illustrated with examples.


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La temperatura es una preocupación que juega un papel protagonista en el diseño de circuitos integrados modernos. El importante aumento de las densidades de potencia que conllevan las últimas generaciones tecnológicas ha producido la aparición de gradientes térmicos y puntos calientes durante el funcionamiento normal de los chips. La temperatura tiene un impacto negativo en varios parámetros del circuito integrado como el retardo de las puertas, los gastos de disipación de calor, la fiabilidad, el consumo de energía, etc. Con el fin de luchar contra estos efectos nocivos, la técnicas de gestión dinámica de la temperatura (DTM) adaptan el comportamiento del chip en función en la información que proporciona un sistema de monitorización que mide en tiempo de ejecución la información térmica de la superficie del dado. El campo de la monitorización de la temperatura en el chip ha llamado la atención de la comunidad científica en los últimos años y es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis. Esta tesis aborda la temática de control de la temperatura en el chip desde diferentes perspectivas y niveles, ofreciendo soluciones a algunos de los temas más importantes. Los niveles físico y circuital se cubren con el diseño y la caracterización de dos nuevos sensores de temperatura especialmente diseñados para los propósitos de las técnicas DTM. El primer sensor está basado en un mecanismo que obtiene un pulso de anchura variable dependiente de la relación de las corrientes de fuga con la temperatura. De manera resumida, se carga un nodo del circuito y posteriormente se deja flotando de tal manera que se descarga a través de las corrientes de fugas de un transistor; el tiempo de descarga del nodo es la anchura del pulso. Dado que la anchura del pulso muestra una dependencia exponencial con la temperatura, la conversión a una palabra digital se realiza por medio de un contador logarítmico que realiza tanto la conversión tiempo a digital como la linealización de la salida. La estructura resultante de esta combinación de elementos se implementa en una tecnología de 0,35 _m. El sensor ocupa un área muy reducida, 10.250 nm2, y consume muy poca energía, 1.05-65.5nW a 5 muestras/s, estas cifras superaron todos los trabajos previos en el momento en que se publicó por primera vez y en el momento de la publicación de esta tesis, superan a todas las implementaciones anteriores fabricadas en el mismo nodo tecnológico. En cuanto a la precisión, el sensor ofrece una buena linealidad, incluso sin calibrar; se obtiene un error 3_ de 1,97oC, adecuado para tratar con las aplicaciones de DTM. Como se ha explicado, el sensor es completamente compatible con los procesos de fabricación CMOS, este hecho, junto con sus valores reducidos de área y consumo, lo hacen especialmente adecuado para la integración en un sistema de monitorización de DTM con un conjunto de monitores empotrados distribuidos a través del chip. Las crecientes incertidumbres de proceso asociadas a los últimos nodos tecnológicos comprometen las características de linealidad de nuestra primera propuesta de sensor. Con el objetivo de superar estos problemas, proponemos una nueva técnica para obtener la temperatura. La nueva técnica también está basada en las dependencias térmicas de las corrientes de fuga que se utilizan para descargar un nodo flotante. La novedad es que ahora la medida viene dada por el cociente de dos medidas diferentes, en una de las cuales se altera una característica del transistor de descarga |la tensión de puerta. Este cociente resulta ser muy robusto frente a variaciones de proceso y, además, la linealidad obtenida cumple ampliamente los requisitos impuestos por las políticas DTM |error 3_ de 1,17oC considerando variaciones del proceso y calibrando en dos puntos. La implementación de la parte sensora de esta nueva técnica implica varias consideraciones de diseño, tales como la generación de una referencia de tensión independiente de variaciones de proceso, que se analizan en profundidad en la tesis. Para la conversión tiempo-a-digital, se emplea la misma estructura de digitalización que en el primer sensor. Para la implementación física de la parte de digitalización, se ha construido una biblioteca de células estándar completamente nueva orientada a la reducción de área y consumo. El sensor resultante de la unión de todos los bloques se caracteriza por una energía por muestra ultra baja (48-640 pJ) y un área diminuta de 0,0016 mm2, esta cifra mejora todos los trabajos previos. Para probar esta afirmación, se realiza una comparación exhaustiva con más de 40 propuestas de sensores en la literatura científica. Subiendo el nivel de abstracción al sistema, la tercera contribución se centra en el modelado de un sistema de monitorización que consiste de un conjunto de sensores distribuidos por la superficie del chip. Todos los trabajos anteriores de la literatura tienen como objetivo maximizar la precisión del sistema con el mínimo número de monitores. Como novedad, en nuestra propuesta se introducen nuevos parámetros de calidad aparte del número de sensores, también se considera el consumo de energía, la frecuencia de muestreo, los costes de interconexión y la posibilidad de elegir diferentes tipos de monitores. El modelo se introduce en un algoritmo de recocido simulado que recibe la información térmica de un sistema, sus propiedades físicas, limitaciones de área, potencia e interconexión y una colección de tipos de monitor; el algoritmo proporciona el tipo seleccionado de monitor, el número de monitores, su posición y la velocidad de muestreo _optima. Para probar la validez del algoritmo, se presentan varios casos de estudio para el procesador Alpha 21364 considerando distintas restricciones. En comparación con otros trabajos previos en la literatura, el modelo que aquí se presenta es el más completo. Finalmente, la última contribución se dirige al nivel de red, partiendo de un conjunto de monitores de temperatura de posiciones conocidas, nos concentramos en resolver el problema de la conexión de los sensores de una forma eficiente en área y consumo. Nuestra primera propuesta en este campo es la introducción de un nuevo nivel en la jerarquía de interconexión, el nivel de trillado (o threshing en inglés), entre los monitores y los buses tradicionales de periféricos. En este nuevo nivel se aplica selectividad de datos para reducir la cantidad de información que se envía al controlador central. La idea detrás de este nuevo nivel es que en este tipo de redes la mayoría de los datos es inútil, porque desde el punto de vista del controlador sólo una pequeña cantidad de datos |normalmente sólo los valores extremos| es de interés. Para cubrir el nuevo nivel, proponemos una red de monitorización mono-conexión que se basa en un esquema de señalización en el dominio de tiempo. Este esquema reduce significativamente tanto la actividad de conmutación sobre la conexión como el consumo de energía de la red. Otra ventaja de este esquema es que los datos de los monitores llegan directamente ordenados al controlador. Si este tipo de señalización se aplica a sensores que realizan conversión tiempo-a-digital, se puede obtener compartición de recursos de digitalización tanto en tiempo como en espacio, lo que supone un importante ahorro de área y consumo. Finalmente, se presentan dos prototipos de sistemas de monitorización completos que de manera significativa superan la características de trabajos anteriores en términos de área y, especialmente, consumo de energía. Abstract Temperature is a first class design concern in modern integrated circuits. The important increase in power densities associated to recent technology evolutions has lead to the apparition of thermal gradients and hot spots during run time operation. Temperature impacts several circuit parameters such as speed, cooling budgets, reliability, power consumption, etc. In order to fight against these negative effects, dynamic thermal management (DTM) techniques adapt the behavior of the chip relying on the information of a monitoring system that provides run-time thermal information of the die surface. The field of on-chip temperature monitoring has drawn the attention of the scientific community in the recent years and is the object of study of this thesis. This thesis approaches the matter of on-chip temperature monitoring from different perspectives and levels, providing solutions to some of the most important issues. The physical and circuital levels are covered with the design and characterization of two novel temperature sensors specially tailored for DTM purposes. The first sensor is based upon a mechanism that obtains a pulse with a varying width based on the variations of the leakage currents on the temperature. In a nutshell, a circuit node is charged and subsequently left floating so that it discharges away through the subthreshold currents of a transistor; the time the node takes to discharge is the width of the pulse. Since the width of the pulse displays an exponential dependence on the temperature, the conversion into a digital word is realized by means of a logarithmic counter that performs both the timeto- digital conversion and the linearization of the output. The structure resulting from this combination of elements is implemented in a 0.35_m technology and is characterized by very reduced area, 10250 nm2, and power consumption, 1.05-65.5 nW at 5 samples/s, these figures outperformed all previous works by the time it was first published and still, by the time of the publication of this thesis, they outnumber all previous implementations in the same technology node. Concerning the accuracy, the sensor exhibits good linearity, even without calibration it displays a 3_ error of 1.97oC, appropriate to deal with DTM applications. As explained, the sensor is completely compatible with standard CMOS processes, this fact, along with its tiny area and power overhead, makes it specially suitable for the integration in a DTM monitoring system with a collection of on-chip monitors distributed across the chip. The exacerbated process fluctuations carried along with recent technology nodes jeop-ardize the linearity characteristics of the first sensor. In order to overcome these problems, a new temperature inferring technique is proposed. In this case, we also rely on the thermal dependencies of leakage currents that are used to discharge a floating node, but now, the result comes from the ratio of two different measures, in one of which we alter a characteristic of the discharging transistor |the gate voltage. This ratio proves to be very robust against process variations and displays a more than suficient linearity on the temperature |1.17oC 3_ error considering process variations and performing two-point calibration. The implementation of the sensing part based on this new technique implies several issues, such as the generation of process variations independent voltage reference, that are analyzed in depth in the thesis. In order to perform the time-to-digital conversion, we employ the same digitization structure the former sensor used. A completely new standard cell library targeting low area and power overhead is built from scratch to implement the digitization part. Putting all the pieces together, we achieve a complete sensor system that is characterized by ultra low energy per conversion of 48-640pJ and area of 0.0016mm2, this figure outperforms all previous works. To prove this statement, we perform a thorough comparison with over 40 works from the scientific literature. Moving up to the system level, the third contribution is centered on the modeling of a monitoring system consisting of set of thermal sensors distributed across the chip. All previous works from the literature target maximizing the accuracy of the system with the minimum number of monitors. In contrast, we introduce new metrics of quality apart form just the number of sensors; we consider the power consumption, the sampling frequency, the possibility to consider different types of monitors and the interconnection costs. The model is introduced in a simulated annealing algorithm that receives the thermal information of a system, its physical properties, area, power and interconnection constraints and a collection of monitor types; the algorithm yields the selected type of monitor, the number of monitors, their position and the optimum sampling rate. We test the algorithm with the Alpha 21364 processor under several constraint configurations to prove its validity. When compared to other previous works in the literature, the modeling presented here is the most complete. Finally, the last contribution targets the networking level, given an allocated set of temperature monitors, we focused on solving the problem of connecting them in an efficient way from the area and power perspectives. Our first proposal in this area is the introduction of a new interconnection hierarchy level, the threshing level, in between the monitors and the traditional peripheral buses that applies data selectivity to reduce the amount of information that is sent to the central controller. The idea behind this new level is that in this kind of networks most data are useless because from the controller viewpoint just a small amount of data |normally extreme values| is of interest. To cover the new interconnection level, we propose a single-wire monitoring network based on a time-domain signaling scheme that significantly reduces both the switching activity over the wire and the power consumption of the network. This scheme codes the information in the time domain and allows a straightforward obtention of an ordered list of values from the maximum to the minimum. If the scheme is applied to monitors that employ TDC, digitization resource sharing is achieved, producing an important saving in area and power consumption. Two prototypes of complete monitoring systems are presented, they significantly overcome previous works in terms of area and, specially, power consumption.


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We study the renormalization group flow of the average action of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with power-law forcing. Using Galilean invariance, we introduce a nonperturbative approximation adapted to the zero-frequency sector of the theory in the parametric range of the Hölder exponent 4−2 ɛ of the forcing where real-space local interactions are relevant. In any spatial dimension d, we observe the convergence of the resulting renormalization group flow to a unique fixed point which yields a kinetic energy spectrum scaling in agreement with canonical dimension analysis. Kolmogorov's −5/3 law is, thus, recovered for ɛ=2 as also predicted by perturbative renormalization. At variance with the perturbative prediction, the −5/3 law emerges in the presence of a saturation in the ɛ dependence of the scaling dimension of the eddy diffusivity at ɛ=3/2 when, according to perturbative renormalization, the velocity field becomes infrared relevant.


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Como consecuencia del proceso de desalación, se produce el vertido al mar de un agua de rechazo hipersalino o salmuera. La salinidad de este vertido es variable, dependiendo del origen de la captación y del proceso de tratamiento. Muchos de los hábitats y biocenosis de los ecosistemas marinos se encuentran adaptados a ambientes de salinidad casi constante y son muy susceptibles a los incrementos de salinidad originados por estos vertidos. Junto con el vertido de salmuera otro de los principales inconvenientes que plantean las plantas desaladoras es el alto consumo energético, con todas las desventajas que esto supone: alto coste del agua desalada para los consumidores, contaminación del medio... El desarrollo de los métodos de vertido, herramientas de gestión de la salmuera, estudios del comportamiento de la pluma salina… ha buscado la mitigación de estos efectos sobre los ecosistemas marinos. El desarrollo en membranas de ósmosis inversa, diseño de bombas y sistemas de recuperación de energía ha permitido también la reducción del consumo energético en las plantas de desalación. Sin embargo, estos campos parecen haber encontrado un techo tecnológico difícil de rebasar en los últimos tiempos. La energía osmótica se plantea como uno de los caminos a investigar aplicado al campo de la reducción del consumo energético en desalación de agua de mar, a través del aprovechamiento energético de la salmuera. Con esta tesis se pretende cumplir principalmente con los siguientes objetivos: reducción del consumo energético en desalación, mitigar el impacto del vertido sobre el medio y ser una nueva herramienta en la gestión de la salmuera. En el presente documento se plantea el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso que utiliza el fenómeno de la ósmosis directa a través de membranas semipermeables, y busca la sinergia desalación depuración, integrando ambos, en un único proceso de tratamiento dentro del ciclo integral del agua. Para verificar los valores de producción, calidad y rendimiento del proceso, se proyecta y construye una planta piloto ubicada en la Planta Desaladora de Alicante II, escalada de tal manera que permite la realización de los ensayos con equipos comerciales de tamaño mínimo. El objetivo es que el resultado final sea extrapolable a tamaños superiores sin que el escalado afecte a la certeza y fiabilidad de las conclusiones obtenidas. La planta se proyecta de forma que el vertido de una desaladora de ósmosis inversa junto con el vertido de un terciario convencional, se pasan por una ósmosis directa y a continuación por una ósmosis inversa otra vez, ésta última con el objeto de abrir la posibilidad de incrementar la producción de agua potable. Ambas ósmosis están provistas de un sistema de pretratamiento físico-químico (para adecuar la calidad del agua de entrada a las condiciones requeridas por las membranas en ambos casos), y un sistema de limpieza química. En todos los ensayos se usa como fuente de disolución concentrada (agua salada), el rechazo de un bastidor de ósmosis inversa de una desaladora convencional de agua de mar. La fuente de agua dulce marca la distinción entre dos tipos de ensayos: ensayos con el efluente del tratamiento terciario de una depuradora convencional, con lo que se estudia el comportamiento de la membrana ante el ensuciamiento; y ensayos con agua permeada, que permiten estudiar el comportamiento ideal de la membrana. Los resultados de los ensayos con agua salobre ponen de manifiesto problemas de ensuciamiento de la membrana, el caudal de paso a través de la misma disminuye con el tiempo y este efecto se ve incrementado con el aumento de la temperatura del agua. Este fenómeno deriva en una modificación del pretratamiento de la ósmosis directa añadiendo un sistema de ultrafiltración que ha permitido que la membrana presente un comportamiento estable en el tiempo. Los ensayos con agua permeada han hecho posible estudiar el comportamiento “ideal” de la membrana y se han obtenido las condiciones óptimas de operación y a las que se debe tender, consiguiendo tasas de recuperación de energía de 1,6; lo que supone pasar de un consumo de 2,44 kWh/m3 de un tren convencional de ósmosis a 2,28 kWh/m3 al añadir un sistema de ósmosis directa. El objetivo de futuras investigaciones es llegar a tasas de recuperación de 1,9, lo que supondría alcanzar consumos inferiores a 2 kWh/m3. Con esta tesis se concluye que el proceso propuesto permite dar un paso más en la reducción del consumo energético en desalación, además de mitigar los efectos del vertido de salmuera en el medio marino puesto que se reduce tanto el caudal como la salinidad del vertido, siendo además aplicable a plantas ya existentes y planteando importantes ventajas económicas a plantas nuevas, concebidas con este diseño. As a consequence of the desalination process, a discharge of a hypersaline water or brine in the sea is produced. The salinity of these discharges varies, depending on the type of intake and the treatment process. Many of the habitats and biocenosis of marine ecosystems are adapted to an almost constant salinity environment and they are very susceptible to salinity increases caused by these discharges. Besides the brine discharge, another problem posed by desalination plants, is the high energy consumption, with all the disadvantages that this involves: high cost of desalinated water for consumers, environmental pollution ... The development of methods of disposal, brine management tools, studies of saline plume ... has sought the mitigation of these effects on marine ecosystems. The development of reverse osmosis membranes, pump design and energy recovery systems have also enabled the reduction of energy consumption in desalination plants. However, these fields seem to have reached a technological ceiling which is difficult to exceed in recent times. Osmotic power is proposed as a new way to achieve the reduction of energy consumption in seawater desalination, through the energy recovery from the brine. This thesis mainly tries to achieve the following objectives: reduction of energy consumption in desalination, mitigation of the brine discharge impact on the environment and become a new tool in the management of the brine. This paper proposes the development of a new process, that uses the phenomenon of forward osmosis through semipermeable membranes and seeks the synergy desalination-wastewater reuse, combining both into a single treatment process within the integral water cycle. To verify the production, quality and performance of the process we have created a pilot plant. This pilot plant, located in Alicante II desalination plant, has been designed and built in a scale that allows to carry out the tests with minimum size commercial equipment. The aim is that the results can be extrapolated to larger sizes, preventing that the scale affects the accuracy and reliability of the results. In the projected plant, the discharge of a reverse osmosis desalination plant and the effluent of a convencional tertiary treatment of a wastewater plant, go through a forward osmosis module, and then through a reverse osmosis, in order to open the possibility of increasing potable water production. Both osmosis systems are provided with a physicochemical pretreatment (in order to obtain the required conditions for the membranes in both cases), and a chemical cleaning system. In all tests, it is used as a source of concentrated solution (salt water), the rejection of a rack of a conventional reverse osmosis seawater desalination. The source of fresh water makes the difference between two types of tests: test with the effluent from a tertiary treatment of a conventional wastewater treatment plant (these tests study the behavior of the membrane facing the fouling) and tests with permeate, which allow us to study the ideal behavior of the membrane. The results of the tests with brackish water show fouling problems, the flow rate through the membrane decreases with the time and this effect is increased with water temperature. This phenomenon causes the need for a modification of the pretreatment of the direct osmosis module. An ultrafiltration system is added to enable the membrane to present a stable behavior . The tests with permeate have made possible the study of the ideal behavior of the membrane and we have obtained the optimum operating conditions. We have achieved energy recovery rates of 1.6, which allows to move from a consumption of 2.44 kWh/m3 in a conventional train of reverse osmosis to 2.28 kWh / m3 if it is added the direct osmosis system. The goal of future researches is to achieve recovery rates of 1.9, which would allow to reach a consumption lower than 2 kWh/m3. This thesis concludes that the proposed process allows us to take a further step in the reduction of the energy consumption in desalination. We must also add the mitigation of the brine discharge effects on the marine environment, due to the reduction of the flow and salinity of the discharge. This is also applicable to existing plants, and it suggests important economic benefits to new plants that will be built with this design.


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Damage models based on the Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) include explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behavior and, therefore, are consistent with the definition of damage as a phenomenon with mechanical consequences. However, this kind of models is characterized by their complexity. Using the concept of lumped models, possible simplifications of the coupled models have been proposed in the literature to adapt them to the study of beams and frames. On the other hand, in most of these coupled models damage is associated only with the damage energy release rate which is shown to be the elastic strain energy. According to this, damage is a function of the maximum amplitude of cyclic deformation but does not depend on the number of cycles. Therefore, low cycle effects are not taking into account. From the simplified model proposed by Flórez-López, it is the purpose of this paper to present a formulation that allows to take into account the degradation produced not only by the peak values but also by the cumulative effects such as the low cycle fatigue. For it, the classical damage dissipative potential based on the concept of damage energy release rate is modified using a fatigue function in order to include cumulative effects. The fatigue function is determined through parameters such as the cumulative rotation and the total rotation and the number of cycles to failure. Those parameters can be measured or identified physically through the haracteristics of the RC. So the main advantage of the proposed model is the possibility of simulating the low cycle fatigue behavior without introducing parameters with no suitable physical meaning. The good performance of the proposed model is shown through a comparison between numerical and test results under cycling loading.


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Este trabajo aborda el problema de modelizar sistemas din´amicos reales a partir del estudio de sus series temporales, usando una formulaci´on est´andar que pretende ser una abstracci´on universal de los sistemas din´amicos, independientemente de su naturaleza determinista, estoc´astica o h´ıbrida. Se parte de modelizaciones separadas de sistemas deterministas por un lado y estoc´asticos por otro, para converger finalmente en un modelo h´ıbrido que permite estudiar sistemas gen´ericos mixtos, esto es, que presentan una combinaci´on de comportamiento determinista y aleatorio. Este modelo consta de dos componentes, uno determinista consistente en una ecuaci´on en diferencias, obtenida a partir de un estudio de autocorrelaci´on, y otro estoc´astico que modeliza el error cometido por el primero. El componente estoc´astico es un generador universal de distribuciones de probabilidad, basado en un proceso compuesto de variables aleatorias, uniformemente distribuidas en un intervalo variable en el tiempo. Este generador universal es deducido en la tesis a partir de una nueva teor´ıa sobre la oferta y la demanda de un recurso gen´erico. El modelo resultante puede formularse conceptualmente como una entidad con tres elementos fundamentales: un motor generador de din´amica determinista, una fuente interna de ruido generadora de incertidumbre y una exposici´on al entorno que representa las interacciones del sistema real con el mundo exterior. En las aplicaciones estos tres elementos se ajustan en base al hist´orico de las series temporales del sistema din´amico. Una vez ajustados sus componentes, el modelo se comporta de una forma adaptativa tomando como inputs los nuevos valores de las series temporales del sistema y calculando predicciones sobre su comportamiento futuro. Cada predicci´on se presenta como un intervalo dentro del cual cualquier valor es equipro- bable, teniendo probabilidad nula cualquier valor externo al intervalo. De esta forma el modelo computa el comportamiento futuro y su nivel de incertidumbre en base al estado actual del sistema. Se ha aplicado el modelo en esta tesis a sistemas muy diferentes mostrando ser muy flexible para afrontar el estudio de campos de naturaleza dispar. El intercambio de tr´afico telef´onico entre operadores de telefon´ıa, la evoluci´on de mercados financieros y el flujo de informaci´on entre servidores de Internet son estudiados en profundidad en la tesis. Todos estos sistemas son modelizados de forma exitosa con un mismo lenguaje, a pesar de tratarse de sistemas f´ısicos totalmente distintos. El estudio de las redes de telefon´ıa muestra que los patrones de tr´afico telef´onico presentan una fuerte pseudo-periodicidad semanal contaminada con una gran cantidad de ruido, sobre todo en el caso de llamadas internacionales. El estudio de los mercados financieros muestra por su parte que la naturaleza fundamental de ´estos es aleatoria con un rango de comportamiento relativamente acotado. Una parte de la tesis se dedica a explicar algunas de las manifestaciones emp´ıricas m´as importantes en los mercados financieros como son los “fat tails”, “power laws” y “volatility clustering”. Por ´ultimo se demuestra que la comunicaci´on entre servidores de Internet tiene, al igual que los mercados financieros, una componente subyacente totalmente estoc´astica pero de comportamiento bastante “d´ocil”, siendo esta docilidad m´as acusada a medida que aumenta la distancia entre servidores. Dos aspectos son destacables en el modelo, su adaptabilidad y su universalidad. El primero es debido a que, una vez ajustados los par´ametros generales, el modelo se “alimenta” de los valores observables del sistema y es capaz de calcular con ellos comportamientos futuros. A pesar de tener unos par´ametros fijos, la variabilidad en los observables que sirven de input al modelo llevan a una gran riqueza de ouputs posibles. El segundo aspecto se debe a la formulaci´on gen´erica del modelo h´ıbrido y a que sus par´ametros se ajustan en base a manifestaciones externas del sistema en estudio, y no en base a sus caracter´ısticas f´ısicas. Estos factores hacen que el modelo pueda utilizarse en gran variedad de campos. Por ´ultimo, la tesis propone en su parte final otros campos donde se han obtenido ´exitos preliminares muy prometedores como son la modelizaci´on del riesgo financiero, los algoritmos de routing en redes de telecomunicaci´on y el cambio clim´atico. Abstract This work faces the problem of modeling dynamical systems based on the study of its time series, by using a standard language that aims to be an universal abstraction of dynamical systems, irrespective of their deterministic, stochastic or hybrid nature. Deterministic and stochastic models are developed separately to be merged subsequently into a hybrid model, which allows the study of generic systems, that is to say, those having both deterministic and random behavior. This model is a combination of two different components. One of them is deterministic and consisting in an equation in differences derived from an auto-correlation study and the other is stochastic and models the errors made by the deterministic one. The stochastic component is an universal generator of probability distributions based on a process consisting in random variables distributed uniformly within an interval varying in time. This universal generator is derived in the thesis from a new theory of offer and demand for a generic resource. The resulting model can be visualized as an entity with three fundamental elements: an engine generating deterministic dynamics, an internal source of noise generating uncertainty and an exposure to the environment which depicts the interactions between the real system and the external world. In the applications these three elements are adjusted to the history of the time series from the dynamical system. Once its components have been adjusted, the model behaves in an adaptive way by using the new time series values from the system as inputs and calculating predictions about its future behavior. Every prediction is provided as an interval, where any inner value is equally probable while all outer ones have null probability. So, the model computes the future behavior and its level of uncertainty based on the current state of the system. The model is applied to quite different systems in this thesis, showing to be very flexible when facing the study of fields with diverse nature. The exchange of traffic between telephony operators, the evolution of financial markets and the flow of information between servers on the Internet are deeply studied in this thesis. All these systems are successfully modeled by using the same “language”, in spite the fact that they are systems physically radically different. The study of telephony networks shows that the traffic patterns are strongly weekly pseudo-periodic but mixed with a great amount of noise, specially in the case of international calls. It is proved that the underlying nature of financial markets is random with a moderate range of variability. A part of this thesis is devoted to explain some of the most important empirical observations in financial markets, such as “fat tails”, “power laws” and “volatility clustering”. Finally it is proved that the communication between two servers on the Internet has, as in the case of financial markets, an underlaying random dynamics but with a narrow range of variability, being this lack of variability more marked as the distance between servers is increased. Two aspects of the model stand out as being the most important: its adaptability and its universality. The first one is due to the fact that once the general parameters have been adjusted , the model is “fed” on the observable manifestations of the system in order to calculate its future behavior. Despite the fact that the model has fixed parameters the variability in the observable manifestations of the system, which are used as inputs of the model, lead to a great variability in the possible outputs. The second aspect is due to the general “language” used in the formulation of the hybrid model and to the fact that its parameters are adjusted based on external manifestations of the system under study instead of its physical characteristics. These factors made the model suitable to be used in great variety of fields. Lastly, this thesis proposes other fields in which preliminary and promising results have been obtained, such as the modeling of financial risk, the development of routing algorithms for telecommunication networks and the assessment of climate change.


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Renewable energy sources are believed to reduce drastically greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise be generated from fossil fuels used to generate electricity. This implies that a unit of renewable energy will replace a unit of fossil-fuel, with its CO2 emissions, on an equivalent basis (with no other effects on the grid). But, the fuel economy and emissions in the existing power systems are not proportional with the electricity production of intermittent sources due to cycling of the fossil fuel plants that make up the balance of the grid (i.e. changing the power output makes thermal units to operate less efficiently). This study focuses in the interactions between wind generation and thermal plants cycling, by establishing the levels of extra fuel use caused by decreased efficiencies of fossil back-up for wind electricity in Spain. We analyze the production of all thermal plants in 2011, studying different scenarios where wind penetration causes major deviations in programming, while we define a procedure for quantifying the carbon reductions by using emission factors and efficiency curves from the existing installations. The objectives are to discuss the real contributions of renewable energies to the environmental targets as well as suggest alternatives that would improve the reliability of future power systems.


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Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN) is a non-profrt organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (Sociedad Nuclear Española, SNE).Since one of rts main goals is to spread the knowledge about nuclear power,severa! technical tours to facilities wrth an importan!role in the nuclear fuel cycle have been organized for the purpose ofleaming about the different stages of the Spanish tuel cycle. Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear had the opportunity to visit ENUSA Fuel Assembly Factory in Juzbado (Salamanca, Spain), Where it could be understood the front-end cycle which involves the uranium supply and storage, design and manufacturing of fuel bundles for European nuclear power plants. Alterwards, due to the tour of Almaraz NPP (PWR) and Santa María de Garoña NPP (BWR), rt could be comprehended how to obtain energy from this fuel in two different types of reactors.Furthermore,in these two plants, the facilities related to the back-end cycle could be toured. lt was possible to watch the Spent FuelPools, where the fuel bundles are stored under water until their activity is reduced enough to transport them to an Individual Temporary Storage Facility orto the Centralized Temporary Storage. Finally, a technical tour to ENSA Heavy Components Factory (ENSA) was accomplished, Where it could be experienced at first hand how different Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) components and other nuclear elements, such as racks or shipping and storage casks for spent nuclear fuel, are manulactured. All these perlonned technical tours were a complete success thanks to a generous care and know-how of the wor1


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Anthropogenic N deposition poses a threat to European Mediterranean ecosystems. We combined data from an extant N deposition gradient (4.3–7.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) from semiarid areas of Spain and a field experiment in central Spain to evaluate N deposition effects on soil fertility, function and cyanobacteria community. Soil organic N did not increase along the extant gradient. Nitrogen fixation decreased along existing and experimental N deposition gradients, a result possibly related to compositional shifts in soil cyanobacteria community. Net ammonification and nitrification (which dominated N-mineralization) were reduced and increased, respectively, by N fertilization, suggesting alterations in the N cycle. Soil organic C content, C:N ratios and the activity of β-glucosidase decreased along the extant gradient in most locations. Our results suggest that semiarid soils in low-productivity sites are unable to store additional N inputs, and that are also unable to mitigate increasing C emissions when experiencing increased N deposition.


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To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport-leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people's decision to cycle to work-place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work-place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.


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The interest in LED lighting has been growing recently due to the high efficacy, lifelime and ruggedness that this technology offers. However the key element to guarantee those parameters with these new electronic devices is to keep under control the working temperature of the semiconductor crystal. This paper propases a LED lamp design that fulfils the requ irements of a PV lighting systems, whose main quality criteria is reliability. It uses directly as a power supply a non·stabilized constant voltage source, as batteries. An electronic control architecture is used to regulate the current applied to the LEO matri)( according to their temperature and the voltage output value of the batteries with two pulse modulation signals (PWM) signals. The first one connects and disconnects the LEOs to the power supply and the second one connects and disconnects several emitters to the electric circuit changing its overall impedance. A prototype of the LEO lamp has been implemented and tested at different temperaturas and battery voltages.


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Sterile coal is a low-value residue associated to the coal extraction and mining activity. According to the type and origin of the coal bed configuration, sterile coal production can mainly vary on quantity, calorific value and presence of sulphur compounds. In addition, the potential availability of sterile coal within Spain is apparently high and its contribution to the local power generation would be of interest playing a significant role. The proposed study evaluates the availability and deployment of gasification technologies to drive clean electricity generation from waste coal and sterile rock coal, incorporating greenhouse gas emission mitigation systems, like CO2, H2S and NOx removal systems. It establishes the target facility and its conceptual basic design proposal. The syngas obtained after the gasification of sterile coal is processed through specific conditioning units before entering into the combustion chamber of a gas turbine. Flue gas leaving the gas turbine is ducted to a heat recovery steam generation boiler; the steam produced within the boilerdrives a steam turbine. The target facility resembles a singular Integrated Gasification in Combined Cycle (IGCC) power station. The evaluation of the conceptual basic design according to the power output set for a maximum sterile contribution, established that rates over 95% H2S and 90% CO2 removal can be achieved. Noticeable decrease of NOx compounds can be also achieved by the use of commercial technology. A techno-economic approach of the conceptual basic design is made evaluating the integration of potential unitsand their implementation within the target facility aiming toachieve clean power generation. The criterion to be compliant with the most restrictive regulation regarding environmental emissions is setting to carry out this analysis.


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To develop effective cycling policies, decision makers and administrators should know the factors influencing the use of the bicycle for daily mobility. Traditional discrete choice models tend to be based on variables such as time and cost, which do not sufficiently explain the choice of the bicycle as a mode of transportation. Because psychological factors have been identified as particularly influential in the decision to commute by bicycle, this paper examines the perceptions of cycling factors and their influence on commuting by bicycle. Perceptions are measured by attitudes, other psychological variables, and habits. Statistical differences in the variables are established in relation to the choice of commuting mode and bicycle experience (commuter, sport–leisure, no use). Doing so enables the authors to identify the main barriers to commuting by bicycle and to make recommendations for cycling policies. Two underlying structures (factors) of the attitudinal variables are identified: direct benefits and long-term benefits. Three other factors are related to variables of difficulty: physical conditions, external facilities, and individual capacities. The effect of attitudes and other psychological variables on people’s decision to cycle to work–place of study is tested by using a logit model. In the case study of Madrid, Spain, the decision to cycle to work– place of study is heavily influenced by cycling habits (for noncommuting trips). Because bicycle commuting is not common, attitudes and other psychological variables play a less important role in the use of bikes.


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Short-run forecasting of electricity prices has become necessary for power generation unit schedule, since it is the basis of every profit maximization strategy. In this article a new and very easy method to compute accurate forecasts for electricity prices using mixed models is proposed. The main idea is to develop an efficient tool for one-step-ahead forecasting in the future, combining several prediction methods for which forecasting performance has been checked and compared for a span of several years. Also as a novelty, the 24 hourly time series has been modelled separately, instead of the complete time series of the prices. This allows one to take advantage of the homogeneity of these 24 time series. The purpose of this paper is to select the model that leads to smaller prediction errors and to obtain the appropriate length of time to use for forecasting. These results have been obtained by means of a computational experiment. A mixed model which combines the advantages of the two new models discussed is proposed. Some numerical results for the Spanish market are shown, but this new methodology can be applied to other electricity markets as well


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El requerimiento de proveer alta frecuencia de datos en los modernos sistema de comunicación inalámbricos resulta en complejas señales moduladas de radio-frequencia (RF) con un gran ancho de banda y alto ratio pico-promedio (PAPR). Para garantizar la linealidad del comportamiento, los amplificadores lineales de potencia comunes funcionan típicamente entre 4 y 10 dB de back-o_ desde la máxima potencia de salida, ocasionando una baja eficiencia del sistema. La eliminación y restauración de la evolvente (EER) y el seguimiento de la evolvente (ET) son dos prometedoras técnicas para resolver el problema de la eficiencia. Tanto en EER como en ET, es complicado diseñar un amplificador de potencia que sea eficiente para señales de RF de alto ancho de banda y alto PAPR. Una propuesta común para los amplificadores de potencia es incluir un convertidor de potencia de muy alta eficiencia operando a frecuencias más altas que el ancho de banda de la señal RF. En este caso, la potencia perdida del convertidor ocasionado por la alta frecuencia desaconseja su práctica cuando el ancho de banda es muy alto. La solución a este problema es el enfoque de esta disertación que presenta dos arquitecturas de amplificador evolvente: convertidor híbrido-serie con una técnica de evolvente lenta y un convertidor multinivel basado en un convertidor reductor multifase con control de tiempo mínimo. En la primera arquitectura, una topología híbrida está compuesta de una convertidor reductor conmutado y un regulador lineal en serie que trabajan juntos para ajustar la tensión de salida para seguir a la evolvente con precisión. Un algoritmo de generación de una evolvente lenta crea una forma de onda con una pendiente limitada que es menor que la pendiente máxima de la evolvente original. La salida del convertidor reductor sigue esa forma de onda en vez de la evolvente original usando una menor frecuencia de conmutación, porque la forma de onda no sólo tiene una pendiente reducida sino también un menor ancho de banda. De esta forma, el regulador lineal se usa para filtrar la forma de onda tiene una pérdida de potencia adicional. Dependiendo de cuánto se puede reducir la pendiente de la evolvente para producir la forma de onda, existe un trade-off entre la pérdida de potencia del convertidor reductor relacionada con la frecuencia de conmutación y el regulador lineal. El punto óptimo referido a la menor pérdida de potencia total del amplificador de evolvente es capaz de identificarse con la ayuda de modelo preciso de pérdidas que es una combinación de modelos comportamentales y analíticos de pérdidas. Además, se analiza el efecto en la respuesta del filtro de salida del convertidor reductor. Un filtro de dampeo paralelo extra es necesario para eliminar la oscilación resonante del filtro de salida porque el convertidor reductor opera en lazo abierto. La segunda arquitectura es un amplificador de evolvente de seguimiento de tensión multinivel. Al contrario que los convertidores que usan multi-fuentes, un convertidor reductor multifase se emplea para generar la tensión multinivel. En régimen permanente, el convertidor reductor opera en puntos del ciclo de trabajo con cancelación completa del rizado. El número de niveles de tensión es igual al número de fases de acuerdo a las características del entrelazamiento del convertidor reductor. En la transición, un control de tiempo mínimo (MTC) para convertidores multifase es novedosamente propuesto y desarrollado para cambiar la tensión de salida del convertidor reductor entre diferentes niveles. A diferencia de controles convencionales de tiempo mínimo para convertidores multifase con inductancia equivalente, el propuesto MTC considera el rizado de corriente por cada fase basado en un desfase fijo que resulta en diferentes esquemas de control entre las fases. La ventaja de este control es que todas las corrientes vuelven a su fase en régimen permanente después de la transición para que la siguiente transición pueda empezar muy pronto, lo que es muy favorable para la aplicación de seguimiento de tensión multinivel. Además, el control es independiente de la carga y no es afectado por corrientes de fase desbalanceadas. Al igual que en la primera arquitectura, hay una etapa lineal con la misma función, conectada en serie con el convertidor reductor multifase. Dado que tanto el régimen permanente como el estado de transición del convertidor no están fuertemente relacionados con la frecuencia de conmutación, la frecuencia de conmutación puede ser reducida para el alto ancho de banda de la evolvente, la cual es la principal consideración de esta arquitectura. La optimización de la segunda arquitectura para más alto anchos de banda de la evolvente es presentada incluyendo el diseño del filtro de salida, la frecuencia de conmutación y el número de fases. El área de diseño del filtro está restringido por la transición rápida y el mínimo pulso del hardware. La rápida transición necesita un filtro pequeño pero la limitación del pulso mínimo del hardware lleva el diseño en el sentido contrario. La frecuencia de conmutación del convertidor afecta principalmente a la limitación del mínimo pulso y a las pérdidas de potencia. Con una menor frecuencia de conmutación, el ancho de pulso en la transición es más pequeño. El número de fases relativo a la aplicación específica puede ser optimizado en términos de la eficiencia global. Otro aspecto de la optimización es mejorar la estrategia de control. La transición permite seguir algunas partes de la evolvente que son más rápidas de lo que el hardware puede soportar al precio de complejidad. El nuevo método de sincronización de la transición incrementa la frecuencia de la transición, permitiendo que la tensión multinivel esté más cerca de la evolvente. Ambas estrategias permiten que el convertidor pueda seguir una evolvente con un ancho de banda más alto que la limitación de la etapa de potencia. El modelo de pérdidas del amplificador de evolvente se ha detallado y validado mediante medidas. El mecanismo de pérdidas de potencia del convertidor reductor tiene que incluir las transiciones en tiempo real, lo cual es diferente del clásico modelos de pérdidas de un convertidor reductor síncrono. Este modelo estima la eficiencia del sistema y juega un papel muy importante en el proceso de optimización. Finalmente, la segunda arquitectura del amplificador de evolvente se integra con el amplificador de clase F. La medida del sistema EER prueba el ahorro de energía con el amplificador de evolvente propuesto sin perjudicar la linealidad del sistema. ABSTRACT The requirement of delivering high data rates in modern wireless communication systems results in complex modulated RF signals with wide bandwidth and high peak-to-average ratio (PAPR). In order to guarantee the linearity performance, the conventional linear power amplifiers typically work at 4 to 10 dB back-off from the maximum output power, leading to low system efficiency. The envelope elimination and restoration (EER) and envelope tracking (ET) are two promising techniques to overcome the efficiency problem. In both EER and ET, it is challenging to design efficient envelope amplifier for wide bandwidth and high PAPR RF signals. An usual approach for envelope amplifier includes a high-efficiency switching power converter operating at a frequency higher than the RF signal's bandwidth. In this case, the power loss of converter caused by high switching operation becomes unbearable for system efficiency when signal bandwidth is very wide. The solution of this problem is the focus of this dissertation that presents two architectures of envelope amplifier: a hybrid series converter with slow-envelope technique and a multilevel converter based on a multiphase buck converter with the minimum time control. In the first architecture, a hybrid topology is composed of a switched buck converter and a linear regulator in series that work together to adjust the output voltage to track the envelope with accuracy. A slow envelope generation algorithm yields a waveform with limited slew rate that is lower than the maximum slew rate of the original envelope. The buck converter's output follows this waveform instead of the original envelope using lower switching frequency, because the waveform has not only reduced slew rate but also reduced bandwidth. In this way, the linear regulator used to filter the waveform has additional power loss. Depending on how much reduction of the slew rate of envelope in order to obtain that waveform, there is a trade-off between the power loss of buck converter related to the switching frequency and the power loss of linear regulator. The optimal point referring to the lowest total power loss of this envelope amplifier is identified with the help of a precise power loss model that is a combination of behavioral and analytic loss model. In addition, the output filter's effect on the response is analyzed. An extra parallel damping filter is needed to eliminate the resonant oscillation of output filter L and C, because the buck converter operates in open loop. The second architecture is a multilevel voltage tracking envelope amplifier. Unlike the converters using multi-sources, a multiphase buck converter is employed to generate the multilevel voltage. In the steady state, the buck converter operates at complete ripple cancellation points of duty cycle. The number of the voltage levels is equal to the number of phases according the characteristics of interleaved buck converter. In the transition, a minimum time control (MTC) for multiphase converter is originally proposed and developed for changing the output voltage of buck converter between different levels. As opposed to conventional minimum time control for multiphase converter with equivalent inductance, the proposed MTC considers the current ripple of each phase based on the fixed phase shift resulting in different control schemes among the phases. The advantage of this control is that all the phase current return to the steady state after the transition so that the next transition can be triggered very soon, which is very favorable for the application of multilevel voltage tracking. Besides, the control is independent on the load condition and not affected by the unbalance of phase current. Like the first architecture, there is also a linear stage with the same function, connected in series with the multiphase buck converter. Since both steady state and transition state of the converter are not strongly related to the switching frequency, it can be reduced for wide bandwidth envelope which is the main consideration of this architecture. The optimization of the second architecture for wider bandwidth envelope is presented including the output filter design, switching frequency and the number of phases. The filter design area is restrained by fast transition and the minimum pulse of hardware. The fast transition needs small filter but the minimum pulse of hardware limitation pushes the filter in opposite way. The converter switching frequency mainly affects the minimum pulse limitation and the power loss. With lower switching frequency, the pulse width in the transition is smaller. The number of phases related to specific application can be optimized in terms of overall efficiency. Another aspect of optimization is improving control strategy. Transition shift allows tracking some parts of envelope that are faster than the hardware can support at the price of complexity. The new transition synchronization method increases the frequency of transition, allowing the multilevel voltage to be closer to the envelope. Both control strategies push the converter to track wider bandwidth envelope than the limitation of power stage. The power loss model of envelope amplifier is detailed and validated by measurements. The power loss mechanism of buck converter has to include the transitions in real time operation, which is different from classical power loss model of synchronous buck converter. This model estimates the system efficiency and play a very important role in optimization process. Finally, the second envelope amplifier architecture is integrated with a Class F amplifier. EER system measurement proves the power saving with the proposed envelope amplifier without disrupting the linearity performance.