964 resultados para undergraduate organic chemistry teaching


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The intrinsic gas-phase reactivity of cyclic N-acyliminium ions in Mannich-type reactions with the parent enol silane, vinyloxytrimethylsilane, has been investigated by double- and triple-stage pentaquadrupole mass spectrometric experiments. Remarkably distinct reactivities are observed for cyclic N-acyliminium ions bearing either endocyclic or exocyclic carbonyl groups. NH-Acyliminium ions with endocyclic carbonyl groups locked in s-trans forms participate in a novel tandem N-acyliminium ion reaction:  the nascent adduct formed by simple addition is unstable and rearranges by intramolecular trimethylsilyl cation shift to the ring nitrogen, and an acetaldehyde enol molecule is eliminated. An NSi(CH3)3-acyliminium ion is formed, and this intermediate ion reacts with a second molecule of vinyloxytrimethylsilane by simple addition to form a stable acyclic adduct. N-Acyl and N,N-diacyliminium ions with endocyclic carbonyl groups, for which the s-cis conformation is favored, react distinctively by mono polar [4+ + 2] cycloaddition yielding stable, ressonance-stabilized cycloadducts. Product ions were isolated via mass-selection and structurally characterized by triple-stage mass spectrometric experiments. B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) calculations corroborate the proposed reaction mechanisms.


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he intrinsic gas-phase reactivity of cyclic N-alkyl- and N-acyliminium ions toward addition of allyltrimethylsilane (ATMS) has been compared using MS2 and MS3 pentaquadrupole mass spectrometric experiments. An order of electrophilic reactivity has been derived and found to agree with orders of overall reactivity in solution. The prototype five-membered ring N-alkyliminium ion 1a and its N-CH3 analogue 1b, as well as their six-membered ring analogues 1c and 1d, lack N-acyl activation and they are, accordingly, inert toward ATMS addition. The five- and six-membered ring N-acyliminium ions with N-COCH3 exocycclic groups, 3a and 3b, respectively, are also not very reactive. The N-acyliminium ions 2a and 2c, with s-trans locked endocyclic N-carbonyl groups, are the most reactive followed closely by 3c and 3d with exocyclic (and unlocked) N-CO2CH3 groups. The five-membered ring N-acyliminium ions are more reactive than their six-membered ring analogues, that is:  2a > 2c and 3c > 3d. In contrast with the high reactivity of 2a, its N-CH3 analogue 2b is inert toward ATMS addition. For the first time, the transient intermediates of a Mannich-type condensation reaction were isolatedthe β-silyl cations formed by ATMS addition to N-acyliminium ionsand their intrinsic gas-phase behavior toward dissociation and reaction with a nucleophile investigated. When collisionally activated, the β-silyl cations dissociate preferentially by Grob fragmentation, that is, by retro-addition. With pyridine, they react competitively and to variable extents by proton transfer and by trimethylsilylium ion abstractionthe final and key step postulated for α-amidoalkylation. Becke3LYP/6-311G(d,p) reaction energetics, charge densities on the electrophilic C-2 site, and AM1 LUMO energies have been used to rationalize the order of intrinsic gas-phase electrophilic reactivity of cyclic iminium and N-acyliminium ions.


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Acompanha: Sequências didáticas para o ensino de teorias atômicas e elementos químicos


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Estrogens can be labeled with the positron-emitting radionuclide fluorine-18 (t$\sb{1/2}$ = 110 min) by fluoride ion (n-Bu$\sb4$N$\sp{18}$F) displacement of a 16$\beta$-trifluoromethanesulfonate (triflate) derivative of the corresponding estrone 3-triflate, and purification by HPLC. That sequence has been used to synthesize the 11$\beta$-methoxy 1 and 11$\beta$-ethyl 2 analogues of the breast tumor imaging agent, 16$\alpha$-($\sp{18}$F) fluoro-17$\beta$-estradiol (FES). Tissue distribution studies of 1 and 2 in immature female rats show high selectivity for target tissue (T, uterus) vs non-target (NT, muscle and lung), with T/NT ratios being 43 and 17 at one hour after injection for 1 and 2, respectively. The parent estrogen FES has previously been shown to display an intermediate value for tissue selectivity.


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O estudo apresentado teve como objetivos planificar e implementar e analisar uma proposta didática alternativa para a abordagem dos níveis macroscópico, simbólico e sub-microscópico, indispensáveis para a compreensão das reações químicas, salientando-se o facto de não se explorar, nos manuais e na prática, todo o potencial de uma reação química muito usual. A proposta utiliza uma diferente abordagem da tradicional reação de precipitação do iodeto de chumbo, centrada em questões-problema: “Ocorreu uma reação química?” e “Será possível dissolver o precipitado?”. A metodologia foi qualitativa e centrou-se na investigação-ação colaborativa. Perante as questões problema, os alunos fizeram previsões, sugeriram e realizaram procedimentos experimentais de carácter investigativo para as testar e fundamentaram as respostas através da comunicação oral e da elaboração de esquemas pictóricos (livremente), estes últimos, para ilustrar o nível sub-microscópico. Analisaram-se conjuntamente os esquemas e os dados da observação direta. Os resultados evidenciam que os alunos: identificam a ocorrência da reação química sensorialmente (visualização do aparecimento de uma substância colorida após a junção de duas soluções incolores - nível macroscópico), representam a reação química utilizando a simbologia química (nível simbólico) mas apresentam algumas dificuldades na interpretação sub-microscópica.


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O estudo desenvolveu-se no âmbito do sistema educativo angolano, com professores peritos de Química que lecionavam a 7a classe (12-13 anos de idade), com o objetivo de caraterizar o conhecimento desses professores sobre o currículo tendo em conta que o currículo de qualquer disciplina e de qualquer nível de ensino representa as aprendizagens consideradas relevantes pelos decisores devendo considerar as capacidades e aspirações do aluno, a língua, o meio e a cultura, a história e a arte, as exigências de trabalho e as interações de caráter societal. Dai que o professor, para poder planear as atividades de ensino e aprendizagem, tem, necessariamente, de conhecer o currículo no sentido de proporcionar ao educando os saberes da disciplina e explorar as articulações necessárias para a sua digna integração na complexa sociedade atual. Para o efeito, entrevistamos 16 professores selecionados como peritos. Num desenho metodológico exploratório, a técnica utilizada foi a entrevista e os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e categorizados. Os resultados revelaram que os professores peritos manifestaram um considerável domínio de conhecimento do currículo de Química e valorizaram a articulação vertical e horizontal dos seus conteúdos.


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Acompanha: Manual didático: o emprego de aspectos sociocientíficos no ensino de química


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The photodenitrogenation of vinyl azides to 2H-azirines by using a photoflow reactor is reported and compared with thermal formation of 2H-azirines. Photochemically, the ring of the 2H-azirines was opened to yield the nitrile ylides, which underwent a [3 + 2]-cycloaddition with 1,3-dipolarophiles. When diisopropyl azodicarboxylate serves as the dipolarophile, 1,3,4-triazoles become directly accessible starting from the corresponding vinyl azide. © 2013 Cludius-Brandt et al.


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The delicate balance between the production and disposal of proteins is vital for the changes required in the cell to respond to given stimulus. Ubiquitination is a protein modification with a range of signaling outcomes when ubiquitin is attached to a protein through a highly ordered enzymatic cascade process. Understanding ubiquitination is a growing field and nowadays the application of chemical reactions allows the isolation of quantitative materials for structural studies. Therefore, in this dissertation it is described some of these suitable chemical methodologies to produce an isopeptide bond toward the polymerization of ubiquitin bypassing the enzymatic control with the purpose of showing if these chemical modifications have a direct impact on the structure of ubiquitin. First, the possibility of incorporating non-natural lysine analogs known as mercaptolysines into the polypeptide chain of Ubiquitin was explored when they were attached to ubiquitin by native chemical ligation at its C terminus. The sulfhydryl group was used for the attachment of a paramagnetic label to map the surface of ubiquitin. Second, the condensation catalyzed by silver nitrate was used for the dimer assembly. In particular, the main focus was on examining whether orthogonal protection and deprotection of each monomer have an impact on the reaction yield, since the synthetic strategy has been previously attempted successfully. Third, the formation of ubiquitin dimers was approached by building an inter-ubiquitin linkage mimicking the isopeptide bond with two approaches, the classic disulfide exchange as well as the thiol-ene click reaction by thermal initiation in aqueous conditions. After assembling the dimeric units, they were studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, in order to establish a conformational state profile which depends on the pH conditions. The latter is a very important concept since some ligands have a preferred affinity when the protein-protein hydrophobic patches are in close proximity.


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Crystalline acid-functionalized metal phosphonates are potential candidates as proton conducting electrolytes. Their frameworks can be chemically modified to contain proton carriers such as acidic groups (P-OH; -SO3H, -COOH,…) and guest molecules (H2O, NH3,…) that generates hydrogen bond networks stable in a wide range of temperature [1,2]. In this work, focus is laid on properties derived from the combination of lanthanide ions with the amino-sulfophosphonate ligand (H2O3PCH2)2-N-(CH2)2-SO3H. Hightrough-put screening was followed to reach the optimal synthesis conditions under solvothermal conditions at 140 ºC. Isolated polycrystalline solids, Ln[(O3PCH2)2-NH-(CH2)2-SO3H].2H2O (Ln= La, Pr and Sm), crystallize in the monoclinic (La) and orthorhombic (Pr and Sm) systems with unit cell volume of ~2548 Å3. Preliminary proton conductivity measurements for Sm derivative have been carried out between 25º and 80 ºC at relative humidity (RH) values of 70 % and 95 %. The sample exhibits enhanced conductivity at high RH and T (Figure 1) and constant activation energies of 0.4 eV, typical of a Grothuss mechanism of proton.


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Crystalline metal phosphonates may offer acidic sites, structural flexibility and guest molecules (H2O, heterocyclics, etc.) which can act as proton carriers. In addition, some frameworks are also amenable for post‐synthesis modifications in order to enhance desired properties [1,2]. In this work, we present the synthesis and structural characterization of two hydroxyphosphonoacetates hybrids based on magnesium, [Mg5(O3PCHOHCOO)2(HO3PCHOHCOO)2·8H2O] [Mg5(HPAA)2(H1HPAA)2·8H2O], and zinc, [Zn6K(O3PCHOHCOO)4(OH)·6.5H2O] [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O]. Both solids present three-dimensional frameworks and their crystal structures were solved ab initio from X-ray powder diffraction. The proton conductivity of [Zn6K(HPAA)4(OH)·6.5H2O] as well as ammonia derivatives of M(II)(HO3PCHOHCOO)·2H2O [M(II)=Zn, Mg] will be reported and discussed.


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Metal phosphonates are multifunctional solids with tunable properties, such as internal H-bond networks, and high chemical and thermal stability [1]. In the present work, we describe the synthesis, structural characterization, luminescent properties and proton conduction performance of a new family of isostructural cationic compounds with general formula [Ln(H4NMP)(H2O)2]Cl·2H2O [Ln = La3+, Pr3+, Sm3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, H6NMP = nitrilotris(methylphosphonic acid)]. These solids are formed by positively charge layers, which consist of isolated LnO8 polyhedra and bridge chelating NMP2- ligands, held apart by chloride ions and water molecules. This arrangement result in extended interlayer hydrogen networks with possible proton transfer pathways. The proton conductivity of Gd3+ sample, selected as prototype of the series, was measured. In the range between range 25º and 80 ºC, the conductivity increase with the temperature up to a maximum value of 3.10-4 S·cm-1, at relative humidity of 95 %. The activation energy obtained from the Arrhenius plot (Figure 1) is in the range corresponding to a Grotthuss transfer mechanism.


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A estas alturas estamos más que familiarizados con el cambio de paradigma que ha supuesto el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior por el que se sitúa al alumno en el centro del proceso de aprendizaje, junto a la adquisición de competencias más allá de conocimientos. Ahora bien, estamos ante las primeras promociones que han de realizar el trabajo de fin de grado como parte de sus planes de estudio, trabajo que ha de constituir la gran oportunidad de validación de las competencias adquiridas por el alumno. La doble novedad del trabajo de fin de grado, tanto su incorporación obligatoria a los planes de estudio jurídicos que carecían de elementos semejantes, así como su orientación hacia la evaluación de las competencias, nos sitúa en un escenario en el que hemos de identificar cuáles son las competencias que se han de validar a través del trabajo de fin de grado. Ni todas las competencias tienen cabida en el trabajo de fin de grado, ni todas pueden ser trabajadas con la misma intensidad. La modalidad del trabajo, el tema a analizar e incluso el perfil e intereses del alumno serán los criterios que nos pueden ayudar a determinar la identificación de competencias.