992 resultados para supervision support
The study focused on the teacher as an adult learner rather than an instructor. A sample of three hundred and three elementary school teachers completed a two-part Likert survey questionnaire. The instrument was developed by the researcher in an attempt to operationalize Mezirow's Theory of Perspective Transformation. The four sub-scales collected information about teachers as they perceived themselves as adult learners and the way they conceptualize critical SelfReflection, Meaning perspectives and New Insights (Mezirow, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1990) within a framework of Mezirow's concept of Transformative Learning. Survey research methodology was used. Frequency distributions, means, and standard deviation were calculated. Reliability analysis and Pearson 'r' correlations established the internal consistency of items It Cross tabulations to describe differences in responses across demographic valuables were computed. The survey results indicated that teachers perceived themselves as self-directed learners. The findings support the need for a better understanding of the teacher as an adult learner so that teacher inservice programs and teacher supervision and evaluation can provide a viable learning alternative to the existing models used in practice.
Background: This study examined three social factors (i.e., autonomy support, structure, and involvement) and their relationship with the motivational processes proposed by Vallerand ( 1 997). This study explored sources of support for exercise participation. -~ ' Methods: Participants (N = 425) completed self-reported instruments which assessed variables outlined within Vallerand's ( 1 997) HMIEM. Results: Structural equation modeling analyses predicting the cognitive/affective and exercise behaviour accounted for 23 percent of variance in positive affect, 10 percent of variance in negative affect, 38 percent of variance in physical self-concept, and 4 percent of variance in exercise behaviour. Exploratory analyses revealed that friends, romantic partners, and educators to be consistent sources for providing autonomy support, structure, and involvement, f !,< r - r* Summary: This study is among the first to examine perceived sources oi autonomy support, structure, and involvement from friends in the exercise context and suggest such perceptions may contribute to motivating exercise behaviour in post-secondary students.
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of family support on diabetes education behavioural outcomes, specifically in relation to diet, exercise, and blood glucose monitoring in adult individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Fifty-three individuals attending diabetes education for the first time were followed approximately 1 month. The findings for the influence of family support were mixed. Family attending diabetes class with participants had a positive influence with respect to diet. This is consistent with Carl Rogers (1969) who espouses setting a positive climate for learning and that learning new attitudes or information comes when external barriers are at a minimum. However family attending class with participants had no influence with respect to exercise or blood glucose monitoring. The family support action of encouraging with respect to diet overall did not influence healthy eating behaviours except for decreased skipped meals and scheduled snacks. In fact, in the areas of family willing to make healthy choices along with participant, the less the family was involved in encouraging, the better the participant did. Exercise on the other hand was influenced positively by family encouragement. This is consistent with Bandura's theory that enhancement of self-confidence and self-efficacy can lead to desired behaviour changes. Family encouragement however did not appear to influence blood glucose monitoring behaviours. This study has implications for practice in that diabetes education programs can encourage family to attend classes or get involved in encouraging the person with diabetes, so that it may help to increase healthy eating behaviours and exercise. As time is necessary to implement changes in behaviour, future research can look at the influence of family support over a 6-month, I-year, or greater period.
Research Report Written for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of parental pressure and support for males who withdrew from competitive youth hockey. A phenomenological approach was used to explore this phenomenon and develop meaning from the participants' experiences. Data for this study was collected by conducting one in-depth interview with each of the seven participants. Fourteen themes emerged as a result of the data analysis. These themes were grouped into three clusters: (1) Description of parental involvement: “I want them to be there and help me”; (2) Perceived impacts of parental involvement: “I felt like he actually cared”; and (3) Impact of parental involvement on commitment: “I kind of miss hockey now”. The descriptions provided by the participants in this study, and the themes that emerged, offer insight into what it is like for young males to experience parental involvement in competitive youth hockey.
Personal Support Workers (PSWs) spend a large amount of time with long-term care (LTC) home residents providing assistance with their activities of daily living. The s limited research on their perceptions of cultural competence presents the need to bridge this knowledge gap. The researcher conducted a qualitative case study at a LTC home in Ontario. Data were collected by conducting a policy document analysis, a key informant interview with the Director of Care (DOC), and two focus groups with PSWs. The five major overarching themes were: The Culture of the LTC Home, Provision of a Supportive Environment, Collaborative Team Approach to Care, Building a Relationship with the Residents, and Maintenance of Staff Morale. The findings illuminated the broad nature of culture, connections to person centered care, and the factors that facilitate or hinder PSWs’ culturally competent care. The ambiguous perception of cultural competence among PSWs suggests further research and education on cultural competence in LTC home settings.
Organizations offering therapeutic wilderness programming have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of their front line employees. A system of social support that is formed through communication with others, either personally or professionally, can assist field instructors in effectively managing the demands arising from their work. Phenomenological analysis of semi-structured interview transcripts from seven participants provided insight on perceptions of necessity, accessibility and use of social support. Fourteen main themes and thirteen subthemes emerged from the data. Findings are presented using the six components of Parsons’ (1980) staff development model and strongly suggest program managers consider and apply specific measures aimed at increasing the social support for front line field instructors in a wilderness therapy work context.
This study examined the efficacy of providing four Grade 7 and 8 students with reading difficulties with explicit instruction in the use of reading comprehension strategies while using text-reader software. Specifically, the study explored participants' combined use of a text-reader and question-answering comprehension strategy during a 6-week instructional program. Using a qualitative case study methodology approach, participants' experiences using text-reader software, with the presence of explicit instruction in evidence-based reading comprehension strategies, were examined. The study involved three phases: (a) the first phase consisted of individual interviews with the participants and their parents; (b) the second phase consisted of a nine session course; and (c) the third phase consisted of individual exit interviews and a focus group discussion. After the data collection phases were completed, data were analyzed and coded for emerging themes, with-quantitativ,e measures of participants' reading performance used as descriptive data. The data suggested that assistive technology can serve as an instructional "hook", motivating students to engage actively in the reading processes, especially when accompanied by explicit strategy instruction. Participants' experiences also reflected development of strategy use and use of text-reader software and the importance of social interactions in developing reading comprehension skills. The findings of this study support the view that the integration of instruction using evidence-based practices are important and vital components in the inclusion oftext-reader software as part of students' educational programming. Also, the findings from this study can be extended to develop in-class programming for students using text-reader software.
This project explored self-regulation among children impacted by leaming disabilities. More specifically, this thesis examined whether a remedial literacy program called Reading Rocks! offered by the Leaming Disabilities Association of Niagara Region, provided participating children opportunities to set goals, develop strategies to meet these goals, and provide intemal and extemal feedback- all processes associated with a model of self-regulated leaming as pioneered by Butler and Winne (1995) and Winne and Hadwin (1999). In this thesis, I triangulate the data through the combination of three different methodologies. Firstly, I describe the various elements of the Reading Rocks! program. Secondly, I analyze the data gathered through three semi-structured interviews with three parents of children that participated in the Reading Rocks! program to demonstrate whether the program provides opportunities for children to self-regulate their learning. Thirdly, I also analyze photographic evidence of the motivational workstation boards created by the tutors and children to further illustrate how Reading Rocks! promotes self-regulatory processes among children.
A release from the office of Peter Partington, QC, MPP Brock, stating his support for the Wine Council of Ontario. The resolution is quoted and and there are handwritten notes making slight changes. The document is dated October 25, 1985.
Recent research suggests organizational factors should be considered in order to better understand the attrition of minor hockey. Consequently, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the extent to which minor hockey officials perceive organizational support (POS) from the minor hockey system, and to compare POS among minor hockey officials according to demographics. A total of 261 minor hockey officials were surveyed with the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS). Results indicated significant differences according minor hockey official experience, certification level and extra-role performance. The findings are discussed in relation to POS and human resource management literature, and recommendations are made as to how administrators can better support these officials.
The purpose of this project was to raise awareness surrounding child and adolescent mental health in an effort to reduce preconceived stigmas in relation to this specialized field. This project presented a literature review of the current state of child and adolescent mental health in Canada today, including the prevalence and several treatment options for young people confronting mental health challenges. Consideration of the powerful role of the education system upon youth with mental health issues became evident, specifically regarding early identification and prevention. A needs assessment was conducted to gather feedback from the clinical practitioners of a Section 23 classroom within a Southern Ontario hospital. This assessment was used to develop an informational and pedagogical workshop resource to extend practitioner understanding of this pertinent issue and support the social and emotional needs of young people confronting mental heath challenges. Results of the assessment indicated the significant need for such a workshop resource, and these responses were used to guide the development of Group Chat: A Workshop to Support the Emotional and Social Needs of Youth. The latter was subsequently presented to participants, whereby evaluative questionnaires indicated the efficacy and usefulness of this workshop resource to both practitioners and students alike.
The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Canada’s high performance athletes who have benefitted from Own the Podium (OTP)-recommended funding and support leading up to an Olympic or Paralympic Games. OTP, a nonprofit agency, is responsible for determining the overall investment strategy for high performance sport in Canada through recommendations to support national sport organizations (NSOs) with the aim to improve Canadian performances at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For this study, data were collected through in-depth interviews with eleven Canadian high performance athletes (i.e., single-sport Summer/Winter Olympians and Paralympians and recently retired athletes). Analysis of the data resulted in twelve overarching themes; resources, pressure, missing gap, results, targeting, stress, expectations, boost in confidence, OTP relationship, OTP name, pre/post OTP, and lost funding. Overall, results from this exploratory research indicate that athletes generally had a favourable perception regarding OTP-recommended funding and support.
The growing complexity of healthcare needs of residents living in long-term care necessitates a high level of professional interdependence to deliver quality, individualized care. Personal support workers (PSWs) are the most likely to observe, interpret and respond to resident care plans, yet little is known about how they experience collaboration. This study aimed to describe PSWs’ current experiences with collaboration in long-term care and to understand the factors that influenced their involvement in collaboration. A qualitative approach was used to interview eight PSWs from one long-term care facility in rural Ontario. Thematic analysis revealed three themes: valuing PSWs’ contributions, organizational structure, and individual characteristics and relationships. Collaboration was a difficult process for PSWs who felt largely undervalued and excluded. To improve collaboration, management needs to provide opportunities for PSWs to contribute and support the development of relationships required to collaborate.