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Nursing publications frequently reference groups (e.g. the group nurses). The nature and capabilities of group agents or collective subjects, and the relationship between nursing as a group and nurses as individuals is, however, rarely made explicit in these publications. Following Alvin Goldman, questions pertaining to groups can be classified as metaphysical or epistemic. Metaphysical questions take two forms. First, we might ask about the ontological status of group agents. For example, to what extent, if at all, do group agents exist and act independently of their constituent members? Second, we can ask whether group agents have psychological states or properties that can, for example, be formulated as propositional attitudes and, if they can, in what ways are group attitudes correlated with or tied to those of individual group members? In this presentation, having recognised the potential reality of group ontological and psychological being, I examine an under researched element of social epistemology. Specifically, the potential of non-individualist reliabilism (social process reliabilism) to justify doxastic group beliefs (i.e. statements such as “nurses believe that”) are considered. It is suggested that this issue has concrete implications for how we think about nursing.


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[EN] Gallotia simonyi (Steindachner, 1889) is a member of an endemic Canary Island genus and is among the largest of the approximately 250 recent species of lacertid lizards. Although Steindachner gave the locality of the types as the Roques de Salmor, off El Hierro island, previous workers (Urusaustegui, 1983; Manrique & Saavedra, 1873; Viera & Clavijo, 1983) and subsequent ones (Machado, 1985) regard the more western of the two rocks in the group, the Roque Chico de Salmor, as the actual source of material. The Roque Chico is 37 m high with a surface area of less than 10,000 m2 and lies 830 m from the northern coast of El Hierro (Machado, 1985).


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Iowa Workforce Development's newsletter.


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Iowa Workforce Development's newsletter.


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Report on the Status of Findings and Recommendations from the City of Lambs Grove Periodic Examination Report dated September 4, 2014 for the period June 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016


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Iowa Workforce Development's newsletter.


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ARAÚJO, Arrilton ; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro . Testicular volume and reproductive status of Wild Callithrix jacchus. International Journal of Primatology, v.29, p.1355–1364, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9291-4


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Aquaculture generates a large load of effluents richin organic matter and nutrients that may be intro-duced into the environment. This study aimed toassess in a microcosm experiment, the effect ofshrimp pond water mixed with Patos Lagoon estuarywater on phytoplankton chlorophyll a and primaryproduction, simulating two salinities. Chlorophyll a,dissolved inorganic nutrients and primary produc-tion were measured in two experiments. In Harvest I,salinity of shrimp pond and environment water wassimilar, and chlorophyll a showed different trendsover time, according to the amount of nitrogen avail-able. In Harvest II, with different salinities and highnutrient concentrations in environment water, chlo-rophyll a levels showed a similar increasing trendover time in all mixtures. Net primary productionshowed differences among treatments in the firstsampling in Harvest I, but not in the second, whereasno differences were observed among treatments inHarvest II. We conclude that shrimp pond effluentcan lead to short-term variations in chlorophyll aand primary production levels, with similar salinities.Salinity differences result in lower chlorophyll a andprimary production values than expected accordingto the nutrient input. Differences in salinity can bean important management strategy to choose thebest harvest period.


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Introduction. Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy and accounts for almost 1% of human cancer. It is well known that the majority of cases occur in women in the middle decades of life. Thyroid cancer is a relatively rare disease; on the other hand clinically apparent thyroid nodules are present in 4-7% of the adult population. Most thyroid nodules are not malignant, with reported malignancy rates from 3-12%. It is important for the surgeon to know beforehand the diagnosis of malignancy, in order to perform a more radical operation on the thyroid gland. Patients and Methods. In our study we have analyzed the preoperative clinical data of 84 patients operated in the First Clinic of General Surgery, UHC “Mother Theresa” in Tirana; all with a positive histopathologic diagnosis of thyroid cancer. The data comprised age, sex, age distribution, blood group, time-lapse from the first endocrinologic visit, clinical examination, signs and symptoms, imaging, functional tests, preoperative FNA, admission diagnosis, associated diseases and preoperative treatment. Results. From the study emerged that only 9,3% of these patients were diagnosed preoperatively as thyroid cancer. Another related problem is the low percentage of preoperative FNA – only 22%. Among the signs and symptoms related to thyroid cancer we found that 40 and 33% of these patient presented dyspnea and dysphagia, respectively. The physical examination revealed apparent nodular growth of the thyroid gland in 81% and nodular hard consistency in 79% of cases. The proper endocrinologist consultation lacked in 23% of cases. Conclusion. In our opinion, close collaboration between endocrinologists and surgeons in a multidisciplinary frame is the key to correct preoperative thyroid cancer diagnosis and optimal treatment.


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Italy and its urban systems are under high seismic and hydrogeological risks. The awareness about the role of human activities in the genesis of disasters is achieved in the scientific debate, as well as the role of urban and regional planning in reducing risks. The paper reviews the state of Italian major cities referred to hydrogeological and seismic risk by: 1) extrapolating data and maps about seismic hazard and landslide risk concerning cities with more than 50.000 inhabitants and metropolitan contexts, and 2) outlining how risk reduction is framed in Italian planning system (at national and regional levels). The analyses of available data and the review of the normative framework highlight the existing gaps in addressing risk reduction: nevertheless a wide knowledge about natural risks afflicting Italian territory and an articulated regulatory framework, the available data about risks are not exhaustive, and risk reduction policies and multidisciplinary pro-active approaches are only partially fostered and applied.


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Physical control of water hyacinth consists of removing the plants from the water by hand or machines. It is considered over effetive because it involves removing the whole plants from water. The first attempt on physical control was in 1992 when weed infestation was causing serious problems to the fishing communities in Lake Kyoga. The fishermen had problems of accessing the lake as huge masses of mobile weed blocked landing sites. Furthermore, the fishers lost their nets, which were swept away by mobile water hyacinth. As a result, an integrated control strategy involving physical control (manual and mechanical removal) was put in place. Through this method, the fishers were able to open up access routes to fishing grounds even though weed mats often reblocked the access routes. In the infested lakes, manual removal offered remedial relief to fish Iandings and other access sites. Sites of strategic importance such as hydro-electric power generation dam, water intake points and docking points which had large masses of water hyacinth required heavy machinery and mechanical harvesters were used at these sites.


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Fisheries plays a significant and important part in the economy of the country contributing to foreign exchange, food security and employment creation. Lake Victoria contributes over 50% of the total annual fish catch. The purpose of fisheries management is to ensure conservation, protection, proper use, economic efficiency and equitable distribution of the fisheries resources both for the present and future generations through sustainable utilization. The earliest fisheries were mainly at the subsistence level. Fishing gear consisted of locally made basket traps, hooks and seine nets of papyrus. Fishing effort begun to increase with the introduction of more efficient flax gillnets in 1905. Fisheries management in Uganda started in 1914. Before then, the fishery was under some form of traditional management based on the do and don'ts. History shows that the Baganda had strong spiritual beliefs in respect of "god Mukasa" (god of the Lake) and these indirectly contributed to sustainable management of the lake. If a fisherman neglected to comply witt'l any of the ceremonies related to fishing he was expected to encounter a bad omen (Rev. Roscoe, 1965) However, with the introduction of the nylon gill nets, which could catch more fish, traditional management regime broke down. By 1955 the indigenous fish species like Oreochromis variabilis and Oreochromis esculentus had greatly declined in catches. Decline in catches led to introduction of poor fishing methods because of competition for fish. Government in an attempt to regulate the fishing irldustry enacted the first Fisheries Ordinance in 1951 and recruited Fisheries Officers to enforce them. The government put in place minimum net mesh-sizes and Fisheries Officers arrested fishermen without explaining the reason. This led to continued poor fishing practices. The development of government centred management systems led to increased alienation of resource users and to wilful disregard of specific regulations. The realisation of the problems faced by the central management system led to the recognition that user groups need to be actively involved in fisheries management if the systems are to be consistent with sustainable fisheries and be legitimate. Community participation in fisheries management under the Comanagement approach has been adopted in Lake Victoria including other water bodies.


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The commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria are presently dominated by three species: the stocked Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus, and the endemic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. The three comprise at least 90% of the commercial catch while the rest of the endemic species mostly occur as by-catch (incidental catch) except in localised areas. Apart from being a major source of food, the three species especially the Nile perch represent the usually recognized main forms of predation, As they exert a "top-down" effect on production, they are important in the trophic dynamics of the Lake Victoria ecosystem. However, another form of predation which is usually unrecognized in the lake productivity mechanisms is one due to fishing mortality. Fishermen essentially behave as predatory elements in the ecosystem. This is manifested in ways that paral1el the effect of fish as predators e.g. some fishermen are habitat restricted and specialised in catching particular species or sizes, others are opportunistic and switch to whatever species (prey) are available which may depend on season, etc. There are also indirect factors that influence fishing mortality as a form of predation e.g. availability on the market of different gears, thefts of nets and of fish from nets, civil strife, market demand etc. The fatter are essentially socioeconomic factors. Application of the principles of fisheries management requires "a data base from which effective options can be generated. It is considered that one of the fundamental requirements for such a data base is information on the spatial distribution of the species fishery. This can be combined with information on landings which can eventually be incorporated into a programme of stock monitoring. The aim of this paper is to highlight information on the Tilapia fishery that may benefit fisheries management.