940 resultados para species identification


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Fusobacterium nucleatum is one of the most common anaerobic bacteria present in the oral cavity and is often isolated from infections involving other body sites. To characterise F. nucleatum strains from patients attending a teaching hospital in Nigeria in order to provide information on the methods for accurate identification of anaerobes in clinical specimen. Fusobacterium nucleatum specie from 50 patients presenting with oro-facial infections were studied by culture on Fusobacterium selective agar and fastidious anaerobe agar. The isolates were characterised based on colonial morphology, microscopy, lipase production, susceptibility to kanamycin and colistin and resistance to vancomycin. Biochemical tests were performed using a commercial test kit. The identity of the isolates was confirmed based on molecular characterization performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Forty-eight (96%) F. nucleatum isolates were obtained from the 50 patients by culture and all the isolates were identified by colonial appearance and microscopy based on their unique spindle shape with tapered ends. Only 26 (54.2%) of the 48 isolates were identified by commercial API 20A test kit while PCR confirmed the identity of all the isolates. Anaerobes are involved in human infections and their study is quite cumbersome due to tedious nature and high cost of the techniques involved. Cultural method is reliable in the isolation and identification of F. nucleatum species. PCR is a rapid and simple method that can complement the phenotypic identification of anaerobes and would assist in their full identification.


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Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) is the fish species most commonly raised in the Brazilian fish farms. The species is highly adaptable to captive conditions, and is both fast-growing and relatively fecund. In recent years, artificial breeding has produced hybrids with Characiform species, known as “Tambacu” and “Tambatinga”. Identifying hybrids is a difficult process, given their morphological similarities with the parent species. This study presents an innovative molecular approach to the identification of hybrids based primarily on Multiplex PCR of a nuclear gene (a-Tropomyosin), which was tested on 93 specimens obtained from fish farms in northern Brazil. The sequencing of a 505-bp fragment of the Control Region (CR) permitted the identification of the maternal lineage of the specimen, all of which corresponded to C. macropomum. Unexpectedly, only two CR haplotype were found in 93 samples, a very low genetic diversity for the pisciculture of Tambaqui. Multiplex PCR identified 42 hybrids, in contrast with 23 identified by the supplier on the basis of external morphology. This innovative tool has considerable potential for the development of the Brazilian aquaculture, given the possibility of the systematic identification of the genetic traits of both fry-producing stocks, and the fry and juveniles raised in farms.


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Addition of three species to the list is recommended based on recent literature. (Orcaella brevirostris) has been split into the Irrawaddy dolphin (O. brevirostris) and the Australian snubfin dolphin (O. heinsohni). Sotalia fluviatilis has been split into the riverine tucuxi (S. fluviatilis) and the marine "costero" (S. guianensis). Evidence to support both of these splits is convincing, and we recommend that they be recognized in the list. The existence of the Bryde's-whale-like species described in 2003 as Balaenoptera omurai has been confirmed with additional genetic (nuclear) data. While the species clearly exists, the nomenclature is still unsettled because the genetic identity of the holotype specimen of Balaenoptera edeni has not yet been determined. However, the name B. omurai is gaining wide usage in application to the new species, and we propose that it be used provisionally by the Scientific Committee pending the genetic identification of the B. edeni holotype. We recommend that India be urged to facilitate the identification. We recommend continued use of the name Balaenoptera edeni provisionally for both the "ordinary" large form and the small coastal form, recognizing that further genetic and morphological research may justify recognition of two species: B. brydei and B. edeni. We also recommend that any new specimen be referred to B. omurai only after its mtDNA has been sequenced and found to support the identification.


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An identification key based on characters of the soldier caste is provided for species of Angularitermes. Soldiers of previously described species in the genus, A. clypeatus, A. nasutissimus, A. orestes, A. pinocchio and A. tiguassu, are illustrated along with a new species, Angularitermes coninasus, n. sp., that is described and illustrated from soldier and worker castes. Samples of the new species were collected from epigeal nests at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The soldier of A. coninasus, n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by having a short conical frontal tube, much wider at its base.


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In the present study, trail pheromone blends are identified for the first time in termites. In the phylogenetically complex Nasutitermitinae, trail-following pheromones are composed of dodecatrienol and neocembrene, the proportions of which vary according to species, although neocembrene is always more abundant than dodecatrienol (by 25-250-fold). Depending on species, termites were more sensitive to dodecatrienol or to neocembrene but the association of both components always elicited significantly higher trail following, with a clear synergistic effect in most of the studied species. A third component, trinervitatriene, was identified in the sternal gland secretion of several species, but its function remains unknown. The secretion of trail pheromone blends appears to be an important step in the evolution of chemical communication in termites. The pheromone optimizes foraging, and promotes their ecological success. (C) 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99, 20-27.


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The robber fly genus Cnodalomyia Hull, 1962 is a monotypic member of the Asilinae. The type species, C. obtusa Hull, is endemic to Itatiaia, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A new species, Cnodalomyia catarinensis sp. nov. from southern states of Brazil (Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo) is herein described and illustrated. Both species are restricted to highland areas of the Atlantic Forest. An identification key to the species is also presented.


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The genus Cnodalomyia includes only two Brazilian species: C. obtusa Hull, 1962 and C. catarinensis Lamas and Mellinger, 2008. Studying material deposited in the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP), the authors found a long series of unidentified specimens of the genus, some of which are specimens of C. obtusa labelled with the same data as the type series as well as other specimens from different localities, representing an enlargement of the known geographic records of the species. This material, together with the types of C. catarinensis, enables this revision. A redescription of the genus and of its type species, C. obtusa, including descriptions and illustrations of its spermathecae and egg, until now never described, the description and illustration of two new species (C. artigasi sp. nov. and C. papaveroi sp. nov.), the diagnosis and egg description of C. catarinensis and an identification key to all included species are presented herein.


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The Neotropical genus Carrerapyrgota Aczel is restricted to the South America (Brazil and Argentina). The genus is composed of two previously described species, which are revised herein: C. miliaria Aczel and C. personata (Lutz & Lima). Two new Brazilian species are described: C. aczeli from Sao Paulo and C. bernardii from Bahia. Illustrations of the external morphology of adults and male and female terminalia are also included. An identification key to the species is presented, as well as a brief discussion of the biology and distribution of the genus.


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Three species of Scorpiodoras are recognized: S. calderonensis, S. heckelii, and S. liophysus; the latter species is described herein. Scorpiodoras calderonensis occurs in the upper Amazon basin, including the Solimoes, Jurua, Japura, and Tefe rivers. Its type locality, originally stated as ""Calderon"", is elucidated as Tabatinga, Brazil. Scorpiodoras heckelii is the most widespread species, occurring in the Orinoco, Branco, Negro, and Amazonas rivers downstream of its confluence with Rio Negro. Scorpiodoras liophysus is only known from the middle Rio Madeira basin and presents a morphological feature unique within the genus: gas bladder without secondary bladder. An osteological description of the genus is provided, as well as redescriptions of S. calderonensis and S. heckelii. Additionally, a key allowing identification of the species is presented, as well as a biogeographic discussion.


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A new species of Megommation, M. amazonicum n. sp., is described and illustrated. An identification key for the two species of this genus is provided. Additionally, the lectotype and paralectotype of Megalopta (Megaloptella) ipomoea Schrottky are designated.


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Calliostoma tupinamba is a new species from Southeastern Brazil, ranging from southern Rio de Janeiro to northern Sao Paulo, and found only on coastal islands, on rocks and sessile invertebrates at 3 to 5 meters of depth. Shell and soft part morphology is described here in detail. Calliostoma tupinamba is mainly characterized by a depressed trochoid shell; eight slightly convex whorls; a sharply suprasutural carina starting on the third whorl and forming a peripheral rounded keel; and a whitish, funnel-shaped and deep umbilicus, measuring about 5%-10% of maximum shell width. Calliostoma tupinamba resembles C. bullisi Clench & Turner, 1960 in shape, but differs from it in being taller and wider, having a smaller umbilicus and lacking a strong and large innermost spiral cord at its base. Finally, an identification key of Brazilian Calliostoma species is presented.


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In silico analyses of Leishmania spp. genome data are a powerful resource to improve the understanding of these pathogens' biology. Trypanosomatids such as Leishmania spp. have their protein-coding genes grouped in long polycistronic units of functionally unrelated genes. The control of gene expression happens by a variety of posttranscriptional mechanisms. The high degree of synteny among Leishmania species is accompanied by highly conserved coding sequences (CDS) and poorly conserved intercoding untranslated sequences. To identify the elements involved in the control of gene expression, we conducted an in silico investigation to find conserved intercoding sequences (CICS) in the genomes of L major, L infantum, and L braziliensis. We used a combination of computational tools, such as Linux-Shell, PERL and R languages, BLAST, MSPcrunch, SSAKE, and Pred-A-Term algorithms to construct a pipeline which was able to: (i) search for conservation in target-regions, (ii) eliminate CICS redundancy and mask repeat elements, (iii) predict the mRNA's extremities, (iv) analyze the distribution of orthologous genes within the generated LeishCICS-clusters, (v) assign GO terms to the LeishCICS-clusters. and (vi) provide statistical support for the gene-enrichment annotation. We associated the LeishCICS-cluster data, generated at the end of the pipeline, with the expression profile oft. donovani genes during promastigote-amastigote differentiation, as previously evaluated by others (GEO accession: GSE21936). A Pearson's correlation coefficient greater than 0.5 was observed for 730 LeishCICS-clusters containing from 2 to 17 genes. The designed computational pipeline is a useful tool and its application identified potential regulatory cis elements and putative regulons in Leishmania. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Miconia langsdorffii Cogn. (Melastomataceae), Roupala montana Aubl. (Proteaceae), Struthanthus syringifolius (Mart.) (Loranthaceae), and Schefflera vinosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Frodin (Araliaceae) are plant species from the Brazilian Cerrado whose schistosomicidal potential has not yet been described. The crude extracts, fractions, the triterpenes betulin, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and the flavonoids quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside and isorhamnetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside were evaluated in vitro against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms and the bioactive n-hexane fractions of the mentioned species were also analyzed by GC-MS. Betulin was able to cause worm death percentage values of 25% after 120 h (at 100 mu M), and 25% and 50% after 24 and 120 h (at 200 mu M), respectively; besides the flavonoid quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside promoted 25% of death of the parasites at 100 mu M. Farther the flavonoids quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside and quercetin 3-O-beta-D-rhamnoside at 100 mu M exhibited significantly reduction in motor activity, 75% and 87.5%, respectively. Biological results indicated that crude extracts of R. montana, S. vinosa, and M. langsdorffii and some n-hexane and EtOAc fractions of this species were able to induce worm death to some extent. The results suggest that lupane-type triterpenes and flavonoid monoglycosides should be considered for further antiparasites studies.


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The plant pathogen Fusarium solani causes a disease root rot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) resulting in great losses of yield in irrigated areas of the Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. Species of the genus Trichoderma have been used in the biological control of this pathogen as an alternative to chemical control. To gain new insights into the biocontrol mechanism used by Trichoderma harzianum against the phytopathogenic fungus, Fusarium solani, we performed a transcriptome analysis using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) approaches. A cDNA library from T. harzianum mycelium (isolate ALL42) grown on cell walls of F. solani (CWFS) was constructed and analyzed. A total of 2927 high quality sequences were selected from 3845 and 37.7% were identified as unique genes. The Gene Ontology analysis revealed that the majority of the annotated genes are involved in metabolic processes (80.9%), followed by cellular process (73.7%). We tested twenty genes that encode proteins with potential role in biological control. RT-qPCR analysis showed that none of these genes were expressed when T. harzianum was challenged with itself. These genes showed different patterns of expression during in vitro interaction between T. harzianum and F. solani. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Little has been published about the phytoseiid mite fauna of Thailand. This paper presents information about the morphology and distribution of phytoseiid mites collected in Thailand between 1991 and 2011 on different plant species, a list of the species presently known from that country, and a key for their identification. Twenty six species belonging to 11 genera were collected and identified in this study, six of which are reported for the first time from Thailand. In total, 38 species of phytoseiid species of 13 genera are reported, 29 of Amblyseiinae, seven of Phytoseiinae and two of Typhlodrominae.