979 resultados para spatial markov Chains


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Data characteristics and species traits are expected to influence the accuracy with which species' distributions can be modeled and predicted. We compare 10 modeling techniques in terms of predictive power and sensitivity to location error, change in map resolution, and sample size, and assess whether some species traits can explain variation in model performance. We focused on 30 native tree species in Switzerland and used presence-only data to model current distribution, which we evaluated against independent presence-absence data. While there are important differences between the predictive performance of modeling methods, the variance in model performance is greater among species than among techniques. Within the range of data perturbations in this study, some extrinsic parameters of data affect model performance more than others: location error and sample size reduced performance of many techniques, whereas grain had little effect on most techniques. No technique can rescue species that are difficult to predict. The predictive power of species-distribution models can partly be predicted from a series of species characteristics and traits based on growth rate, elevational distribution range, and maximum elevation. Slow-growing species or species with narrow and specialized niches tend to be better modeled. The Swiss presence-only tree data produce models that are reliable enough to be useful in planning and management applications.


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This paper surveys the literature on the implications of trade liberalisation for intra-national economic geographies. Three results stand out. First, neither urban systems models nor new economic geography models imply a robust prediction for the impact of trade openness on spatial concentration. Whether trade promotes concentration or dispersion depends on subtle modelling choices among which it is impossible to adjudicate a priori. Second, empirical evidence mirrors the theoretical indeterminacy: a majority of cross-country studies find no significant effect of openness on urban concentration or regional inequality. Third, the available models predict that, other things equal, regions with inherently less costly access to foreign markets, such as border or port regions, stand to reap the largest gains from trade liberalisation. This prediction is confirmed by the available evidence. Whether trade liberalisation raises or lowers regional inequality therefore depends on each country's specific geography.


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Activation dynamics of hippocampal subregions during spatial learning and their interplay with neocortical regions is an important dimension in the understanding of hippocampal function. Using the (14C)-2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic method, we have characterized the metabolic changes occurring in hippocampal subregions in mice while learning an eight-arm radial maze task. Autoradiogram densitometry revealed a heterogeneous and evolving pattern of enhanced metabolic activity throughout the hippocampus during the training period and on recall. In the early stages of training, activity was enhanced in the CA1 area from the intermediate portion to the posterior end as well as in the CA3 area within the intermediate portion of the hippocampus. At later stages, CA1 and CA3 activations spread over the entire longitudinal axis, while dentate gyrus (DG) activation occurred from the anterior to the intermediate zone. Activation of the retrosplenial cortex but not the amygdala was also observed during the learning process. On recall, only DG activation was observed in the same anterior part of the hippocampus. These results suggest the existence of a functional segmentation of the hippocampus, each subregion being dynamically but also differentially recruited along the acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval process in parallel with some neocortical sites.


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Life cycle analyses (LCA) approaches require adaptation to reflect the increasing delocalization of production to emerging countries. This work addresses this challenge by establishing a country-level, spatially explicit life cycle inventory (LCI). This study comprises three separate dimensions. The first dimension is spatial: processes and emissions are allocated to the country in which they take place and modeled to take into account local factors. Emerging economies China and India are the location of production, the consumption occurs in Germany, an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development country. The second dimension is the product level: we consider two distinct textile garments, a cotton T-shirt and a polyester jacket, in order to highlight potential differences in the production and use phases. The third dimension is the inventory composition: we track CO2, SO2, NO (x), and particulates, four major atmospheric pollutants, as well as energy use. This third dimension enriches the analysis of the spatial differentiation (first dimension) and distinct products (second dimension). We describe the textile production and use processes and define a functional unit for a garment. We then model important processes using a hierarchy of preferential data sources. We place special emphasis on the modeling of the principal local energy processes: electricity and transport in emerging countries. The spatially explicit inventory is disaggregated by country of location of the emissions and analyzed according to the dimensions of the study: location, product, and pollutant. The inventory shows striking differences between the two products considered as well as between the different pollutants considered. For the T-shirt, over 70% of the energy use and CO2 emissions occur in the consuming country, whereas for the jacket, more than 70% occur in the producing country. This reversal of proportions is due to differences in the use phase of the garments. For SO2, in contrast, over two thirds of the emissions occur in the country of production for both T-shirt and jacket. The difference in emission patterns between CO2 and SO2 is due to local electricity processes, justifying our emphasis on local energy infrastructure. The complexity of considering differences in location, product, and pollutant is rewarded by a much richer understanding of a global production-consumption chain. The inclusion of two different products in the LCI highlights the importance of the definition of a product's functional unit in the analysis and implications of results. Several use-phase scenarios demonstrate the importance of consumer behavior over equipment efficiency. The spatial emission patterns of the different pollutants allow us to understand the role of various energy infrastructure elements. The emission patterns furthermore inform the debate on the Environmental Kuznets Curve, which applies only to pollutants which can be easily filtered and does not take into account the effects of production displacement. We also discuss the appropriateness and limitations of applying the LCA methodology in a global context, especially in developing countries. Our spatial LCI method yields important insights in the quantity and pattern of emissions due to different product life cycle stages, dependent on the local technology, emphasizing the importance of consumer behavior. From a life cycle perspective, consumer education promoting air-drying and cool washing is more important than efficient appliances. Spatial LCI with country-specific data is a promising method, necessary for the challenges of globalized production-consumption chains. We recommend inventory reporting of final energy forms, such as electricity, and modular LCA databases, which would allow the easy modification of underlying energy infrastructure.


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This study examined the effects of ibotenic acid-induced lesions of the hippocampus, subiculum and hippocampus +/- subiculum upon the capacity of rats to learn and perform a series of allocentric spatial learning tasks in an open-field water maze. The lesions were made by infusing small volumes of the neurotoxin at a total of 26 (hippocampus) or 20 (subiculum) sites intended to achieve complete target cell loss but minimal extratarget damage. The regional extent and axon-sparing nature of these lesions was evaluated using both cresyl violet and Fink - Heimer stained sections. The behavioural findings indicated that both the hippocampus and subiculum lesions caused impairment to the initial postoperative acquisition of place navigation but did not prevent eventual learning to levels of performance almost as effective as those of controls. However, overtraining of the hippocampus + subiculum lesioned rats did not result in significant place learning. Qualitative observations of the paths taken to find a hidden escape platform indicated that different strategies were deployed by hippocampal and subiculum lesioned groups. Subsequent training on a delayed matching to place task revealed a deficit in all lesioned groups across a range of sample choice intervals, but the subiculum lesioned group was less impaired than the group with the hippocampal lesion. Finally, unoperated control rats given both the initial training and overtraining were later given either a hippocampal lesion or sham surgery. The hippocampal lesioned rats were impaired during a subsequent retention/relearning phase. Together, these findings suggest that total hippocampal cell loss may cause a dual deficit: a slower rate of place learning and a separate navigational impairment. The prospect of unravelling dissociable components of allocentric spatial learning is discussed.


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Inference of Markov random field images segmentation models is usually performed using iterative methods which adapt the well-known expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for independent mixture models. However, some of these adaptations are ad hoc and may turn out numerically unstable. In this paper, we review three EM-like variants for Markov random field segmentation and compare their convergence properties both at the theoretical and practical levels. We specifically advocate a numerical scheme involving asynchronous voxel updating, for which general convergence results can be established. Our experiments on brain tissue classification in magnetic resonance images provide evidence that this algorithm may achieve significantly faster convergence than its competitors while yielding at least as good segmentation results.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate sampling density on the prediction accuracy of soil orders, with high spatial resolution, in a viticultural zone of Serra Gaúcha, Southern Brazil. A digital elevation model (DEM), a cartographic base, a conventional soil map, and the Idrisi software were used. Seven predictor variables were calculated and read along with soil classes in randomly distributed points, with sampling densities of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 4 points per hectare. Data were used to train a decision tree (Gini) and three artificial neural networks: adaptive resonance theory, fuzzy ARTMap; self‑organizing map, SOM; and multi‑layer perceptron, MLP. Estimated maps were compared with the conventional soil map to calculate omission and commission errors, overall accuracy, and quantity and allocation disagreement. The decision tree was less sensitive to sampling density and had the highest accuracy and consistence. The SOM was the less sensitive and most consistent network. The MLP had a critical minimum and showed high inconsistency, whereas fuzzy ARTMap was more sensitive and less accurate. Results indicate that sampling densities used in conventional soil surveys can serve as a reference to predict soil orders in Serra Gaúcha.


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This paper presents the general regression neural networks (GRNN) as a nonlinear regression method for the interpolation of monthly wind speeds in complex Alpine orography. GRNN is trained using data coming from Swiss meteorological networks to learn the statistical relationship between topographic features and wind speed. The terrain convexity, slope and exposure are considered by extracting features from the digital elevation model at different spatial scales using specialised convolution filters. A database of gridded monthly wind speeds is then constructed by applying GRNN in prediction mode during the period 1968-2008. This study demonstrates that using topographic features as inputs in GRNN significantly reduces cross-validation errors with respect to low-dimensional models integrating only geographical coordinates and terrain height for the interpolation of wind speed. The spatial predictability of wind speed is found to be lower in summer than in winter due to more complex and weaker wind-topography relationships. The relevance of these relationships is studied using an adaptive version of the GRNN algorithm which allows to select the useful terrain features by eliminating the noisy ones. This research provides a framework for extending the low-dimensional interpolation models to high-dimensional spaces by integrating additional features accounting for the topographic conditions at multiple spatial scales. Copyright (c) 2012 Royal Meteorological Society.


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Orienting attention in space recruits fronto-parietal networks whose damage results in unilateral spatial neglect. However, attention orienting may also be governed by emotional and motivational factors; but it remains unknown whether these factors act through a modulation of the fronto-parietal attentional systems or distinct neural pathways. Here we asked whether attentional orienting is affected by learning about the reward value of targets in a visual search task, in a spatially specific manner, and whether these effects are preserved in right-brain damaged patients with left spatial neglect. We found that associating rewards with left-sided (but not right-sided) targets during search led to progressive exploration biases towards left space, in both healthy people and neglect patients. Such spatially specific biases occurred even without any conscious awareness of the asymmetric reward contingencies. These results show that reward-induced modulations of space representation are preserved despite a dysfunction of fronto-parietal networks associated with neglect, and therefore suggest that they may arise through spared subcortical networks directly acting on sensory processing and/or oculomotor circuits. These effects could be usefully exploited for potentiating rehabilitation strategies in neglect patients.


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RésuméLa coexistence de nombreuses espèces différentes a de tout temps intrigué les biologistes. La diversité et la composition des communautés sont influencées par les perturbations et l'hétérogénéité des conditions environnementales. Bien que dans la nature la distribution spatiale des conditions environnementales soit généralement autocorrélée, cet aspect est rarement pris en compte dans les modèles étudiant la coexistence des espèces. Dans ce travail, nous avons donc abordé, à l'aide de simulations numériques, la coexistence des espèces ainsi que leurs caractéristiques au sein d'un environnement autocorrélé.Afin de prendre en compte cet élément spatial, nous avons développé un modèle de métacommunauté (un ensemble de communautés reliées par la dispersion des espèces) spatialement explicite. Dans ce modèle, les espèces sont en compétition les unes avec les autres pour s'établir dans un nombre de places limité, dans un environnement hétérogène. Les espèces sont caractérisées par six traits: optimum de niche, largeur de niche, capacité de dispersion, compétitivité, investissement dans la reproduction et taux de survie. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l'influence de l'autocorrélation spatiale et des perturbations sur la diversité des espèces et sur les traits favorisés dans la métacommunauté. Nous avons montré que l'autocorrélation spatiale peut avoir des effets antagonistes sur la diversité, en fonction du taux de perturbations considéré. L'influence de l'autocorrélation spatiale sur la capacité de dispersion moyenne dans la métacommunauté dépend également des taux de perturbations et survie. Nos résultats ont aussi révélé que de nombreuses espèces avec différents degrés de spécialisation (i.e. différentes largeurs de niche) peuvent coexister. Toutefois, les espèces spécialistes sont favorisées en absence de perturbations et quand la dispersion est illimitée. A l'opposé, un taux élevé de perturbations sélectionne des espèces plus généralistes, associées avec une faible compétitivité.L'autocorrélation spatiale de l'environnement, en interaction avec l'intensité des perturbations, influence donc de manière considérable la coexistence ainsi que les caractéristiques des espèces. Ces caractéristiques sont à leur tour souvent impliquées dans d'importants processus, comme le fonctionnement des écosystèmes, la capacité des espèces à réagir aux invasions, à la fragmentation de l'habitat ou aux changements climatiques. Ce travail a permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes responsables de la coexistence et des caractéristiques des espèces, ce qui est crucial afin de prédire le devenir des communautés naturelles dans un environnement changeant.AbstractUnderstanding how so many different species can coexist in nature is a fundamental and long-standing question in ecology. Community diversity and composition are known to be influenced by heterogeneity in environmental conditions and disturbance. Though in nature the spatial distribution of environmental conditions is frequently autocorrelated, this aspect is seldom considered in models investigating species coexistence. In this work, we thus addressed several questions pertaining to species coexistence and composition in spatially autocorrelated environments, with a numerical simulations approach.To take into account this spatial aspect, we developed a spatially explicit model of metacommunity (a set of communities linked by dispersal of species). In this model, species are trophically equivalent, and compete for space in a heterogeneous environment. Species are characterized by six life-history traits: niche optimum, niche breadth, dispersal, competitiveness, reproductive investment and survival rate. We were particularly interested in the influence of environmental spatial autocorrelation and disturbance on species diversity and on the traits of the species favoured in the metacommunity. We showed that spatial autocorrelation can have antagonistic effects on diversity depending on disturbance rate. Similarly, spatial autocorrelation interacted with disturbance rate and survival rate to shape the mean dispersal ability observed in the metacommunity. Our results also revealed that many species with various degrees of specialization (i.e. different niche breadths) can coexist together. However specialist species were favoured in the absence of disturbance, and when dispersal was unlimited. In contrast, high disturbance rate selected for more generalist species, associated with low competitive ability.The spatial structure of the environment, together with disturbance and species traits, thus strongly impacts species diversity and, more importantly, species composition. Species composition is known to affect several important metacommunity properties such as ecosystem functioning, resistance and reaction to invasion, to habitat fragmentation and to climate changes. This work allowed a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for species composition, which is of crucial importance to predict the fate of natural metacommunities in changing environments


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Peer reviewed


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In this paper, we investigate the average andoutage performance of spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with channel state information at both sides of the link. Such systems result, for example, from exploiting the channel eigenmodes in multiantenna systems. Dueto the complexity of obtaining the exact expression for the average bit error rate (BER) and the outage probability, we deriveapproximations in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime assuming an uncorrelated Rayleigh flat-fading channel. Moreexactly, capitalizing on previous work by Wang and Giannakis, the average BER and outage probability versus SNR curves ofspatial multiplexing MIMO systems are characterized in terms of two key parameters: the array gain and the diversity gain. Finally, these results are applied to analyze the performance of a variety of linear MIMO transceiver designs available in the literature.


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This paper proposes a spatial filtering technique forthe reception of pilot-aided multirate multicode direct-sequencecode division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems such as widebandCDMA (WCDMA). These systems introduce a code-multiplexedpilot sequence that can be used for the estimation of thefilter weights, but the presence of the traffic signal (transmittedat the same time as the pilot sequence) corrupts that estimationand degrades the performance of the filter significantly. This iscaused by the fact that although the traffic and pilot signals areusually designed to be orthogonal, the frequency selectivity of thechannel degrades this orthogonality at hte receiving end. Here,we propose a semi-blind technique that eliminates the self-noisecaused by the code-multiplexing of the pilot. We derive analyticallythe asymptotic performance of both the training-only andthe semi-blind techniques and compare them with the actual simulatedperformance. It is shown, both analytically and via simulation,that high gains can be achieved with respect to training-onlybasedtechniques.


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In this paper, the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) isapplied to the problem of blind (without training sequences) channel estimationand data detection. Within a HMM framework, the Baum–Welch(BW) identification algorithm is frequently used to find out maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates of the corresponding model. However, such a procedureassumes the model (i.e., the channel response) to be static throughoutthe observation sequence. By means of introducing a parametric model fortime-varying channel responses, a version of the algorithm, which is moreappropriate for mobile channels [time-dependent Baum-Welch (TDBW)] isderived. Aiming to compare algorithm behavior, a set of computer simulationsfor a GSM scenario is provided. Results indicate that, in comparisonto other Baum–Welch (BW) versions of the algorithm, the TDBW approachattains a remarkable enhancement in performance. For that purpose, onlya moderate increase in computational complexity is needed.