849 resultados para social-economic development
Buscamos avanzar en el conocimiento sobre cómo se desarrolla el movimiento de la sociedad argentina en su conjunto, analizado desde un caso particular que es el noreste del Chubut en el período que va desde la imposición de la hegemonía del capital financiero en 1989-1990 hasta el año 2005. Se pretende en esta tesis entender y conceptualizar en términos científicos cómo se mueve esa sociedad, de qué son expresión cada uno de sus conflictos, qué expresan los distintos sectores que se movilizan, qué expresan los cambios estructurales que se desarrollan, etc. Desde esta perspectiva nos interesa específicamente poder aportar al debate sobre cuáles son las opciones de plantear un proyecto alternativo de desarrollo para la provincia, la región y el país. Dentro del tema general de buscar comprender el movimiento de la sociedad, realizamos un abordaje de la realidad desde la utilización de un conocimiento acumulado y desde un recorte de esa realidad. Ese recorte lo realizamos a dos niveles. En primer lugar en términos espaciales: tomamos como base una región que denominamos el noreste de Chubut. Recortamos de la provincia del Chubut al área que tuvo el mayor crecimiento vinculado a los programas de polos de desarrollo durante las décadas del '60, '70 y parte del '80. La misma está delimitada por los actuales departamentos de Rawson y Biedma, de acuerdo a la división administrativa que toma la provincia desde 1957. En segundo lugar realizamos un recorte en términos temporales: abordamos como objeto de estudio al movimiento de la sociedad en esa región durante el período que va de 1989-1990 hasta el 2005. Consideramos que tomar este período nos permite observar el proceso de cambios que se generan con la realización de la hegemonía del capital financiero y el proceso de protestas, luchas y conflictos sociales que en el marco de estos cambios se desarrollan en la sociedad. La decisión de estudiar hasta el 2005 parte de considerar relevante comprender cómo continua el proceso después del 2001-2002. En esos años se produce la recuperación de la economía nacional, con un gran impulso para la región, lo cual genera el interés de poder precisar de qué se trata esta 'recuperación' y si estamos ante un movimiento orgánico o coyuntural de la economía. El período también nos permitió profundizar en el debate de las relaciones de fuerzas políticas, al hacer observable el período en que la burguesía logra recuperar la representación institucional como expresión legítima de la sociedad y consigue frenar la protesta social
El objetivo principal de este texto es exponer los aspectos generales y algunas conclusiones de un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo sobrela Región Rural Periurbana de La Plata. Entendida como un complejo campo social específico en el marco del periurbano. Se desarrollan brevemente: la historia regional, cuestiones de enfoque teórico, la construcción económica y política de la región y el campo de relaciones sociales interculturales
Buscamos avanzar en el conocimiento sobre cómo se desarrolla el movimiento de la sociedad argentina en su conjunto, analizado desde un caso particular que es el noreste del Chubut en el período que va desde la imposición de la hegemonía del capital financiero en 1989-1990 hasta el año 2005. Se pretende en esta tesis entender y conceptualizar en términos científicos cómo se mueve esa sociedad, de qué son expresión cada uno de sus conflictos, qué expresan los distintos sectores que se movilizan, qué expresan los cambios estructurales que se desarrollan, etc. Desde esta perspectiva nos interesa específicamente poder aportar al debate sobre cuáles son las opciones de plantear un proyecto alternativo de desarrollo para la provincia, la región y el país. Dentro del tema general de buscar comprender el movimiento de la sociedad, realizamos un abordaje de la realidad desde la utilización de un conocimiento acumulado y desde un recorte de esa realidad. Ese recorte lo realizamos a dos niveles. En primer lugar en términos espaciales: tomamos como base una región que denominamos el noreste de Chubut. Recortamos de la provincia del Chubut al área que tuvo el mayor crecimiento vinculado a los programas de polos de desarrollo durante las décadas del '60, '70 y parte del '80. La misma está delimitada por los actuales departamentos de Rawson y Biedma, de acuerdo a la división administrativa que toma la provincia desde 1957. En segundo lugar realizamos un recorte en términos temporales: abordamos como objeto de estudio al movimiento de la sociedad en esa región durante el período que va de 1989-1990 hasta el 2005. Consideramos que tomar este período nos permite observar el proceso de cambios que se generan con la realización de la hegemonía del capital financiero y el proceso de protestas, luchas y conflictos sociales que en el marco de estos cambios se desarrollan en la sociedad. La decisión de estudiar hasta el 2005 parte de considerar relevante comprender cómo continua el proceso después del 2001-2002. En esos años se produce la recuperación de la economía nacional, con un gran impulso para la región, lo cual genera el interés de poder precisar de qué se trata esta 'recuperación' y si estamos ante un movimiento orgánico o coyuntural de la economía. El período también nos permitió profundizar en el debate de las relaciones de fuerzas políticas, al hacer observable el período en que la burguesía logra recuperar la representación institucional como expresión legítima de la sociedad y consigue frenar la protesta social
El objetivo principal de este texto es exponer los aspectos generales y algunas conclusiones de un proyecto de investigación y desarrollo sobrela Región Rural Periurbana de La Plata. Entendida como un complejo campo social específico en el marco del periurbano. Se desarrollan brevemente: la historia regional, cuestiones de enfoque teórico, la construcción económica y política de la región y el campo de relaciones sociales interculturales
This article is the introduction to a special issue of The Developing Economies which presented the results of a research project by the Institute of Developing Economies that examined the development mechanisms in Korea and Taiwan. Our conclusion in this article is that their development mechanisms, despite their similar development patterns of export-led industrialization, have been essentially different: a government-led mechanism in Korea as opposed to a market-led mechanism in Taiwan. We verified this difference through comparative studies of the two economies covering trade balances, the growth of total factor productivity, the scale of enterprises and business groups, and the development processes of individual manufacturing sectors. In our explanatory discussion we propose that the difference in the mechanisms is based on: 1) the amount of accumulation in the economy at the time postwar industrialization started, 2) the relationship between government and society, and 3) the mechanism of social network formation.
China is the fastest growing country in the world for last few decades and one of the defining features of China's growth has been investment-led growth. China's sustained high economic growth and increased competitiveness in manufacturing has been underpinned by a massive development of physical infrastructure. In this context, we investigate the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth in China for the period 1975 to 2007. Overall, the results reveal that infrastructure stock, labour force, public and private investments have played an important role in economic growth in China. More importantly, we find that Infrastructure development in China has significant positive contribution to growth than both private and public investment. Further, there is unidirectional causality from infrastructure development to output growth justifying China's high spending on infrastructure development since the early nineties. The experience from China suggests that it is necessary to design an economic policy that improves the physical infrastructure as well as human capital formation for sustainable economic growth in developing countries.
Water is a vital resource, but also a critical limiting factor for economic and social development in many parts of the world. The recent rapid growth in human population and water use for social and economic development is increasing the pressure on water resources and the environment, as well as leading to growing conflicts among competing water use sectors (agriculture, urban, tourism, industry) and regions (Gleick et al., 2009; World Bank, 2006). In Spain, as in many other arid and semi-arid regions affected by drought and wide climate variability, irrigated agriculture is responsible for most consumptive water use and plays an important role in sustaining rural livelihoods (Varela-Ortega, 2007). Historically, the evolution of irrigation has been based on publicly-funded irrigation development plans that promoted economic growth and improved the socio-economic conditions of rural farmers in agrarian Spain, but increased environmental damage and led to excessive and inefficient exploitation of water resources (Garrido and Llamas, 2010; Varela-Ortega et al., 2010). Currently, water policies in Spain focus on rehabilitating and improving the efficiency of irrigation systems, and are moving from technocratic towards integrated water management strategies driven by the European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD).
The Mediterranean region is one of the world's climate change hotspots. Future climate projections envisage dramatic implications for the agricultural and water sectors that will endanger economic development and lead to natural resources degradation and social instability.
La ecología no solamente ha puesto de manifiesto problemas ambientales, sino que ha confirmado la necesidad de una nueva armonía entre los propios seres humanos y de éstos con la naturaleza y con todos los seres que la habitan. Es necesario un nuevo contrato que determine nuestras relaciones con la Naturaleza (Serrs1), y una nueva Ética para nuestras vidas (Guattari2). La ética medioambiental nos ha dado una visión universal y supra-generacional de la gestión de la naturaleza y como consecuencia, una nueva forma de construir nuestra ‘segunda’ Naturaleza, que es la arquitectura. ¿Qué es lo esencial que esta nueva ética exige para la arquitectura? Este es un momento crucial para reconsiderar los objetivos de la arquitectura, porque lo ‘eco’ está produciendo grandes cambios. ¿Implica esta era post-ecológica una particular ética, es decir, referida a sus fines y medios? ¿Porqué, para qué, para quién, cómo debemos hacer la arquitectura de nuestro tiempo? Es momento de afrontar críticamente el discurso de la eco-arquitectura, e incluso de repensar los propios límites de la arquitectura. El desarrollo actual del conocimiento medioambiental es esencialmente técnico y utilitario, pero ¿es el reto solamente técnico?¿Es suficiente la suma de lo medioambiental-social-económico-cultural para definirla? ¿Hay claves que nos puedan dar la dimensión ética de esta aproximación técnica-empírica? ¿Sabemos lo que estamos haciendo cuando aplicamos este conocimiento? Y, sobre todo, ¿cuál es el sentido de lo que estamos haciendo? La tesis que se propone puede resumirse: De acuerdo con el actual conocimiento que tenemos de la Naturaleza, la Arquitectura de nuestro tiempo deber reconsiderar sus fines y medios, puesto que la ética medioambiental está definiendo nuevos objetivos. Para fundamentar y profundizar en esta afirmación la tesis analiza cómo son hoy día las relaciones entre Ética-Naturaleza-Arquitectura (Fig.1), lo que facilitará las claves de cuáles son los criterios éticos (en cuanto a fines y medios) que deben definir la arquitectura del tiempo de la ecología. ABSTRACT Ecology shows us not only environmental problems; it shows that we need a new balance and harmony between individuals, beings, communities and Nature. We need a new contract with Nature according to Serres576, and a new Ethics for our lives according to Guattari577. Environmental ethics have given us a universal and supra-generational vision of the management of our Nature and, as a consequence, a new way to construct our ‘second’ nature, which is architecture. What is essential for this new architecture that the new ethics demand? This is a critical moment to reconsider the object of architecture, because the ‘eco’ is making significant changes in it. Are there any specifically ethical concerns (ends and means) in the post-ecological era? Why, for what, for whom, how should we make architecture in our times? This is the time to approach the eco-architectural discourse critically and to question the current boundaries of architecture itself: Where is eco-architecture going? The current development of environmental knowledge is essentially technical and utilitarian, but it is its technical aspect the only challenge? Is the sum of environmental-social-economic aspects enough to define it? Are there any clues which can give an ethical sense to this technical-empirical approach? Do we know what we are doing when we apply this knowledge? And overall, what is the meaning of what we are doing? Exploring this subject, this thesis makes a statement: In accordance with the actual knowledge of Nature, Architecture of our time must reconsider its ends and means, since the environmental ethics is defining new objectives. To support that, the thesis analyzes what the relationships between Ethics –Nature- Architecture (Fig. 53) are like nowadays, this will provide the clues of which ethical criteria (ends and means) must architecture of an ecological era define.
Este trabajo estudia la validez de la flexibilidad y la polivalencia, en tanto que estrategias de diseño doméstico, para superar los problemas derivados de la coincidencia de dos circunstancias opuestas en el campo de la vivienda social. Por un lado, la existencia en España de un rígido conjunto de normativas de diseño, originado a mediados del siglo pasado bajo unos supuestos culturales e ideológicos distintos a los actuales, que fija una idea muy precisa de hogar. Por otro lado, la creciente variedad de modos de habitar derivada del progreso social, económico y tecnológico de las últimas décadas. La tesis presenta dos partes ligadas entre sí. La primera es una investigación bibliográfica en la que se analizan los diferentes conceptos asociados a la flexibilidad y la polivalencia manejados hasta hoy, se estudian las formas en las que estas estrategias se presentan a través de ejemplos, algunos de ellos muy poco conocidos, y se exponen las oportunidades y los obstáculos para su desarrollo en nuestro país. La segunda parte es una investigación experimental que incluye los estudios de evaluación de dos edificios madrileños de referencia, las viviendas flexibles de Aranguren y Gallegos en Carabanchel y las viviendas polivalentes de la Casa de las Flores, de Secundino Zuazo. En ellos se analizan las ventajas y desventajas de los distintos dispositivos flexibles y polivalentes existentes en dichas viviendas; cómo influyen en la organización de la vida doméstica; cuáles de sus características merecen ser implementadas en nuevos proyectos y bajo qué condiciones. La investigación revela que la flexibilidad ofrece ventajas funcionales objetivas, pero que su generalización en nuevas promociones de vivienda ocasionaría problemas de índole cultural. Por otro lado, la polivalencia es eficaz para dar cabida a nuevos modelos de convivencia, pero choca con las preferencias de los grupos familiares tradicionales. En ambos casos, se proponen soluciones para mejorar su eficacia. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to assess the validity of flexibility and polyvalence as architectural responses to address some of the issues derived from two concurrent –yet opposing– circumstances in the field of Spanish social housing. On the one hand, the existence of a thick set of rules that strictly defines the form and use of the domestic space. These design norms were originated in the mid-20th century, according to an institutionalised idea of nuclear family and family home that does not match the current social trends in the country. On the other hand, the growing variety of lifestyles and family groups derived from the social, economic and technological progress of the last decades. The thesis is divided into two interrelated parts: The first one is a bibliographic research and an analysis of the diverse concepts attached to flexibility and polyvalence existing in the literature, a study of the ways in which these strategies are practiced in relevant housing buildings, and an explanation of the benefits and difficulties they pose with respect to their development in Spain. The second part is an experimental research including two post-occupancy evaluations in two housing buildings in Madrid: the flexible apartments in Carabanchel by Aranguren & Gallegos, and the polyvalent apartments in la Casa de las Flores by Secundino Zuazo. These studies are aimed at determining the extent to which the flexible and polyvalent elements in these projects are successful, which users take advantage of them and, over all, which of these features deserve to be applied to future developments, and under which conditions. The research indicates that, despite offering objective functional advantages, flexibility cannot be proposed as a general strategy in future subsidised housing developments due to the cultural problems it provokes. Besides, polyvalence is useful to host new cohabitations models, but it clashes with the preferences of traditional family groups. In both cases, several solutions to improve their efficiency are presented.
In the 29 years following \"Our Common Future\" by the United Nations, there is considerable debate among governments, civil society, interest groups and business organisations about what constitutes sustainable development, which constitutes evidence for a contested discourse concerning sustainability. The purpose of this study is to understand this debate in the developing economic context of Brazil, and in particular, to understand and critique the social and environmental accounting [SEA] discursive constructions relating to the State-owned, Petrobras as well as to understand the Brazilian literature on SEA. The discourse theory [DT]-based analysis employs rhetorical redescription to analyse twenty-two reports from Petrobras from 2004-2013. I investigate the political notions by employing the methodological framework of the Logics of Critical Explanation [LCE]. LCE engenders five methodological steps: problematisation, retroduction, logics (social, political and fantasmatic), articulation and critique. The empirical discussion suggests that the hegemony of economic development operates to obfuscate, rhetorically, the development of sustainability, so as to maintain the core business of Petrobras conceived as capital accumulation. Equally, these articulations also illustrate how the constructions of SEA operate to serve the company\'s purpose with few (none) profound changes in integration of sustainability. The Brazilian literature on SEA sustains the status quo of neo-liberal market policies that operate to protect the dominant business case approach to maintain an agenda of wealth-creation in relation to social and environmental needs. The articulations of the case manifested in policies regarding, for example, corruption, which involved over-payments for contracts and unsustainable practices relating to the use of fossil fuels and demonstrated that there was antagonism between action and disclosure. The corruption scandal that emerged after SEA disclosures highlighted the rhetorical nature of disclosure when financial resources were subtracted from the company for political parties and engineering contractors hid facts through incomplete disclosures. The articulations of SEA misrepresent a broader context of the meanings associated with sustainability, which restricted the constructions of SEA to principally serve and represent the intention of the most powerful groups. The significance of SEA, then is narrowed to represent particular interests. The study argues for more critical studies as limited Brazilian literature concerning SEA kept a \'safe distance\' from substantively critiquing the constructions of SEA and its articulations in the Brazilian context. The literature review and the Petrobras\' case illustrate a variety of naming, instituting and articulatory practices that endeavour to maintain the current hegemony of development in an emerging economy, which allows Petrobras to continue to exercise significant profit at the expense of the social and environmental. The constructed idea of development in Petrobras\' discourses emphasises a rhetoric of wider development, but, in reality, these discourses were the antithesis of political, social and ethical developmental issues. These constructions aim to hide struggles between social inequalities and exploitation of natural resources and constitute excuses about a fanciful notion of rhetorical and hegemonic neo-liberal development. In summary, this thesis contributes to the prior literature in five ways: (i) the addition of DT to the analysis of SEA enhances the discussion of political elements such as hegemony, antagonism, logic of equivalence/difference, ideology and articulation; (ii) the analysis of an emerging economy such as Brazil incorporates a new perspective of the discussion of the discourses of SEA and development; (iii) this thesis includes a focus on rhetoric to discuss the maintenance of the status quo; (iv) the holistic structure of the LCE approach enlarges the understanding of the social, political and fantasmatic logics of SEA studies and; (v) this thesis combines an analysis of the literature and the case of Petrobras to characterise and critique the state of the Brazilian academy and its impacts and reflections on the significance of SEA. This thesis, therefore, argues for more critical studies in the Brazilian academy due to the persistence of idea of SEA and development that takes-for-granted deep exclusions and contradictions and provide little space for critiques.
Sustainable development (or sustainability) is a decision-making framework for maintaining and achieving human well-being, both in the present and into the future. The framework requires both consideration and achievement of environmental protection, social justice and economic development. In that framework, environmental protection must be integrated into decisions about social and economic development, and social justice and economic viability must be integrated into decisions about environmental quality. First endorsed by the world’s nations in 1992, this framework is intended to provide an effective response to the twin global challenges of growing environmental degradation and widespread extreme poverty. Sustainability provides a framework for humans to live in harmony with nature, rather than at nature’s expense. It may therefore be one of the most important ideas to come out of the 20th century. In the last two decades, the framework has become a touchstone in nearly every economic sector and at every level of government, unleashing an extraordinary range of creativity in all of those realms. Sustainable development is having a significant effect on the practice of law and on the way in which laws are written and implemented. Understanding the framework is increasingly important for law makers and lawyers. As sustainable development (or sustainability) has grown in prominence, its critics have become more numerous and more vocal. Three major lines of criticism are that the term is “too boring” to command public attention, “too vague” to provide guidance, and “too late” to address the world’s problems. Critics suggest goals such as abundance, environmental integrity, and resilience. Beginning with the international agreements that shaped the concept of sustainable development, this Article provides a functional and historical analysis of the meaning of sustainable development. It then analyzes and responds to each of these criticisms in turn. While the critics, understood constructively, suggest ways of strengthening this framework, they do not provide a compelling alternative. The challenge for lawyers, law makers, and others is to use and improve this framework to make better decisions.
This paper’s objective is twofold. Firstly, it presents the case for services-related policies in the current European Union (EU). The services economy is frequently misunderstood, due to old and new myths that stem from the classic economic tradition. These myths obscure the role of the services economy in economic development. Nonetheless, the European services economy faces specific problems, such as lack of market integration, which amplifies arguments that justify policy actions toward services within a framework where market and systemic failures do apply. Secondly, this paper focuses on existing services-policies at the EU level, paying special attention to the internal market for services policies and to the complementary role of primarily non-regulatory policies. Within a comprehensive policy framework, each individual policy will have a higher impact, improved implementation and easier acceptance. Synergies among services-related policies should be promoted; the internal market policies, enterprise and industrial policies, competition policies and regional policies may take the lead in such a framework. Since the Lisbon Strategy, services have begun to gain recognition in EU policy agendas. This paper attempts to increase their visibility and to highlight their crucial role in European integration and in economic growth and social welfare.
The analysis of clusters has attracted considerable interest over the last few decades. The articulation of clusters into complex networks and systems of innovation -- generally known as regional innovation systems -- has, in particular, been associated with the delivery of greater innovation and growth. However, despite the growing economic and policy relevance of clusters, little systematic research has been conducted into their association with other factors promoting innovation and economic growth. This article addresses this issue by looking at the relationship between innovation and economic growth in 152 regions of Europe during the period between 1995 and 2006. Using an econometric model with a static and a dynamic dimension, the results of the analysis highlight that: a) regional growth through innovation in Europe is fundamentally connected to the presence of an adequate socioeconomic environment and, in particular, to the existence of a well-trained and educated pool of workers; b) the presence of clusters matters for regional growth, but only in combination with a good ‘social filter’, and this association wanes in time; c) more traditional R&D variables have a weak initial connection to economic development, but this connection increases over time and, is, once again, contingent on the existence of adequate socioeconomic conditions.
A decade of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the standard model of business as usual remains. Is there a reluctance to take the prevailing development paradigm based on economic growth and question its suitability as a motor for development? Most ENP resources and most tangible results remain within a financial framework, with a concentration on market-driven reforms in relation to economic and social change. On this basis, the current atmosphere represents a historical opportunity for rethinking the EU´s development paradigm fostered in the region. Drawing on extensive field work in Morocco and Tunisia, this policy brief highlights limitations and contradictions of the EU´s socio-economic development policies.