884 resultados para short and long run performance
Fuel cells are a topic of high interest in the scientific community right now because of their ability to efficiently convert chemical energy into electrical energy. This thesis is focused on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) because of their fuel flexibility, and is specifically concerned with the anode properties of SOFCs. The anodes are composed of a ceramic material (yttrium stabilized zirconia, or YSZ), and conducting material. Recent research has shown that an infiltrated anode may offer better performance at a lower cost. This thesis focuses on the creation of a model of an infiltrated anode that mimics the underlying physics of the production process. Using the model, several key parameters for anode performance are considered. These are the initial volume fraction of YSZ in the slurry before sintering, the final porosity of the composite anode after sintering, and the size of the YSZ and conducting particles in the composite. The performance measures of the anode, namely percolation threshold and effective conductivity, are analyzed as a function of these important input parameters. Simple two and three-dimensional percolation models are used to determine the conditions at which the full infiltrated anode would be investigated. These more simple models showed that the aspect ratio of the anode has no effect on the threshold or effective conductivity, and that cell sizes of 303 are needed to obtain accurate conductivity values. The full model of the infiltrated anode is able to predict the performance of the SOFC anodes and it can be seen that increasing the size of the YSZ decreases the percolation threshold and increases the effective conductivity at low conductor loadings. Similar trends are seen for a decrease in final porosity and a decrease in the initial volume fraction of YSZ.
Two patterns are among the most important considerations in planning services for the elderly of the future: (1) the current role of family members in supporting older adults and (2) the present high rate of divorce. Thus far, these patterns may not have significantly affected each other. However, if forecasts of increasing service demands by older adults are correct, service planners must consider what resources will be available to the elderly of the future. In this article, literature from a variety of areas is reviewed focusing on one question: How will the currently high rate of divorce affect the family support system of older adults in the future? Current divorce and remarriage patterns could undermine this support system of the elderly. Possible short-and long-term effects of the demands and emotional consequences of divorce are discussed within this context, and implications for public policy are suggested.
NUT midline carcinoma (NMC) is a poorly differentiated squamous cancer characterized by rearrangement of the NUT gene. Research advances have provided opportunities for targeted therapy in NMC, yet the clinical features of this rare disease have not been systematically characterized. We report on a large population of such patients to identify the disease characteristics and treatments, correlate them with outcome, and to consider clinical recommendations.
To assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia, behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress. Seventy lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control-handled or castrated by Burdizzo or rubber ring methods with and without local anaesthesia. Either 5 mL of diluted lidocaine (4 mg/kg) or physiological sodium chloride solution was distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, and behavioural and clinical traits were followed for three months. Local anaesthesia tended to reduce behavioural and cortisol responses after Burdizzo castration and provided a significant reduction after rubber ring castration. Prolonged pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo methods are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.
Behavioural and cortisol responses of lambs were used as indicators of pain and distress to assess short- and long-term effects of bloodless castration methods with and without local anaesthesia. Eighty lambs, aged 2-7 days, were control handled or castrated by crushing- Burdizzo- or rubber ring method with and without local anaesthesia. Either 4 mg/kg diluted lidocaine, or corresponding volumes of physiologic sodium chloride solution were distributed in both spermatic cords and the scrotal neck. The serum cortisol response was monitored for 48 h, behavioural- and clinical traits over a 3-month period. The crushing castration method was excluded from the study after 10 lambs had been castrated, since this method showed severe local reactions. Local anaesthesia significantly reduced behavioural and cortisol responses after rubber ring castration and tendentially after Burdizzo castration. Prolonged or chronic pain after rubber ring castration with anaesthesia was not evident. If combined with local anaesthesia, both the rubber ring and the Burdizzo method are acceptable methods for castration of lambs up to one week of age.
BACKGROUND: WHO grade II gliomas are often approached by radiation therapy (RT). However, little is known about tumor response and its potential impact on long-term survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients subjected to RT were selected from the own database of WHO grade II gliomas diagnosed between 1991 and 2000. The volumetric tumor response after RT was assessed based on magnetic resonance imaging and graded according to standard criteria as complete, partial (PR, >or= 50%), or minor (MR, 25% to <50%). RESULTS: There were 24 astrocytomas and three oligoastrocytomas. 21 patients (78%) were dead at follow-up (mean survival 74 months). None of the patients had chemotherapy. Objective response occurred in 14 patients (52%, five PR and nine MR) but was not associated with overall survival. The vast majority of the tumors had no loss of heterozygosity (LOH) 1p and/or 19q (86%). CONCLUSION: Approximately 50% of patients with astrocytic WHO grade II gliomas respond to RT despite the absence of LOH for 1p/19q. The potential predictive factors for response and the impact of response on overall survival remain unclear.
PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term prospective follow-up on the stability of soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation to set back the mandible. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females, 11 males) were re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The precedent follow-ups included: before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2) after surgery, 6.6 months (T3) after surgery, and 14.4 months after (T4) surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program (Dentofacial Software, Toronto, Canada). The x-axis for the system of coordinates ran through Sella (point 0) and the line NSL -7 degrees. RESULTS: The net effect of the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion) was 79% of the setback at pogonion. At the lower lip (labrale inferior) it was 100% of the setback at lower incisor position. Point B' followed point B to 99%. Labrale inferior and menton' also showed a significant backward, as well as a downward, movement (T5 to T2). Gender correlated significantly (P = .004) with the anterior displacement of point B' and pogonion' (P = .012). The soft tissue relapse 12.7 years after BSSO setback surgery at point B' was 3% and 13% at pogonion'. CONCLUSION: Among the reasons for 3-dimensional long-term soft tissue changes of shape, the surgical technique, the normal process of human aging, the initial growth direction, and remodeling processes must be considered. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term outcome of setback surgery in female compared with male patients because further posterior movement of the mandibular soft tissue occurred.
The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up investigation of the stability of hard and soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal (RIF) fixation to advance the mandible. Sixteen consecutive patients (12 females and 4 males, mean age 21.4 years) were available for re-examination 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The preceding follow-ups were before (T1), and 5 days (T2), 7.3 months (T3), and 13.9 months (T4) after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line NSL -7 degrees. Thus, the program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. Statistical analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed-ranks test with Bonferroni adjustments. The relationships between the examined variables were analysed by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. The backward relapse at point B (T5) was 2.42 mm, or 50 per cent, and at pogonion 3.21 mm, or 60 per cent of the initial advancement. The mean net effect at T5 on the labial fold (soft tissue point B) was 94 per cent of the advancement at point B. For the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion), it was 119 per cent of the advancement at pogonion. The net effect on the lower lip (labrale inferior) was 55 per cent of the advancement at incision inferior. The amount of the surgical advancement of the mandible was correlated with the long-term relapse in point B. Among possible reasons for this relapse are the initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissue.
BACKGROUND: The aim was to assess the clinical relevance of the World Health Organization and tumour node metastasis (TNM) classifications in patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (pNETs). METHODS: Prospectively collected data from 118 consecutive patients with a pNET receiving surgical intervention were analysed. RESULTS: Forty-one patients had well differentiated neuroendocrine tumours, 64 had well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas and 13 had poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas. Five-year survival rates were 95, 44 and 0 per cent respectively (P < 0.001). There was no difference in survival after R0 and R1/R2 resections in patients with neuroendocrine carcinomas (P = 0.905). In those with well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas, any resection and having a clinically non-functional tumour significantly increased survival (P = 0.003 and P = 0.037 respectively). The TNM stage was I in 37 patients, II in 15 patients, III in 32 patients and IV in 34 patients. There were significant differences in 5-year survival between stage I and II (88 and 85 per cent respectively) and stage III and IV (31 and 42 per cent respectively) (P = 0.010). CONCLUSION: Both classifications accurately reflect the clinical outcome of patients with pNET. The resection status may not be critical for long-term survival in patients with pNET.
BACKGROUND: Transient apical ballooning syndrome (TABS) or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy mimics acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, but is considered to have a good prognosis with only moderate elevation of myocardial enzymes and full recovery of left ventricular function. Although it is increasingly reported, its exact incidence, clinical presentation, and prognosis in non-Asian populations remain largely unknown. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics and long-term follow-up of patients who presented with TABS at our institution over a 3 year-period. METHODS: Patients were retrospectively retrieved from our local database. Patient charts were carefully reviewed and the diagnosis of TABS was based on the Mayo Clinic diagnostic criteria. Moreover, psychosocial stress or gastrointestinal disease was recorded. RESULTS: During the study period, 13,715 coronary angiographies were performed at our institution, including 2459 patients presenting with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Forty-one TABS were diagnosed, which represents an incidence of 1.7% of ACS-patients and 0.3% of all coronary angiographies performed, respectively. Mean age was 65 years, with 85% women. Clinical presentations included chest pain, dyspnoea, and cardiogenic shock. A preceding psychological or physical condition perceived as "stress" was reported in 61%. At a mean follow-up of 675+/-288 days, none of the patients died of cardiac causes, but two patients had a recurrence of symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest cohort of TABS patients reported out of Europe so far. The good overall prognosis and low likelihood of recurrence were confirmed.
Interest in the study of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayered structures took a giant leap since Grünberg and his group established that the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) is a function of the non-magnetic spacer width. This interest was further fuelled by the discovery of the phenomenal Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. In fact, in 2007 Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contribution to the discovery of GMR. GMR is the key property that is being used in the read-head of the present day computer hard drive as it requires a high sensitivity in the detection of magnetic field. The recent increase in demand for device miniaturization encouraged researchers to look for GMR in nanoscale multilayered structures. In this context, one dimensional(1-D) multilayerd nanowire structure has shown tremendous promise as a viable candidate for ultra sensitive read head sensors. In fact, the phenomenal giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, which is the novel feature of the currently used multilayered thin film, has already been observed in multilayered nanowire systems at ambient temperature. Geometrical confinement of the supper lattice along the 2-dimensions (2-D) to construct the 1-D multilayered nanowire prohibits the minimization of magnetic interaction- offering a rich variety of magnetic properties in nanowire that can be exploited for novel functionality. In addition, introduction of non-magnetic spacer between the magnetic layers presents additional advantage in controlling magnetic properties via tuning the interlayer magnetic interaction. Despite of a large volume of theoretical works devoted towards the understanding of GMR and IEC in super lattice structures, limited theoretical calculations are reported in 1-D multilayered systems. Thus to gauge their potential application in new generation magneto-electronic devices, in this thesis, I have discussed the usage of first principles density functional theory (DFT) in predicting the equilibrium structure, stability as well as electronic and magnetic properties of one dimensional multilayered nanowires. Particularly, I have focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire structures and the role of non-magnetic Pt spacer in modulating the magnetic properties of the wire. It is found that the average magnetic moment per atom in the nanowire increases monotonically with an ~1/(N(Fe)) dependance, where N(Fe) is the number of iron layers in the nanowire. A simple model based upon the interfacial structure is given to explain the 1/(N(Fe)) trend in magnetic moment obtained from the first principle calculations. A new mechanism, based upon spin flip with in the layer and multistep electron transfer between the layers, is proposed to elucidate the enhancement of magnetic moment of Iron atom at the Platinum interface. The calculated IEC in the Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire is found to switch sign as the width of the non-magnetic spacer varies. The competition among short and long range direct exchange and the super exchange has been found to play a key role for the non-monotonous sign in IEC depending upon the width of the Platinum spacer layer. The calculated magnetoresistance from Julliere's model also exhibit similar switching behavior as that of IEC. The universality of the behavior of exchange coupling has also been looked into by introducing different non-magnetic spacers like Palladium, Copper, Silver, and Gold in between magnetic Iron layers. The nature of hybridization between Fe and other non-magnetic spacer is found to dictate the inter layer magnetic interaction. For example, in Fe/Pd nanowire the d-p hybridization in two spacer layer case favors anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration over ferromagnetic (FM) configuration. However, the hybridization between half-filled Fe(d) and filled Cu(p) state in Fe/Cu nanowire favors FM coupling in the 2-spacer system.