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The military event that sealed the defeat of Napoleon in Spain was the Battle of Vitoria on 21st June 1813, which saw the allied British, Spanish and Portuguese troops led by Wellington gain victory over Joseph Bonaparte's forces. It was the last great battle of what is known in Spain as the Guerra de la Independencia, in the United Kingdom as the Peninsular War and in France as the Guerre d'Espagne. While a sliver of Spanish territory remained under French control and the war itself went on for a few more months, it was the Battle of Vitoria that marked the end of Napoleon's rule on the Iberian Peninsula, as symbolised by the departure from Spain of Joseph Bonaparte, the monarch who had been imposed five years earlier to remove the Bourbons from the Spanish throne.
En aquest article es traça una panoràmica per les obres de gènere negre d’Antoni Serra. Tot i això, la producció de gènere de Serra no es pot entendre sense tres característiques essencials: les referències al clàssic; la voluntat de testimoniatge del canvi social; i el lligam entre el gènere negre i la història contemporània. L’article també indaga sobre els motius que duen a l’escriptor a interessar-se per aquest gènere literari i el relaciona amb algunes de les eleccions que va haver de prendre l’escriptor: canviar de llengua després d’uns inicis en castellà que li havien comportat els primers èxits i l’elecció de la llengua catalana com una conseqüència més de la lluita antifranquista.
En el siglo XIX, la función política primordial de las reinas era contribuir a la estabilidad y perpetuación de la dinastía y de la corona, como esposas de reyes y madres de futuros reyes; mantener el buen funcionamiento del sistema político como regentes y, como reinas madre, dar de nuevo credibilidad a la monarquía dejando paso a los nuevos reyes. María Cristina de Borbón y María Cristina de Habsburgo fueron dos mujeres, dos reinas, que vieron condicionada su trayectoria personal por el hecho de ser regentes y su labor política por el hecho de ser mujeres. A medida que avanzaba el siglo XIX, las familias reales se mostraron de forma creciente como familias burguesas, para contribuir a ofrecer una imagen próxima y moderna de la corona. Sin embargo, las diferencias en este sentido entre las dos reinas son destacables, pues los modelos de género evolucionaron a lo largo de la centuria. Por otra parte, encarnaron dos momentos muy diferentes de la monarquía decimonónica: el punto de partida –una monarquía absoluta– y el de llegada –una monarquía constitucional–. María Cristina de Borbón, con mucha angustia personal y pánico a la revolución, vivió, muy a su pesar, el tránsito definitivo entre el Antiguo Régimen y el régimen liberal, mientras que María Cristina de Habsburgo ocupó el trono en la época dorada de la Restauración liberal, aunque su regencia tuvo que afrontar la crisis de finales de siglo.
One saw previously that indications of diversity IT and the one of Shannon permits to characterize globally by only one number one fundamental aspects of the text structure. However a more precise knowledge of this structure requires specific abundance distributions and the use, to represent this one, of a suitable mathematical model. Among the numerous models that would be either susceptible to be proposed, the only one that present a real convenient interest are simplest. One will limit itself to study applied three of it to the language L(MT): the log-linear, the log-normal and Mac Arthur's models very used for the calculation of the diversity of the species of ecosystems, and used, we believe that for the first time, in the calculation of the diversity of a text written in a certain language, in our case L(MT). One will show advantages and inconveniences of each of these model types, methods permitting to adjust them to text data and in short tests that permit to decide if this adjustment is acceptable.
Eleven-page notebook containing John Winthrop's handwritten observations and calculations. Titled by Winthrop "Observations of 'Spots' on ye Sun with ye Naked Eye," this is the first known record of his scientific observations and records what he saw while examining the sun "with an 8 foot telescope from 6 a.m. til sun set" on the Boston Commons and concluding with "a considerable aurora borealis" that night (April 20, 1739). It has been speculated that his reference to the aurora borealis in these observations may indicate that he recognized the interrelation of the aurora borealis and sun spots, a concept which was not definitively established until the mid-nineteenth century.
The small volume holds the notebook of Tristram Gilman interleaved on unlined pages in a printed engagement calendar. The original leather cover accompanies the notebook, but is no longer attached. The inside covers of the original leather binding are filled with scribbled words and notes. The volume holds a variety of handwritten notes including account information, transcriptions of biblical passages and related observations, travel information, community news, weather, and astronomy. The volumes does not follow a chronological order, and instead seems to have been repurposed at various times.
Willard describes his tutoring job at Bowdoin College, explains his contract and salary, terms and conditions, and describes President Joseph McKeen, as well as the town of Brunswick. He mentions that he saw his Aunt Chadwick, and that she discussed the death of her brother. He also describes his aunt’s house, and mentions the death of another close relation.
1. Hādhihi nubdhah laṭīfah fī tarjamat Shaykh al-Islām Dāwūd al-Baghdādī / ʻAbd al-Wahhāb al-Mūsawī -- 2. Minḥah al-wahbīyah fī radd al-Wahhābīyah / Dāwūd al-Baghdādī al-Mūsawī -- 3. Ashadd al-jihād fī ibṭāl daʻwá al-ijtihād / Dāwūd al-Baghdādī al-Mūsawī.
[Tajallī ʻAlī Shāh].
Ends with prayer seeking for forgiveness for mistakes.
Pīr Ṣadr ad-Dīn, Pīr Shams, Pīr Ḥasan Shāh ... [et al.].
O presente relatório foi concretizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), integrada no curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE) e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB). A prática educativa desenvolvida no contexto da EPE decorreu numa instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, com um grupo de 12 crianças, com idades de 4 e 5 anos. No âmbito do contexto do 1.º CEB, a ação pedagógica decorreu num agrupamento de escolas pertencente à rede pública, com um grupo de 18 crianças do 2.º ano de escolaridade, com idades de 6 e 7 anos. Em ambos os contextos, desenvolvemos a ação educativa com o intuito de responder às necessidades e interesses das crianças sendo que tivemos o cuidado de criar um ambiente propício ao desenvolvimento e aprendizagem de saberes de forma lúdica, por gosto e prazer, onde, no dia-a-dia e ao longo da concretização das experiências de ensino/aprendizagem, prevalecesse o diálogo, a escuta, a negociação, a tomada de decisões e a resolução de problemas, de maneira a valorizarmos as crianças como cidadãos ativos, autónomos, responsáveis e capazes de saber fazer, ser e estar. Após definirmos as questões e os objetivos que iriam orientar a nossa investigação, foi fundamental delinearmos um estudo centrado nas abordagens metodológicas qualitativa e quantitativa. Neste sentido, para que fosse possível recolhermos dados que sustentassem o nosso estudo, recorremos a um conjunto de técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, em ambos os contextos, designadamente: à observação participante, às notas de campo e aos registos fotográficos, às produções das crianças, ao inquérito por questionário e, ainda, à entrevista semiestruturada. Desta forma, ao longo da prática educativa, considerando as experiências de ensino/aprendizagem sustentadoras da nossa temática de estudo, procuramos promover atividades que envolvessem o contacto e exploração de diferentes suportes de escrita e leitura do meio envolvente, desafiando, apoiando e incentivando as crianças a desenvolverem o gosto e prazer pela leitura e escrita. Em relação à análise e interpretação das entrevistas semiestruturadas e dos inquéritos por questionário, dirigidas ao grupo de crianças da EPE e do 1.º CEB, respetivamente, percebemos que as crianças inquiridas estavam inseridas num ambiente educativo e familiar que, na sua rotina diária, desenvolvia práticas de literacia diversificadas e que potenciava o contacto com diferentes suportes de escrita e leitura. Com efeito, ao longo da nossa ação, assumimos uma atitude crítica e reflexiva, de modo a responder às necessidades e interesses das crianças, alicerçada em diferentes modos de pensar e agir.
Climate vs competitiveness? The European Commission published its proposal on the 2030 climate and energy framework on 22 January. Reflective of the current economic climate, it was accompanied by a report on energy prices and the Commission decided not to propose regulation on shale gas but to issue recommendations on environmental standards. The same day also saw the publication of a communication “For a European Industrial Renaissance”. Climate considerations no longer drive the agenda. The enthusiasm of 2007, when the “20/20/20” climate and energy targets were set for 2020, has diminished. The new reality has brought competitiveness to the top of the EU’s priority agenda.
Vulnerability in the EU’s internal energy market has been made starker since the Russia-Ukraine crisis, highlighting specifically the importance of upstream energy linkages. March this year saw the European Council calling for a comprehensive plan to reduce the EU’s energy dependence. The European Commission responded to this call with a communication on Energy Security published on 28 May, in time for another European Council at the end of June, at which a decision is anticipated.
Despite the economic crisis with resulting high unemployment, EU economies face vacancies across the skill spectrum. At the low end there is a structural need when it comes to seasonal work. The Seasonal Workers Directive was launched at the same time as the Inter-Corporate Transferees (ICTs) Directive in 2010 – as part of the Commission’s 2005 Policy Plan on Legal Migration – and initially appeared to be more troublesome, with the stigma of ‘migrants stealing local jobs’ haunting it. However, without the provisions for intra-EU mobility that have plagued the ICTs Directive, the Seasonal Workers Directive became less problematic despite the fact that seasonal workers are more numerous than intra-corporate transferees. This Policy Brief looks at how negotiating parties ensured a focus not only on the needs of the European labour market, but also saw an opportunity to bring added value to seasonal workers’ rights, through equal treatment to EU nationals. It assesses the final outcome of three and a half years of intra-EU negotiation, looking at the rights gained for seasonal migrants, the level of harmonization achieved, and the future of migration policy with the strategic guidelines for the area of freedom, security and justice in mind.