832 resultados para role-based access control


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Rights expression languages declare the permitted and prohibited actions to be performed on a resource. Along this work, six rights expression languages are compared, abstracting their commonalities and outlining their underlying pattern. Linked Data, which can be object of protection by the intellectual property laws or its access be restricted by an access control system, can be the asset in rights expressions. The requirements for a pattern for licensing Linked Data resources are listed.


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Las NADPH oxidasas de plantas, denominadas “respiratory burst oxidase homologues” (RBOHs), producen especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS) que median un amplio rango de funciones. En la célula vegetal, el ajuste preciso de la producción de ROS aporta la especificidad de señal para generar una respuesta apropiada ante las amenazas ambientales. RbohD y RbohF, dos de los diez genes Rboh de Arabidopsis, son pleiotrópicos y median diversos procesos fisiológicos en respuesta a patógenos. El control espacio-temporal de la expresión de los genes RbohD y RbohF podría ser un aspecto crítico para determinar la multiplicidad de funciones de estas oxidasas. Por ello, generamos líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis con fusiones de los promoters de RbohD y RbohF a los genes delatores de la B-glucuronidasa y la luciferasa. Estas líneas fueron empleadas para revelar el patrón de expresión diferencial de RbohD y RbohF durante la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis a la bacteria patógena Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, el hongo necrótrofo Plectosphaerella cucumerina y en respuesta a señales relacionadas con la respuesta inmune. Nuestros experimentos revelan un patrón de expresión diferencial de los promotores de RbohD y RbohF durante el desarrollo de la planta y en la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis. Además hemos puesto de manifiesto que existe una correlación entre el nivel de actividad de los promotores de RbohD y RbohF con la acumulación de ROS y el nivel de muerte celular en respuesta a patógenos. La expression de RbohD y RbohF también es modulada de manera diferencial en respuesta a patrones moleculares asociados a patógenos (PAMPs) y por ácido abscísico (ABA). Cabe destacar que, mediante una estrategia de intercambio de promotores, hemos revelado que la región promotora de RbohD, es necesaria para dirigir la producción de ROS en respuesta a P. cucumerina. Adicionalmente, la activación del promotor de RbohD en respuesta al aislado de P. cucumerina no adaptado a Arabidopsis 2127, nos llevó a realizar ensayos de susceptibilidad con el doble mutante rbohD rbohF que han revelado un papel desconocido de estas oxidasas en resistencia no-huesped. La interacción entre la señalización dependiente de las RBOHs y otros componentes de la respuesta inmune de plantas podría explicar también las distintas funciones que median estas oxidasas en relación con la respuesta inmune. Entre la gran cantidad de señales coordinadas con la actividad de las RBOHs, existen evidencias genéticas y farmacológicas que indican que las proteínas G heterotriméricas están implicadas en algunas de las rutas de señalización mediadas por ROS derivadas de los RBOHs en respuesta a señales ambientales. Por ello hemos estudiado la relación entre estas RBOH-NADPH oxidasas y AGB1, la subunidad β de las proteínas G heterotriméricas en la respuesta inmune de Arabidopsis. Análisis de epistasis indican que las proteínas G heterotriméricas están implicadas en distintas rutas de señalización en defensa mediadas por las RBOHs. Nuestros resultados ilustran la relación compleja entre la señalización mediada por las RBOHs y las proteínas G heterotriméricas, que varía en función de la interacción planta-patógeno analizada. Además, hemos explorado la posible asociación entre AGB1 con RBOHD y RBOHF en eventos tempranos de la respuesta immune. Cabe señalar que experimentos de coímmunoprecipitación apuntan a una posible asociación entre AGB1 y la kinasa citoplasmática reguladora de RBOHD, BIK1. Esto indica un posible mecanismo de control de la función de esta NADPH oxidase por AGB1. En conjunto, estos datos aportan nuevas perspectivas sobre cómo, a través del control transcripcional o mediante la interacción con las proteínas G heterotriméricas, las NADPH oxidases de plantas median la producción de ROS y la señalización por ROS en la respuesta inmune. Nuestro trabajo ejemplifica cómo la regulación diferencial de dos miembros de una familia multigénica, les permite realizar distintas funciones fisiológicas especializadas usando un mismo mecanismo enzimático. ABSTRACT The plant NADPH oxidases, termed respiratory burst oxidase homologues (RBOHs), produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which mediate a wide range of functions. Fine tuning this ROS production provides the signaling specificity to the plant cell to produce the appropriate response to environmental threats. RbohD and RbohF, two of the ten Rboh genes present in Arabidopsis, are pleiotropic and mediate diverse physiological processes in response to pathogens. One aspect that may prove critical to determine the multiplicity of functions of RbohD and RbohF is the spatio-temporal control of their gene expression. Thus, we generated Arabidopsis transgenic lines with RbohD- and RbohF-promoter fusions to the β-glucuronidase and the luciferase reporter genes. These transgenics were employed to reveal RbohD and RbohF promoter activity during Arabidopsis immune response to the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000, the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina and in response to immunity-related cues. Our experiments revealed a differential expression pattern of RbohD and RbohF throughout plant development and during Arabidopsis immune response. Moreover, we observed a correlation between the level of RbohD and RbohF promoter activity, the accumulation of ROS and the amount of cell death in response to pathogens. RbohD and RbohF gene expression was also differentially modulated by pathogen associated molecular patterns and abscisic acid. Interestingly, a promoter-swap strategy revealed the requirement for the promoter region of RbohD to drive the production of ROS in response to P. cucumerina. Additionally, since the RbohD promoter was activated during Arabidopsis interaction with a non-adapted P. cucumerina isolate 2127, we performed susceptibility tests to this fungal isolate that uncovered a new role of these oxidases on non-host resistance. The interplay between RBOH-dependent signaling with other components of the plant immune response might also explain the different immunity-related functions mediated by these oxidases. Among the plethora of signals coordinated with RBOH activity, pharmacological and genetic evidence indicates that heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in some of the signaling pathways mediated by RBOH–derived ROS in response to environmental cues. Therefore, we analysed the interplay between these RBOH-NADPH oxidases and AGB1, the Arabidopsis β-subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins during Arabidopsis immune response. We carried out epistasis studies that allowed us to test the implication of AGB1 in different RBOH-mediated defense signaling pathways. Our results illustrate the complex relationship between RBOH and heterotrimeric G proteins signaling, that varies depending on the type of plant-pathogen interaction. Furthermore, we tested the potential association between AGB1 with RBOHD and RBOHF during early immunity. Interestingly, our co-immunoprecipitation experiments point towards an association of AGB1 and the RBOHD regulatory kinase BIK1, thus providing a putative mechanism in the control of the NADPH oxidase function by AGB1. Taken all together, these studies provide further insights into the role that transcriptional control or the interaction with heterotrimeric G-proteins have on RBOH-NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS production and signaling in immunity. Our work exemplifies how, through a differential regulation, two members of a multigenic family achieve specialized physiological functions using a common enzymatic mechanism.


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Siguiendo la orientación seguida por la industria aeronáutica de los Estados Unidos en las últimas décadas muchas industrias paralelas han venido a considerar la Operación y Mantenimiento (O&M) como uno de los aspectos más relevantes a la hora de conseguir alcanzar sus objetivos organizativos. La política a seguir en la fase mantenimiento se reconoce como algo fundamental para conseguir los niveles de eficacia operativa precisos, en particular la disponibilidad. La importancia que toman los costes acumulativos incurridos en el periodo de O&M en el total de los acumulados en el ciclo de vida es un hecho cada vez más reconocido. Este concepto ha sido muy analizado y comentado, y comienzan a surgir y a estar en vigor numerosas regulaciones sobre el tema. El coste del ciclo de vida (LCC) se usa cada vez más como uno de los criterios principales a la hora de diseñar o comprar, y así se requiere a los suministradores que aporten soluciones garantizando un bajo coste a lo largo del ciclo vital y que, a la par, mantengan los niveles de servicio requeridos, por unos atributos medibles como son la disponibilidad o la puntualidad. Esta dualidad supone un verdadero reto para los diseñadores cuando afrontan nuevos desarrollos: diseñar para lograr un elevado nivel de servicio a la par que manteniendo un coste bajo en la totalidad del ciclo de vida del nuevo diseño. Hoy en día es indispensable proceder al diseño de los productos y soluciones de forma que sean confiables, fáciles de parametrizar, de configurar y operar, y que además posean las mejores prestaciones para minimizar los esfuerzos para su mantenimiento, renovaciones y eliminación al fin de su vida útil. La política de mantenimiento, tal como se indica anteriormente, ya no es por tanto la preocupación del último momento, sino algo que se debe definir conjuntamente con el diseño, con la perspectiva integrada del soporte logístico preciso. En numerosas industrias las decisiones que se toman sobre el diseño influencian sobremanera los costes futuros del mantenimiento y, particularmente en estos casos, el análisis integral del coste del ciclo de vida se revela como una poderosa herramienta que habilita la toma de las decisiones críticas. Por desgracia el estado del arte de los análisis LCC en el campo ferroviario es casi nulo en comparación con la industria aeronáutica de defensa, o incluso con la tecnología aplicada a la construcción de carreteras. Un enfoque profesional sobre la optimización de los costes y la disponibilidad del sistema ferroviario global es algo inexistente hoy día. Un análisis sistemático de los costes e impactos sobre la disponibilidad a largo plazo es excepcional en las fases de diseño, incluso para los más sencillos componentes de señalización. Más aún, en el mercado de señalización ferroviaria el mantenimiento es el gran paradigma. Las líneas deben mantenerse en servicio comercial bajo cualquier circunstancia, llevando al mínimo cualquier perturbación y por supuesto preservando la seguridad que la sociedad demanda a los sistemas de transporte públicos de masas. Es por ello que la tendencia cada vez mayor es la de comparar, en el momento de la toma de decisión sobre la inversión, las distintas alternativas posibles para elegir la que garantice el menor coste esperable a lo largo del ciclo de vida exigible. El sector ferroviario, como industria que requiere elevadas inversiones de capital en soluciones de larga permanencia, requiere un enfoque que considere el coste del ciclo de vida. Para la infraestructura ferroviaria y la propia vía el ciclo de vida considerado tradicionalmente para la inversión inicial incluyendo el mantenimiento y algunas renovaciones parciales es de 75 a 100 años, para el material rodante son 30 a 35 años con una renovación significativa hacia la mitad del periodo y para los sistemas de señalización se suelen adoptar entre 25 y 30 años. Dados estos elevados plazos el coste debe ser evaluado para cada uno de los elementos constitutivos, considerando no solo los costes de adquisición, sino también a los que conducen las distintas alternativas de diseño y estrategias de mantenimiento, de forma que se minimicen los costes totales acumulados a lo largo del plazo vital sin perder de vista preservar la función deseada, la explotación comercial segura. Concebir las líneas y su mantenimiento bajo el prisma del concepto del coste del ciclo de vida LCC está revelándose como algo imperativo ya que garantiza que las decisiones sobre inversiones/explotación/mantenimiento sean las más efectivas en términos de coste para la sociedad. Pero por desgracia es muy raro encontrar en el sector ferroviario análisis LCC debidamente documentados. Todos los tecnólogos prefieren aportar argumentos de ventas, bonitas transparencias y folletos, entre ellos algunos detalles de LCC o reflexiones dialécticas al respecto, más que permitir obtener clara y francamente sus costes de adquisición de productos incluyendo los de ingeniería e instalación. Igual o similar opacidad hay al respecto de los costes de su mantenimiento (considerando los repuestos y las expectativas de evolución o roadmap del producto). A pesar de reconocerse el hecho de que las decisiones relativas al diseño y a las estrategias de mantenimiento deben apoyarse en análisis sobre los costes y la efectividad asociada debidamente evaluada, en la mayor parte de las veces la carencia de datos imposibilita la realización de estos estudios y se toman las decisiones por proximidad a otros casos similares o guiados por el consejo de una parte sesgada del mercado. Esta tesis demuestra, partiendo de la aplicación de la parte 3.3 de la norma internacional UNE-EN 60300:2004 “Cálculo del Coste del Ciclo de Vida”, que el sistema de señalización que se debe considerar a la hora de definir una nueva línea de Metro típica ha de ser la tecnología de control de tren basada en las telecomunicaciones (CBTC) aplicada en su modo de operación sin conductor (UTO), puesto que su coste de ciclo de vida (LCC) resulta ser sensiblemente inferior al del sistema tradicional de protección y operación automática de tren (ATP/ATO) más avanzado que puede ser usado como alternativa tecnológica, el distancia objetivo. El trabajo es netamente innovador, pues en el estado del arte documental sobre la materia, que se ha analizado en gran profundidad, tal y como demuestra la bibliografía reseñada, no consta ningún análisis de selección de alternativas de características similares hasta la fecha. Aunque se habla de manera extensiva en los foros y revistas ferroviarias sobre el tema de la rentabilidad que se obtiene por la selección del sistema CBTC como sistema de protección de tren sin embargo éste es un aspecto que nadie ha demostrado de manera analítica hasta el trabajo presente. La Tesis en sí misma es un trabajo original, pues contiene a lo largo de toda ella y en sus anejos, una descripción completa, y adecuadamente comprensible por todo tipo de lector, sobre el estado del arte de los sistemas de automatización ferroviaria. No existe actualmente en lengua castellana, inglesa, francesa o alemana un trabajo de alcance similar. La Tesis se estructura debidamente, proporcionando un hilo documental que permite incluso a los lectores profanos adquirir los conocimientos precisos para poder valorar de manera adecuada el análisis de alternativas que se plantea y su resultado, que resulta coincidente con la hipótesis formulada al inicio de la redacción de la Tesis. Se indican como colofón otras posibles futuras líneas de investigación que se han identificado. Los anejos a la Tesis la complementan con información adicional procesada durante su redacción: • Las tablas de los cálculos del modelo de costes de cada alternativa tecnológica analizada • La visión general del universo de los sistemas de conducción automática de metros globalmente conocidos bajo el acrónimo de CBTC (Communications-Based Train Control), con el detalle actual del mercado de este tipo de soluciones: qué Compañías fabrican, en base a qué solución tecnológica de transmisión, dónde los comercializan y qué entes ferroviarios los utilizan. • Las condiciones a tener en cuenta de cara a decidir la implantación de un sistema CBTC UTO. • El estudio en detalle del caso de reseñalización del Metro de Nueva York describiendo los métodos que se siguieron para elegir las compañías que intervinieron en su realización y lograr la interoperabilidad entre las mismas. • El estado del arte de la definición de estándares y actividades para la interoperabilidad en Europa y Estados Unidos (Proyecto Modurban y Normas del IEEC).


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Entamoeba histolytica is a single cell eukaryote that is the etiologic agent of amoebic colitis. Core promoter elements of E. histolytica protein encoding genes include a TATA-like sequence (GTATTTAAAG/C) at −30, a novel element designated GAAC (GAACT) that has a variable location between TATA and the site of transcription initiation, and a putative initiator (Inr) element (AAAAATTCA) overlying the site of transcription initiation. The presence of three separate conserved sequences in a eukaryotic core promoter is unprecedented and prompted examination of their roles in regulating transcription initiation. Alterations of all three regions in the hgl5 gene decreased reporter gene activity with the greatest effect seen by mutation of the GAAC element. Positional analysis of the TATA box demonstrated that transcription initiated consistently 30–31 bases downstream of the TATA region. Mutation of either the TATA or GAAC elements resulted in the appearance of new transcription start sites upstream of +1 in the promoter of the hgl5 gene. Mutation of the Inr element resulted in no change in the site of transcription initiation; however, in the presence of a mutated TATA and GAAC regions, the Inr element controlled the site of transcription initiation. We conclude that all three elements play a role in determining the site of transcription initiation. The variable position of the GAAC element relative to the site of transcription initiation, and the multiple transcription initiations that resulted from its mutation, indicate that the GAAC element has an important and apparently novel role in transcriptional control in E. histolytica.


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A novel fungal metabolite, apicidin [cyclo(N-O-methyl-l-tryptophanyl-l-isoleucinyl-d-pipecolinyl-l-2-amino-8-oxodecanoyl)], that exhibits potent, broad spectrum antiprotozoal activity in vitro against Apicomplexan parasites has been identified. It is also orally and parenterally active in vivo against Plasmodium berghei malaria in mice. Many Apicomplexan parasites cause serious, life-threatening human and animal diseases, such as malaria, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and coccidiosis, and new therapeutic agents are urgently needed. Apicidin’s antiparasitic activity appears to be due to low nanomolar inhibition of Apicomplexan histone deacetylase (HDA), which induces hyperacetylation of histones in treated parasites. The acetylation–deacetylation of histones is a thought to play a central role in transcriptional control in eukaryotic cells. Other known HDA inhibitors were also evaluated and found to possess antiparasitic activity, suggesting that HDA is an attractive target for the development of novel antiparasitic agents.


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Dopamine is a neuromodulator involved in the control of key physiological functions. Dopamine-dependent signal transduction is activated through the interaction with membrane receptors of the seven-transmembrane domain G protein-coupled family. Among them, dopamine D2 receptor is highly expressed in the striatum and the pituitary gland as well as by mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons. Lack of D2 receptors in mice leads to a locomotor parkinsonian-like phenotype and to pituitary tumors. The D2 receptor promoter has characteristics of a housekeeping gene. However, the restricted expression of this gene to particular neurons and cells points to a strict regulation of its expression by cell-specific transcription factors. We demonstrate here that the D2 receptor promoter contains a functional retinoic acid response element. Furthermore, analysis of retinoic acid receptor-null mice supports our finding and shows that in these animals D2 receptor expression is reduced. This finding assigns to retinoids an important role in the control of gene expression in the central nervous system.


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The small G protein K-Ras2A is rapidly induced by aldosterone in A6 epithelia. In these Xenopus sodium reabsorbing cells, aldosterone rapidly activates preexisting epithelial Na+ channels (XENaC) via a transcriptionally mediated mechanism. In the Xenopus oocytes expression system, we tested whether the K-Ras2A pathway impacts on XENaC activity by expressing XENaC alone or together with XK-Ras2A rendered constitutively active (XK-Ras2AG12V). As a second control, XENaC-expressing oocytes were treated with progesterone, a sex steroid that induces maturation of the oocytes similarly to activated Ras. Progesterone or XK-Ras2AG12V led to oocyte maturation characterized by a decrease in surface area and endogenous Na+ pump function. In both conditions, the surface expression of exogenous XENaC′s was also decreased; however, in comparison with progesterone-treated oocytes, XK-ras2AG12V-coinjected oocytes expressed a fivefold higher XENaC-mediated macroscopic Na+ current that was as high as that of control oocytes. Thus, the Na+ current per surface-expressed XENaC was increased by XK-Ras2AG12V. The chemical driving force for Na+ influx was not changed, suggesting that XK-Ras2AG12V increased the mean activity of XENaCs at the oocyte surface. These observations raise the possibility that XK-Ras2A, which is the first regulatory protein known to be transcriptionally induced by aldosterone, could play a role in the control of XENaC function in aldosterone target cells.


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The ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of mitotic cyclin B, which is catalyzed by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme H10 (UbcH10), begins around the time of the metaphase–anaphase transition and continues through G1 phase of the next cell cycle. We have used cell-free systems from mammalian somatic cells collected at different cell cycle stages (G0, G1, S, G2, and M) to investigate the regulated degradation of four targets of the mitotic destruction machinery: cyclins A and B, geminin H (an inhibitor of S phase identified in Xenopus), and Cut2p (an inhibitor of anaphase onset identified in fission yeast). All four are degraded by G1 extracts but not by extracts of S phase cells. Maintenance of destruction during G1 requires the activity of a PP2A-like phosphatase. Destruction of each target is dependent on the presence of an N-terminal destruction box motif, is accelerated by additional wild-type UbcH10 and is blocked by dominant negative UbcH10. Destruction of each is terminated by a dominant activity that appears in nuclei near the start of S phase. Previous work indicates that the APC/C–dependent destruction of anaphase inhibitors is activated after chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. In support of this, we show that addition of dominant negative UbcH10 to G1 extracts blocks destruction of the yeast anaphase inhibitor Cut2p in vitro, and injection of dominant negative UbcH10 blocks anaphase onset in vivo. Finally, we report that injection of dominant negative Ubc3/Cdc34, whose role in G1–S control is well established and has been implicated in kinetochore function during mitosis in yeast, dramatically interferes with congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate. These results demonstrate that the regulated ubiquitination and destruction of critical mitotic proteins is highly conserved from yeast to humans.


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Myogenic cell differentiation is induced by Arg8-vasopressin, whereas high cAMP levels and protein kinase A (PKA) activity inhibit myogenesis. We investigated the role of type 4 phosphodiesterase (PDE4) during L6-C5 myoblast differentiation. Selective PDE4 inhibition resulted in suppression of differentiation induced by vasopressin. PDE4 inhibition prevented vasopressin-induced nuclear translocation of the muscle-specific transcription factor myogenin without affecting its overall expression level. The effects of PDE4 inhibition could be attributed to an increase of cAMP levels and PKA activity. RNase protection, reverse transcriptase PCR, immunoprecipitation, Western blot, and enzyme activity assays demonstrated that the PDE4D3 isoform is the major PDE4 expressed in L6-C5 myoblasts and myotubes, accounting for 75% of total cAMP-hydrolyzing activity. Vasopressin cell stimulation caused a biphasic increase of PDE4 activity, which peaked at 2 and 15 min and remained elevated for 48 h. In the continuous presence of vasopressin, cAMP levels and PKA activity were lowered. PDE4D3 overexpression increased spontaneous and vasopressin-dependent differentiation of L6-C5 cells. These results show that PDE4D3 plays a key role in the control of cAMP levels and differentiation of L6-C5 cells. Through the modulation of PDE4 activity, vasopressin inhibits the cAMP signal transduction pathway, which regulates myogenesis possibly by controlling the subcellular localization of myogenin.


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The serpins are a family of proteinase inhibitors that play a central role in the control of proteolytic cascades. Their inhibitory mechanism depends on the intramolecular insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A after cleavage by the target proteinase. Point mutations within the protein can allow aberrant conformational transitions characterized by β-strand exchange between the reactive loop of one molecule and β-sheet A of another. These loop-sheet polymers result in diseases as varied as cirrhosis, emphysema, angio-oedema, and thrombosis, and we recently have shown that they underlie an early-onset dementia. We report here the biochemical characteristics and crystal structure of a naturally occurring variant (Leu-55–Pro) of the plasma serpin α1-antichymotrypsin trapped as an inactive intermediate. The structure demonstrates a serpin configuration with partial insertion of the reactive loop into β-sheet A. The lower part of the sheet is filled by the last turn of F-helix and the loop that links it to s3A. This conformation matches that of proposed intermediates on the pathway to complex and polymer formation in the serpins. In particular, this intermediate, along with the latent and polymerized conformations, explains the loss of activity of plasma α1-antichymotrypsin associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with the Leu-55–Pro mutation.


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The Plasmodium falciparum Genome Database (http://PlasmoDB.org) integrates sequence information, automated analyses and annotation data emerging from the P.falciparum genome sequencing consortium. To date, raw sequence coverage is available for >90% of the genome, and two chromosomes have been finished and annotated. Data in PlasmoDB are organized by chromosome (1–14), and can be accessed using a variety of tools for graphical and text-based browsing or downloaded in various file formats. The GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) implementation of PlasmoDB provides a multi-species genomic relational database, incorporating data from human and mouse, as well as P.falciparum. The relational schema uses a highly structured format to accommodate diverse data sets related to genomic sequence and gene expression. Tools have been designed to facilitate complex biological queries, including many that are specific to Plasmodium parasites and malaria as a disease. Additional projects seek to integrate genomic information with the rich data sets now becoming available for RNA transcription, protein expression, metabolic pathways, genetic and physical mapping, antigenic and population diversity, and phylogenetic relationships with other apicomplexan parasites. The overall goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate Internet- and CD-ROM-based access to both finished and unfinished sequence information by the global malaria research community.


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Retinoid X receptors (RXRs) are involved in a number of signaling pathways as heterodimeric partners of numerous nuclear receptors. Hepatocytes express high levels of the RXRα isotype, as well as several of its putative heterodimeric partners. Germ-line disruption (knockout) of RXRα has been shown to be lethal in utero, thus precluding analysis of its function at later life stages. Hepatocyte-specific disruption of RXRα during liver organogenesis has recently revealed that the presence of hepatocytes is not mandatory for the mouse, at least under normal mouse facility conditions, even though a number of metabolic events are impaired [Wan, Y.-J., et al. (2000) Mol. Cell. Biol. 20, 4436–4444]. However, it is unknown whether RXRα plays a role in the control of hepatocyte proliferation and lifespan. Here, we report a detailed analysis of the liver of mice in which RXRα was selectively ablated in adult hepatocytes by using the tamoxifen-inducible chimeric Cre recombinase system. Our results show that the lifespan of adult hepatocytes lacking RXRα is shorter than that of their wild-type counterparts, whereas proliferative hepatocytes of regenerating liver exhibit an even shorter lifespan. These lifespan shortenings are accompanied by increased polyploidy and multinuclearity. We conclude that RXRα plays important cell-autonomous function(s) in the mechanism(s) involved in the lifespan of hepatocytes and liver regeneration.


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Shade avoidance in higher plants is regulated by the action of multiple phytochrome (phy) species that detect changes in the red/far-red ratio (R/FR) of incident light and initiate a redirection of growth and an acceleration of flowering. The phyB mutant of Arabidopsis is constitutively elongated and early flowering and displays attenuated responses to both reduced R/FR and end-of-day far-red light, conditions that induce strong shade-avoidance reactions in wild-type plants. This indicates that phyB plays an important role in the control of shade avoidance. In Arabidopsis phyB and phyD are the products of a recently duplicated gene and share approximately 80% identity. We investigated the role played by phyD in shade avoidance by analyzing the responses of phyD-deficient mutants. Compared with the monogenic phyB mutant, the phyB-phyD double mutant flowers early and has a smaller leaf area, phenotypes that are characteristic of shade avoidance. Furthermore, compared with the monogenic phyB mutant, the phyB-phyD double mutant shows a more attenuated response to a reduced R/FR for these responses. Compared with the phyA-phyB double mutant, the phyA-phyB-phyD triple mutant has elongated petioles and displays an enhanced elongation of internodes in response to end-of-day far-red light. These characteristics indicate that phyD acts in the shade-avoidance syndrome by controlling flowering time and leaf area and that phyC and/or phyE also play a role.


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Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), a neuropeptide expressed in central and peripheral nervous systems, plays an important role in the control of feeding behaviors and energy metabolism. An orphan G protein-coupled receptor (SLC-1/GPR24) has recently been identified as a receptor for MCH (MCHR1). We report here the identification and characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor as the MCH receptor subtype 2 (MCHR2). MCHR2 has higher protein sequence homology to MCHR1 than any other G protein-coupled receptor. The expression of MCHR2 has been detected in many regions of the brain. In contrast to MCHR1, which is intronless in the coding region and is located at the chromosomal locus 22q13.3, the MCHR2 gene has multiple exons and is mapped to locus 6q21. MCHR2 is specifically activated by nanomolar concentrations of MCH, binds to MCH with high affinity, and signals through Gq protein. This discovery is important for a full understanding of MCH biology and the development of potential therapeutics for diseases involving MCH, including obesity.


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We report the isolation and characterization of CDC45, which encodes a polypeptide of 650 amino acids that is essential for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CDC45 genetically interacts with at least two members of the MCM (minichromosome maintenance) family of replication genes, CDC46 and CDC47, which are proposed to perform a role in restricting initiation of DNA replication to once per cell cycle. Like mutants in several MCM genes, alleles of CDC45 also show a severe minichromosome maintenance defect. Together, these observations imply that Cdc45p performs a role in the control of initiation events at chromosomal replication origins. We investigated this possibility further and present evidence demonstrating that Cdc45p is assembled into complexes with one MCM family member, Cdc46p/Mcm5p. These observations point to a role for Cdc45p in controlling the early steps of chromosomal DNA replication in conjunction with MCM polypeptide complexes. Unlike the MCMs, however, the subcellular localization of Cdc45p does not vary with the cell cycle, making it likely that Cdc45p interacts with MCMs only during the nuclear phase of MCM localization in G1.