852 resultados para process of human resource management


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The second issue of the Circular marks the first milestone in the life of the Network, because it fulfils our intent to publish it on a regular basis at least twice a year. The emphasis in this issue is on planning at the level of the river basin.


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The fourth issue of this circular represents a milestone for the Network, since it fulfills our objective of publishing the circular at least twice a year. In this issue, we will continue our discussion on the role of the private sector in the provision of public water-related services


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In this issue of the Circular, we present the second part of the discussion on regulation of private-sector participation in water-related services. The editorial addresses the issue of integrated water resources management with local participation at the river basin level in the countries of the region.


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: public policies for sustainable development.-- Meetings: Workshop for Managers of River Basin Organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean ; General Assembly of the International Network of Basin Organizations ; Seminar workshop on environmental accounting for water resources in Chile.-- Future activities.-- Courses.-- CELAA, CINARA and IMTA.-- Internet and WWW News


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Integrating economics, legislation and administration in water and water services management ; Water and Free Trade Agreements ; Provision of transport infraestructure.-- News of the network: WALIR ; Prevention and reduction of the Danger Posed by natural disasters ; Ministry of Water in Bolivia ; Water management council of the Paute Basin in Ecuador ; CRSS.-- Internet and WWW news


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Formulation of new regulatory frameworks for water supply and sanitation services ; The problem of provision of public goods.-- News of the network: Matanza-Riachuelo River basin authority, Argentina ; Venezuelan water law.-- Meetings: Fifth Brazilian Congress on Regulation ; Experience of water management in the Southern Cone.-- Courses: Course on international investment agreements, water and public services.-- Internet and WWW news


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Using performance indicators to monitor drinking water supply and sewerage services ; Implications of biofuel development for water management and use.-- News of the Network: Reflections of URSEA in Uruguay, 10 years after its creation ; National Environmental Sanitation Strategy of El Salvador.-- Meetings: Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation (Buenos Aires, Argentina) ; Importance of the value of water: lessons and challenges (Lima, Peru).-- Internet and WWW News


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Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Regulation under the public model of service provision ; Regulatory progress and challenges in Argentina ; Twenty years of SUNASS: development, experience, lessons learned and challenges ; Possible conflict between efficiency and sustainability ; Best practices in regulating State-owned and municipal water utilities.-- News of the Network: Water use charge in the Province of Buenos Aires ; National Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector Policy of Guatemala ; Sanitation Services Modernization Law of Peru ; Internet and WWW News


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O presente estudo analisou as políticas públicas voltadas para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica e sua influência sobre o projeto pedagógico do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Faculdade do Pará e, em particular, como este Curso se apresenta ante ao histórico processo dual de oferta da educação no Brasil. Para tanto, analisamos o conteúdo das políticas públicas voltadas para a educação Profissional e Tecnológica no Brasil, a partir da década de 1990. Utilizamos os procedimentos da pesquisa qualitativa, fazendo uso de entrevistas e de análise documental, para analisar o nosso objeto. Partimos da hipótese segundo a qual as políticas de educação profissional e tecnológica de nosso país pressupõem a formação especificamente para o trabalho e visam a conformação das classes sociais fundamentais, proprietárias e não-proprietárias, e que o Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Faculdade do Pará fortalece esta mesma perspectiva político-pedagógica. Analisamos os documentos que normatizam os cursos superiores de tecnologia no Brasil, o projeto pedagógico e o desenho curricular do curso em questão e as falas de professores, técnicos, egressos e gestores da instituição à luz de autores identificados com o materialismo histórico. Verificamos que, tanto os documentos normatizadores da educação profissional tecnológica brasileira quanto àqueles que definem a estrutura do curso estudado na Faculdade do Pará têm sido orientados para o desenvolvimento do “fazer”, do “saber-fazer”, não dando conta das bases científicas deste fazer e nem de uma formação que considere as relações histórico-sociais nas quais está inserido. Assim, o direcionamento dado à formação de tecnólogos tem, fundamentalmente, promovido a capacidade de aprendizagem dos processos tecnológicos específicos, incentivando à produção e a inovação científico-tecnológica e suas aplicações no mundo do trabalho, visando o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais tecnológicas, gerais e específicas. Concluímos nosso estudo com a convicção de que o conteúdo das políticas para a educação profissional e tecnológica bem como do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos fortalecem a histórica dualidade da educação brasileira ao se orientarem apenas para a conformação dos processos formativos as demandas dos setores produtivos e para a aquisição de conhecimentos relativos, unicamente, ao desenvolvimento de funções específicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND: Organizations are increasingly required to reduce their environmental impact through the adoption of environmental management, which requires the support of human resource practices.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to determine whether human resource management practices, especially training, are supporting environmental management practices at four hotels located in Brazil.METHODS: This research is qualitative, based on the analysis of four hotels in Brazil.RESULTS: Based on the systematized empirical evidence collected from four hotels (Hotels A, B, C, and D), it can be concluded that: (1) human resource management is still not fully aligned with environmental objectives at the hotels studied; (2) only Hotel B has implemented environmental management practices and aligned with human resource management in a more developed manner, which may indicate that these two variables of analysis could have interrelations; (3) environmental training as a human resource management practice was verified in all hotels analyzed.CONCLUSIONS: The greening of human resources practices is not fully aligned with environmental objectives in the hotels studied. If these hotels really wish to "go green," environmental training will be necessary. Hotel stakeholders play a major role in implementing the greening of the hotel industry.


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The software quality represents a more and more important attribute for the survival and growth of software industries. In order to ensure the quality of products manufactured, various practices have been incorporated into the development process. In this context, some successful software organizations have invested in an approach to human resource management, which consists in integrating the management activities with a personal process called Personal Software Process - PSP, which has led to the maintenance of greater discipline and control over all development phases. Given this, this work presents a proposal for integration of techniques set out in the PSP with a web system previously developed, which is called System to Aid Project Management - SAPM.


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The article aims to analyze the process of knowledge creation in Brazilian technology-based companies, using as a background the driving and restrictive factors found in this process. As the pillars of discussion, four main modes of knowledge conversion were used, according to the Japanese model: socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. The comparative case method through qualitative research was carried out in nine technology-based enterprises that had been incubated or have recently passed through the stage of incubation (so-called graduated companies) in the Technology Park of Sao Carlos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Among the main results, the combination of knowledge was identified as more conscious and structured in graduated companies, in relation to incubated companies. In contrast, it was noted that incubated companies have an environment with greater opportunities for socialization, internalization and externalization of knowledge.