820 resultados para private initiative
The main purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the contributions that publicprivate partnerships and public policy have made in the development of tourism in the Caribbean as tools for enhancing competitiveness in the Caribbean tourism industry. The paper explores these contributions mainly in the context of the upgrading strategies that Caribbean countries have pursued over the past 15 years or so and using the lens of the tourism value chain and tourism cluster approach. The paper also analyzes the potential roles that public-private partnerships and public policy will continue to play in the future especially in the process of building linkages between the tourism sector and other sectors in order to increase net benefits from tourism to the Region. This paper is divided into five sections. In Section I, we define public-private partnerships (PPP) and describe the areas in tourism where PPP are most widely used, the tools used to implement PPP in tourism and the various forms of PPP. Economic arguments are then laid to motivate PPP as a determinant of tourism competitiveness using the tourism value-chain and tourism cluster approach. Specific case examples illustrating the contributions of PPP and public policy towards increasing tourism competitiveness are provided at a regional level and for specific areas in Sections II and III respectively. Section IV summarizes findings from the previous two sections and discusses ways to enhance the effectiveness of PPP and public policy in Caribbean tourism for increased competitiveness. Section V analyzes a few of the challenges that the Caribbean tourism sector is facing. The final section proposes new areas of intervention for PPP and public policy as tools for enhancing competitiveness in the Caribbean tourism sector in order to assist the region in addressing these challenges.
This report was published with the goal of discussing, disseminating and using the results of this initiative in the formulation of national and regional strategies and have been presented at national and regional events with civil servants, representatives of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, the private sector, universities and research centers. The results have served as inputs in the training of national committees on climate change and negotiating teams, as well as in the preparation of the Regional Climate Change Strategy, several international financing projects and various national policies. The results have been presented in coordination with the Ministries of Environment at the last three Conferences of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar as implicações do Programa “Excelência em Gestão Educacional” da Fundação Itaú Social na gestão da escola pública brasileira, em termos de orientações teórico- metodológicas contidas em documentos balizadores da parceria firmada. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa documental que, por meio de análise de conteúdo, buscou analisar os documentos referentes a esse programa. As análises desenvolvidas mostraram que o modelo de gestão defendido pela Fundação Itaú para a educação brasileira é o das escolas charter americanas, escolas financiadas pelo setor público, mas administradas pelo setor privado. Tais escolas são apresentadas como tendo melhorado significativamente os índices educacionais nos EUA. No entanto, constatou-se que a realidade concreta não condiz com a apresentada pelo Programa Excelência em Gestão, pois o modelo de gestão baseada nos parâmetros do mercado, que associa conceitos como qualidade, participação, descentralização, autonomia e avaliação à ideia de gerenciamento de recursos com vista à produtividade do sistema educacional, não foi capaz de melhorar o sistema educacional americano. Muito pelo contrário, agravou ainda mais a crise da educação pública naquele País. No Brasil, já existem experiências nesse sentido e as análises sobre as escolas charter que foram implantadas em Pernambuco revelaram que as mesmas adotam na sua gestão padrões gerenciais trazidos do mundo empresarial. Assim, verificou-se a introdução de princípios de mercado como o da gestão gerencial, da definição de metas e resultados, expressos nos seus planejamentos estratégicos, da remuneração por mérito para os professores e a generalização dos testes de avaliação, dentre outros. Nesse contexto, a autonomia escolar é entendida como maior responsabilização dos professores e diretores pelo sucesso ou fracasso da escola, e, sobretudo do gestor, como liderança de todo o processo. Além disso, nessas escolas não existe autonomia pedagógica, pois o projeto pedagógico é elaborado de acordo com critérios de produtividade definidos previamente pelo órgão responsável pela implantação dessas escolas (PROCENTRO). A participação que se desenvolve nesse contexto não passa de um mero processo de colaboração, de mão única, de adesão, de obediência às decisões que são tomadas de cima para baixo. Fica claro que esse modelo de gestão e de escola não contribui para a democratização das relações de poder na escola e consequentemente para a formação da cidadania.
A crescente demanda por energia elétrica aliada à grande importância deste setor para o sistema econômico nacional tem levado o governo e empresas particulares a investirem em estudos que possibilitem melhorar o desempenho dos sistemas envolvidos nesse processo, em virtude dos relevantes ganhos que esta iniciativa pode produzir. Neste contexto, esse trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de diagnóstico de defeitos para a máquina hidrogeradora número 3 da Usina Hidrelétrica de Coaracy Nunes, localizada no Estado do Amapá. Em muitas situações os métodos de análise de vibrações são utilizados para detectar a presença de falhas nesse tipo de máquina, neste trabalho também será utilizada a análise dos sinais de corrente para fornecer indicações similares. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma metodologia de diagnóstico de defeito em máquinas elétricas através dos sinais de vibração e correlação com a análise da corrente do estator. No decorrer deste trabalho apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica das técnicas de monitoramento e diagnóstico das condições das máquinas elétricas, através dos ensaios de vibração correlacionados com as características da corrente estatórica. O resultado da correlação da medição de vibração com a medição de corrente se baseia em uma metodologia implementada por um sistema de aquisição e de processamento de dados desenvolvido na plataforma LabView. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos a partir de defeitos mecânicos (desbalanceamento mecânico e defeitos nas pistas, externa e interna dos rolamentos) induzidos em uma bancada experimental concebida com intuito de representar um sistema de geração. Finalizando, os sinais de vibração e corrente foram analisados e comparados para verificar se os defeitos que foram evidenciados pelo método convencional de vibração alteravam o comportamento dos sinais de corrente. Os bons resultados desse trabalho mostram a viabilidade em estudos futuros nesta área.
O artigo descreve o Processo de Bolonha, apresenta um histórico de sua evolução e analisa os progressos e dificuldades em sua implementação. Menção detalhada é feita sobre objeções apresentadas ao processo em si e à sua aplicação sem crítica, em outras regiões do mundo. As reformas provocadas por Bolonha envolvem desde os regimes jurídicos das instituições e da carreira docente até o financiamento público e um novo sistema de acreditação. Os autores notam ser grande, na Europa, a apatia entre os professores e protestos estudantis são vigorosos, mas limitados a aspectos de natureza corporativa. Destacam o conceito de competências e o fato de este se concentrar nos aspectos laborais com vistas à inserção no mercado atual, sem dar a atenção necessária à formação para a cidadania. A concepção de educação como bem público é abandonada em favor da mercantilização. Concluem recordando que, na América Latina, há, desde a Reforma de Córdoba, uma ideia clara sobre a necessidade de se manter a qualidade e pertinência, esta necessariamente vinculada à busca da solução dos grandes problemas da sociedade.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
It has become evident that policies aimed at mitigating the growing water resources and water use conflicts in Brazil are crucial. The municipality of Extrema in Minas Gerais state in Brazil pioneered the first Brazilian municipal PES initiative (Conservador das Aguas program), based on the relationship between forests and the benefits they provide. This study aimed to assess soil loss in the Posses sub-basin, where the Conservador das Aguas program began. Additionally, we aimed to determine the potential that this PES initiative has for soil conservation, as well as to minimize the soil losses as a function of forest area size and location in order to propose a technical approach for implementing PES. In this sense, considering the prescribed conservation practices, land use situation, and soil cover in the Posses sub-basin, we analyzed the effectiveness of the Conservador das Aguas program before and after implementation in relation to reduced soil loss under 36 different land use and soil cover scenarios. We used a geographic information system (GIS) for spatializing and producing different information plans and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) for estimating soil loss. As a result, we found that minimization of soil loss may be obtained by adopting pasture conservation practices. Additionally the expected average soil loss in the Posses sub-basin under conditions of land use and soil cover, before and after implementing the water conservation program was 30.63 and 7.06 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Provides elements for a reflection on methodological strategies in the face of objects of study that prove difficult to approach. Through a case study in education, seeks to show that difficulties in obtaining information and data have been overcome by using an analytical model developed. It is shown that its use allowed inferences broader and reveal hidden inconsistencies in discussions on public and private education. Intended to assist reflection on qualitative research methods for those who deal with such studies. Concludes that the current expectations of management efficiency and transfer of resources sufficient quantity and quality have not materialized with a private enterprise under public education, even if we have succeeded in building a positive image by the promoters of this action with the sectors of public opinion. Prevailing trade policy interests at the expense of the motivations declared the initiative of aid to education, and even can not be said that the initiative has resulted in a private redefined the public character of the systems affected, there is evidence that its implementation represents a unique chapter focused "education", compared to a scenario in which stand out historically mutual aid agreements of a politicaleconomic development between state and private enterprise.
Biosecurity is currently a concern for all health-related services, including dentistry, since infection control has a relevant importance. In dental practice, health-related occupations have contact with a great number of individuals who are potentially capable to transmit pathogens. This study comprised a descriptive evaluation of the universal precaution measures for infection control adopted by dental practitioners working at public and private offices in the city of Araçatuba, SP. Data collection was performed by a quiz with questions about individual and collective protection equipments. The results showed that the use of caps was reported by 55% of the professionals working at the public sector and 90% for the private sector. The use of masks and gloves was reported by all professionals surveyed; nevertheless, glove change between patients was not reported by 40% of professionals working at the public sector. There were more flaws in public offices as to the use of protective barriers, since except for the use of gloves, gowns and masks, the frequency of use of those barriers was smaller than at private offices.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Medium and large-sized mammals control invertebrate and vertebrate populations and are important seed dispersers. These animals are losing their territory and living range due to deforestation and the fragmentation of natural areas, particularly in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. The Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH) Amadeu Botelho is isolated from other forest fragments and is thus a wildlife refuge in the region of Jaú, central-western region of state of São Paulo, southeastem Brazil. Animals as such as the puma (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) have been sighted in the reserve by wildlife guards and residents. This reserve, which belongs to “Santo Antônio dos Ipês” farm, is surrounded by several plantations, and is very close to the center of the city of Jaú. In addition to surveying the mammal species in the reserve, this study diagnosed the influence of the farm’s activities and the proximity to the center of the municipality of Jaú on the fauna under study
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to administrative talent management within the higher education setting. The field study included a thorough examination of seven small to mid-size private colleges and universities that have incorporated employee development strategies. These strategies were aimed at growing future leaders from within the organization in order to achieve continuity and support institutional priorities. Specifically, several focus areas were investigated including presidential vision, leadership commitment, talent management’s place among institutional priorities, program characteristics, and program evaluation. Among the commonalities that were gathered included support at the senior officer level who serve as advocates, mentors, and program facilitators, a strong connection between talent management and the institutions’ strategic plans, and a holistic approach to developing talent at all levels of the organizations. In addition, both coaching and opportunities for growth in the work environment were evident within several of the institutions. Also, academic leadership development was considered to be a part of the talent management strategy within three of the colleges and universities. The key differentiators included the incorporation of organizational and leadership competencies to provide focus toward the performance development process at two institutions, the implementation of a succession planning model at another institution, and the location of human resource generalists in departments across two of the institutions to identify learning opportunities for both individuals and work teams. Based on both the findings from the field study and the literature review, a comprehensive procedural model is introduced that serves to support human resource departments and higher education professionals, in general, who are looking to either begin or broaden their own talent management approach. However, despite the progress that has been made across several institutions noted throughout the research study, much more must be learned in terms of how the time and resources invested in talent management translates to institutional success. Advisor: James O‘Hanlon