811 resultados para polyethyleneglycol (PEG)


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The mechanism behind the immunostimulatory effect of the cationic liposomal vaccine adjuvant dimethyldioctadecylammonium and trehalose 6,6′- dibehenate (DDA:TDB) has been linked to the ability of these cationic vesicles to promote a depot after administration, with the liposomal adjuvant and the antigen both being retained at the injection site. This can be attributed to their cationic nature, since reduction in vesicle size does not influence their distribution profile yet neutral or anionic liposomes have more rapid clearance rates. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a combination of reduced vesicle size and surface pegylation on the biodistribution and adjuvanticity of the formulations, in a bid to further manipulate the pharmacokinetic profiles of these adjuvants. From the biodistribution studies, it was found that with small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs), 10% PEGylation of the formulation could influence liposome retention at the injection site after 4 days, whilst higher levels (25 mol%) of PEG blocked the formation of a depot and promote clearance to the draining lymph nodes. Interestingly, whilst the use of 10% PEG in the small unilamellar vesicles did not block the formation of a depot at the site of injection, it did result in earlier antibody response rates and switch the type of T cell responses from a Th1 to a Th2 bias suggesting that the presence of PEG in the formulation not only control the biodistribution of the vaccine, but also results in different types of interactions with innate immune cells. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Introduction: Lower back pain treatment and compensation costs >$80 billion overall in the US. 75% of back pain is due to disc degeneration in the lumbar region of the spine. Current treatment comprises of painkillers and bed rest or as a more radical solution – interbody cage fusion. In the early stages of disc degeneration the patient would benefit from addition of an injectable gel which polymerises in situ to support the degenerated nucleus pulposus. This involves a material which is an analogue of the natural tissue capable of restoring the biomechanical properties of the natural disc. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is an example of a natural proteoglycan consisting of a protein core with negatively charged keratin and chondroitin sulphate attached. As a result of the high fixed charge density of the proteoglycan, the matrix exerts an osmotic swelling pressure drawing sufficient water into support the spinal system. Materials and Methods: NaAMPs (sodium 2- acrylamido 2-methyl propane sulphonic acid) and KSPA (potassium 3- sulphopropyl acrylate) were selected as monomers, the sulphonate group being used to mimic the natural sulphate group. These are used in dermal applications involving chronic wounds and have acceptably low cytotoxicity. Other hydrophilic carboxyl, amide and hydroxyl monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide, ß-carboxyethyl acrylate, acryloyl morpholine, and polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate were used as diluents together with polyethyleneglycol di(meth)acrylate and hydrophilic multifunctional macromers as cross-linker. Redox was the chosen method of polymerisation and a range of initiators were investigated. Components were packaged in two solutions each containing a redox pair. A dual syringe method of injection into the cavity was used, the required time for polymerisation is circa 3-7 minutes. The final materials were tested using a Bohlin CVO Rheometer cycling from 0.5-25Hz at 37oC to measure the modulus. An in-house compression testing method was developed, using dialysis tubing to mimic the cavity, the gels were swelled in solutions of various osmolarity and compressed to ~ 20%. The pre-gel has also been injected into sheep spinal segments for mechanical compression testing to demonstrate the restoration of properties upon use of the gel. Results and Discussion: Two systems resulted using similar monomer compositions but different initiation and crosslinking agents. NaAMPs and KSPA were used together at a ratio of ~1:1 in both systems with 0.25-2% crosslinking agent, diacrylate or methacrylate. The two initiation systems were ascorbic acid/oxone, and N,N,N,N - tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/ potassium persulphate. These systems produced gelation within 3-7 and 3-5 minutes respectively. Storage of the two component systems was shown to be stable for approximately one month after mixing, in the dark, refrigerated at 1-4oC. The gelation was carried out at 37oC. Literature values for the natural disc give elastic constants ranging from 3-8kPa. The properties of the polymer can be tailored by altering crosslink density and monomer composition and are able to match those of the natural disc. It is possible to incorporate a radio-opaque (histodenz) to enable x-ray luminescence during and after injection. At an inclusion level of 5% the gel is clearly visible and polymerisation and mechanical properties are not altered. Conclusion: A two-pac injection system which will polymerise in situ, that can incorporate a radio-opaque, has been developed. This will reinforce the damaged nucleus pulposus in degenerative disc disease restoring adequate hydration and thus biomechanical properties. Tests on sheep spine segments are currently being carried out to demonstrate that a disc containing the gel has similar properties to an intact disc in comparison to one with a damaged nucleus.


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Hydrogels containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are expected to be promising conjugates because they might show a synergic combination of properties from both materials. Most of the hybrid materials containing CNTs only entrap them physically, and the covalent attachment has not been properly addressed yet. In this study, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were successfully incorporated into a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogel by covalent bonds to form a hybrid material. For this purpose, SWNTs were functionalized with poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (PEGMA) to obtain water-soluble pegylated SWNTs (SWNT–PEGMA). These functionalized SWNTs were covalently bonded through their PEG moieties to a PEG hydrogel. The hybrid network was obtained from the crosslinking reaction of poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate prepolymer and the SWNT–PEGMA by dual photo-UV and thermal initiations. The mechanical and swelling properties of the new hybrid material were studied. In addition, the material and lixiviates were analyzed to elucidate any kind of SWNT release and to evaluate a possible in vitro cytotoxic effect. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011.


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With an increasing use of emerging patterning technologies such as UV-NIL in biotechnological applications there is at the same time a raising demand for new material for such applications. Here we present a PEG based precursor mixed with a photoinitiator to make it UV sensitive as a new material aimed at biotechnological applications. Using HSQ patterned quartz stamps we observed excellent pattern replication indicating good flow properties of the resist. We were able to obtain imprints with <20 nm residual layer. The PEG based resist has hydrogel properties and it swelling in water was observed by AFM.


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Recent evidence has suggested cerebellar anomalies in developmental dyslexia. Therefore, we investigated cerebellar morphology in subjects with documented reading disabilities. We obtained T1-weighted magnetic resonance images in the coronal and sagittal planes from 11 males with prior histories of developmental dyslexia, and nine similarly-aged male controls. Proton magnetic resonance spectra (TE=136 ms, TR=2.4 s) were obtained bilaterally in the cerebellum. Phonological decoding skill was measured using non-word reading. Handedness was assessed using both the Annett questionnaire of hand preference and Annett’s peg moving task. Cerebellar symmetry was observed in the dyslexics but there was significant asymmetry (right grey matter>left grey matter) in controls. The interpretation of these results depended whether a motor- or questionnaire-based method was used to determine handedness. The degree of cerebellar symmetry was correlated with the severity of dyslexics’ phonological decoding deficit. Those with more symmetric cerebella made more errors on a nonsense word reading measure of phonological decoding ability. Left cerebellar metabolite ratios were shown to correlate significantly with the degree of cerebellar asymmetry (P<0.05) in controls. This relationship was absent in developmental dyslexics. Cerebellar morphology reflects the higher degree of symmetry found previously in the temporal and parietal cortex of dyslexics. The relationship of cerebellar asymmetry to phonological decoding ability and handedness, together with our previous finding of altered metabolite ratios in the cerebellum of dyslexics, lead us to suggest that there are alterations in the neurological organisation of the cerebellum which relate to phonological decoding skills, in addition to motor skills and handedness.


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New sol-gel functionalized poly-ethylene glycol (PEGM)/SiO2-CaO hybrids were prepared with interpenetrating networks of silica and PEGM through the formation of Si-O-Si bonds. Bioactive and mechanical properties were investigated for a series of hybrids containing varying organic/inorganic ratios and PEG molecular weights. In contrast to the unmodified PEG/SiO2-CaO hybrids, which rapidly dissolved and crumbled, the epoxy modified hybrids exhibited good mechanical properties and bioactivity. The compressive strength and Young's modulus were greater for higher molecular weight PEGM hybrids (PEGM600 compared to PEGM300). Compressive strengths of 138 MPa and 81 MPa were found for the 50: 50 and 60: 40 organic/inorganic hybrid samples respectively, which are comparable with cortical bone. Young's modulus values of ∼800 MPa were obtained for the 50 : 50 and 60 : 40 organic/inorganic hybrids. Bioactivity tests were conducted by immersing the hybrids into simulated body fluid and observing the formation of apatite. Apatite formation was observed within 24 hours of immersion. PEGM600 hybrids showed enhanced apatite formation compared to PEGM300 hybrids. Increased apatite formation was observed with increasing organic/inorganic ratio. 70 : 30 and 60 : 40 hybrids exhibited the greatest apatite formation. All PEGM hybrids samples had good cell viability and proliferation. The 60 : 40 PEGM600 hybrids displayed the optimal combination of bioactivity and mechanical strength. The bioactivity of these hybrids, combined with the enhanced mechanical properties, demonstrate that these materials have significant potential for bone regeneration applications.


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The natural selection of anticoagulant resistant rats has resulted in a need for an alternative to anticoagulant rodenticides which differs in both active ingredient and in the method of dosing. Cholecalciferol toxicity to rodents using the dermal route is demonstrated using a variety of penetration enhancing formulations in two in-vitro models and finally in-vivo. A 1 ml dose of 50/50 (v/v) DMSO/ethanol containing 15% (v/v) PEG 200 and 20% (w/v) cholecalciferol was judged as 'sufficiently effective' in line with the European Union's Biocidal Products Regulation (No. 528/2012) during in-vivo studies. This dose was found to cause 100% mortality in a rat population in 64.4 h (±22 h).


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The ‘currency war’, as it has become known, has three aspects: 1) the inflexible pegs of undervalued currencies; 2) recent attempts by floating exchange-rate countries to resist currency appreciation; 3) quantitative easing. Europe should primarily be concerned about the first issue, which relates to the renewed debate about the international monetary system. The attempts of floating exchange-rate countries to resist currency appreciation are generally justified while China retains a peg. Quantitative easing cannot be deemed a ‘beggar-thy-neighbour’ policy as long as the Fed’s policy is geared towards price stability. Current US inflationary expectations are at historically low levels. Central banks should come to an agreement about the definition of price stability at a time of deflationary pressures. The euro’s exchange rate has not been greatly impacted by the recent currency war; the euro continues to be overvalued, but less than before.


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1995. március 12-én a magyar kormány és a központi bank szigorú kiigazítási és stabilizációs programot hirdetett meg. A cikk az első eredmények számbavételére tesz kísérletet. A program meghirdetése előtt Magyarország két egymást követő év- ben hatalmas fizetésimérleg-hiányt mutatott fel, és nemzetközi megítélése romlani kezdett. A program radikális intézkedései nyomán elkerülhetővé vált a mexikói vál- sághoz hasonló pénzügyi katasztrófa. Sok makrogazdasági mutató jól érzékelhető javulást jelez: lényegesen csökkent a kereskedelmi mérleg és a folyó fizetési mérleg hiánya, a költségvetés elsődleges egyenlege pozitív lett. Az ilyesféle stabilizációs programokat rendszerint súlyos visszaesés és a munkanélküliség nagy növekedése kíséri. Magyarország elkerülte ezeket a mellékhatásokat: a GDP drasztikus vissza- esés helyett valamelyest tovább növekedett, és a munkanélküliség változatlan ma- radt. A javulásnak nagy ára volt: az életszínvonal erőteljes csökkenése, az infláció felgyorsulása, bár a magyarországi infláció még mindig a kézben tartott, mérsékelt infláció sávjában maradt. A cikk ismerteti a program heterodox módszereit: 1. nagy leértékelés, az előre meghirdetett csúszó árfolyam rezsimjének bevezetése, valamint ideiglenes import- vámpótlék kivetése; 2. határozott jövedelempolitika, amely 12 százalékos reálbércsök- kenést kényszerített ki; 3. fiskális intézkedések, köztük jóléti jogosultságok csök- kentése (a program meghirdetése előtt ezek a jogosultságok tabuk voltak); 4. a hitel- kínálat átcsoportosítása a vállalati szektor javára, a jövedelmezőség növekedése; 5. feszített (bár nem mértéktelenül feszített) monetáris politika, amely lehetővé tette a sikeres vállalatok expanzióját; 6. a privatizáció felgyorsítása, nagy és sikeres lépé- sek egyes kulcsszektorok (energia, telekommunikáció) privatizációjában. Végezetül a tanulmány óva int a túlzott magabiztosságtól és felhívja a figyelmet a potenciális veszélyekre. A makrogazdasági javulás még törékeny. A magyar fejlődés legbiztatóbb sajátossága a termelékenység erőteljes és folyamatos növekedése. / === / On March 12, 1995 Hungary s government and central bank announced a tough program of adjustment and stabilization. This study is an attempt to asses the first results. Before the announcement of the program Hungary had a huge current account deficit for two consecutive years, and her international reputation started to decline. The program s radical measures made it possible to avoid a Mexico-style financial catastrophe. Many macroeconomic indicators show tangible improvement: the trade deficit and the deficit on the current account have been reduced significantly, the primary budget shifted to surplus. These kinds of adjustment programs are usually associated with deep recession and a large increase of unemployment. Hungary avoided these adverse side-effects: GDP instead of a drastic decline, continued to grow somewhat, and unemployment remained unchanged. There was a high price for the improvement: a sharp decline in the standard of living, and an acceleration of inflation, although Hungary is still in the range of controlled, moderate inflation. The paper describes the heterodox instruments of the program: (1) large devaluation, followed by a new exchange rate regime of pre-announced crawling peg, and a temporary import surcharge, (2) energetic income policy, enforcing a 12% cut in real wages; (3) fiscal measures, including cuts in welfare entitlements. That happened for the first time: before the program entitlements had been regarded as taboo ; (4) reallocation of credit supply in favor of the enterprise sector; increase of profitability; (5) tight (but not excessively tight) monetary policy, allowing the expansion of successful private busi- ness; (6) acceleration of privatisation, including large and successful steps in the privatisation of some key sectors (energy, telecommunication). Finally the paper warns against excessive self- confidence and draws the attention to potential dangers. The macroeconomic improvement is still fragile. The most reassuring feature of Hungary s development is the impressive and persistent improvement of productivity.


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This dissertation discusses the relationship between inflation, currency substitution and dollarization that has taken place in Argentina for the past several decades.^ First, it is shown that when consumers are able to hold only domestic monetary balances (without capital mobility) an increase in the rate of inflation will produce a balance of payments deficit. We then look at the same issue but with heterogeneous consumers, this heterogeneity being generated by non-proportional lump-sum transfers.^ Second, we discussed some necessary assumptions related to currency substitution models and concluded that there was no a-priori conclusion on whether currencies should be assumed to be "cooperant" or "non-cooperant" in utility. That is to say, whether individuals held different currencies together or one instead of the other.^ Third, we went into discussing the issue of currency substitution as being a constraint on governments' inflationary objectives rather than a choice of those governments to avoid hyperinflations. We showed that imperfect substitutability between currencies does not "reduce the scope for rational (hyper)inflationary processes" as it had been previously argued. It will ultimately depend on the parametrization used and not on the intrinsic characteristics of imperfect substitutability between currencies.^ We further showed that in Argentina, individuals have been able to endogenize the money supply by holding foreign monetary balances. We argued that the decision to hold foreign monetary balances by individuals is always a second best due to the trade-off between holding foreign monetary balances and consumption. For some levels of income, consumption, and foreign inflation, individuals would prefer to hold domestic monetary balances rather than foreign ones.^ We then modeled the distinction between dollarization and currency substitution. We concluded that although dollarization is necessary for currency substitution to take place, the decision to use foreign monetary balances for transactions purposes is largely independent from the dollarization process.^ Finally, we concluded that Argentina should not fully dollarize its economy because dollarization is always a second best to using a domestic currency. Further, we argued that a fixed exchange system would be better than a flexible exchange rate or a "crawling-peg" system because of the characteristics of the political system and the possibilities of "mass praetorianism" to develop, which is intricately linked to "populist" solutions. ^


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Since the late 1970's, but particularly since the mid-1980s, the economy of Nicaragua has had persistent and large macroeconomic imbalances, while GDP per-capita has declined to 1950s' levels. By the second half of the 1990s, huge fiscal deficits and a reduction of foreign financing resulted in record hyperinflation. The Sandinista government's (1979–1990) harsh stabilization program in 1988–89 had only modest and short-lived success. It was doomed by their inability to lower the public sector deficit due to the war, plus diminishing financial support from abroad. Hyperinflation stopped only after their 1990 electoral defeat ended the war and massive aid began to flow in. Five years later, macroeconomic stability is still very fragile. A sluggish recovery of export agriculture plus import liberalization, have impeded a reduction of huge trade and current account deficits. Facing the prospects of diminished aid flows, the government's strategy has hinged on the achievement of a real devaluation through a crawling-peg adjustment of the nominal rate. However, at the end of 1995 the situation of the external accounts was still critical, and the modest progress achieved was attributable to cyclical terms-of-trade improvement and changes in the political outlook of agricultural producers. Using a Computable General Equilibrium Model and a Social Accounting Matrix constructed for this dissertation, the importance of structural rigidities in production and demand in explaining such outcome is shown. It is shown that under the plausible structural assumptions incorporated in the model, the role of devaluation in the adjustment process is restricted by structural rigidities. Moreover, contrary to the premise of the orthodox economic thinking behind the economic program, it is the contractionary effect of devaluation more than its expenditure-switching effects that provide the basis for is use in solving the external sector's problems. A fixed nominal exchange rate is found to lead to adverse results. The broader conclusion that emerges from the study is that a new social compact and a rapid increase in infrastructure spending plus fiscal support for the traditional agro-export activities is at the center of a successful adjustment towards external viability in Nicaragua. ^


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This dissertation discusses the relationship between inflation, currency substitution and dollarization that has taken place in Argentina for the past several decades. First, it is shown that when consumers are able to hold only domestic monetary balances (without capital mobility) an increase in the rate of inflation will produce a balance of payments deficit. We then look at the same issue but with heterogeneous consumers, this heterogeneity being generated by non-proportional lump-sum transfers. Second, we discussed some necessary assumptions related to currency substitution models and concluded that there was no a-priori conclusion on whether currencies should be assumed to be "cooperant" or "non-cooperant" in utility. That is to say, whether individuals held different currencies together or one instead of the other. Third, we went into discussing the issue of currency substitution as being a constraint on governments inflationary objectives rather than a choice of those governments to avoid hyperinflations. We showed that imperfect substitutability between currencies does not "reduce the scope for rational (hyper)inflationary processes" as it had been previously argued. It will ultimately depend on the parametrization used and not on the intrinsic characteristics of imperfect substitutability between currencies. We further showed that in Argentina, individuals have been able to endogenize the money supply by holding foreign monetary balances. We argued that the decision to hold foreign monetary balances by individuals is always a second best due to the trade-off between holding foreign monetary balances and consumption. For some levels of income, consumption, and foreign inflation, individuals would prefer to hold domestic monetary balances rather than foreign ones. We then modeled the distinction between dollarization and currency substitution. We concluded that although dollarization is necessary for currency substitution to take place, the decision to use foreign monetary balances for transactions purposes is largely independent from the dollarization process. Finally, we concluded that Argentina should not fully dollarize its economy because dollarization is always a second best to using a domestic currency. Further, we argued that a fixed exchange system would be better than a flexible exchange rate or a "crawling-peg" system because of the characteristics of the political system and the possibilities of "mass praetorianism" to develop, which is intricately linked to "populist" solutions.


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Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) with diameters ranging between 5-60 nm have been synthesised in water, and further stabilized with polyethylene glycol-based thiol polymers (mPEG-SH). Successful PEGylation of the Au NPs was confirmed by Dynamic Light scattering (DLS) and Zeta potential measurements. PEG coating of the Au NPs is the key of their colloidal stabilty, and its successful applications. Catalytic efficiency testing of the PEG-AuNPs were carried out on homocoupling of boronic acid. PEG-Au NPs with AuNps diameter < 30 nm were useful as catalyst in water. Finally, the PEG-Au NPs were also shown to be stable in biological fluid and not cytotoxic on B16.F10 cell line, making them attractive for further studies.


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The African American/Black population in the United States (US) is disproportionately affected by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and has lower response rates to current treatments. This analysis evaluates the participation of African American/Blacks in North American and European HCV clinical trials. The data source for this analysis was the PubMed database. Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT) on HCV treatment with interferon 2a or 2b between January 2000 and December 2011 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria included English language and participants 18 years or older with chronic HCV. Exclusion criteria included non-randomized trials, case reports, cohort studies, ethnic specific studies, or studies not using interferon-alfa or PEG-interferon. Of the 588 trials identified, 314 (53.4%) fit inclusion criteria. The main outcome was the rate of African American/ Black participation in North American HCV clinical trials. A meta-analysis comparing the expected and observed rates was performed. Of the RCT's that met search criteria, 123 (39.2%) reported race. Clinical trials in North America were more likely to report racial data than European trials. Racial reporting increased over time. There was a statistically significant difference among the expected and observed participation of African Americans in HCV clinical trials in North America based on the prevalence of this disease within the population. The burden of HCV among African Americans in North America is not reflected in those clinical trials designed to treat HCV. Research on minority participation in clinical trials and how to increase minority participation in clinical trials is needed.


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Tumor angiogenesis is critical to tumor growth and metastasis, yet much is unknown about the role vascular cells play in the tumor microenvironment. A major outstanding challenge associated with studying tumor angiogenesis is that existing preclinical models are limited in their recapitulation of in vivo cellular organization in 3D. This disparity highlights the need for better approaches to study the dynamic interplay of relevant cells and signaling molecules as they are organized in the tumor microenvironment. In this thesis, we combined 3D culture of lung adenocarcinoma cells with adjacent 3D microvascular cell culture in 2-layer cell-adhesive, proteolytically-degradable poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based hydrogels to study tumor angiogenesis and the impacts of neovascularization on tumor cell behavior.

In initial studies, 344SQ cells, a highly metastatic, murine lung adenocarcinoma cell line, were characterized alone in 3D in PEG hydrogels. 344SQ cells formed spheroids in 3D culture and secreted proangiogenic growth factors into the conditioned media that significantly increased with exposure to transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1), a potent tumor progression-promoting factor. Vascular cells alone in hydrogels formed tubule networks with localized activated TGF-β1. To study cancer cell-vascular cell interactions, the engineered 2-layer tumor angiogenesis model with 344SQ and vascular cell layers was employed. Large, invasive 344SQ clusters developed at the interface between the layers, and were not evident further from the interface or in control hydrogels without vascular cells. A modified model with spatially restricted 344SQ and vascular cell layers confirmed that observed 344SQ cluster morphological changes required close proximity to vascular cells. Additionally, TGF-β1 inhibition blocked endothelial cell-driven 344SQ migration.

Two other lung adenocarcinoma cell lines were also explored in the tumor angiogenesis model: primary tumor-derived metastasis-incompetent, murine 393P cells and primary tumor-derived metastasis-capable human A549 cells. These lung cancer cells also formed spheroids in 3D culture and secreted proangiogenic growth factors into the conditioned media. Epithelial morphogenesis varied for the primary tumor-derived cell lines compared to 344SQ cells, with far less epithelial organization present in A549 spheroids. Additionally, 344SQ cells secreted the highest concentration of two of the three angiogenic growth factors assessed. This finding correlated to 344SQ exhibiting the most pronounced morphological response in the tumor angiogenesis model compared to the 393P and A549 cell lines.

Overall, this dissertation demonstrates the development of a novel 3D tumor angiogenesis model that was used to study vascular cell-cancer cell interactions in lung adenocarcinoma cell lines with varying metastatic capacities. Findings in this thesis have helped to elucidate the role of vascular cells in tumor progression and have identified differences in cancer cell behavior in vitro that correlate to metastatic capacity, thus highlighting the usefulness of this model platform for future discovery of novel tumor angiogenesis and tumor progression-promoting targets.