992 resultados para plant dispersal


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Biocontrol pseudomonads are most known to protect plants from fungal diseases and to increase plant yield, while intriguing aspects on insecticidal activity have been discovered only recently. Here, we demonstrate that Fit toxin producing pseudomonads, in contrast to a naturally Fit-deficient strain, exhibit potent oral activity against larvae of Spodoptera littoralis, Heliothis virescens and Plutella xylostella, all major insect pests of agricultural crops. Spraying plant leaves with suspensions containing only 1000 Pseudomonas cells per ml was sufficient to kill 70-80% of Spodoptera and Heliothis larvae. Monitoring survival kinetics and bacterial titres in parallel, we demonstrate that Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391, two bacteria harbouring the Fit gene cluster colonize and kill insects via oral infection. Using Fit mutants of CHA0 and PCL1391, we show that production of the Fit toxin contributes substantially to oral insecticidal activity. Furthermore, the global regulator GacA is required for full insecticidal activity. Our findings demonstrate the lethal oral activity of two root-colonizing pseudomonads so far known as potent antagonists of fungal plant pathogens. This adds insecticidal activity to the existing biocontrol repertoire of these bacteria and opens new perspectives for applications in crop pest control and in research on their ecological behaviour.


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The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana was studied for the search of new metabolites involved in wound signalling. Diverse LC approaches were considered in terms of efficiency and analysis time and a 7-min gradient on a UPLC-TOF-MS system with a short column was chosen for metabolite fingerprinting. This screening step was designed to allow the comparison of a high number of samples over a wide range of time points after stress induction in positive and negative ionisation modes. Thanks to data treatment, clear discrimination was obtained, providing lists of potential stress-induced ions. In a second step, the fingerprinting conditions were transferred to longer column, providing a higher peak capacity able to demonstrate the presence of isomers among the highlighted compounds.


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Selostus: Tulokastuholaiset ja kasvinsuojelu : taloudellinen näkökulma


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The aim of this work was to identify Brazilian soybean (Glycine max) genotypes with potential to respond to in vitro culture stimuli for primary somatic embryo induction, secondary embryo proliferation and plant regeneration. Differences among eight tested cultivars were observed at each stage. Two cultivars, IAS-5 and BRSMG 68 Vencedora, were selected for the evaluation of the capacity for embryo differentiation and plant regeneration. These cultivars had high embryo induction frequencies, repetitive embryogenic proliferation, and low precocious embryo germination in the initial experiment. The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) and charcoal addition on plant regeneration was investigated. The addition of ABA to proliferation medium and of ABA and activated charcoal to maturation medium increased embryo differentiation rates, which resulted in a higher number of regenerated plants. The BRSMG 68 Vencedora cultivar was found to have a high potential for embryo induction, embryo proliferation and plant regeneration. The potential of this cultivar for somatic embryogenesis was similar to that observed for cultivar IAS-5, which is currently used for soybean transformation in Brazil. BRSMG 68 Vencedora may be a good alternative genotype for soybean genetic engineering via somatic embryogenesis protocols.


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The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of resistance by antixenosis in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) to tomato leafminer [Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)]. Evaluations were performed for tomato plants of the generations P1, P2, F1, F2, RC1 and RC2. The measured characteristic in the parents, BGH-1497 (P2 male) and 'Santa Clara' (P1 female), and in the F1, F2, RC1 and RC2 generations was the number of eggs per plant. This number was converted to the oviposition nonpreference index. The inheritance of antixenosis resistance of genotype BGH-1497 is ruled by a gene of greater effect and polygenes in epistatic interactions, with a phenotypic proportion of 13:3 between susceptible and resistant genotypes, respectively.


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We examined the sequence variation of mitochondrial DNA control region and cytochrome b gene of the house mouse (Mus musculus sensu lato) drawn from ca. 200 localities, with 286 new samples drawn primarily from previously unsampled portions of their Eurasian distribution and with the objective of further clarifying evolutionary episodes of this species before and after the onset of human-mediated long-distance dispersals. Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data detected five equally distinct clades, with geographic ranges of northern Eurasia (musculus, MUS), India and Southeast Asia (castaneus, CAS), Nepal (unspecified, NEP), western Europe (domesticus, DOM) and Yemen (gentilulus). Our results confirm previous suggestions of Southwestern Asia as the likely place of origin of M. musculus and the region of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India, specifically as the ancestral homeland of CAS. The divergence of the subspecies lineages and of internal sublineage differentiation within CAS were estimated to be 0.37-0.47 and 0.14-0.23 million years ago (mya), respectively, assuming a split of M. musculus and Mus spretus at 1.7 mya. Of the four CAS sublineages detected, only one extends to eastern parts of India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, South China, Northeast China, Primorye, Sakhalin and Japan, implying a dramatic range expansion of CAS out of its homeland during an evolutionary short time, perhaps associated with the spread of agricultural practices. Multiple and non-coincident eastward dispersal events of MUS sublineages to distant geographic areas, such as northern China, Russia and Korea, are inferred, with the possibility of several different routes.


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The objective of this study was to assess genotype by environment interaction for seed yield per plant in rapeseed cultivars grown in Northern Serbia by the AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) model. The study comprised 19 rapeseed genotypes, analyzed in seven years through field trials arranged in a randomized complete block design, with three replicates. Seed yield per plant of the tested cultivars varied from 1.82 to 19.47 g throughout the seven seasons, with an average of 7.41 g. In the variance analysis, 72.49% of the total yield variation was explained by environment, 7.71% by differences between genotypes, and 19.09% by genotype by environment interaction. On the biplot, cultivars with high yield genetic potential had positive correlation with the seasons with optimal growing conditions, while the cultivars with lower yield potential were correlated to the years with unfavorable conditions. Seed yield per plant is highly influenced by environmental factors, which indicates the adaptability of specific genotypes to specific seasons.


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Biological control of root pathogens--mostly fungi--can be achieved by the introduction of selected bacterial inoculants acting as 'biopesticides'. Successful inoculants have been identified among Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, often belonging to Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp., respectively. Biocontrol activity of a model rhizobacterium, P. fluorescens CHAO, depends to a considerable extent on the synthesis of extracellular antimicrobial secondary metabolites and exoenzymes, thought to antagonize the pathogenicity of a variety of phytopathogenic fungi. The regulation of exoproduct formation in P. fluorescens (as well as in other bacteria) depends essentially on the GacS/GacA two-component system, which activates a largely unknown signal transduction pathway. However, recent evidence indicates that GacS/GacA control has a major impact on target gene expression at a post-transcriptional level, involving an mRNA target sequence (typically near the ribosome binding site), two RNA binding proteins (designated RsmA and RsmE), and a regulatory RNA (RsmZ) capable of binding RsmA. The expression and activity of the regulatory system is stimulated by at least one low-molecular-weight signal. The timing and specificity of this switch from primary to secondary metabolism are essential for effective biocontrol.


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In the Argentine ant Linepithema humile (=Iridomyrmex humilis) only males disperse whereas female sexuals (unmated winged queens) stay in their mother nest where they mate. This study investigated (1) whether dispersing males are accepted into foreign colonies, (2) whether they can mate with resident female sexuals, and (3) whether the propensity of males to disperse is affected by the expectation of mating in their mother nest. Field experiments demonstrated that males were accepted into foreign colonies only when these colonies contained female sexuals or queen pupae. Before and after the time of (sic) female sexuals, workers attacked and killed most of the foreign males. Laboratory experiments snowed that males that successfully enter foreign colonies can mate with resident female sexuals. The propensity of males to disperse was significantly influenced by the presence of female sexuals in their nest. Males were more likely to fly out from colonies containing no female sexuals than from those with them. These results are consistent with males preferentially dispersing when there is little or no opportunity to mate in their mother nest. Thus there are two mating strategies available for males: staying in their mother nest when an opportunity to mate arises or dispersing and attempting to mate in a foreign nest when there are no female sexuals in their mother nest. This latter behaviour could mediate gene flow between colonies and account for the lack of significant inbreeding previously documented in this species.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program was asked by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review a round of air sampling data. The air data was collected and analyzed during a removal action at the Le Mars Coal Gas Site in Le Mars, Iowa. EPA asked IDPH to determine from the air data if additional monitoring is necessary throughout the removal action to protect nearby residents from exposure.


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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program evaluate future health impacts of exposures at a former aboveground storage tank site located in Rolfe, Iowa. The former aboveground storage tank site is located to the southwest of the intersection of Railroad Street and 300th Avenue in Rolfe, Iowa. This site is undergoing a Targeted Brownfields Assessment conducted by the Contaminated Sites Section of the IDNR. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from future exposure to the soil within the property boundary, and any health impacts resulting from contaminated groundwater beneath the site property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.


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Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice, as affected by type and application time of plant growth regulators. A randomized block design, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of three growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, trinexapac-ethyl, and paclobutrazol), besides a control treatment applied at two different phenological stages: early tillering or panicle primordial differentiation. The experiment was performed under sprinkler-irrigated field conditions. Net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, plant transpiration, and water-use efficiency were measured four times in Primavera upland rice cultivar, between booting and milky grain phenophases. Gas exchange rates were neither influenced by growth regulators nor by application time. There was, however, interaction between these factors on the other variables. Application of trinexapac-ethyl at both tillering and differentiation stages reduced plant height and negatively affected yield components and rice productivity. However, paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride applied at tillering, reduced plant height without affecting rice yield. Mepiquat chloride acted as a growth stimulator when applied at the differentiation stage, and significantly increased plant height, panicle number, and grain yield of upland rice.


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Comparative analyses of spatial genetic structure of populations of plants and the insects they interact with provide an indication of how gene flow, natural selection and genetic drift may jointly influence the distribution of genetic variation and potential for local co-adaptation for interacting species. Here, we analysed the spatial scale of genetic structure within and among nine populations of an interacting species pair, the white campion Silene latifolia and the moth Hadena bicruris, along a latitudinal gradient across Northern/Central Europe. This dioecious, short-lived perennial plant inhabits patchy, often disturbed environments. The moth H. bicruris acts both as its pollinator and specialist seed predator that reproduces by laying eggs in S. latifolia flowers. We used nine microsatellite markers for S. latifolia and eight newly developed markers for H. bicruris. We found high levels of inbreeding in most populations of both plant and pollinator/seed predator. Among populations, significant genetic structure was observed for S. latifolia but not for its pollinator/seed predator, suggesting that despite migration among populations of H. bicruris, pollen is not, or only rarely, carried over between populations, thus maintaining genetic structure among plant populations. There was a weak positive correlation between genetic distances of S. latifolia and H. bicruris. These results indicate that while significant structure of S. latifolia populations creates the potential for differentiation at traits relevant for the interaction with the pollinator/seed predator, substantial gene flow in H. bicruris may counteract this process in at least some populations.