882 resultados para perceptual scepticism


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Postural control is needed to perform various daily activities, from staying in one posture, standing, to sports situations. Many studies have shown that sensory systems help to maintain posture stable; acquisition of perceptual information, particularly through head and eye movements, allows static and dynamic equilibrium. Research related to both motor behavior and physical activities such as gymnastics have contributed to a better understanding of complexities involved in human postural control. The purpose of this study was to review the related literature, searching for possible answers on how everyday and sports actions are performed, with respect to the control and maintenance of posture. Its focus was on how the human body acquires information from the sensory systems, vision in special, and how this information acts to support the control of posture and gaze


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Dyer and McKune (2013) stated that music tempo has no influence on performance, physiological, and psychophysical variables in well-trained cyclists during high intensity endurance tasks. However, there are important limitations in the methodology of the study. The participants'music preferences and tempo change were not well measured. It is not possible to affirm that music tempo does not influence athletes'performance. Potential areas of future research include: (a) use of instruments to assess the qualities of music; (b) standardizing music of tempo according to exercise type (e.g., running, cycling, etc.); (c) considering training level of the participants (i.e., athletes and non-athletes); and (d) use of instruments to assess concentration during exercise.


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This study developed a Color Scale of Perceived Exertion (RPE-color scale) and assessed its concurrent and construct validity in adult women. One hundred participants (18-77 years), who were habitual exercisers, associated colors with verbal anchors of the Borg RPE scale (RPE-Borg scale) for RPE-color scale development. For RPE-color scale validation, 12 Young (M = 21.7 yr., SD = 1.5) and 10 Older (M = 60.3 yr., SD = 3.5) adult women performed a maximal graded exercise test on a treadmill and reported perceived exertion in both RPE-color and RPE-Borg scales. In the Young group, the RPE-color scale was significantly associated with heart rate and oxygen consumption, having strong correlations with the RPE-Borg scale. In the Older group, the RPE-color scale was significantly associated with heart rate, having moderate to high correlations with the RPE-Borg scale. The RPE-color scale demonstrated concurrent and construct validity in the Young women, as well as construct validity in Older adults.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVOS: investigar a ocorrência do ceceio em fricativas produzidas por crianças com alterações oclusais e analisar a influência do contexto silábico da fricativa no julgamento auditivo do ceceio. M ÉTODO: estudo prospectivo, em que as gravações de 428 palavras, produzidas por 15 crianças (idade média de 5 anos e 1 mês) foram julgadas auditivamente por três fonoaudiólogos com experiência no julgamento de alterações de fala. As palavras utilizadas foram constituídas pelas consoantes fricativas não vozeadas, alveolar e pós-alveolar, inseridas em posição tônica, precedida das vogais [i, a, u]. Obteve-se concordância intra-juiz (quase perfeita) e inter-juiz (total, 100%) previamente à análise dos aspectos de interesse. RESULTADOS: embora presente na fala de todas as crianças, identificou-se ceceio em 25,23% do total das palavras. Houve aumento significante do ceceio para: (a) fricativa alveolar em ataque inicial, (b) fricativa alveolar em ataque inicial em relação à coda medial (p=0,001) e (c) fricativa alveolar em relação à fricativa pós- alveolar (p<0,001). Não se observou diminuição do ceceio em relação às vogais co-articuladas. CONCLUSÃO: a ocorrência do ceceio é dependente do contexto silábico, (com maior ocorrência na fricativa alveolar, em posição de ataque inicial), devendo o mesmo ser considerado para fins clínicos e de pesquisa sobre o ceceio.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dysphonia is more prevalent in teachers than among the general population. The objective of this study was to analyze clinical, vocal, and videolaryngoscopical aspects in dysphonic teachers. Ninety dysphonic teachers were inquired about their voice, comorbidities, and work conditions. They underwent vocal auditory-perceptual evaluation (maximum phonation time and GRBASI scale), acoustic voice analysis, and videolaryngoscopy. The results were compared with a control group consisting of 90 dysphonic nonteachers, of similar gender and ages, and with professional activities excluding teaching and singing. In both groups, there were 85 women and five men (age range 31-50 years). In the controls, the majority of subjects worked in domestic activities, whereas the majority of teachers worked in primary (42.8%) and secondary school (37.7%). Teachers and controls reported, respectively: vocal abuse (76.7%; 37.8%), weekly hours of work between 21 and 40 years (72.2%; 80%), under 10 years of practice (36%; 23%), absenteeism (23%; 0%), sinonasal (66%; 20%) and gastroesophageal symptoms (44%; 22%), hoarseness (82%; 78%), throat clearing (70%; 62%), and phonatory effort (72%; 52%). In both groups, there were decreased values of maximum phonation time, impairment of the G parameter in the GRBASI scale (82%), decrease of F0 and increase of the rest of acoustic parameters. Nodules and laryngopharyngeal reflux were predominant in teachers; laryngopharyngeal reflux, polyps, and sulcus vocalis predominated in the controls. Vocal symptoms, comorbidities, and absenteeism were predominant among teachers. The vocal analyses were similar in both groups. Nodules and laryngopharyngeal reflux were predominant among teachers, whereas polyps, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and sulcus were predominant among controls.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This paper relates some considerations resulting from a thesis study in Biological Sciences held at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Bauru Campus. Considering the perceptual act endowed with simultaneous actions of the cognitive apparatus and the individual's life history as the merleau-pontyana phenmomenon tells us, the work aimed to identify how boys and girls in elementary school realize a natural savanna. The study was realized with the extension project "Walking and learning at the cerrado” in the Center for Memory and Dissemination of Science and Technology (CDMCT) of Postgraduate Education for Science in the same institution. Classes were held in these practical activities, monitored by undergraduate and graduate students, and, the project focuses on students from public and private schools in Bauru and region, and other visiting groups. Data collection was performed using the representations in the form of free drawings of students of their environment after the activity. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, the results allowed us to highlight differences in the way in which genders perceived and thus represented the fragment of cerrado vegetation. The male drawings contained a larger amount of non-living elements, whereas the representations by women, besides their botanical details, often drew on animals and people. The framework of the drawings by the boys took the nearest way, whereas by the girls more often considered the representations and the entire context of the site visited. So, we emphasize the need for further discussions within the perception of the environment to consider differences in the representations of boys and girls within the context of the teaching of natural sciences, seeking, however, to avoid unsubstantiated preconceptions that may cause any degree of discrimination.


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How are teachers Cartoons observation Architecture Schools in several decades, the idea was to try and explain firsthand the look and fundamental elements of drawings to the Architect. We start looking through the design of: 1 A projective gaze: the invisible is made visible by interactivity and space and time are perceived by the distance that look place between them; 2nd In bidirectional contamination: the object fills the subject, double-hand, bringing the tactile qualities of architecture in continuous resonance, 3rd Strangeness by slow look: draw as perceptual expansion strategy; 4 Articulation of the structural elements of the design while similar language to architecture and city through the selection of appropriate signs and codes, exclusive and singular.


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AIM: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of intensive practice in table-­tennis on perceptual, decision-­making and motor-­systems. Groups of elite (HL=11), intermediate (LL=6) and control (CC=11) performed tasks of different levels. METHODS: All subjects underwent to reaction-­time-­test and response-­time-­test consisting of a pointing task to targets placed at distinct distances (15 and 25-­cm) on the right and left sides. The ball speed test in forehand and backhand condition just for HL and LL group. RESULTS: In CC group reaction time was higher compared to HL (P< 0.05) group. In the response-­time-­test, there was a significant main effect of distance (P< 0.0001) and the tennis-­table expertise (P= 0.011). In the ball speed test the HL were constantly faster compared to the LL in both forehand stroke (P< 0.0001) and backhand stroke (P< 0.0001). Overall, the forehand stroke was significantly faster than the backhand stroke. CONCLUSION: We can conclude that table-­tennis-­players have shorter response-­times than non-­athletes and the tasks of reaction-­time and response-­time are incapable to distinguish the performance of well-­trained table tennis players of the intermediate player, but the ball speed test seems be able to do it.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)