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Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) were examined in relation to leaf age and orientation. Two varieties (IR72 and IR65598-112-2 [BSI206]) were grown in the field in the Philippines during the dry season under highly irrigated, well-fertilized conditions. Flag leaves were examined 60 and 100 d after transplanting. Because of the upright nature of 60-d-old rice leaves, patterns of photosynthesis were determined by solar movements: light falling on the exposed surface in the morning, a low incident angle of irradiance at midday, and light striking the opposite side of the leaf blade in the afternoon. There was an early morning burst of CO2 assimilation and high levels of saturation of photosystem II electron transfer as incident irradiance reached a maximum level. However, by midday the photochemical efficiency increased again almost to maximum. Leaves that were 100 d old possessed a more horizontal orientation and were found to suffer greater levels of photoinhibition than younger leaves, and this was accompanied by increases in the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle. Older leaves had significantly lower chlorophyll content but only slightly diminished photosynthesis capacity.


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Myo-inositol-1-phosphate (I[1]P) synthase (EC catalyzes the reaction from glucose 6-phosphate to I(1)P, the first step of myo-inositol biosynthesis. Among the metabolites of I(1)P is inositol hexakisphosphate, which forms a mixed salt called phytin or phytate, a storage form of phosphate and cations in seeds. We have isolated a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cDNA clone, pRINO1, that is highly homologous to the I(1)P synthase from yeast and plants. Northern analysis of total RNA showed that the transcript accumulated to high levels in embryos but was undetectable in shoots, roots, and flowers. In situ hybridization of developing seeds showed that the transcript first appeared in the apical region of globular-stage embryos 2 d after anthesis (DAA). Strong signals were detected in the scutellum and aleurone layer after 4 DAA. The level of the transcript in these cells increased until 7 DAA, after which time it gradually decreased. Phytin-containing particles called globoids appeared 4 DAA in the scutellum and aleurone layer, coinciding with the localization of the RINO1 transcript. The temporal and spatial patterns of accumulation of the RINO1 transcript and globoids suggest that I(1)P synthase directs phytin biosynthesis in rice seeds.


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Cereal aleurone responses to gibberellic acid (GA3) include activation of synthesis of hydrolytic enzymes and acidification of the external medium. We have studied the effect of the pH of the incubation medium on the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum) aleurone cells to GA3. De-embryonated half grains show the capacity for GA3-activated medium acidification when incubation is carried out at pH 6.0 to 7.0 but not at lower pHs. In addition, the activating effect of GA3 on the expression of carboxypeptidase III and thiol protease genes is more efficient when the hormone treatment is carried out at neutral pH. In situ pH staining showed that starchy endosperm acidification takes place upon imbibition and advances from the embryo to the distal part of the grain. In situ hybridization experiments showed a similar pattern of expression of a carboxypeptidase III gene, which is up-regulated by GA3 in aleurone cells. However, aleurone gene expression precedes starchy endosperm acidification. These findings imply that in vivo GA perception by the aleurone layer takes place at neutral pH and suggest that the acidification of the starchy endosperm is regulated by GA3 in germinated wheat grains.


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The most productive (“star”) bioscientists had intellectual human capital of extraordinary scientific and pecuniary value for some 10–15 years after Cohen and Boyer’s 1973 founding discovery for biotechnology [Cohen, S., Chang, A., Boyer, H. & Helling, R. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 70, 3240–3244]. This extraordinary value was due to the union of still scarce knowledge of the new research techniques and genius and vision to apply them in novel, valuable ways. As in other sciences, star bioscientists were very protective of their techniques, ideas, and discoveries in the early years of the revolution, tending to collaborate more within their own institution, which slowed diffusion to other scientists. Close, bench-level working ties between stars and firm scientists were needed to accomplish commercialization of the breakthroughs. Where and when star scientists were actively producing publications is a key predictor of where and when commercial firms began to use biotechnology. The extent of collaboration by a firm’s scientists with stars is a powerful predictor of its success: for an average firm, 5 articles coauthored by an academic star and the firm’s scientists result in about 5 more products in development, 3.5 more products on the market, and 860 more employees. Articles by stars collaborating with or employed by firms have significantly higher rates of citation than other articles by the same or other stars. The U.S. scientific and economic infrastructure has been particularly effective in fostering and commercializing the bioscientific revolution. These results let us see the process by which scientific breakthroughs become economic growth and consider implications for policy.


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Phylogenetic analyses of asymmetry variation offer a powerful tool for exploring the interplay between ontogeny and evolution because (i) conspicuous asymmetries exist in many higher metazoans with widely varying modes of development, (ii) patterns of bilateral variation within species may identify genetically and environmentally triggered asymmetries, and (iii) asymmetries arising at different times during development may be more sensitive to internal cytoplasmic inhomogeneities compared to external environmental stimuli. Using four broadly comparable asymmetry states (symmetry, antisymmetry, dextral, and sinistral), and two stages at which asymmetry appears developmentally (larval and postlarval), I evaluated relations between ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns of asymmetry variation. Among 140 inferred phylogenetic transitions between asymmetry states, recorded from 11 classes in five phyla, directional asymmetry (dextral or sinistral) evolved directly from symmetrical ancestors proportionally more frequently among larval asymmetries. In contrast, antisymmetry, either as an end state or as a transitional stage preceding directional asymmetry, was confined primarily to postlarval asymmetries. The ontogenetic origin of asymmetry thus significantly influences its subsequent evolution. Furthermore, because antisymmetry typically signals an environmentally triggered asymmetry, the phylogenetic transition from antisymmetry to directional asymmetry suggests that many cases of laterally fixed asymmetries evolved via genetic assimilation.


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Variability in population growth rate is thought to have negative consequences for organism fitness. Theory for matrix population models predicts that variance in population growth rate should be the sum of the variance in each matrix entry times the squared sensitivity term for that matrix entry. I analyzed the stage-specific demography of 30 field populations from 17 published studies for pattern between the variance of a demographic term and its contribution to population growth. There were no instances in which a matrix entry both was highly variable and had a large effect on population growth rate; instead, correlations between estimates of temporal variance in a term and contribution to population growth (sensitivity or elasticity) were overwhelmingly negative. In addition, survivorship or growth sensitivities or elasticities always exceeded those of fecundity, implying that the former two terms always contributed more to population growth rate. These results suggest that variable life history stages tend to contribute relatively little to population growth rates because natural selection may alter life histories to minimize stages with both high sensitivity and high variation.


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We conducted a coordinated biochemical and morphometric analysis of the effect of saline conditions on the differentiation zone of developing soybean (Glycine max L.) roots. Between d 3 and d 14 for seedlings grown in control or NaCl-supplemented medium, we studied (a) the temporal evolution of the respiratory alternative oxidase (AOX) capacity in correlation with the expression and localization of AOX protein analyzed by tissue-print immunoblotting; (b) the temporal evolution and tissue localization of a peroxidase activity involved in lignification; and (c) the structural changes, visualized by light microscopy and quantified by image digitization. The results revealed that saline stress retards primary xylem differentiation. There is a corresponding delay in the temporal pattern of AOX expression, which is consistent with the xylem-specific localization of AOX protein and the idea that this enzyme is linked to xylem development. An NaCl-induced acceleration of the development of secondary xylem was also observed. However, the temporal pattern of a peroxidase activity localized in the primary and secondary xylem was unaltered by NaCl treatment. Thus, the NaCl-stressed root was specifically affected in the temporal patterns of AOX expression and xylem development.


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Al-resistant (alr) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated and characterized to gain a better understanding of the genetic and physiological mechanisms of Al resistance. alr mutants were identified on the basis of enhanced root growth in the presence of levels of Al that strongly inhibited root growth in wild-type seedlings. Genetic analysis of the alr mutants showed that Al resistance was semidominant, and chromosome mapping of the mutants with microsatellite and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers indicated that the mutants mapped to two sites in the Arabidopsis genome: one locus on chromosome 1 (alr-108, alr-128, alr-131, and alr-139) and another on chromosome 4 (alr-104). Al accumulation in roots of mutant seedlings was studied by staining with the fluorescent Al-indicator dye morin and quantified via inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectrometry. It was found that the alr mutants accumulated lower levels of Al in the root tips compared with wild type. The possibility that the mutants released Al-chelating organic acids was examined. The mutants that mapped together on chromosome 1 released greater amounts of citrate or malate (as well as pyruvate) compared with wild type, suggesting that Al exclusion from roots of these alr mutants results from enhanced organic acid exudation. Roots of alr-104, on the other hand, did not exhibit increased release of malate or citrate, but did alkalinize the rhizosphere to a greater extent than wild-type roots. A detailed examination of Al resistance in this mutant is described in an accompanying paper (J. Degenhardt, P.B. Larsen, S.H. Howell, L.V. Kochian [1998] Plant Physiol 117: 19–27).


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Genomic clones of two nonspecific lipid-transfer protein genes from a drought-tolerant wild species of tomato (Lycopersicon pennellii Corr.) were isolated using as a probe a drought- and abscisic acid (ABA)-induced cDNA clone (pLE16) from cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Both genes (LpLtp1 and LpLtp2) were sequenced and their corresponding mRNAs were characterized; they are both interrupted by a single intron at identical positions and predict basic proteins of 114 amino acid residues. Genomic Southern data indicated that these genes are members of a small gene family in Lycopersicon spp. The 3′-untranslated regions from LpLtp1 and LpLtp2, as well as a polymerase chain reaction-amplified 3′-untranslated region from pLE16 (cross-hybridizing to a third gene in L. pennellii, namely LpLtp3), were used as gene-specific probes to describe expression in L. pennellii through northern-blot analyses. All LpLtp genes were exclusively expressed in the aerial tissues of the plant and all were drought and ABA inducible. Each gene had a different pattern of expression in fruit, and LpLtp1 and LpLtp2, unlike LpLtp3, were both primarily developmentally regulated in leaf tissue. Putative ABA-responsive elements were found in the proximal promoter regions of LpLtp1 and LpLtp2.


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Mature female sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) live in socially cohesive groups of 10-30, which include immature animals of both sexes, and within which there is communal care of the young. We examined kinship in such groups using analyses of microsatellite DNA, mitochondrial DNA sequence, and sex-linked markers on samples of sloughed skin collected noninvasively from animals in three groups off the coast of Ecuador. Social groups were defined through photographic identification of individuals. Each group contained about 26 members, mostly female (79%). Relatedness was greater within groups, as compared to between groups. Particular mitochondrial haplotypes were characteristic of groups, but all groups contained more than one haplotype. The data are generally consistent with each group being comprised of several matrillines from which males disperse at about the age of 6 years. There are indications of paternal relatedness among grouped individuals with different mitochondrial haplotypes, suggesting long-term associations between different matrilines.


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The effect of histone H1 binding on the cleavage of superhelical plasmids by single-strand-specific nucleases was investigated. Mapping of P1 cleavage sites in pBR322, achieved by EcoRI digestion after the original P1 attack, showed an intriguing phenomenon: preexisting susceptible sites became "protected," whereas some new sites appeared at high levels of H1. Similar results were obtained with another single-strand-specific nuclease, S1. Disappearance of cutting at preexisting sites and appearance of new sites was also observed in a derivative plasmid that contains a 36-bp stretch of alternating d(AT) sequence that is known to adopt an altered P1-sensitive conformation. On the other hand, H1 titration of a dimerized version of the d(AT)18-containing plasmid led to protection of all preexisting sites except the d(AT)18 inserts, which were still cut even at high H1 levels; in this plasmid no new sites appeared. The protection of preexisting sites is best explained by long-range effects of histone H1 binding on the superhelical torsion of the plasmid. The appearance of new sites, on the other hand, probably also involves a local effect of stabilization of specific sequences in Pl-sensitive conformation, due to direct H1 binding to such sequences. That such binding involves linker histone N- and/or C-terminal tails is indicated by the fact that titration with the globular domain of H5, while causing disappearance of preexisting sites, does not lead to the appearance of any new sites.


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With the aim of elucidating in greater detail the genealogical origin of the present domestic fowls of the world, we have determined mtDNA sequences of the D-loop regions for a total of 21 birds, of which 12 samples belong to red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) comprising three subspecies (six Gallus gallus gallus, three Gallus gallus spadiceus, and three Gallus gallus bankiva) and nine represent diverse domestic breeds (Gallus gallus domesticus). We also sequenced four green junglefowl (Gallus varius), two Lafayette's junglefowl (Gallus lafayettei), and one grey junglefowl (Gallus sonneratii). We then constructed a phylogenetic tree for these birds by the use of nucleotide sequences, choosing the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) as an outgroup. We found that a continental population of G. g. gallus was the real matriarchic origin of all the domestic poultries examined in this study. It is also of particular interest that there were no discernible differences among G. gallus subspecies; G. g. bankiva was a notable exception. This was because G. g. spadiceus and a continental population of G. g. gallus formed a single cluster in the phylogenetic tree. G. g. bankiva, on the other hand, was a distinct entity, thus deserving its subspecies status. It implies that a continental population of G. g. gallus sufficed as the monophyletic ancestor of all domestic breeds. We also discussed a possible significance of the initial dispersal pattern of the present domestic fowls, using the phylogenetic tree.


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Genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are characterized by extensive polymorphism within species and also by a remarkable conservation of contemporary human allelic sequences in evolutionarily distant primates. Mechanisms proposed to account for strict nucleotide conservation in the context of highly variable genes include the suggestion that intergenic exchange generates repeated sets of MHC DRB polymorphisms [Gyllensten, U. B., Sundvall, M. & Erlich, H. A. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 3686-3690; Lundberg, A. S. & McDevitt, H. 0. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 6545-6549]. We analyzed over 50 primate MHC DRB sequences, and identified nucleotide elements within macaque and baboon DRB6-like sequences with deletions corresponding to specific exon 2 hypervariable regions, which encode a discrete alpha helical segment of the MHC antigen combining site. This precisely localized deletion provides direct evidence implicating segmental exchange of MHC-encoded DRB gene fragments as one of the evolutionary mechanisms both generating and maintaining MHC diversity. Intergenic exchange at this site may be fundamental to the diversification of immune protection in populations by permitting alteration in the specificity of the MHC that determines the repertoire of antigens bound.


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We have investigated the efficiency of packing by calculating intramolecular packing density above and below peptide planes of internal beta-pleated sheet residues in five globular proteins. The orientation of interest was chosen to allow study of regions that are approximately perpendicular to the faces of beta-pleated sheets. In these locations, nonbonded van der Waals packing interactions predominate over hydrogen bonding and solvent interactions. We observed considerable variability in packing densities within these regions, confirming that the interior packing of a protein does not result in uniform occupation of the available space. Patterns of fluctuation in packing density suggest that the regular backbone-to-backbone network of hydrogen bonds is not likely to be interrupted to maximize van der Waals interactions. However, high-density packing tends to occur toward the ends of beta-structure strands where hydrogen bonds are more likely to involve nonpolar side-chain groups or solvent molecules. These features result in internal protein folding with a central low-density core surrounded by a higher-density subsurface shell, consistent with our previous calculations regarding overall protein packing density.