928 resultados para new product
A novel one pot process has been developed for the preparation of PbS nanocrystals in the conjugated polymer poly 2-methoxy,5-(2 ethyl-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV). Current techniques for making such composite materials rely upon synthesizing the nanocrystals and conducting polymer separately, and subsequently mixing them. This multi-step technique has two serious drawbacks: templating surfactant must be removed before mixing, and co-solvent incompatibility causes aggregation. In our method, we eliminate the need for an initial surfactant by using the conducting polymer to terminate and template nanocrystal growth. Additionally, the final product is soluble in a single solvent. We present materials analysis which shows PbS nanocrystals can be grown directly in a conducting polymer, the resulting composite is highly ordered and nanocrystal size can be controlled.
Previously the process of finding critical sets in Latin squares has been inside cumbersome by the complexity and number of Latin trades that, must be constructed. In this paper we develop a theory of Latin trades that yields more transparent constructions. We use these Latin trades to find a new class of critical sets for Latin squares which are a product of the Latin square of order 2 with a. back circulant Latin square of odd order.
Significant new insights into the interactions of the potent insulin-enhancing compound bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV) with the serum proteins, apo-transferrin and albumin, are presented. Identical reaction products are observed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with either BMOV or vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4) in solutions of human serum apo-transferrin. Further detailed study rules out the presence of a ternary ligand-vanadyl-transferrin complex proposed previously. By contrast, differences in reaction products are observed for the interactions of BMOV and VOSO4 with human serum albumin (HSA), wherein adduct formation between albumin and BMOV is detected. In BMOV-albumin solutions, vanadyl ions are bound in a unique manner not observed in comparable solutions Of VOSO4 and albumin. Presentation of chelated vanadyl ions precludes binding at the numerous nonspecific sites and produces a unique EPR spectrum which is assigned to a BMOV-HSA adduct. The adduct species cannot be produced, however, from a solution Of VOSO4 and HSA titrated with maltol. Addition of maltol to a VOSO4-HSA solution instead results in formation of a different end product which has been assigned as a ternary complex, VO(ma)(HSA). Furthermore, analysis of solution equilibria using a model system of BMOV with 1-methylimidazole (formation constant log K = 4.5(1), by difference electronic absorption spectroscopy) lends support to an adduct binding mode (VO(ma)(2)-HSA) proposed herein for BMOV and HSA. This detailed report of an in vitro reactivity difference between VOSO4 and BMOV may have bearing on the form of active vanadium metabolites delivered to target tissues. Albumin binding of vanadium chelates is seen to have a potentially dramatic effect on pharmacokinetics, transport, and efficacy of these antidiabetic chelates.
Simplicity in design and minimal floor space requirements render the hydrocyclone the preferred classifier in mineral processing plants. Empirical models have been developed for design and process optimisation but due to the complexity of the flow behaviour in the hydrocyclone these do not provide information on the internal separation mechanisms. To study the interaction of design variables, the flow behaviour needs to be considered, especially when modelling the new three-product cyclone. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to model the three-product cyclone, in particular the influence of the dual vortex finder arrangement on flow behaviour. From experimental work performed on the UG2 platinum ore, significant differences in the classification performance of the three-product cyclone were noticed with variations in the inner vortex finder length. Because of this simulations were performed for a range of inner vortex finder lengths. Simulations were also conducted on a conventional hydrocyclone of the same size to enable a direct comparison of the flow behaviour between the two cyclone designs. Significantly, high velocities were observed for the three-product cyclone with an inner vortex finder extended deep into the conical section of the cyclone. CFD studies revealed that in the three-product cyclone, a cylindrical shaped air-core is observed similar to conventional hydrocyclones. A constant diameter air-core was observed throughout the inner vortex finder length, while no air-core was present in the annulus. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to design, construct and commission a new ablative pyrolysis reactor and a high efficiency product collection system. The reactor was to have a nominal throughput of 10 kg/11r of dry biomass and be inherently scalable up to an industrial scale application of 10 tones/hr. The whole process consists of a bladed ablative pyrolysis reactor, two high efficiency cyclones for char removal and a disk and doughnut quench column combined with a wet walled electrostatic precipitator, which is directly mounted on top, for liquids collection. In order to aid design and scale-up calculations, detailed mathematical modelling was undertaken of the reaction system enabling sizes, efficiencies and operating conditions to be determined. Specifically, a modular approach was taken due to the iterative nature of some of the design methodologies, with the output from one module being the input to the next. Separate modules were developed for the determination of the biomass ablation rate, specification of the reactor capacity, cyclone design, quench column design and electrostatic precipitator design. These models enabled a rigorous design protocol to be developed capable of specifying the required reactor and product collection system size for specified biomass throughputs, operating conditions and collection efficiencies. The reactor proved capable of generating an ablation rate of 0.63 mm/s for pine wood at a temperature of 525 'DC with a relative velocity between the heated surface and reacting biomass particle of 12.1 m/s. The reactor achieved a maximum throughput of 2.3 kg/hr, which was the maximum the biomass feeder could supply. The reactor is capable of being operated at a far higher throughput but this would require a new feeder and drive motor to be purchased. Modelling showed that the reactor is capable of achieving a reactor throughput of approximately 30 kg/hr. This is an area that should be considered for the future as the reactor is currently operating well below its theoretical maximum. Calculations show that the current product collection system could operate efficiently up to a maximum feed rate of 10 kg/Fir, provided the inert gas supply was adjusted accordingly to keep the vapour residence time in the electrostatic precipitator above one second. Operation above 10 kg/hr would require some modifications to the product collection system. Eight experimental runs were documented and considered successful, more were attempted but due to equipment failure had to be abandoned. This does not detract from the fact that the reactor and product collection system design was extremely efficient. The maximum total liquid yield was 64.9 % liquid yields on a dry wood fed basis. It is considered that the liquid yield would have been higher had there been sufficient development time to overcome certain operational difficulties and if longer operating runs had been attempted to offset product losses occurring due to the difficulties in collecting all available product from a large scale collection unit. The liquids collection system was highly efficient and modeling determined a liquid collection efficiency of above 99% on a mass basis. This was validated due to the fact that a dry ice/acetone condenser and a cotton wool filter downstream of the collection unit enabled mass measurements of the amount of condensable product exiting the product collection unit. This showed that the collection efficiency was in excess of 99% on a mass basis.
In this article the authors discuss the new car buying experience for expectant and new parents to identify the impact of becoming a parent on the values and attitudes they exhibit during the purchase experience and in the final choice they make. In particular, the authors contend that the introduction of a first baby to a family unit will influence the buying process as parents will use consumption to express values and to determine product usage. Firstly, literature delineating the buying process is reviewed, along with literature relating to value adjustment concerning the addition of a newborn to the family unit and the influences of impending or recent parenthood upon the purchase process for a new car. Following this discussion, research suggestions and managerial implications are discussed.
Innovation is central to the survival and growth of firms, and ultimately to the health of the economies of which they are part. A clear understanding both of the processes by which firms perform innovation and the benefits which flow from innovation in terms of productivity and growth is therefore essential. This paper demonstrates the use of a conceptual framework and modeling tool, the innovation value chain (IVC), and shows how the IVC approach helps to highlight strengths and weaknesses in the innovation performance of a key group of firms-new technology-based firms. The value of the IVC is demonstrated in showing the key interrelationships in the whole process of innovation from sourcing knowledge through product and process innovation to performance in terms of the growth and productivity outcomes of different types of innovation. The use of the IVC highlights key complementarities, such as that between internal R&D, external R&D, and other external sources of knowledge. Other important relationships are also highlighted. Skill resources matter throughout the IVC, being positively associated with external knowledge linkages and innovation success, and also having a direct influence on growth independent of the effect on innovation. A key benefit of the IVC approach is therefore its ability to highlight the roles of different factors at various stages of the knowledge-innovation-performance nexus, and to show their indirect as well as direct impact. This in turn permits both managerial and policy implications to be drawn. © 2012 Product Development & Management Association.
This research has been undertaken to determine how successful multi-organisational enterprise strategy is reliant on the correct type of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems being used. However there appears to be a dearth of research as regards strategic alignment between ERP systems development and multi-organisational enterprise governance as guidelines and frameworks to assist practitioners in making decision for multi-organisational collaboration supported by different types of ERP systems are still missing from theoretical and empirical perspectives. This calls for this research which investigates ERP systems development and emerging practices in the management of multi-organisational enterprises (i.e. parts of companies working with parts of other companies to deliver complex product-service systems) and identify how different ERP systems fit into different multi-organisational enterprise structures, in order to achieve sustainable competitive success. An empirical inductive study was conducted using the Grounded Theory-based methodological approach based on successful manufacturing and service companies in the UK and China. This involved an initial pre-study literature review, data collection via 48 semi-structured interviews with 8 companies delivering complex products and services across organisational boundaries whilst adopting ERP systems to support their collaborative business strategies – 4 cases cover printing, semiconductor manufacturing, and parcel distribution industries in the UK and 4 cases cover crane manufacturing, concrete production, and banking industries in China in order to form a set of 29 tentative propositions that have been validated via a questionnaire receiving 116 responses from 16 companies. The research has resulted in the consolidation of the validated propositions into a novel concept referred to as the ‘Dynamic Enterprise Reference Grid for ERP’ (DERG-ERP) which draws from multiple theoretical perspectives. The core of the DERG-ERP concept is a contingency management framework which indicates that different multi-organisational enterprise paradigms and the supporting ERP information systems are not the result of different strategies, but are best considered part of a strategic continuum with the same overall business purpose of multi-organisational cooperation. At different times and circumstances in a partnership lifecycle firms may prefer particular multi-organisational enterprise structures and the use of different types of ERP systems to satisfy business requirements. Thus the DERG-ERP concept helps decision makers in selecting, managing and co-developing the most appropriate multi-organistional enterprise strategy and its corresponding ERP systems by drawing on core competence, expected competitiveness, and information systems strategic capabilities as the main contingency factors. Specifically, this research suggests that traditional ERP(I) systems are associated with Vertically Integrated Enterprise (VIE); whilst ERPIIsystems can be correlated to Extended Enterprise (EE) requirements and ERPIII systems can best support the operations of Virtual Enterprise (VE). The contribution of this thesis is threefold. Firstly, this work contributes to a gap in the extant literature about the best fit between ERP system types and multi-organisational enterprise structure types; and proposes a new contingency framework – the DERG-ERP, which can be used to explain how and why enterprise managers need to change and adapt their ERP information systems in response to changing business and operational requirements. Secondly, with respect to a priori theoretical models, the new DERG-ERP has furthered multi-organisational enterprise management thinking by incorporating information system strategy, rather than purely focusing on strategy, structural, and operational aspects of enterprise design and management. Simultaneously, the DERG-ERP makes theoretical contributions to the current IS Strategy Formulation Model which does not explicitly address multi-organisational enterprise governance. Thirdly, this research clarifies and emphasises the new concept and ideas of future ERP systems (referred to as ERPIII) that are inadequately covered in the extant literature. The novel DERG-ERP concept and its elements have also been applied to 8 empirical cases to serve as a practical guide for ERP vendors, information systems management, and operations managers hoping to grow and sustain their competitive advantage with respect to effective enterprise strategy, enterprise structures, and ERP systems use; referred to in this thesis as the “enterprisation of operations”.
* Supported by COMBSTRU Research Training Network HPRN-CT-2002-00278 and the Bulgarian National Science Foundation under Grant MM-1304/03.
∗ This work has been partially supported by the Bulgarian NSF under Contract No. I-506/1995.
As is well known, the Convergence Theorem for the Recurrent Neural Networks, is based in Lyapunov ́s second method, which states that associated to any one given net state, there always exist a real number, in other words an element of the one dimensional Euclidean Space R, in such a way that when the state of the net changes then its associated real number decreases. In this paper we will introduce the two dimensional Euclidean space R2, as the space associated to the net, and we will define a pair of real numbers ( x, y ) , associated to any one given state of the net. We will prove that when the net change its state, then the product x ⋅ y will decrease. All the states whose projection over the energy field are placed on the same hyperbolic surface, will be considered as points with the same energy level. On the other hand we will prove that if the states are classified attended to their distances to the zero vector, only one pattern in each one of the different classes may be at the same energy level. The retrieving procedure is analyzed trough the projection of the states on that plane. The geometrical properties of the synaptic matrix W may be used for classifying the n-dimensional state- vector space in n classes. A pattern to be recognized is seen as a point belonging to one of these classes, and depending on the class the pattern to be retrieved belongs, different weight parameters are used. The capacity of the net is improved and the spurious states are reduced. In order to clarify and corroborate the theoretical results, together with the formal theory, an application is presented.
Product recommender systems are often deployed by e-commerce websites to improve user experience and increase sales. However, recommendation is limited by the product information hosted in those e-commerce sites and is only triggered when users are performing e-commerce activities. In this paper, we develop a novel product recommender system called METIS, a MErchanT Intelligence recommender System, which detects users' purchase intents from their microblogs in near real-time and makes product recommendation based on matching the users' demographic information extracted from their public profiles with product demographics learned from microblogs and online reviews. METIS distinguishes itself from traditional product recommender systems in the following aspects: 1) METIS was developed based on a microblogging service platform. As such, it is not limited by the information available in any specific e-commerce website. In addition, METIS is able to track users' purchase intents in near real-time and make recommendations accordingly. 2) In METIS, product recommendation is framed as a learning to rank problem. Users' characteristics extracted from their public profiles in microblogs and products' demographics learned from both online product reviews and microblogs are fed into learning to rank algorithms for product recommendation. We have evaluated our system in a large dataset crawled from Sina Weibo. The experimental results have verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our system. We have also made a demo version of our system publicly available and have implemented a live system which allows registered users to receive recommendations in real time. © 2014 ACM.
Let G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) be two graphs having a distinguished or root vertex, labeled 0. The hierarchical product G2 ⊓ G1 of G2 and G1 is a graph with vertex set V2 × V1. Two vertices y2y1 and x2x1 are adjacent if and only if y1x1 ∈ E1 and y2 = x2; or y2x2 ∈ E2 and y1 = x1 = 0. In this paper, the Wiener, eccentric connectivity and Zagreb indices of this new operation of graphs are computed. As an application, these topological indices for a class of alkanes are computed. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.2.2, G.2.3.
When machining a large-scale aerospace part, the part is normally located and clamped firmly until a set of features are machined. When the part is released, its size and shape may deform beyond the tolerance limits due to stress release. This paper presents the design of a new fixing method and flexible fixtures that would automatically respond to workpiece deformation during machining. Deformation is inspected and monitored on-line, and part location and orientation can be adjusted timely to ensure follow-up operations are carried out under low stress and with respect to the related datum defined in the design models.