921 resultados para natural health products
This study was conducted under the auspices of the Subcommittee on Risk Communication and Education of the Committee to Coordinate Environmental Health and Related Programs (CCEHRP) to determine how Public Health Service (PHS) agencies are communicating information about health risk, what factors contributed to effective communication efforts, and what specific principles, strategies, and practices best promote more effective health risk communication outcomes.^ Member agencies of the Subcommittee submitted examples of health risk communication activities or decisions they perceived to be effective and some examples of cases they thought had not been as effective as desired. Of the 10 case studies received, 7 were submitted as examples of effective health risk communication, and 3, as examples of less effective communication.^ Information contained in the 10 case studies describing the respective agencies' health risk communication strategies and practices was compared with EPA's Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication, since similar rules were not found in any PHS agency. EPA's rules are: (1) Accept and involve the public as a legitimate partner. (2) Plan carefully and evaluate your efforts. (3) Listen to the public's specific concerns. (4) Be honest, frank, and open. (5) Coordinate and collaborate with other credible sources. (6) Meet the needs of the media. (7) Speak clearly and with compassion.^ On the basis of case studies analysis, the Subcommittee, in their attempts to design and implement effective health risk communication campaigns, identified a number of areas for improvement among the agencies. First, PHS agencies should consider developing a focus specific to health risk communication (i.e., office or specialty resource). Second, create a set of generally accepted practices and guidelines for effective implementation and evaluation of PHS health risk communication activities and products. Third, organize interagency initiatives aimed at increasing awareness and visibility of health risk communication issues and trends within and between PHS agencies.^ PHS agencies identified some specific implementation strategies the CCEHRP might consider pursuing to address the major recommendations. Implementation strategies common to PHS agencies emerged in the following five areas: (1) program development, (2) building partnerships, (3) developing training, (4) expanding information technologies, and (5) conducting research and evaluation. ^
The natural history of placebo treated travelers' diarrhea and the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea were evaluated using 9 groups of placebo treated subjects from 9 clinical trial studies conducted since 1975, for use as a historical control in the future clinical trial of antidiarrheal agents. All of these studies were done by the same group of investigators in one site (Guadalajara, Mexico). The studies are similar in terms of population, measured parameters, microbiologic identification of enteropathogens and definitions of parameters. The studies had two different durations of followup. In some studies, subjects were followed for two days, and in some they were followed for five days.^ Using definitions established by the Infectious Diseases society of America and the Food and Drug Administration, the following efficacy parameters were evaluated: Time to last unformed stool (TLUS), number of unformed stools post-initiation of placebo treatment for five consecutive days of followup, microbiologic cure, and improvement of diarrhea. Among the groups that were followed for five days, the mean TLUS ranged from 59.1 to 83.5 hours. Fifty percent to 78% had diarrhea lasting more than 48 hours and 25% had diarrhea more than five days. The mean number of unformed stools passed on the first day post-initiation of therapy ranged from 3.6 to 5.8 and, for the fifth day ranged from 0.5 to 1.5. By the end of followup, diarrhea improved in 82.6% to 90% of the subjects. Subjects with enterotoxigenic E. coli had 21.6% to 90.0% microbiologic cure; and subjects with shigella species experienced 14.3% to 60.0% microbiologic cure.^ In evaluating the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea (primary efficacy parameter in evaluating the efficacy of antidiarrheal agents against travelers' diarrhea). The subjects from five studies were pooled and the Cox proportional hazard model was used to evaluate the predictors of prolonged diarrhea. After adjusting for design characteristics of each trial, fever with a rate ratio (RR) of 0.40, presence of invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.41, presence of severe abdominal pain and cramps with a RR of 0.50, number of watery stools more than five with a RR of 0.60, and presence of non-invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.84 predicted a longer duration of diarrhea. Severe vomiting with a RR of 2.53 predicted a shorter duration of diarrhea. The number of soft stools, presence of fecal leukocytes, presence of nausea, and duration of diarrhea before enrollment were not associated with duration of diarrhea. ^
The use of coal for fuel in place of oil and natural gas has been increasing in the United States. Typically, users store their reserves of coal outdoors in large piles and rainfall on the coal creates runoffs which may contain materials hazardous to the environment and the public's health. To study this hazard, rainfall on model coal piles was simulated, using deionized water and four coals of varying sulfur content. The simulated surface runoffs were collected during 9 rainfall simulations spaced 15 days apart. The runoffs were analyzed for 13 standard water quality parameters, extracted with organic solvents and then analyzed with capillary column GC/MS, and the extracts were tested for mutagenicity with the Ames Salmonella microsomal assay and for clastogenicity with Chinese hamster ovary cells.^ The runoffs from the high-sulfur coals and the lignite exhibited extremes of pH (acidity), specific conductance, chemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids; the low-sulfur coal runoffs did not exhibit these extremes. Without treatment, effluents from these high-sulfur coals and lignite would not comply with federal water quality guidelines.^ Most extracts of the simulated surface runoffs contained at least 10 organic compounds including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, their methyl and ethyl homologs, olefins, paraffins, and some terpenes. The concentrations of these compounds were generally less than 50 (mu)g/l in most extracts.^ Some of the extracts were weakly mutagenic and affected both a DNA-repair proficient and deficient Salmonella strain. The addition of S9 decreased the effect significantly. Extracts of runoffs from the low-sulfur coal were not mutagenic.^ All extracts were clastogenic. Extracts of runoffs from the high-sulfur coals were both clastogenic and cytotoxic; those from the low-sulfur coal and the lignite were less clastogenic and not cytotoxic. Clastogenicity occurred with and without S9 activation. Chromosomal lesions included gaps, breaks and exchanges. These data suggest a relationship between the sulfur content of a coal, its mutagenicity and also its clastogenicity.^ The runoffs from actual coal piles should be investigated for possible genotoxic effects in view of the data presented in this study.^
This thesis project is motivated by the potential problem of using observational data to draw inferences about a causal relationship in observational epidemiology research when controlled randomization is not applicable. Instrumental variable (IV) method is one of the statistical tools to overcome this problem. Mendelian randomization study uses genetic variants as IVs in genetic association study. In this thesis, the IV method, as well as standard logistic and linear regression models, is used to investigate the causal association between risk of pancreatic cancer and the circulating levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE). Higher levels of serum sRAGE were found to be associated with a lower risk of pancreatic cancer in a previous observational study (255 cases and 485 controls). However, such a novel association may be biased by unknown confounding factors. In a case-control study, we aimed to use the IV approach to confirm or refute this observation in a subset of study subjects for whom the genotyping data were available (178 cases and 177 controls). Two-stage IV method using generalized method of moments-structural mean models (GMM-SMM) was conducted and the relative risk (RR) was calculated. In the first stage analysis, we found that the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2070600 of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (AGER) gene meets all three general assumptions for a genetic IV in examining the causal association between sRAGE and risk of pancreatic cancer. The variant allele of SNP rs2070600 of the AGER gene was associated with lower levels of sRAGE, and it was neither associated with risk of pancreatic cancer, nor with the confounding factors. It was a potential strong IV (F statistic = 29.2). However, in the second stage analysis, the GMM-SMM model failed to converge due to non- concaveness probably because of the small sample size. Therefore, the IV analysis could not support the causality of the association between serum sRAGE levels and risk of pancreatic cancer. Nevertheless, these analyses suggest that rs2070600 was a potentially good genetic IV for testing the causality between the risk of pancreatic cancer and sRAGE levels. A larger sample size is required to conduct a credible IV analysis.^
Mechanisms of multidrug resistance (MDR) were studied in two independent MDR sublines (AdR1.2 and SRA1.2) derived from the established human colon carcinoma cell line LoVo. AdR1.2 was developed by long-term continuous exposure of the cells to adriamycin (AdR) in stepwise increments of concentration, while SRA1.2 was selected by repetitive pulse treatments with AdR at a single concentration. In this dissertation, the hypothesis that the mechanism of drug resistance in SRA1.2 is different than that in AdR1.2 is tested. While SRA1.2 demonstrated similar biological characteristics when compared to the parental LoVo, AdR1.2 exhibited remarkable alterations in biological properties. The resistance phenotype of AdR1.2 was reversible when the cells were grown in the drug-free medium whereas SRA1.2 maintained its resistance for at least 10 months under similar conditions. Km and Vmax of carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion AdR transport were similar among the three lines. However, both resistant sublines exhibited an energy-dependent drug efflux. AdR1.2 appeared to possess an activated efflux pump, and a decreased nucleus-binding of AdR, whereas SRA1.2 showed merely a lower affinity in binding of AdR to the nuclei. Southern blot analysis showed no amplification of the MDR1 gene in either of the two resistant subclones. However, Western blot analysis using the C219 monoclonal antibody against P170 glycoprotein detected a Mr 150-kDa plasma protein (P150) in AdR1.2 but not in SRA1.2 or in the parental LoVo. In vitro phosphorylation studies revealed that P150 was a phosphoprotein; its phosphorylation was Mg$\sp{2+}$-dependent and could be enhanced by verapamil, an agent capable of increasing intracellular AdR accumulation in AdR1.2 cells. The phosphorylation studies also revealed elevated phosphorylation of a Mr 66-kDa plasma membrane protein that was detectable in the AdR1.2 revertant and in AdR1.2 when verapamil was present, suggesting that hyperphosphorylation of the Mr 66-kDa protein may be related to the reversal of MDR. SDS-PAGE of the plasma membrane protein demonstrated overproduction of a Mr 130-kDa, MDR-related protein in both the resistant sublines. The Mr 130-kDa, MDR-related protein in both the resistant sublines. The Mr 130-kDa protein was not immunoreactive with C219, but its absence in the AdR1.2 revertant and the parental LoVo suggests that it is an MDR-related plasma membrane protein. In conclusion, the results from this study support the author's hypothesis that the mechanisms responsible for "Acquired" and "Natural" MDR are not identical. ^
Ocean acidification threatens the survival of coral reef ecosystems worldwide. The negative effects of ocean acidification observed in many laboratory experiments have been seen in studies of naturally low-pH reefs, with little evidence to date for adaptation. Recently, we reported initial data suggesting that low-pH coral communities of the Palau Rock Islands appear healthy despite the extreme conditions in which they live. Here, we build on that observation with a comprehensive statistical analysis of benthic communities across Palau's natural acidification gradient. Our analysis revealed a shift in coral community composition but no impact of acidification on coral richness, coralline algae abundance, macroalgae cover, coral calcification, or skeletal density. However, coral bioerosion increased 11-fold as pH decreased from the barrier reefs to the Rock Island bays. Indeed, a comparison of the naturally low-pH coral reef systems studied so far revealed increased bioerosion to be the only consistent feature among them, as responses varied across other indices of ecosystem health. Our results imply that whereas community responses may vary, escalation of coral reef bioerosion and acceleration of a shift from net accreting to net eroding reef structures will likely be a global signature of ocean acidification.
The introduction of pharmaceutical product patents in India and other developing countries is expected to have a significant effect on public health and local pharmaceutical industries. This paper draws implications from the historical experience of Japan when it introduced product patents in 1976. In Japan, narrow patents and promotion of cross-licensing were effective tools to keep drug prices in check while ensuring the introduction of new drugs. While the global pharmaceutical market surrounding India today differs considerably from that of the 1970's, the Japanese experience offers a policy option that may profitably be considered by India today. The Indian patent system emphasizes the patentability requirement in contrast to the Japanese patent policy which relied on narrow patents and extensive licensing. R&D by local firms and the development of local products may be promoted more effectively under the Japanese model.
After the collapse of the centralized Soeharto regime, deforestation caused by over-logging accelerated. To tackle this problem, an IMF/World Bank-led forestry sector reform program adopted a market-friendly approach involving the resumption of round wood exports and raising of the resource rent fee, with the aim to stop rent accumulation by plywood companies, which had enjoyed a supply of round wood at privileged prices. The Indonesian government, for its part, decentralized the forest concession management system to provide incentives for local governments and communities to carry out sustainable forest management. However, neither policy reform worked effectively. The round wood export ban was reimposed and the forest management system centralized again with cooperation from a newly funded industry-led institution. In the midst of the confusion surrounding the policy reversal, the gap between the price of round wood in international and domestic markets failed to contract, although rent allocations to plywood industries were reduced during 1998-2003. The rents were not collected properly by the government, but accumulated unexpectedly in the hands of players in the black market for round wood.
The introduction of pharmaceutical product patents in India and other developing countries is expected to have a significant effect on public health and local pharmaceutical industries. This paper draws implications from the historical experience of Japan when it introduced product patents in 1976. In Japan, narrow patents and promotion of cross-licensing were effective tools to keep drug prices in check while ensuring the introduction of new drugs. While the global pharmaceutical market surrounding India today differs considerably from that of the 1970's, the Japanese experience offers a policy option that may profitably be considered by India today. The Indian patent system emphasizes the patentability requirement in contrast to the Japanese patent policy which relied on narrow patents and extensive licensing. R&D by local firms and the development of local products may be promoted more effectively under the Japanese model.
In 2000, Ramadan school vacation coincided with the original annual exam period of December in Bangladesh. This forced schools to pre-pone their final exam schedules in November, which was the month before the harvest begins. 'Ramadan 2000' is a natural experiment that reduced the labor demand for children during the exam period. Using household level panel data of 2000 and 2003, and after controlling for various unobservable variations including individual fixed effects, aggregate year effects, and subdistrict-level year effects, this paper finds evidence of statistically significant impact of seasonal labor demand on school dropout in Bangladesh among the children from agricultural households.
In the early stages of the development of Japan’s environmental policy, sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, which seriously damage health, was the most important air pollution problem. In the second half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, the measures against SOx emissions progressed quickly, and these emissions were reduced drastically. The most important factor of the reduction was the conversion to a low-sulfur fuel for large-scale fuel users, such as the electric power industry. However, industries started conversion to low-sulfur fuel not due to environmental concerns, but simply to reduce costs. Furthermore, the interaction among the various interests of the electric power industry, oil refineries, the central government, local governments, and citizens over the energy and environmental policies led to the measures against SOx emissions by fuel conversion.
As can been seen from the U.S.'s non-ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, together with the negotiations toward the post-Kyoto Protocol framework, the U.S. and China have been quarrelling over their responsibilities and have contradicted one another over the introduction of compulsory domestic greenhouse gases emission reduction targets. Therefore, for a long time, it has been argued that the controversy between the two countries has hindered the process of forging an international agreement to deal with climate change. On the other hand, Sino-U.S. bilateral cooperation on climate change has significantly increased in recent years in summit talks and their Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED), especially after the 15th Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Copenhagen, one of whose aims was to facilitate positive negotiations for the post-Kyoto Protocol agreement. Analyzing this in the light of recent developments, we find that the U.S. and China have tended to address climate change and related issues from a pluralistic viewpoint and approach, by regarding the achievement of bilateral cooperation and global agreements as their common strategic objective.