944 resultados para multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase


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By using reverse transcription-coupled PCR on rat anterior pituitary RNA, we isolated a 285-bp cDNA coding for a novel subtilisin/kexin-like protein convertase (PC), called rat (r) PC7. By screening rat spleen and PC12 cell lambda gt11 cDNA libraries, we obtained a composite 3.5-kb full-length cDNA sequence of rPC7. The open reading frame codes for a prepro-PC with a 36-amino acid signal peptide, a 104-amino acid prosegment ending with a cleavable RAKR sequence, and a 747-amino acid type I membrane-bound glycoprotein, representing the mature form of this serine proteinase. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that PC7 represents the most divergent enzyme of the mammalian convertase family and that it is the closest member to the yeast convertases krp and kexin. Northern blot analyses demonstrated a widespread expression with the richest source of rPC7 mRNA being the colon and lymphoid-associated tissues. In situ hybridization revealed a distinctive tissue distribution that sometimes overlaps with that of furin, suggesting that PC7 has widespread proteolytic functions. The gene for PC7 (Pcsk7) was mapped to mouse chromosome 9 by linkage analysis of an interspecific backcross DNA panel.


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Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.


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Extracellular ATP exerts pronounced biological actions in virtually every organ or tissue that has been studied. In the central and peripheral nervous system, ATP acts as a fast excitatory transmitter in certain synaptic pathways [Evans, R.J., Derkach, V. & Surprenant, A. (1992) Nature (London) 357, 503-505; Edwards, F.A., Gigg, A.J. & Colquhoun, D. (1992) Nature (London) 359, 144-147]. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of complementary DNA from rat brain, encoding an additional member (P2X4) of the emerging multigenic family of ligand-gated ATP channels, the P2X receptors. Expression in Xenopus oocytes gives an ATP-activated cation-selective channel that is highly permeable to Ca2+ and whose sensitivity is modulated by extracellular Zn2+. Surprisingly, the current elicited by ATP is almost insensitive to the common P2X antagonist suramin. In situ hybridization reveals the expression of P2X4 mRNA in central nervous system neurons. Northern blot and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) analysis demonstrate a wide distribution of P2X4 transcripts in various tissues, including blood vessels and leukocytes. This suggests that the P2X4 receptor might mediate not only ATP-dependent synaptic transmission in the central nervous system but also a wide repertoire of biological responses in diverse tissues.


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Testicular germ cell tumors are the most common form of cancer in young adult males. They result from a derangement of primordial germ cells, and they grow out from a noninvasive carcinoma-in-situ precursor. Since carcinoma in situ can readily be cured by low-dose irradiation, there is a great incentive for non- or minimally invasive methods for detection of carcinoma in situ. We have recently shown that human Tera-2 embryonal carcinoma cells, obtained from a nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumor, show alternative splicing and alternative promoter use of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor gene, giving rise to a unique 1.5-kb transcript. In this study we have set up a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction strategy for characterization of the various transcripts for this receptor. Using this technique, we show that a panel of 18 seminomas and II nonseminomatous testicular germ cell tumors all express the 1.5-kb transcript. In addition, a panel of 27 samples of testis parenchyma with established carcinoma in situ were all found to be positive for the 1.5-kb transcript, while parenchyma lacking carcinoma in situ, placenta, and control semen were all negative. These data show that the 1.5-kb platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor transcript can be used as a highly selective marker for detection of early stages of human testicular germ cell tumors.


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In the cortex fast excitatory synaptic currents onto excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory nonpyramidal neurons are mediated by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors exhibiting cell-type-specific differences in their kinetic properties. AMPA receptors consist of four subunits (GluR1-4), each existing as two splice variants, flip and flop, which critically affect the desensitization properties of receptors expressed in heterologous systems. Using single cell reverse transcription PCR to analyze the mRNA of AMPA receptor subunits expressed in layers I-III neocortical neurons, we find that 90% of the GluR1-4 in nonpyramidal neurons are flop variants, whereas 92% of the GluR1-4 in pyramidal neurons are flip variants. We also find that nonpyramidal neurons predominantly express GluR1 mRNA (GluR1/GluR1-4 = 59%), whereas pyramidal neurons contain mainly GluR2 mRNA (GluR2/GluR1-4 = 59%). However, the neuron-type-specific splicing is exhibited by all four AMPA receptor subunits. We suggest that the predominance of the flop variants contributes to the faster and more extensive desensitization in nonpyramidal neurons, compared to pyramidal cells where flip variants are dominant. Alternative splicing of AMPA receptors may play an important role in regulating synaptic function in a cell-type-specific manner, without changing permeation properties.


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Two chemokine (chemoattractant cytokines) beta peptides, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 alpha and 1 beta (MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta), were induced in human monocyte cultures following infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Induction depended on productive viral infection: not only did the kinetics of MIP-1 peptide induction closely follow those of viral replication, but monocyte cultures inoculated with heat-inactivated virus or infected in the presence of AZT failed to produce these chemokine beta peptides. In addition, HIV infection markedly altered the pattern of beta chemokine expression elicited by tumor necrosis factor (TNF), itself a potent proinflammatory cytokine upregulated during the development of AIDS. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RT-in situ PCR studies on brain tissue from patients with AIDS dementia demonstrated elevated MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta mRNA expression relative to comparable samples from HIV-1-infected patients without dementia. Cells expressing chemokines in HIV-1-infected brains were identified morphologically as microglia and astrocytes. As MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta are potent chemoattractants for both monocytes and specific subpopulations of lymphocytes, this dysregulation of beta chemokine expression may influence the trafficking of leukocytes during HIV infection. These data, taken together, suggest a mechanism by which HIV-1-infected monocytes might recruit uninfected T cells and monocytes to sites of active viral replication or inflammation, notably the brain and lymph nodes.


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This report demonstrates that the investigational prostatic carcinoma marker known as the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSM) possesses hydrolytic activity with the substrate and pharmacologic properties of the N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase (NAALADase). NAALADase is a membrane hydrolase that has been characterized in the mammalian nervous system on the basis of its catabolism of the neuropeptide N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) to yield glutamate and N-acetylaspartate and that has been hypothesized to influence glutamatergic signaling processes. The immunoscreening of a rat brain cDNA expression library with anti-NAALADase antisera identified a 1428-base partial cDNA that shares 86% sequence identity with 1428 bases of the human PSM cDNA [Israeli, R. S., Powell, C. T., Fair, W. R. & Heston, W.D.W. (1993) Cancer Res. 53, 227-230]. A cDNA containing the entire PSM open reading frame was subsequently isolated by reverse transcription-PCR from the PSM-positive prostate carcinoma cell line LNCaP. Transient transfection of this cDNA into two NAALADase-negative cell lines conferred NAAG-hydrolyzing activity that was inhibited by the NAALADase inhibitors quisqualic acid and beta-NAAG. Thus we demonstrate a PSM-encoded function and identify a NAALADase-encoding cDNA. Northern analyses identify at least six transcripts that are variably expressed in NAALADase-positive but not in NAALADase-negative rat tissues and human cell lines; therefore, PSM and/or related molecular species appear to account for NAAG hydrolysis in the nervous system. These results also raise questions about the role of PSM in both normal and pathologic prostate epithelial-cell function.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex molecule with a restricted pattern of expression that includes the placental extravillus cytotrophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues. Circumstantial evidence suggests that HLA-G may play a role in protection of the semiallogeneic human fetus. We examined whether HLA-G is expressed during the critical period of preimplantation human development and whether expression of this molecule could be correlated with the cleavage rate of embryos. Using reverse transcription PCR on surplus human embryos and unfertilized oocytes from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization we detected HLA-G heavy chain mRNA in 40% of 148 of blastocysts tested. The presence of HLA-G mRNA was also detected in unfertilized oocytes and in early embryos, but not in control cumulus oophorus cells. beta 2-Microglobulin mRNA was also found in those embryos expressing HLA-G. In concordance with our mRNA data, a similar proportion of embryos stained positive for HLA-G utilizing a specific monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, expression of HLA-G mRNA was associated with an increased cleavage rate, as compared to embryos lacking HLA-G transcript. Thus, HLA-G could be a functional homologue of the mouse Qa-2 antigen, which has been implicated in differences in the rate of preimplantation embryo development. To our knowledge, the presence of HLA-G mRNA and protein in human preimplantation embryos and oocytes has not been reported previously. The correlation of HLA-G mRNA expression with cleavage rate suggests that this molecule may play an important role in human pre-embryo development.


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ISG15 is a 15-kDa protein of unique primary amino acid sequence, which is transcriptionally regulated by interferon (IFN) alpha and IFN-beta. Because it is synthesized in many cell types and secreted from human monocytes and lymphocytes, we postulated that ISG15 might act to modulate immune cell function. ISG15 stimulated B-depleted lymphocyte proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with significant proliferation induced by amounts of ISG15 as low as 1 ng/ml (58 pM). Maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation by B-depleted lymphocytes occurred at 6-7 days. Immunophenotyping of ISG15-treated B-depleted lymphocyte cultures indicated a 26-fold expansion of natural killer (NK) cells (CD56+). In cytotoxicity assays, ISG15 was a potent inducer of cytolytic activity directed against both K562 (100 lytic units per 10(6) cells) and Daudi (80 lytic units per 10(6) cells) tumor cell targets, indicating that ISG15 enhanced lymphokine-activated killer-like activity. ISG15-induced NK cell proliferation required coculturing of T and NK cells, suggesting that soluble factor(s) were required. Measurement of ISG15-treated cell culture supernatants for cytokines indicated production of IFN-gamma (> 700 units/ml). No interleukin 2 or interleukin 12 was detected. IFN-gamma itself failed to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation and lymphokine-activated killer cell activation. Further, induced expression of IFN-gamma mRNA was detected by reverse transcription-PCR in T lymphocytes after ISG15 treatment but not in NK cells. Enhancement of NK cell proliferation, augmentation of non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxicity, and induction of IFN-gamma from T cells identify ISG15 as a member of the cytokine cascade and suggest that it may be responsible for amplifying and directing some of the immunomodulatory effects of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta.


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Osteoblasts express calcium channels that are thought to be involved in the transduction of extracellular signals regulating bone metabolism. The molecular identity of the pore-forming subunit (alpha 1) of L-type calcium channel(s) was determined in rat osteosarcoma UMR-106 cells, which express an osteoblast phenotype. A homology-based reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction cloning strategy was employed that used primers spanning the fourth domain. Three types of cDNAs were isolated, corresponding to the alpha 1S (skeletal), alpha 1C (cardiac), and alpha 1D (neuroendocrine) isoforms. In the transmembrane segment IVS3 and the extracellular loop formed by the IVS3-S4 linker, a single pattern of mRNA splicing was found that occurs in all three types of calcium channel transcripts. Northern blot analysis revealed an 8.6-kb mRNA that hybridized to the alpha 1C probe and 4.8- and 11.7-kb mRNAs that hybridized to the alpha 1S and alpha 1D probes. Antisense oligonucleotides directed to the calcium channel alpha 1D transcript, but not those directed to alpha 1S or alpha 1C transcripts, inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium induced by parathyroid hormone. However, alpha 1D antisense oligonucleotides had no effect on the accumulation of cAMP induced by parathyroid hormone. When L-type calcium channels were activated with Bay K 8644, antisense oligonucleotides to each of the three isoforms partially inhibited the rise of intracellular calcium. The present results provide evidence for the expression of three distinct calcium channel alpha 1-subunit isoforms in an osteoblast-like cell line. We conclude that the alpha 1D isoform is selectively activated by parathyroid hormone.


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Overlapping cDNA clones spanning the entire coding region of a Na-channel alpha subunit were isolated from cultured Schwann cells from rabbits. The coding region predicts a polypeptide (Nas) of 1984 amino acids exhibiting several features characteristic of Na-channel alpha subunits isolated from other tissues. Sequence comparisons showed that the Nas alpha subunit resembles most the family of Na channels isolated from brain (approximately 80% amino acid identity) and is least similar (approximately 55% amino acid identity) to the atypical Na channel expressed in human heart and the partial rat cDNA, NaG. As for the brain II and III isoforms, two variants of Nas exist that appear to arise by alternative splicing. The results of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiments suggest that expression of Nas transcripts is restricted to cells in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Expression was detected in cultured Schwann cells, sciatic nerve, brain, and spinal cord but not in skeletal or cardiac muscle, liver, kidney, or lung.


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Mutations in the human phosphofructokinase muscle subunit gene (PFKM) are known to cause myopathy classified as glycogenosis type VII (Tarui disease). Previously described molecular defects include base substitutions altering encoded amino acids or resulting in abnormal splicing. We report a mutation resulting in phosphofructokinase deficiency in three patients from an Ashkenazi Jewish family. Using a reverse transcription PCR assay, PFKM subunit transcripts differing by length were detected in skeletal muscle tissue of all three affected subjects. In the longer transcript, an insertion of 252 nucleotides totally homologous to the structure of the 10th intron of the PFKM gene was found separating exon 10 from exon 11. In addition, two single base transitions were identified by direct sequencing: [exon 6; codon 95; CGA (Arg) to TGA (stop)] and [exon 7; codon 172; ACC (Thr) to ACT (Thr)] in either transcript. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism and restriction enzyme analyses confirmed the presence of these point substitutions in genomic DNA and strongly suggested homozygosity for the pathogenic allele. The nonsense mutation at codon 95 appeared solely responsible for the phenotype in these patients, further expanding genetic heterogeneity of Tarui disease. Transcripts with and without intron 10 arising from identical mutant alleles probably resulted from differential pre-mRNA processing and may represent a novel message from the PFKM gene.


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Using a reverse transcription-coupled PCR, we demonstrated that both brain and spleen type cannabinoid receptor (CB1-R and CB2-R, respectively) mRNAs are expressed in the preimplantation mouse embryo. The CB1-R mRNA expression was coincident with the activation of the embryonic genome late in the two-cell stage, whereas the CB2-R mRNA was present from the one-cell through the blastocyst stages. The major psychoactive component of marijuana (-)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [(-)-THC] inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP generation in the blastocyst, and this inhibition was prevented by pertussis toxin. However, the inactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) failed to influence this response. These results suggest that cannabinoid receptors in the embryo are coupled to inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding proteins. Further, the oviduct and uterus exhibited the enzymatic capacity to synthesize the putative endogenous cannabinoid ligand arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide). Synthetic and natural cannabinoid agonists [WIN 55,212-2, CP 55,940, (-)-THC, and anandamide], but not CBD or arachidonic acid, arrested the development of two-cell embryos primarily between the four-cell and eight-cell stages in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Anandamide also interfered with the development of eight-cell embryos to blastocysts in culture. The autoradiographic studies readily detected binding of [3H]anandamide in embryos at all stages of development. Positive signals were present in one-cell embryos and all blastomeres of two-cell through four-cell embryos. However, most of the binding sites in eight-cell embryos and morulae were present in the outer cells. In the blastocyst, these signals were primarily localized in the mural trophectoderm with low levels of signals in the polar trophectoderm, while little or no signals were noted in inner cell mass cells.These results establish that the preimplantation mouse embryo is a target for cannabinoid ligands. Consequently, many of the adverse effects of cannabinoids observed during pregnancy could be mediated via these cannabinoid receptors. Although the physiological significance of the cannabinoid ligand-receptor signaling in normal preimplantation embryo development is not yet clear, the regulation of embryonic cAMP and/or Ca2+ levels via this signaling pathway may be important for normal embryonic development and/or implantation.


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Recoverin is a member of the EF-hand family of calcium-binding proteins involved in the transduction of light by vertebrate photoreceptors. Recoverin also was identified as an autoantigen in the degenerative disease of the retina known as cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR), a paraneoplastic syndrome whereby immunological events lead to the degeneration of photoreceptors in some individuals with cancer. In this study, we demonstrate that recoverin is expressed in the lung tumor of a CAR patient but not in similar tumors obtained from individuals without the associated retinopathy. Recoverin was identified intially by Western blot analysis of the CAR patient's biopsy tissue by using anti-recoverin antibodies generated against different regions of the recoverin molecule. In addition, cultured cells from the biopsy tissue expressed recoverin, as demonstrated by reverse transcription-PCR using RNA extracted from the cells. The immunodominant region of recoverin also was determined in this study by a solid-phase immunoassay employing overlapping heptapeptides encompassing the entire recoverin sequence. Two linear stretches of amino acids (residues 64-70, Lys-Ala-Tyr-Ala-Gln-His-Val; and 48-52, Gln-Phe-Gln-Ser-Ile) made up the major determinants. One of the same regions of the recoverin molecule (residues 64-70) also was uniquely immunopathogenic, causing photoreceptor degeneration upon immunization of Lewis rats with the corresponding peptide. These data demonstrate that the neural antigen recoverin more than likely is responsible for the immunological events associated with vision loss in some patients with cancer. These data also establish CAR as one of the few autoimmune-mediated diseases for which the specific self-antigen is known.


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A G protein-coupled receptor for the pineal hormone melatonin was recently cloned from mammals and designated the Mel1a melatonin receptor. We now report the cloning of a second G protein-coupled melatonin receptor from humans and designate it the Mel1b melatonin receptor. The Mel1b receptor cDNA encodes a protein of 362 amino acids that is 60% identical at the amino acid level to the human Mel1a receptor. Transient expression of the Mel1b receptor in COS-1 cells results in high-affinity 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding (Kd = 160 +/- 30 pM). In addition, the rank order of inhibition of specific 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding by eight ligands is similar to that exhibited by the Mel1a melatonin receptor. Functional studies of NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing the Mel1b melatonin receptor indicate that it is coupled to inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Comparative reverse transcription PCR shows that the Mel1b melatonin receptor is expressed in retina and, to a lesser extent, brain. PCR analysis of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids maps the Mel1b receptor gene (MTNR1B) to human chromosome 11q21-22. The Mel1b melatonin receptor may mediate the reported actions of melatonin in retina and participate in some of the neurobiological effects of melatonin in mammals.