966 resultados para mitochondrion-rich


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DNA fragments with stretches of cytosine residues can fold into four-stranded structures in which two parallel duplexes, held together by hemiprotonated cytosine.cytosine+ (C.C+) base pairs, intercalate into each other with opposite polarity. The structural details of this intercalated DNA quadruplex have been assessed by solution NMR and single crystal x-ray diffraction studies of cytosine-rich sequences, including those present in metazoan telomeres. A conserved feature of these structures is the absence of stabilizing stacking interactions between the aromatic ring systems of adjacent C.C+ base pairs from intercalated duplexes. Effective stacking involves only the exocyclic keto groups and amino groups of the cytidine bases. The apparent absence of stability provided by stacking interactions between the bases in this intercalated DNA has prompted us to examine the available structures in detail, in particular with regard to unusual features that could compensate for the lack of base stacking. In addition to base-on-deoxyribose stacking and intra-cytidine C-H...O hydrogen bonds, this analysis reveals the presence of a hitherto unobserved, systematic intermolecular C-H...O hydrogen bonding network between the deoxyribose sugar moieties of antiparallel backbones in the four-stranded molecule.


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Fibronectin type III modules contain approximately 90 residues and are an extremely common building block of animal proteins. Despite containing a complex all-beta-sheet topology and eight prolines, the refolding of the 10th type III module of human fibronectin has been found to be very rapid, with native core packing, amide hydrogen bonding, and backbone conformation all recovered within 1 s at 5 degrees C. These observations indicate that this domain can overcome many structural characteristics often thought to slow the folding process.


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We have previously shown that specific nuclear pre-mRNA transcripts and their splicing products, as well as the general population of nuclear poly(A)+ RNA, are packaged in large nuclear ribonucleoprotein (InRNP) particles that sediment at the 200S region in sucrose gradients. The InRNP particles contain all uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes required for pre-mRNA splicing, as well as protein splicing factors. In this paper we show that all of the phosphorylated, mAb 104 detectable, Ser/Arg-rich essential splicing factors (SR proteins) in the nucleoplasm are integral components of the InRNP particles, whereas only part of the essential splicing factor U2AF65 (U2 snRNP auxiliary factor) and the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) are associated with these particles. This finding suggests a limiting role for SR proteins in the assembly of the InRNP particles. We further show that the structural integrity of InRNP particles is sensitive to variations in the phosphorylation levels of the SR proteins.


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The Raf-1 protein kinase is the best-characterized downstream effector of activated Ras. Interaction with Ras leads to Raf-1 activation and results in transduction of cell growth and differentiation signals. The details of Raf-1 activation are unclear, but our characterization of a second Ras-binding site in the cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and the involvement of both Ras-binding sites in effective Raf-1-mediated transformation provides insight into the molecular aspects and consequences of Ras-Raf interactions. The Raf-1 CRD is a member of an emerging family of domains, many of which are found within signal transducing proteins. Several contain binding sites for diacylglycerol (or phorbol esters) and phosphatidylserine and are believed to play a role in membrane translocation and enzyme activation. The CRD from Raf-1 does not bind diacylglycerol but interacts with Ras and phosphatidylserine. To investigate the ligand-binding specificities associated with CRDs, we have determined the solution structure of the Raf-1 CRD using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR. We show that there are differences between this structure and the structures of two related domains from protein kinase C (PKC). The differences are confined to regions of the CRDs involved in binding phorbol ester in the PKC domains. Since phosphatidylserine is a common ligand, we expect its binding site to be located in regions where the structures of the Raf-1 and PKC domains are similar. The structure of the Raf-1 CRD represents an example of this family of domains that does not bind diacylglycerol and provides a framework for investigating its interactions with other molecules.


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A purine-rich splicing enhancer from a constitutive exon has been shown to shift the alternative splicing of calcitonin/CGRP pre-mRNA in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that the native repetitive GAA sequence comprises the optimal enhancer element and specifically binds a saturable complex of proteins required for general splicing in vitro. This complex contains a 37-kDa protein that directly binds the repetitive GAA sequence and SRp40, a member of the SR family of non-snRNP splicing factors. While purified SR proteins do not stably bind the repetitive GAA element, exogenous SR proteins become associated with the GAA element in the presence of nuclear extracts and stimulate GAA-dependent splicing. These results suggest that repetitive GAA sequences enhance splicing by binding a protein complex containing a sequence-specific RNA binding protein and a general splicing activator that, in turn, recruit additional SR proteins. This type of mechanism resembles the tra/tra-2-dependent recruitment of SR proteins to the Drosophila doublesex alternative splicing regulatory element.


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Although transcription and pre-mRNA processing are colocalized in eukaryotic nuclei, molecules linking these processes have not previously been described. We have identified four novel rat proteins by their ability to interact with the repetitive C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II in a yeast two-hybrid assay. A yeast homolog of one of the rat proteins has also been shown to interact with the CTD. These CTD-binding proteins are all similar to the SR (serine/arginine-rich) family of proteins that have been shown to be involved in constitutive and regulated splicing. In addition to alternating Ser-Arg domains, these proteins each contain discrete N-terminal or C-terminal CTD-binding domains. We have identified SR-related proteins in a complex that can be immunoprecipitated from nuclear extracts with antibodies directed against RNA polymerase II. In addition, in vitro splicing is inhibited either by an antibody directed against the CTD or by wild-type but not mutant CTD peptides. Thus, these results suggest that the CTD and a set of CTD-binding proteins may act to physically and functionally link transcription and pre-mRNA processing.


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Reactive oxygen intermediates generated by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase are critically important components of host defense. However, these highly toxic oxidants can cause significant tissue injury during inflammation; thus, it is essential that their generation and inactivation are tightly regulated. We show here that an endogenous proline-arginine (PR)-rich antibacterial peptide, PR-39, inhibits NADPH oxidase activity by blocking assembly of this enzyme through interactions with Src homology 3 domains of a cytosolic component. This neutrophil-derived peptide inhibited oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils in whole cells and in a cell-free assay of NADPH oxidase. Both oxidase inhibitory and direct antimicrobial activities were defined within the amino-terminal 26 residues of PR-39. Oxidase inhibition was attributed to binding of PR-39 to the p47phox cytosolic oxidase component. Its effects involve both a polybasic amino-terminal segment and a proline-rich core region of PR-39 that binds to the p47phox Src homology 3 domains and, thereby, inhibits interaction with the small subunit of cytochrome b558, p22phox. These findings suggest that PR-39, which has been shown to be involved in tissue repair processes, is a multifunctional peptide that can regulate NADPH oxidase production of superoxide anion O2-. thus limiting excessive tissue damage during inflammation.


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The Drosophila CF2II protein, which contains zinc fingers of the Cys2His2 type and recognizes an A+T-rich sequence, behaves in cell culture as an activator of a reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. This activity depends on C-terminal but not N-terminal zinc fingers, as does in vitro DNA binding. By site-specific mutagenesis and binding site selection, we define the critical amino acid-base interactions. Mutations of single amino acid residues at the leading edge of the recognition helix are rarely neutral: many result in a slight change in affinity for the ideal DNA target site; some cause major loss of affinity; and others change specificity for as many as two bases in the target site. Compared to zinc fingers that recognize G+C-rich DNA, CF2II fingers appear to bind to A+T-rich DNA in a generally similar manner, but with additional flexibility and amino acid-base interactions. The results illustrate how zinc fingers may be evolving to recognize an unusually diverse set of DNA sequences.


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beta 2-Microglobulin is an essential subunit of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class I molecules, which present antigenic peptides to T lymphocytes. We sequenced a number of cDNAs and two genomic clones corresponding to chicken beta 2-microglobulin. The chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene has a similar genomic organization but smaller introns and higher G+C content than mammalian beta 2-microglobulin genes. The promoter region is particularly G+C-rich and contains, in addition to interferon regulatory elements, potential S/W, X, and Y boxes that were originally described for mammalian class II but not class I alpha or beta 2-microglobulin genes. There is a single chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene that has little polymorphism in the coding region. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms from Mhc homozygous lines, Mhc congenic lines, and backcross families, as well as in situ hybridization, show that the beta 2-microglobulin gene is located on a microchromosome different from the one that contains the chicken Mhc. We propose that the structural similarities between the beta 2-microglobulin and Mhc genes in the chicken are due to their presence on microchromosomes and suggest that these features and the microchromosomes appeared by deletion of DNA in the lineage leading to the birds.


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Two dodecapeptides belonging to distinct classes of Src homology 3 (SH3) ligands and selected from biased phage display libraries were used to investigate interactions between a specificity pocket in the Src SH3 domain and ligant residues flanking the proline-rich core. The solution structures of c-Src SH3 complexed with these peptides were solved by NMR. In addition to proline-rich, polyproline type II helix-forming core, the class I and II ligands each possesses a flanking sequence that occupies a large pocket between the RT and n-Src loops of the SH3 domain. Structural and mutational analyses illustrate how the two classes of SH3 ligands exploit a specificity pocket on the receptor differently to increase binding affinity and specificity.


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Liddle syndrome is a mendelian form of hypertension characterized by constitutively elevated renal Na reabsorption that can result from activating mutations in the beta or gamma subunit of the epithelial Na channel. All reported mutations have deleted the last 45-76 normal amino acids from the cytoplasmic C terminus of one of these channel subunits. While these findings implicate these terminal segments in the normal negative regulation of channel activity, they do not identify the amino acid residues that are critical targets for these mutations. Potential targets include the short highly conserved Pro-rich segments present in the C terminus of beta and gamma subunits; these segments are similar to SH3-binding domains that mediate protein-protein interaction. We now report a kindred with Liddle syndrome in which affected patients have a mutation in codon 616 of the beta subunit resulting in substitution of a Leu for one of these highly conserved Pro residues. The functional significance of this mutation is demonstrated both by the finding that this is a de novo mutation appearing concordantly with the appearance of Liddle syndrome in the kindred and also by the marked activation of amiloride-sensitive Na channel activity seen in Xenopus oocytes expressing channels containing this mutant subunit (8.8-fold increase compared with control oocytes expressing normal channel subunits; P = 0.003). These findings demonstrate a de novo missense mutation causing Liddle syndrome and identify a critical channel residue important for the normal regulation of Na reabsorption in humans.


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We have identified an amino acid sequence in the Drosophila Transformer (Tra) protein that is capable of directing a heterologous protein to nuclear speckles, regions of the nucleus previously shown to contain high concentrations of spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs and splicing factors. This sequence contains a nucleoplasmin-like bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and a repeating arginine/serine (RS) dipeptide sequence adjacent to a short stretch of basic amino acids. Sequence comparisons from a number of other splicing factors that colocalize to nuclear speckles reveal the presence of one or more copies of this motif. We propose a two-step subnuclear localization mechanism for splicing factors. The first step is transport across the nuclear envelope via the nucleoplasmin-like NLS, while the second step is association with components in the speckled domain via the RS dipeptide sequence.


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We have previously reported the partial purification of a 94- to 97-kDa plasma membrane protein from mouse peritoneal macrophages that binds oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) and phosphatidylserine-rich liposomes. We have now identified that protein as macrosialin, a previously cloned macrophage-restricted membrane protein in the lysosomal-associated membrane protein family (mouse homologue of human CD68). Early in the course of purification of the 94- to 97-kDa protein, a new OxLDL-binding band at 190-200 kDa appeared and copurified with the 94- to 97-kDa protein. The HPLC pattern of tryptic peptides from this higher molecular mass ligand-binding band closely matched that derived from the 94- to 97-kDa band. Specifically, the same three macrosialin-derived tryptic peptides (9, 9, and 15 residues) were present in the purified 94- to 97-kDa band and in the 190- to 200-kDa band and antisera raised against peptide sequences in macrosialin recognized both bands. An antiserum against macrosialin precipitated most of the 94- to 97-kDa OxLDL-binding material. We conclude that the binding of OxLDL to mouse macrophage membranes is in part attributable to macrosialin. Our previous studies show that OxLDL competes with oxidized red blood cells and with apoptotic thymocytes for binding to mouse peritoneal macrophages. Whether macrosialin plays a role in recognition of OxLDL and oxidatively damaged cells by intact macrophages remains uncertain.


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We have identified and further characterized a Caenorhabditis elegans gene, CEZF, that encodes a protein with substantial homology to the zinc finger and leucine zipper motifs of the human gene products AF10, MLLT6, and BR140. The first part of the zinc finger region of CEZF has strong similarity to the corresponding regions of AF10 (66%) and MLLT6 (64%) at the cDNA level. As this region is structurally different from previously described zinc finger motifs, sequence homology searches were done. Twenty-five other proteins with a similar motif were identified. Because the functional domain of this motif is potentially disrupted in leukemia-associated chromosomal translocations, we propose the name of leukemia-associated protein (LAP) finger. On the basis of these comparisons, the LAP domain consensus sequence is Cys1-Xaa1-2-Cys2-Xaa9-21-Cys3-Xaa2-4 -Cys4-Xaa4-5-His5-Xaa2-Cys6-Xaa12-46 - Cys7-Xaa2-Cys8, where subscripted numbers represent the number of amino acid residues. We review the evidence that this motif binds zinc, is the important DNA-binding domain in this group of regulatory proteins, and may be involved in leukemogenesis.


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All transcription terminators for RNA polymerase I (pol I) that have been studied so far, ranging from yeast to humans, require a specific DNA binding protein to cause termination. In yeast, this terminator protein has been identified as Reb1p. We now show that, in addition to the binding site for Reb1p, the yeast pol I terminator also requires the presence of a T-rich region coding for the last 12 nucleotides of the transcript. Reb1p cooperates with this T-rich element, both to pause the polymerase and to effect release of the transcript. These findings have implications for the termination mechanism used by all three nuclear RNA polymerases, since all three are known to pause at this terminator.