792 resultados para miniature


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We describe the results of in-vivo trials of a portable fiber Bragg grating based temperature profile monitoring system. The probe incorporates five Bragg gratings along a single fiber and prevents the gratings from being strained. Illumination is provided by a superluminescent diode, and a miniature CCD based spectrometer is used for demultiplexing. The CCD signal is read into a portable computer through a small A/D interface; the computer then calculates the positions of the center wavelengths of the Bragg gratings, providing a resolution of 0.2°C. Tests were carried out on rabbits undergoing hyperthermia treatment of the kidney and liver via inductive heating of metallic implants and comparison was made with a commercial Fluoroptic thermometry system.


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This thesis presents details on progress made in the fabrication and application of short and novel structure fibre Bragg gratings. The basic theoretical concepts of in-fibre Bragg gratings and photosensitive mechanisms are introduced together with an overview of fabrication methods and applications presented to date. The fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings using a quadrupled Nd:YAG laser is presented and some of the issues of grating fabrication using a fabrication using a phasemask are investigated, including the variation of the separation of the fibre and phasemask, and other alignment issues. A new apodisation technique is presented, enabling the production of gratings with a wide range of spectral profiles. The technique is used to investigate the design and fabrication of length limited fibre Bragg gratings for use in telecommunication systems as filters. Application to devices designed for use in WDM systems is presented. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as high spatial resolution distributed sensors is investigated. Grating sensing arrays comprising very short apodised gratings are demonstrated and Chirped Moiré gratings are implemented as distributed sensors achieving high spatial resolution with miniature point sensing sub-elements. A novel grating sensing element designed to imitate an interferometer is also presented. Finally, the behaviour of gratings fabricated in Boron-Germania-co-doped fibre is investigated, revealing atypical behaviour of the Bragg wavelength during ageing.


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It is becoming clear that the detection and integration of synaptic input and its conversion into an output signal in cortical neurons are strongly influenced by background synaptic activity or "noise." The majority of this noise results from the spontaneous release of synaptic transmitters, interacting with ligand-gated ion channels in the postsynaptic neuron [Berretta N, Jones RSG (1996); A comparison of spontaneous synaptic EPSCs in layer V and layer II neurones in the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. J Neurophysiol 76:1089-1110; Jones RSG, Woodhall GL (2005) Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortical neurons: differential control of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors. J Physiol 562:107-120; LoTurco JJ, Mody I, Kriegstein AR (1990) Differential activation of glutamate receptors by spontaneously released transmitter in slices of neocortex. Neurosci Lett 114:265-271; Otis TS, Staley KJ, Mody I (1991) Perpetual inhibitory activity in mammalian brain slices generated by spontaneous GABA release. Brain Res 545:142-150; Ropert N, Miles R, Korn H (1990) Characteristics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in CA1 pyramidal neurones of rat hippocampus. J Physiol 428:707-722; Salin PA, Prince DA (1996) Spontaneous GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory currents in adult rat somatosensory cortex. J Neurophysiol 75:1573-1588; Staley KJ (1999) Quantal GABA release: noise or not? Nat Neurosci 2:494-495; Woodhall GL, Bailey SJ, Thompson SE, Evans DIP, Stacey AE, Jones RSG (2005) Fundamental differences in spontaneous synaptic inhibition between deep and superficial layers of the rat entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 15:232-245]. The function of synaptic noise has been the subject of debate for some years, but there is increasing evidence that it modifies or controls neuronal excitability and, thus, the integrative properties of cortical neurons. In the present study we have investigated a novel approach [Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A (2004) A method to estimate synaptic conductances from membrane potential fluctuations. J Neurophysiol 91:2884-2896] to simultaneously quantify synaptic inhibitory and excitatory synaptic noise, together with postsynaptic excitability, in rat entorhinal cortical neurons in vitro. The results suggest that this is a viable and useful approach to the study of the function of synaptic noise in cortical networks. © 2007 IBRO.


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We describe the results of in-vivo trials of a portable fiber Bragg grating based temperature profile monitoring system. The probe incorporates five Bragg gratings along a single fiber and prevents the gratings from being strained. Illumination is provided by a superluminescent diode, and a miniature CCD based spectrometer is used for demultiplexing. The CCD signal is read into a portable computer through a small A/D interface; the computer then calculates the positions of the center wavelengths of the Bragg gratings, providing a resolution of 0.2 °C. Tests were carried out on rabbits undergoing hyperthermia treatment of the kidney and liver via inductive heating of metallic implants and comparison was made with a commercial Fluoroptic thermometry system.


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The experiments described in this thesis compared conventional methods of screening for neurotoxins with potential electrophysiological and pharmacological tests in an attempt to improve the sensitivity of detection of progressive distal neuropathy. Adult male albino mice were dosed orally with the neurotoxicant acylamide and subjected to a test of limb strength and co-ordination and a functional observational battery. These methods established a no observable effect level of 10 mg/kg. A dose of 200 mg/kg resulted in abnormalities of gait and reduced limb strength and/or co-ordination. Analysis of the in vitro 'jitter' of the latency of trains of action potentials evoked at a frequency of 30 Hz in the mouse phrenic nerve/hemidiaphragm preparation showed this technique to be unsuitable for detection of the early phases of acrylamide induced peripheral neuropathy (l00 mg/kg). The evoked and spontaneous twitch responses of the hemidiaphragm preparation following in vitro exposure to the organophosphorous anticholinesterase compound ecothiopate were altered by in vivo pre treatment with acrylamide. Acrylamide caused an increase in the time course of the potentiation of stimulated twitches and a decrease in the maximum potentiation. Spontaneous twitches were reduced in amplitude and frequency. These effects occurred at an acrylamide dose level insufficient to cause clinical signs of neuropathy. Investigations into the mechanisms underlying these observations yielded the following observations. Analysis of miniature endplate potentials at this dose level indicated prolongation of the life of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft but the implied decrease in cholinesterase activity could not be demonstrated biochemically or histologically. The electrical excitability of the nerve terminal region of phrenic motor nerves was reduced following acrylamide although a possible compromise of antidromic action potential conduction could not be confirmed. There was no histopathological evidence of neuropathy at this dose level. Further exploration of this phenomenon is desirable in order to ascertain whether the effect is specific to acrylamide and/or ecothiopate and to elucidate the mechanisms behind these novel observations.


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This investigation looks critically at conventional magnetic lenses in the light of present-day technology with the aim of advancing electron microscopy in its broadest sense. By optimising the cooling arrangements and heat transfer characteristics of lens windings it was possible to increase substantially the current density in the winding, and achieve a large reduction in the size of conventional magnetic electron lenses. Following investigations into the properties of solenoidal lenses, a new type of lens with only one pole-piece was developed. The focal properties of such lenses, which differ considerably from those.of conventional lenses, have been derived from a combination of mathematical models and experimentally measured axial flux density distributions. These properties can be profitably discussed with reference to "half-lenses". Miniature conventional twin pole-piece lenses and the proposed radial field single pole-piece lenses have been designed and constructed and both types of lenses have been evaluated by constructing miniature electron optical columns. A miniature experimental transmission electron microscope (TEM), a miniature scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a scanning transmission microscope (STEM) have been built. A single pole-piece miniature one million volt projector lens of only lOcm diameter and weighing 2.lkg was designed, built and tested at 1 million volts in a commercial electron microscope. iii. Preliminary experiments indicate that in single pole lenses it is possible to extract secondary electrons from the specimen in spite of the presence of the magnetic field of the probe-forming lens. This may well be relevant for the SEM in which it is desirable to examine a large specimen at a moderately good resolution.


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Different types of microstructures including microchannels and microslots were made in optical fibers using femtosecond laser inscription and chemical etching. Integrated with UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, these microstructures have miniature, robustness and high sensitivity features and have been used to implement novel devices for various sensing applications. The fiber microchannels were used to detect the refractive index change of liquid presenting sensitivities up to 7.4 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and 166.7 dB/RIU based on wavelength and power detection, respectively. A microslot-in-fiber based liquid core waveguide as a refractometer has been proposed and the device was used to measure refractive index, and a sensitivity up to 945 nm/RIU (10-6/pm) was obtained. By filling epoxy in the microslot and subsequent UV light curing, a hybrid waveguide grating structure with polymer core and glass cladding was fabricated. The obtained device was highly thermal responsive, demonstrating a linear coefficient of 211 pm/°C.


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Prior to the development of a production standard control system for ML Aviation's plan-symmetric remotely piloted helicopter system, SPRITE, optimum solutions to technical requirements had yet to be found for some aspects of the work. This thesis describes an industrial project where solutions to real problems have been provided within strict timescale constraints. Use has been made of published material wherever appropriate, new solutions have been contributed where none existed previously. A lack of clearly defined user requirements from potential Remotely Piloted Air Vehicle (RPAV) system users is identified, A simulation package is defined to enable the RPAV designer to progress with air vehicle and control system design, development and evaluation studies and to assist the user to investigate his applications. The theoretical basis of this simulation package is developed including Co-axial Contra-rotating Twin Rotor (CCTR), six degrees of freedom motion, fuselage aerodynamics and sensor and control system models. A compatible system of equations is derived for modelling a miniature plan-symmetric helicopter. Rigorous searches revealed a lack of CCTR models, based on closed form expressions to obviate integration along the rotor blade, for stabilisation and navigation studies through simulation. An economic CCTR simulation model is developed and validated by comparison with published work and practical tests. Confusion in published work between attitude and Euler angles is clarified. The implementation of package is discussed. dynamic adjustment of assessment. the theory into a high integrity software Use is made of a novel technique basing the integration time step size on error Simulation output for control system stability verification, cross coupling of motion between control channels and air vehicle response to demands and horizontal wind gusts studies are presented. Contra-Rotating Twin Rotor Flight Control System Remotely Piloted Plan-Symmetric Helicopter Simulation Six Degrees of Freedom Motion ( i i)


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A survey of the existing state-of-the-art of turbine blade manufacture highlights two operations that have not been automated namely that of loading of a turbine blade into an encapsulation die, and that of removing a machined blade from the encapsulation block. The automation of blade decapsulation has not been pursued. In order to develop a system to automate the loading of an encapsulation die a prototype mechanical handling robot has been designed together with a computer controlled encapsulation die. The robot has been designed as a mechanical handling robot of cylindrical geometry, suitable for use in a circular work cell. It is the prototype for a production model to be called `The Cybermate'. The prototype robot is mechanically complete but due to unforeseen circumstances the robot control system is not available (the development of the control system did not form a part of this project), hence it has not been possible to fully test and assess the robot mechanical design. Robot loading of the encapsulation die has thus been simulated. The research work with regard to the encapsulation die has focused on the development of computer controlled, hydraulically actuated, location pins. Such pins compensate for the inherent positional inaccuracy of the loading robot and reproduce the dexterity of the human operator. Each pin comprises a miniature hydraulic cylinder, controlled by a standard bidirectional flow control valve. The precision positional control is obtained through pulsing of the valves under software control, with positional feedback from an 8-bit transducer. A test-rig comprising one hydraulic location pin together with an opposing spring loaded pin has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be controlled with a repeatability of +/-.00045'. In addition this test-rig has demonstrated that such a pin arrangement can be used to gauge and compensate for the dimensional error of the component held between the pins, by offsetting the pin datum positions to allow for the component error. A gauging repeatability of +/- 0.00015' was demonstrated. This work has led to the design and manufacture of an encapsulation die comprising ten such pins and the associated computer software. All aspects of the control software except blade gauging and positional data storage have been demonstrated. Work is now required to achieve the accuracy of control demonstrated by the single pin test-rig, with each of the ten pins in the encapsulation die. This would allow trials of the complete loading cycle to take place.


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Current knowledge of the long-term, low dose effects of carbamate (CB) anti-cholinesterases on skeletal muscle or on the metabolism and regulation of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is limited. This is largely due to the reversible nature of these inhibitors and the subtle effects they induce which has generally made their study difficult and preliminary investigations were conducted to determine suitable study methods. A sequential extraction technique was used to rapidly analyse AChE molecular form activity at the mouse neuromuscular junction and also in peripheral parts of muscle fibres. AChE in the synaptic cleft involved in the termination of cholinergic transmission was successfully assessed by the assay method and by an alternative method using a correlation equation which represented the relationship between synaptic AChE and the prolongation of extra-cellular miniature endplate potentials. It was found that inhibition after in vivo Carbamate (CB) dosing could not be maintained during tissue analysis because CB-inhibited enzyme complexes decarbamoylated vary rapidly and could not be prevented even when maintained on ice. The methods employed did not therefore give a measure of inhibition but presented a profile of metabolic responses to continual, low dose CB treatment. Repetitive and continual infusion with low doses of the CBs: pyridostigmine and physostigmine induced a variety of effects on mouse skeletal muscle. Both compounds induced a mild myopathy in the mouse diaphragm during continual infusion which was characterised by endplate deformation without necrosis; such deformation persisted on termination of treatment but had recovered slightly 14 days later. Endplate and non-endplate AChE molecular forms displayed selective responses to CB treatment. During treatment endplate AChE was reduced whereas non-endplate AChE was largely unaffected, and after treatment, endplate AChE recovered, whereas non-endplate AChE was up-regulated. The mechanisms by which these responses become manifest are unclear but may be due to CB-induced effects on nerve-mediated muscle activity, neurotrophic factors or morphological and physiological changes which arise at the neuromuscular junction. It was concluded that, as well as inhibiting AChE, CBs also influence the metabolism and regulation of the enzyme and induce persistent endplate deformation; possible detrimental effects of long-term, low-dose determination requires further investigation.


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The interactions of the core-propagating light with an intersecting microslit within a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated. Orientation-dependent out-coupling of core light was utilized to create side-detection, miniature fiber rotation sensors.


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The interactions of the core-propagating light with an intersecting microslit within a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated. Orientation-dependent out-coupling of core light was utilized to create side-detection, miniature fiber rotation sensors.


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NMDA receptors (NMDAr) are known to undergo recycling and lateral diffusion in postsynaptic spines and dendrites. However, NMDAr are also present as autoreceptors on glutamate terminals, where they act to facilitate glutamate release, but it is not known whether these receptors are also mobile. We have used functional pharmacological approaches to examine whether NMDA receptors at excitatory synapses in the rat entorhinal cortex are mobile at either postsynaptic sites or in presynaptic terminals. When NMDAr-mediated evoked EPSCs (eEPSCs) were blocked by MK-801, they showed no evidence of recovery when the irreversible blocker was removed, suggesting that postsynaptic NMDAr were relatively stably anchored at these synapses. However, using frequency-dependent facilitation of AMPA receptor (AMPAr)-mediated eEPSCs as a reporter of presynaptic NMDAr activity, we found that when facilitation was blocked with MK-801 there was a rapid (similar to 30-40 min) anomalous recovery upon removal of the antagonist. This was not observed when global NMDAr blockade was induced by combined perfusion with MK-801 and NMDA. Anomalous recovery was accompanied by an increase in frequency of spontaneous EPSCs, and a variable increase in frequency-facilitation. Following recovery from blockade of presynaptic NMDAr with a competitive antagonist, frequency-dependent facilitation of AMPAr-mediated eEPSCs was also transiently enhanced. Finally, an increase in frequency of miniature EPSCs induced by NMDA was succeeded by a persistent decrease. Our data provide the first evidence for mobility of NMDAr in the presynaptic terminals, and may point to a role of this process in activity-dependent control of glutamate release.


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It is shown theoretically that an optical bottle resonator with a nanoscale radius variation can perform a multinanosecond long dispersionless delay of light in a nanometer-order bandwidth with minimal losses. Experimentally, a 3 mm long resonator with a 2.8 nm deep semiparabolic radius variation is fabricated from a 19??µm radius silica fiber with a subangstrom precision. In excellent agreement with theory, the resonator exhibits the impedance-matched 2.58 ns (3 bytes) delay of 100 ps pulses with 0.44??dB/ns intrinsic loss. This is a miniature slow light delay line with the record large delay time, record small transmission loss, dispersion, and effective speed of light.


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It is shown theoretically that an optical bottle resonator with a nanoscale radius variation can perform a multinanosecond long dispersionless delay of light in a nanometer-order bandwidth with minimal losses. Experimentally, a 3 mm long resonator with a 2.8 nm deep semiparabolic radius variation is fabricated from a 19??µm radius silica fiber with a subangstrom precision. In excellent agreement with theory, the resonator exhibits the impedance-matched 2.58 ns (3 bytes) delay of 100 ps pulses with 0.44??dB/ns intrinsic loss. This is a miniature slow light delay line with the record large delay time, record small transmission loss, dispersion, and effective speed of light.